S p i n n i n g M u s i c

Songs and Playlists for Indoor Cycling / Spinning Classes

Reader Playlists

Do you teach indoor cycling?  If you’ve got a playlist or profile you really like, and want to share it, you can post it here in a comment.

856 thoughts on “Reader Playlists

  1. Music is such an important thing! Great tips from you, but people should be aware that there are many artists out there, also on bandcamp and other places and it’s cool if you can support people directly.
    Holly Hooper

  2. What you talking about I always broke you don’t even know me man see you I mean that’s why I just said I tried to show you respect and that’s where you at hell I got money and I’m putting two kids through college and everything else you got your mom and dad still paying for your phone so you ain’t gotta worry about nothing ain’t it and my number is 803-718-3904 I live in Winnsboro South Carolina I mean I try to be nice and you won’t get smart ik what I apologize you ain’t even worth it I don’t start talking shit.

  3. Best song ever to spi to, my new favourite:
    Rebel Feat. Sidney Housen – Black Pearl (He’s A Pirate)

    Linda – Norrköping – Sweden :)

  4. Here’s a 45 minute playlist made up of mostly newer songs.

    1) Big Data – Dangerous – 4:45
    2) One Republic – Love Runs Out – 3:48
    3) Dandy Warhols – Bohemian Like You – 3:32
    4) Kongos – Come With Me Now – 3:33
    5) MS MR – Think of You – 3:23
    6) Ed Sheeran – Don’t – 3:37
    7) Black Keys – Weight of Love – 6:52
    8) Envy – Am I Wrong – 4:07
    9) Magic Man – Paris – 3:53
    10) Wild Feathers – The Ceiling – 6:19
    Cool Down
    11) Noah Gunderson – Ledges (Live on KEXP version) – 4:24

    Good luck with your spin-a-thon!!

  5. Pingback: help moppy
  6. Hi all, thanks for putting up all these great suggestions! I’ve been teaching for about two years now in San Francisco, and am always trying to keep it fresh and exciting for the class (and for me). I have a few that I would love to share as well, with the most recent one being a “themed” class around each song having a MESSAGE (it was a bit cheesy, but hey, it kept me and the class entertained). I teach a 50 minute class, so you can always just add to it:

    1. Brave, Sara Bareilles (3:40): Warm-up, nice and easy, 90-100 RPM, flat ride to get the legs moving. About half-way, class starts to increase resistance a little turn at a time, keeping the RPM steady. I tell them they are BRAVE for showing up for today’s class.

    2. I Like to Move It, Frog Song (3:00): Starting to get the heart rate up, we increase resistance just a bit, and I tell them to MOVE IT, in and out of the saddle, I do a 10/10 or 8/8 count or even a 20/10 Tabata type interval to get the heart rate elevated. Resistance is still fairly easy / flat ride.

    3. Work Work, Britney Spears (4:08): Now we get ready to really WORK. The next three songs are a set, where I don’t give them much rest. We set resistance on a medium hill (effort level 6/7), i encourage them to sustain 70-80 RPM for the next 3.5-4min. Key is keeping the RPMs steady, for this 4 min interval. I keep this one in the saddle.

    4. Burn, Ellie Golding (3:51): 20 second recovery but still on the medium hill resistance (active recovery), just moving the legs a bit more slowly. Then they have a 3.5 min medium hill with jumps on a hill. This is where our quads are just starting to BURN. I encourage them to feel that burn and breath and ride through it, because it is only going to get harder and better. On the jumps, I focus on having them accelerate out of the saddle and go at least 5-10 RPM faster for the 15-20 seconds of the chorus. (3 Jumps);

    5. Sweat, Snoop Dog vs David Guetta Remix (3:16): This is our final song in the three set, or about 11 minutes of medium/hard hill. No break other than active recovery, so about 15-20 seconds before they start to crank it up to a hard hill. This is where they should be showing and feeling a good SWEAT. We keep it simple – at least a 2.5 minute set where they are on a hill somewhere between 8-10 effort level; start in the saddle, where they go about 60-65 RPM, 1 min in saddle, then rest out of saddle; before they get out, they reach down and add some resistance for good measure.

    6. Because I’m Awesome, Dollyrots (3:20): this is partly a recovery ride – I give them a full minute to go back to a flat and just let their legs go fast and easy – 90-100 on a flat; They are AWESOME for making it through the 11 minute hill. After that, we add some resistance, to what I call a false flat, it looks flat, but it ain’t flat, so you feel a bit of resistance, and then we do a 2 minute fast ride; easy on the legs, but gets that heart rate back up to where we want it.

    7. Rock That Body, Black-Eyed Peas (4:29): Now they are ready for round number two of a long medium/hard hill. Same idea as the first set, medium hill, 70-80 RPM, 4 minutes, hold it steady. It is all about the consistency of RPM on an effort level around 6 for hill; I ask them to ROCK THAT BODY.

    8. Right Round, Flo Rida (3:23): Jumps on a hill. Same as above, stay on that medium hill, and on chorus, accelerate out of the saddle to position 3 and push those RPMs. The first jump is 1:08 – 1:24. That is why they are here, right? To SPIN IT RIGHT ROUND.

    9. Scream & Shout, Will.i.iam feat Britney (4:12): At this point, they are ready to SCREAM & SHOUT (at me), because their quads are feeling this hill. Their heart is beating fast. This is what they came for today….I encourage them to channel the power in the legs for four more minutes and they get a break. Have them crank it up to the 8-10 effort level. 2 minutes in the saddle and 2 minutes out of the saddle. I guide them to the 60ish RPM and nothing less, because the idea here is to keep the hard hill for the 4minutes and make it through all four minutes.

    10. Sexy People, Arianna feat Pitbull (3:29): This is another recovery song like #6 above. A full 90 seconds of nice easy flat moving their legs 90-100 RPM but should feel very easy like their warm-up. Good time to grab water. The last 2 minutes we move into slightly higher resistance and keeping those legs moving fast. Easy on the legs, but gets the heart rate up. Well, the fact that they made it through another 12 minutes of a hills, makes them SEXY PEOPLE in my eyes.

    11. Play Hard, David Guetta/Neyo (4:58): Alright, break over for the finale. About 8ish minutes of a hill. This one we start at the flat, and increase resistance every 30 seconds. Effort level 2/3; should be at about 6/7 by end of this song. Usually, I go: 30 seconds in saddle, increase resistance, 30 seconds in the saddle, then up 30 seconds out of saddle, reach down increase resistance and other 30 seconds out of saddle, then back down, and so on. Make it your story, but I love to WORK HARD AND PLAY HARD and that is what we are doing in class today!

    12. 4 Minutes, Madonna feat. Justin. I am out of time and I only have 4 MINUTES of torture/hard work left! I actually only do 3 minutes of this, because we don’t take a break from the previous hill and just do a 1.5 in saddle at level 8/9 and 1.5 min out of saddle at level 8/9. Then we reduce the resistance by at least half a turn, get back in the saddle, and ask them to keep moving those legs at least at 75-85 RPM and take one full minute to let our heart rate settle.

    13. Relax, Take It Easy, MIKA (3:45): Cool Down / Stretch. They get to RELAX and TAKE IT EASY.

    Always welcome feedback if you have other ideas to make this even better. I’ve used it twice with two different classes and got the thumbs up.

  7. Hii my name is Andy and i have been teaching spin classes for the past 10 years and how the choice of music has changed!!! I’ve been reading these blogs for a good few month and using some of the recommended tracks from all your playlists, i thought i would come on and give you a little something i tried earlier on in the year and took my class back to the Movies, each track was from a film either the main song or a track featured on the soundtrack, the members had to try and guess the film before the end of the track otherwise they had a 30 second sprint or 30 second hard hill as a forfeit, was a good laugh.

    for my classes i use an intensity level from 1 hardly any resistance to Level 10 Hard intensity (the member needs to be able to keep their legs moving to a slow beat if any beat at all)

    Warm Up – Danger Zone (Top Gun) (3:46) nice steady paced track getting the members warmed up and the heart rate up to a good level, mixture of intensity’s up to a max of 4.

    Track 2 – Push It To The Limit (Scarface) (3:04) keeping the heart rate increasing this track offers the chance for the intensity to increase to a max of 5 and keeping the speed at 80% of a sprint. working those legs!!!! then for the 2nd half of the track moving up to a standing climb.

    Track 3 – Flower – Bring Sally Up (Gone In 60 Seconds) (3:28) continuing with the standing climb, this track slows its beat down so the intensity can increase to around 7,8,9 depending on how hard you wanna work those legs, after every 30 seconds i get the members to sit down and push through for 10-15 seconds until the beat comes back in then its back up and pushing through.

    Track 4 – Woo Hoo (Kill Bill) (1:59) Back in the saddle we go for this monster 2 minute sprint intervals track, or you can make the members work hard for the full 2 minutes or use the drum solo’s as the sprints and recovery, fast paced so the intensity drops to around 2-3.

    Track 5 – Loose Yourself (8 Mile) (5:18) Time for some jumps in this track in the chorus we are aiming to double up on the speed so we are running at a comfortable level 4,5,6. During the verse we slow it down to incorporate the jumps on the beat of 8 (8 up : 8 down etc). as the track goes on it maintains a high speed, some members may need to drop those levels but your aiming to stay with the beat!!! DON’T LOOSE YOURSELF!!!

    Track 6 – Misirlou – (Pulp Fiction) (2:07) Excuse the expletives at the start of the track however once its over its heads down and we are straight into the sprints, intensity low so get your legs pumping with this great beat!!!! use it as intervals with the drums being your guide.

    Track 7 – White Wedding (True Romance) (4:09) Seating climb with this 80’s beat, great to start off at a low intensity and build it up, you can even do multiple hills throughout the track or just keeping it increasing as you go. also a good track to get those lungs filled back up and your members refreshed to go again in track 8 :-)

    Track 8 – Maniac (Flashdance) (4:01) Rest over its back on it with this track, taking the intensity up to 4 or 5 get those legs pushing through with that beat starting off sat down then as the track goes on bringing it up to hover and then a standing climb. (If you have seen American pie 3 Just Think of the Stiffler Dance Off, it will get you smiling haha) Lets go Mental!!!! keep pushing try the last 1 minute of the track at a higher intensity level like 7,8 and see if you can keep up with that beat. Don’t Cheat yourself out of a great leg burner!!!

    Track 9 – Training Montage (Rocky 4) (3:41) Time to go to the highest intensity throughout this track max it up to level 10. keep those legs going with this slow drum beat and maintain the rhythm its the important bit. even when the track goes all funny with lots more instruments keep with the original beat and power through, Remember Rocky Never QUIT!!!!

    Track 10 – Live & Let Die (007 Live & Let Die) (3:21) we are over the hill time to get those legs going again in this low intensity sprint interval track, the timings on this go as follows:
    45 Secs Breather / 30 Secs Sprint / 15 Secs Breather / 15 Secs Sprint / 45 Secs Breather / 45 Secs Sprint Finish!!!!

    Track 11 – Holding On For A Hero (Short Circuit 2) (5:53) Time to get out of that saddle again, another running track and standing climb interval sections, at the start as the track gets going get your members up out of the saddle picking up that intensity up to 5,6,7 staying with the beat, get them to sing the chorus if they have any energy left :-) each time you get back to a verse increase the level, i tend to start at 5 then build up to 7 then start over i can normally get 2 rounds out of that throughout the song, the instrumental at 4:30 you have another minute left, try and keep it going throughout however your legs might be about to give up so you could use it as a slowing down section!!!

    Track 12 – Operation Blade (Blade) (3:04) I wanna Hear Everybody In The Place Say HOOOOOOO!!!! One last standing climb push. start your intensity at level 4 and increase every 20 seconds to level 8 then take it back down to 5 and start again, up to 8 then back to 6 and finish back on 8, (20 Seconds each level throughout)

    Track 13 – Lost In Space (Lost In Space) (3:26) Who says 13 is unlucky, for your members its the luckiest track as its the last one!!! however its no plain sailing they still need to work hard and fast!!! Sprint intervals at level 3
    From the off we are heads down sprinting for 45 secs / 30 secs Breather / 45 Secs Sprint / 30 Secs Breather / 45 Secs Sprint / 30 Secs Breather – start to wind those legs down, having a drink and wiping down those faces.

    Track 14 – Forest Gump Suit (Forest Gump) (8:52) Just because its one of my favorite films of all time and this piece of music is beautiful, a good cool down and stretch can be done to this, plus after all the madness that’s gone before it im sure your members will be grateful of some soothing music.

    Total Class Time = 57 Minutes, that is if you use the full cool down track.

    I hope this gives you some thing different to take to your classes, remember if the members don’t guess the films correctly you can do a forfeit in between tracks. depends on how hard you wanna work them haha!!!!

    Thanks and Enjoy,
    Feedback is greatly received.

  8. This is my current, and probably most favourite playlist:

    Bounce With Me – Keesha Turner (3:08)
    Warm up

    Let’s Go – Calvin Harris Ft Ne-Yo (3:53)
    Warm up two, into hill climbs

    The Logical Song (radio edit) – Scooter (3:54)
    Sprint intervals. 20 seconds on, 10 off

    EDM Death Machine – Knife Party (4:23)
    Mixed terrain. Start with seated medium resistance sprints, then into the hills, before coming back down the other side with sprints

    Dreh Doch Mal (Club Mix) – Handsup Playerz (5:54)
    This is all about the hill climbs, both seated and standing and incorporating some jumps.

    Let It Roll – Flo Rida (3:14)
    3 sets of sprint intervals, consisting of 10 seconds on, 5 seconds off.

    Operation Blade (Bass in the place) 7” radio remix – Public Domain (3:29)
    Long seated sprints, then into heavy standing hill climbs during the chorus.

    I Could Be The One (John Christian remix) – Avicii/Nicky Romero (5:29)
    Wattage challenge! Seated hill climb sprints to start, then into standing hill climb sprints during the chorus. Start at base standing load, then every 5 seconds add a gear on (max 3 gears). Sprints on the way back down

    Faster Than Light – Far Too Loud (5:03)
    Seated hill climb sprints, then the last minute and a half, I hit them with seated/standing sprint intervals until the end. By this I mean, 10 seconds sprinting, then 10 seconds standing alternating until the end. You might want to split the class for this though as it can be a bit of a beast!

    Bounce – Destroid (4:21)
    Heavy, heavy hill climbs. Two of them. So heavy you can barely keep the legs turning. I have the first one seated then second standing, this really focuses on strength and proper technique. You’ll get some curses though…

    Royals – Lorde (3:10)
    Cool down

    This is pretty much bang on 45 minutes.

  9. I’ve been teaching for about a year now. I used this playlist in one of my classes and received some good feedback! Just thought I would share :) I call it the Fleetwood Mac Sandwich as we start with a Fleetwood Mac remix and end with one. I got some of the songs from this website. I use it all the time and it really helps. Thought I’d give back for once :). Hope you enjoy… I would love suggestions or feedback.

    Fleetwood Mac – Little Lies (JPL Remix) – WARMUP
    Afrojack ft. Eva Simons – Take Over Control – WARMUP INTO 2 30 SECOND SPRINTS
    David Guetta ft. Neyo – Play Hard – STANDING JOG OVER 70RPMs WITH STANDING HOVERS
    Showtek ft. We Are Loud & Sonny Wilson – Booya – TWO LONG ROLLING HILLS (Seated climbs then as the music picks up head “downhill” lighter resistance higher RPMs 80-90
    Britney Spears – Work Work – TABATA DRILL 6x(20 seconds on with 10 seconds of recovery)
    Duke Dumont ft A-M-E- Need U 100% – ONE LEG AT A TIME FOR 1 MINUTE EACH SIDE – 80RPMs or HIGHER
    Jet – Are You Gunna Be My Girl – 30 SECOND SPRINTS, 15 SECOND RECOVERY (Got this idea from a post on this site!)
    Princess Superstar – Perfect (Afrojack Remix) – GOOD FOR EITHER TABATA OR 2 MINUTE FAST FLAT ENDURANCE
    Noose – Walk on By – LONG PYRAMID CLIMB
    Gravity – Markus Shulz SPEED PYRAMID 2x – Playing with the speeds intervals at 80 RPMS, 90 RPMS, then into a sprint, then back down
    Avicci ft. Karen Marie Orsted – Dear Boy – ROLLING HILLS OR I DID TOUGH HILL CLIMB TO STANDING JOG 2x
    Destiny’s Child – Independent Woman – Fun throwback if there is time at the end for a last little climb or wherever in the class (We usually have all girls in class)
    Tracy Chapman – Give me one reason (The Tailors Djs Remix) – awesome cool down
    Fleetwood Mac – Dreams (Gigamesh Edit) – Stretch/Cooldown

  10. I gave a song request to my favorite instructor, and I loved the way she used it. Now that I’m teaching, I’ve definitely used it as well (thanks, Kristin!). Marina and the Diamonds – This is how to be a Heartbreaker. Standing climb to the beat @ 70 rpm with a seated sprint (no resistance change) at the chorus. After each chorus, increase by one gear (chorus plays three times total)

  11. Looking for some song ideas for a charity ride that I will be doing. Would love to hear what folks have played during their spin-a-thons? This fundraiser if for breast cancer survivors. Thanks for the support.

    1. If you are spinning for an extended period of time, I think that Green Grass and High Tides, by the Outlaws is a great long song to be on a bike.
      Also, #41, by The Dave Matthews Band from Listener Supported is a great live song that is almost 10 minutes long.

      1. Dave, Thanks for the quick response. Your suggestions are ones that I haven’t yet used. I am responsible for teaching an hour of Hill Climbing for the event and am hour #3 of 4. Look forward to experimenting. Thanks.

    2. We do spin-a-thins at the Y where I teach in FL–we have teams of 3 ppl who alternate cycling for 1 hour blocks-different instructors teach each session and we all use really ‘up’ tunes to keep people’s spirits and energy high! More about the tempo and lyric than length of the song. Give “Invincible” by Borgeous a try!

      1. Judy-Florida weather sounds nice . I am in NH and we are ready for Spring! Thanks for your suggestions.

    3. Erin, I just did a playlist for an all-day charity ride. I was only teaching 1 hour our of 8 so I wanted to use songs that wouldn’t be overplayed but had good energy and a mix of familiar/Top 40/unfamiliar songs. This is what I came up with:
      Snake Food – Safri Duo
      Counting Stars – OneRepublic
      Wake Me Up – Avicii
      Mermaid of Salinas – Basement Jaxx
      Radioactive – Within Temptation
      How I Feel – Flo Rida
      Ring the Alarm (Freemason’s Club Mix) – Beyonce
      Come with Me Now – KONGOS
      300 Violin Orchestra – Jorge Quintero
      50 Ways to Say Goodbye – Train
      Take My Hand – Simple Plan
      Happy – Pharrell Williams

      1. Thanks Cynthia-Great playlist, I appreciate you sharing! I ended up using your 70’s playlist with a some added twists :) It was great fun and they loved when I brought out hats for YMCA.

      2. Hi Cynthia,

        I have been meaning to ad Wake Me Up to my playlist as I just love the song but cannot find the perfect exercise to go with. I tried jumps but it’s just too fast.
        What did you use ?

  12. Stumbled upon this blog and love that it. There are some great suggestions here just in the comments! I actually blogged about my favorite songs to spin to of 2013. Included are:
    Alive – Empire of the Sun (Zedd remix)
    Out of my League – Fitz and the Tantrums
    Clarity – Zedd (ft Foxes)

    …And more :) Thanks for all these suggestions, everyone!

  13. I’ve just discovered the most amazing song for spinning “Wake Me Up” by Avicii
    I’d love to see it on one of your playlists!

    1. I agree Pao! I am using it too, just haven’t posted the playlist yet. If you like Wake Me Up, check out the mashup Wake Me Up Down Under, which combines Avicii and Men at Work – I think it’s really catchy.

      1. I do 4 30 /40 second sprints to this. 1st in 45 seated, next standing, down for one; and finish running! I use it toward the end. Great song!

      2. I am wondering where you find the wake me up down under mash up? I looked on itunes and no luck…
        Thanks- Kristin

      3. Cynthia,

        I have looked for the mash-up and couldn’t locate it on e-music or itunes. Is it by Simjii? Thanks!

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  16. Hi
    I noticed that in many Playlist you describe in detail what activities could be used for each music item. This is what most Instructors do when they plan the session. I’m spinning myself and my wife is a Spinning instructor.
    She is now using this APP for her iPad and iPhone for spinning, which lets her play all songs automatically, see important stuff like elapsed and remaining time, BPM AND Notes with BIG clear fonts for each music item. See here : https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=654811719&mt=8

  17. This is a simple climb, jump, hill, sprint loop that repeats 3 times, the catch is that each song gets progressively steeper until you reach the top of the hill song, then the weight comes off (not all the weight!) and we’re on a fast flat road.

    The “loops” are each a different color…

    -Mama Said Knock You Out- LL Cool J (4:52) warm up song
    -Back in the Saddle- Aerosmith (4:40) First climb, still warming up & then simple stretching
    -In the Ayer- Flo Rida (3:40) Jumps: 1min of 8 counts, 1min of 4 counts, 30sec of 2 counts, 30sec rest, back to 30sec of 2 counts
    -The Way you Move- Outkast (3:54) Stretch and then head up the first hill of the class pushing on a few gears before standing…add 2 throughout song
    -How Far We’ve Come- Matchbox 20 (3:30) Seated fast flat (2-3 gears heavier than “flat” for experienced) keeping RPM above 100 for a full 3min
    -American Boy- Estelle feat Kanye West (3:57) Climb, out of the saddle with some surges (80% of speed) on the chorus, add a gear after each surge…keep the weight!
    -Don’t Cha- Pussycats Dolls (4:33) 4position, 4count jumps (positions: climb, squat, run, sit…4 counts each)
    -Flower- Moby (3:23) Hill time…this time seated, drop those heels and start pushing, add 1 on as each minute ticks by
    -Pump It- Black Eyed Peas (3:33) Sprints! Back to our flat…30seconds on, 30 seconds off
    -Nothin’ But a Good Time- Poison (3:44) Climb, come on up outta the saddle and we’re back to those surges! Adding one after each set.
    -We Run the Night- Havana Brown feat Pitbull (3:48) Hold that weight (or add a few) 4count Squat Jumps
    -Beggin’- Madon (I LOVE THIS SONG!) (3:38) 30sec in the saddle 30 second standing ahead of the beat
    -Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana (5:01) Our Hill continues…flip the work 30 sec seated ahead of the beat, 30 second standing at the beat
    -Beware- Panjabi MC feat Jay-Z (3:59) Keep that heart rate soaring! Fast flat all the way out
    -Right Here- Justin Bieber feat Drake (3:24) Cool down, stretch

    find more on my wordpress :-)

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  19. Inspired by the quick pace Cynthia seems to keep in her classes, I put this together. The rolling hills paired with the accelerations keeps that heart rate up the whole class. I tend to not like recover, but give the option if it’s necessary ;)

    1. Whitney Houston – I want to dance with somebody – Warm up
    2. Madonna – Sorry Sprints – :45-1:15 1:45-2:30 3:15-end
    3. One that got away – Natasha Bedingfield Resistance 5/10 Quick in the saddle. Out in 3rd to accelerate 3 times. Adding gear each time.
    1:06-1:30 2:15-3:00 3:22-end
    4. U2 – Maginficent – Rolling Hills in the Saddle. Adding a total of 5 gears every :30 seconds. For the challenge, hold the 5th gear for a full minute picking up the pace. Then take those 5 gears off every :30 seconds
    5. The Naked and Famous – Punching in a Dream -Rolling Hills – Standing – same drill we did with our seated rolling hills
    6. Sonique – Feels so Good Out in 3rd – Accelerations on the chorus
    7. Dido – Everything to Lose (Armin Van Buuren Remix) Recover 1 minute if needed Out in 3rd with more accelerations 1:00-1:33 2:43-4:21
    8. Arcade Fire – Rebeillion (Lies) Rolling Hills – Seated – same as our first round
    9. Moby – Extreme Ways – Rollings Hills – Standing – same as first round
    10. Passion Pit – Take a Walk – Right Left Drills
    11. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Can’t Hold Us – Climb in 3rd – Jumps on Chorus
    12. The Black Eyed Peas – Pump It – Sprint :00-:30 1:00-1:24 2:00 – end

  20. Here is a 45-minute spin CD that I put together recently. It has a Southern Rock theme with a few songs that are a little outside of the group. I am not a huge fan of southern rock, but I enjoy being on a bike during a long guitar solo by the Allman Brothers or Lynyrd Skynyrd.

    1) PRE – I Only Wanna Be With You – 3:53 – Shelby Lynne covering Dusty Springfield – This song is for while people are getting on their bikes.
    2) Restless – Blackberry Smoke – 3:30
    3) In My Blood – Blackstone Cherry – 3:49
    4) Look At Little Sister – Stevie Ray Vaughan – 3:08
    5) Call Me The Breeze – Lynyrd Skynyrd – 5:08
    6) Green Grass and High Tides – The Outlaws – 9:47
    7) Blue Sky – The Allman Brothers – 5:08
    8) Hold On Loosely – .38 Special – 4:49
    9) Mama, He Treats Your Daughter Mean – Susan Tedeschi – 4:43 – doesn’t really fit the theme of the CD perfectly, but this is a great cover of an old Ruthie Brown song.
    10) The Remedy – The Black Crowes – 5:16 – A kick-butt song to finish the ride.
    11) COOL – Simple Man – Seether – 5:06 – A great acoustic cover of the old Lynyrd Skynyrd song.

    1. David, this is an awesome playlist! I am a Georgia girl living in NYC and am missing home so much. So many from my great state in this playlist. Totally overwhelmed me, in a good way! I am borrowing this playlist for my class tomorrow morning (and any playlist with my man Stevie Ray is a winner!). Thanks for sharing!

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  22. I finally had some spare time to type up the playlist that I created for my class tomorrow morning and share it here. Enjoy!

    1. (3:56) Thrift Shop – Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
    2. (4:19) Can’t Hold Us – Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
    3. (3:52) Run – Flo Rida
    4. (6:08) Don’t Stop the Party – Black Eyed Peas
    5. (3:25) Give It To Me – Jason Derulo
    6. (3:26) Back In Time – Pitbull
    7. (3:37) Turn All The Lights On – T-Pain
    8. (3:40) Iron – Calvin Harris
    9. (4:03) Got Me Under Pressure – ZZ Top

    Everything else from here down is a mashup song. Most can be found at http://bootiemashup.com/bestof/

    10. (6:06) Betty Got Jacked – Loo & Placido
    11. (5:06) Rock of Ages – DJ Schmolli
    12. (3:03) Temperaturized – Divide and Kreate
    13. (5:19) Celeshake – A Plus D
    14. (3:44) Good Time Gangnam Style – Dan Mei
    15. (4:05) Shout My Name – The Kleptones
    16. (4:15) Stayin Hot – Lobsterdust
    17. (3:59) Duffy Train Running – DJ Y Alias JY

    1. Hey music2energize! I love the mash ups! Can you share what routines you used for the different songs? I’m working on trying to put something different together…Mash Up Monday perhaps (don’t worry-not an every Monday thing!) :)

  23. Hello, I’ve gotten a ton of ideas for songs from this site in the three years I’ve been a spinning instructor, and just wanted to share some songs that I’ve found on my own that have worked exquisitly well over the past year or so, (with BPM). Enjoy!
    DJ Broiler – Afterski (66) – the party song numero uno this winter season here in Norway
    Dschinghis Khan (70) – German eurovision song from 1979! – Ho! Ha!
    Scissor sisters – Let’s have a kiki (124) – Fine as a warm up song
    Duelling banjos, from the film Deliverance – faster and faster!
    Teddybears Stockholm – Hey boy – (100)
    Rammstein – Asche zu Asche (90 – standing sprints in the refrains)
    Baila el Chiki Chiki (97) – spanish eurovision entry some years back – fun!
    Levva livet – Åge Aleksandersen (80) – Norwegian rock from the eighties
    Just Came Back – Colin James (59) – what a punch in the gut when the guitars start up!
    Forgive Me – Group 1 Crew (83)
    Blueboy – Remember me (101 BPM)
    Nigger – Clawfinger (95) – perhaps the best rock song ever from Scandinavia swedish-norwegian band – its very PC, despite the name

    On another note, I now only use Vjay for Ipad in my spinning classes, Its a dj app where you can play music videos instead of just songs. Try it if you have a projector and a screen in your gym!

    1. Regarding the Clawfinger song…how can this be classified as PC? I grew up listening to Clawfinger, but the “N” word is dropped about 100 times in that song. Surely someone(s) would take offense to this in class…wouldn’t touch this song with a 10 ft pole.

  24. Hi Judy, congrats on becoming an instructor! If you are on Facebook please join my group ” former cycling pingers”
    We are all instructors and encourage each other share profiles ask for feedback etc. Cynthia is a member also.
    After Kesha I would use a fast flat or interval sprints. Your 2nd song I haven’t heard before! Kelly Clarkson would make a good climb and out of the saddle surges on the chorus. For cool down I would use a mellow tune like Christina perri, jar of hearts. Big Seaver Hollywood nights could be 30 sec intervals increasing resistance each time! Good luck let me know!!

    1. Thanks Marianne! I have been an instructor for 5 yrs–this is a demo for a new gig- I currently teach at 2 gyms, this would be a third for me. I have been a ‘regular’ here for years—Cynthia helped me with the first playlist I ever ‘went live with’ when I demo’d to be a sub;-)

  25. Hi All,
    I have a demo tomorrow and would like some input regarding the playlsit below. I wanted to include a variety of genres to appeal to a broad spectrum of riders plus showcase my ability to coach to different musical genres.
    Suggestions for each tune ( climb, jumps, sprints…) would be greatly appreciated!

    Kesha- C’mon


    Antti Tuisku- Sekaisin

    Scissor Sisters- Only the Horses

    Big and Rich- Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
    Don Omar- Danza Kuduro

    Bob Seger- Hollywood Nights

    Kelly Clarkson- Catch My Breath

    1. Oops-I forgot to note- Kesha will be the warm up tune and Kelly Clarkson will be cooldown/transition—class will just be 30 mins of spin then we will transition into another studio for 30 mins of Pilates so I can demo my skills as a Pilates instructor too.

      1. And a well deserved vacation! When next you seek sun and warmth consider a trip to Florida and visit me!
        Thanks for asking! It went well-got the job:-)

  26. I just heard a great new song that is perfect for adding to any spinning playlilst. Check out Fall Out Boy – My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark


    1. Cynthia,

      I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your site. I started as a student in a spinning class last October and volunteered to put together playlists for some of the instructors. You and your reader’s song and playlist suggestions have helped me put together some great playlists of my own.

      I have found a gold mine of great mashups which are all free to download at http://bootiemashup.com/bestof/



      1. Mike, this is an awesome find! Thank you for sharing. As soon as I saw DJ Lobsterdust on there, I knew it was going to be good, and it is. Super-clever, and I can’t believe the mashups go back to 2005.

    2. I LOVE that one. I’ve used it a few times. We climb…and then sprint to the top on the choruses. Tell your riders to “Get it up get up” when you hear “light it up…”.

  27. We are a bunch of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your web site offered us with valuable information to work on. You have performed an impressive process and our entire community will be thankful to you.

  28. My Wednesday night class is getting a Pre-Valentine’s Day treat.Total time 60 minutes
    Mike Sherman

    Crazy In Love – Beyonce 3:45 (Warm-up)
    Peace,Love and Happiness – G. Love & Special Sauce 3:42 (Jumps at chorus)
    Love Shack – B-52s 5:22 (Seated Hill Climb)
    We Found Love – Rihanna ft Calvin Harris 3:32 (Intervals/Surges)
    Happy Valentine’s Day – Andre 3000 5:23 (Seated to standing hill climb)
    Mighty Love – Eric Prydz & Andreas Posti 5:41 (Tempo/racing)
    Thing Called Love – Bonnie Raitt 3:50 (Surges at chorus)
    Hunk Of Burning Love – Elvis Presley 2:56 (Tempo/recovery)
    Say Hey(I Love You) – Michael Franti 3:56 (Jumps)
    DJs Got Us Falling In Love – Usher 3:42 (Intervals)
    Addicted To Love – Robert Palmer 3:56 (Mountain climb)
    I Don’t Need A Man – Pussycat Dolls 3:41 (Intervals)
    Finally – Ce Ce Peniston ft Joyrider 3:41 (Combo hill climb)
    Everybody Needs SomebodyTo Love – The Blues Bros 3:20 (Sprint Finish)
    Real Love – Ryan Shaw 3:04 (Flush and cool down)
    Someone Like You – Van Morrison 4:05 (Stretching and good-byes)


  29. Hi Cynthia,

    I think after getting great ideas from your site for over two years for my spin classes that I should share something back. So here goes…I explain resistance using a scale of 1-10 and pedal speed (cadence) as a % number.

    Got loads of playlists so i usually call my spin playlists by the name of a particular song, this one is called Spin Sunday and its a 45 min spin. This is tough!

    1. Sunday Shoutin by Johnny Corporate
    2 / 10 @ 75%….10% increases for 30 ish secs at 3 mins. Back to 65-75% and increase to 3/10. Another 10% increases for 30 ish secs at 5:10.

    2. Ready 2 Go (Extended Mix) by Groove Mekanix on an Album called Born to Run.
    Start at 75% and 4/10….2 sprints @ 90%…1 is 30 secs long and other is nearly a min long.

    3. Levels by Avicii
    Standing climb…..start at 6/10 and just increase, increase, increase until the person reaches their own 9/10….if they have reached this 9/10 then ignore further increase prompts. This has a 1 min rest in middle for newbies although I encourage no rest if feeling good.

    4. Resurrection (Space Club Mix) by PPK on Dave Pierce Trance Anthems 2008……i edited this on itunes and chopped first 2:40 off….leaves about a 30 sec intro for a rest from last song.
    Start @ 6/10 at 75-85 %…..close the eyes and just focus on breathing and cadence

    5. Not Exactly by Deadmau5 on Album Twisted Disco by Hed Kandi
    Start @ 7/10 @ 65-70%….similar to last song….slower beat though..more resistance…legs will burn!

    6. I cry by Flo Rida
    Similar to No.3 as its a standing climb to start at speed of beat of music. Start at 6 or 7/10 but with added in the seat “put the pressure on to the max” during the chorus….maybe only 60% for some. 2 sets of this with a 40 sec rest followed by one more set.

    7. Synaesthesia by The Thrillseekers..another from Dave Pierce Trance Anthems 2008…Again i chopped the first 3 mins which gives about a 20 sec intro.
    Start at 5 or 6/10 @ 80%..about 80 secs long with a 10% increase halfway. Reduce to 60% for a 40 sec rest and repeat 2 more times. All I can say is this one hurts!

    8. Gold Guns Girls by Metric
    Standing very fast climb at 0-2/10….if your mental fit then 4/10 max!
    I usually get ppl to start low resistance wait to see how they feel for first chourus and then increase little bits. This one is a lung burster!

    9. Carte Blanche (Edited) by Veracocha….Another dave Pierce Trance Anthems 2008
    There is a 25 sec and a 40 sec segment of this that is mega for sprinting to the MAX! I edited them again using itunes joining the 25 sec bit twice to make a 50 sec sprint and joining the 25 sec bit with the 40 sec bit to make a 65 sec sprint.

    5 or 6/10 @ 100%

    10. The Veldt (Radio Edit) by Deadmau5
    Cool Down

    To edit songs on itunes version…..go to FILE, then GET INFO, then select the options tab and pick start and finish times of songs.

  30. Valentine’s Day Spin Playlist – 59.4
    I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You – Love Songs – 3:37 – warm up
    Love Me Do – The Beatles – 2:21
    I Feel Love (Blue Man Group Radio Edit) – Blue Man Group – 4:08
    Tounge Tied – Faber Drive – 3:31
    Tunnel Of Love – Bruce Springsteen – 5:13
    Love – Collective Soul – 3:32
    You’re The World To Me – David Gray – 3:37
    Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink – 3:52
    Lovegame – Lady Gaga – 3:38
    The One I Love – REM – 3:18
    Kiss Me – Sixpence None the Richer – 3:27
    Crazy In Love – Beyonce – 3:56
    Heartbeat – The Fray – 3:40
    Bleeding Love – Leona Lewis – 4:22
    I Would Die 4 U – Prince – 2:59
    I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston – 4:24 – cool down

    1. Thanks Leslie…I just finished my “Spread the Bike Love” mix. I teach a very diverse class age range: 24-70 years. In addition I have very experienced cyclists to novices and about equal in genders. We have twenty bikes and I have at least 7-10 men every class and at least 10-12 women. Rarely is there a bike left. One thing they enjoy is a big variety in music…and they are there to ride, not socialize! With that in mind, I’m doing a “Boys vs. Girls” sets…one set the men work extra hard, next set the woman work it! This ride is mixed terrain. Enjoy all;
      “SPIN-SPREAD THE BIKE LOVE!” 49 min (I mix and overlap, so this is approximate):

      1. The Love Boat Theme (yes, the real love boat theme song!) W.U.
      2. Love Tattoo-Imelda May W.U.
      3. Rooster Crowing- Sound EFX W.U.
      4. Love Shack-(UK MiX) JAK Jones
      5. Game of Love-Wayne Fontana
      6. Gimme’ Some Lovin’-Blues Brothers
      7. Maybe We Found Love- (Mashup Lobsterdust)
      8 Don’t Tell Me You Love Me-Night Ranger
      9 She Says She Loves You- Beatles
      10. What I Wouldn’t Do- She Swings, She Sways
      11. Love Drunk- Boys Likes Girls
      12 Stoned in Love- Chicane
      13. How You Love Me Now-Hey Monday
      14. She Will Be Loved-Runner Run
      15. Love is Gone (Radio Edit)-David Guetta
      16. I Love Rock n Roll-Technosta
      17. My Heart Will Go On-Katalina, The Vandals
      18. Love You Like a Love Song-Selina Gomez and The Scene C.D.

      Have fun and good-luck with your ride…thanks for sharing!

  31. Salutations to all the Cycling World Riders! I have two 5:15 a.m. classes I teach and we are known as the CRACK OF DAWN RIDERS! We even have Bondibands made up with our own logo (thanks Cynthia for the band tip; I own over 24 of them now). I wanted to challenge the group and came up with a ride called SNAKE CHARMER. It amounts to 48 switchbacks up a mountain in Italy. Here is my take on a mountain climb:

    Set the Stage: Welcome Winter Warriors! We are in Passo Dello Stelvio, Italia! 48 numbered switchbacks over 25 km (we use the Keiser bikes) is the goal. (I have them go down to gear 4, close their eyes, and then push into a gear that they feel the road both pushing and pulling). This becomes the “flat road”. After that when I call out, “Switchback” it is 4 or 5 gears up and out of the saddle for 8-10 seconds….then “Sit”…..this goes on every thirty-five seconds!

    1, Party Rock Anthem (Antman Cookie Mix through Soundcloud): W.U. and set the stage…”This is a high-wire act of road unfurling in front of you.”

    2. Breathless (Tequila & the Sunrise Group): “We will hit Elevations over 8,000 feet! Wintery Conditions are likely. Get ready to take turns in a hairpin (outside riders are up longer, inside riders are on a steeper incline, but short standing time).”

    3. Never Surrender (Giant) “Outside lane is almost always easier. Want to make your opponents suffer? Nothing stings like a hard attack up the inside of a switchback-it’s the shortest line, and the most difficult.”

    “Drill, stay upright…every thirty-five seconds…Switchback! You will go up 4 or 5 gears to max climb and stand.”

    “SIT”: You will go down 4 gears to a normal grind pace and accelerate to your top speed as you have a mileage/km goal to meet!”

    4: Breakin a Sweat (Skrillex & The Doors): “This is the Start of the Switchbacks! “Keep grip relaxed.” “Float on the balls of your feet.”
    (I actually kept track of the # and called it out; by “eight” everyone was groaning….40 more to go)!”

    5. Pretty Vegas (INXS): “Train your Vision as Far up the Road as possible.
    Practice steadily pushing in a larger gear. Use the lulls to your advantage: drink and stretch the legs.”

    6. They (JEM): “Stay with the first half of the group in front. Use as little energy as possible (think form). Be patient.”

    7. Run a Little (Run to Cadence with the US Army Rangers): This really pumps everyone up and I found it on e-music…hubby was a Ranger…so we like it hard core, ass-kickin!

    “This is our chance to get into a good position! Look for opportunities to launch an attack, team!”

    8. Faster, Harder Scooter (Scooter): “This is a battle of attrition. Simply pedal away from those losing steam. Avoid the soft dirt on the shoulders!”

    9. I Feel Your Pain (Space Frog from The Grim Reaper): ” Maintain speed by following the smooth patches on the road. We are almost at the pass: Lactate is feeding those muscles! You’ve been tapping into the carbs by putting the hammer down. More carbs used=more lactate accumulation in blood and muscle.”

    10. Run Runaway (Slade): “You’ve hit your limit of climbing hard. The burn you feel is a result of the nervous system sensing increased acidity from the accumulation of lactate.

    Ease the pace; let the lactate slow….

    You just taught your body to use lactate more efficiently by putting yourself at and exertion level of 70% or higher.

    It’s time: cool down, repair body cells, rebuild muscle, and fuel your metabolism. Keep riding strong!”

    11. Oh, Oh, Lord (Kathleen Carnali): Till…next ride…Drink…be merry. (Here, I give out individual cartons of organic 1% chocolate milk).

    Everyone in the class went wild over this ride …..I never witnessed so much sweat and so many red faces…the look of reaching the goal…priceless. It was quite empowering to the class. Ciao!

      1. Thanks Cynthia, I really work hard to create a good outdoor ride…we even had a dog named “Mutley” we saved one day! I inserted a barking sound bite…mind not every class would like these things…but mine are packed at 5:15 a.m. and I’m told people are attracted to the rides because they are always a surprise! Biggest piece of advice I have for all….know your audience! Ride on and Ride Safe…

    1. I normally don’t ever post in here I just take all these great songs and ride ideas from people and make my own awesome ride. I took this above ride and did it with my morning class and it was NOT well received. It was just too slow tempo in general and there was just some very awkward moments in the ride. I have taken a couple songs from it. However, the details you provided are a nice visual. We are installing virtual cycling soon so that will be bale to give everyone a real vision of the rides.

      1. Oh no, Adam! I am sorry to hear that this ride didn’t work for you. Thanks for coming back to give us feedback.

      2. Adam, Not sure what bikes you are riding on..we have geared Keiser Bikes…Sorry your class didn’t like it…we had no awkward gaps (my music is professionally mixed, no pauses, overlaps, etc…) just some gasps for air! Maybe I didn’t explain it well in the set-up as by switchback 8 everyone was focused and in the zone. It is hard to take a ride that is envisioned by someone else and turn it into yours…I take snips from these great ideas, mix with my goals for the ride, and make them mine. I’m all over the visual riding you are going to get! Please let me know how they turn out. I’ve already presented some visual rides and they have been well received, but I have to take in my own equipment and it was too time consuming. Thanks for the feedback and glad you liked a couple of songs.

  32. Hi all
    THis is my first time posting on here but have looked at the playlists/track suggestions loads of times. I’ve only been qualified since last April and don’t have a permanent class so I’m still not that familiar/comfortable with creating CD’s but can’t use the same one forever! So…I’ve had a bash at a new one and was hoping you guys could let me know your thoughts! Thank you :-) Caroline

    Warm up – Nicki Minaj – Super Bass
    Second half of warm up/first hill – Neyo and Calvin Harris – Lets Go
    Hill track 2 – The Cataracs – Bass Down Low
    Hill track 3 – BOB – So Good
    Sprint track 1 – Rita Ora – Hot Right Now
    Recovery – Olly Murs – Troublemaker
    Hill set 2 track 1 – David Guetta – Where them Girls at
    Hill set 2 track 2 – Skrillex – Bangarang
    Hill set 2 track 3 – Will.I.Am – The Hardest
    Run track – Psy – Gangnam Style
    Sprint track 2 – Friday Night Posse – Are you Ready for This
    Cool down – Bruno Mars – Lazy Song

    1. Hi Caroline, welcome to the blog and congrats on becoming an indoor cycling instructor. I love that your music relies on really fresh artists, but not the same old top 40; love the inspiring lyrics in Let’s Go and The Hardest (and what the heck, The Lazy Song – perfect for a cool down.) I am a fan of multi-song challenges, so I like that you’ve included two big hills and used songs with varying beats per minute, which will encourage riders to vary their cadence. You’ll have to pay special attention to coaching them to use enough tension for the slower climbs, while still maintaining at least 60 rpm; try describing how they should feel. I like to leave them sucking wind at the end so finishing with a sprint is ideal. Since you’ve only included two sprints and a run, I would tell the class before the first one and coach riders to give everything and urge them to make sure they get the most out of the time.

      I feel like Super Bass would work better as a cool down song; I am partial to really peppy warmup tunes. This seems like a short class (45? 50 minutes?) so I might leave out the recovery track since many riders won’t need a full song for recovery. Instead, you might coach recovery between songs and perhaps for 30-60 seconds at the beginning or end of a song after a stint of hard work. You could also choose a tempo track and coach recovery for the riders who need it and a steady working cadence for those who don’t. That way, people can take as long as they need and then get back to work.

      I would definitely consider getting an iPod – making and altering playlists is a piece of cake and you can carry lots of music with you, plus you can use it with headphones for your own workouts. Maybe as a treat to yourself for hitting the one year mark as an instructor in April?

      Readers, do you have any other feedback for Caroline?

      1. Hi Cynthia
        Thank you so much for your feedback! Very thorough!! It’s great to hear you being so positive about my playlist, as I say, with not having a permanent class it’s almost like I’m starting again with every class I take! Will definitely take your comments on board – I hope to get into more regular practice at creating playlists so it eventually becomes second nature…practice makes perfect I guess!
        Will let you know if I have any further inspiration! This is such a helpful forum! x

  33. hi all. awsome playlists you have :) Here is my “just from Finland” list, 55 min cycling.

    1- Darude – Sandstorm
    2- Killer – Naughty Boy
    3- Poets of the Fall – Lift
    4- Anna Abreu – Stereo
    5- Stratovarius – Eagleheart
    6- Antti Tuisku – Hyökyaalto
    7- Anna Abreu – Vinegar
    8- HIM – Right Here In My Arms
    9- Bomfunk MCs – Dynamite
    10- Don johnson Big band – Road
    11- Anna Abreu – Music everywhere
    12- Hanna Pakarinen – Go Go
    13- The Rasmus – No Fear
    14- Kemopetrol – Goodbye
    15- Nightwish – While your lips are still red

    1. Thank you so much Sundie! My very favourite part of the blog is finding out what instructors in other parts of the world are cycling to. I couldn’t find all of the songs on iTunes but probably would on YouTube. I downloaded Poets of the Fall and Go Go (Hanna Pakarinen and I share the same birthday!) and Amaranth by Nightwish. When I use them in my class I will tell the riders that I got them from you and that this is what folks are cycling to in Finland at the moment.

      1. I love Nightwish….I used their Phantom of the Opera…and everyone told me they never wanted to ride up a mountain again!

      2. oh, so long since i last visited… but you almoust got me on tears :) nice that songs have inspired folks around the world, not just here, small, icy Finland :D thank u so much!

      3. and maybe best NW at the moment : I want my tears back. please, download, it´s worth it.

    2. Sundie,
      Great music! I just downloaded as many as I could find! FUN! I get so excited when I have great new tunes to play–especially tunes that are fresh and new that most of us in the US haven’t heard before!
      Thanks for sharing!

  34. Here’s a playlist that I call Spin Me Harder.

    Warm Up

    Diddy – Hello Good Morning (4:11)
    Easy warm-up and dynamic stretching. Tension at 1/10


    Dead or Alive Vs Daft Punk – Spin Me Harder (3:53)
    Standing Runs at ¾ pace. Increasing lengths with decreasing recoveries. Tension at 2/10
    1. 20 sec exercise / 20 second recovery
    2. 30 sec exercise / 15 second recovery
    3. 40 sec exercise / 10 second recovery
    4. 30 sec exercise / 15 second recovery

    Paul Oakenfold – Ready Steady Go (4:16)
    Multiple short sprints: Simply ten second standing sprints each time the lyrics say “Go”! Tension at 2/10

    Chicane – Hiding All The Stars (3:30)
    Two long sprints seated sprints: as lead by the music at 2/10.


    Fergie Vs HelloGoodbye – Glamorous In My Arms (4:31)
    Alternating Standing / Seated Climb: Starting at 3/10 and increasing the resistance by one full turn each 30 seconds while changing between standing and seating each 15 seconds. After five increases, at level 8/10, start decreasing the resistance each 30 seconds to end at 4/10.

    The Rolling Stones – Sympathy for the Devil (Neptunes Remix) (4:18)
    Seated Climb: Starting at 4/10, increase the resistance each 30 seconds while changing between right and left leg each 15 seconds for first three increases. After five increases, at level 10/10, start decreasing the resistance each 30 seconds to end at 8/10.

    Missy Eliot vs Michael Jackson – Don’t Stop ‘Till You Work It (3:48)
    Sprints against resistance: Starting at 8/10 and reducing the resistance each 30 seconds while sprinting at the chorus, against what ever level that is.


    Frankie Goes To Hollywood – Get It On (2:33)
    Squat in reverse: Starting at level 3/10 and while cycling backwards squat at each chorus. The first chorus repeats twice, this should be split between squat and body run. The second chorus repeats three times, therefore this is squat to body run to squat, etc

    Jumps/ Body Runs
    Lady Ga Ga – Love Game Love Game (Chew Fu Remix feat. Marilyn Manson) (5:22)
    Jumps: Four sets of 2 seconds, then four sets of 4 seconds then 4 sets of 8 seconds, 10 second squats to end set and then increase resistance and repeat from start.

    Adam Lambert – Whataya Want From Me (the fonzerelli remix) (3:37)
    Body Runs: Seat to standing to back and to leaning over the handle-bar. 10 second squats to end set and then increase resistance and repeat from start.


    Prodigy – No Good (Start The Dance) (6:18)
    A Fartlek training track: Dependant on the speed of the music the pace varies from walking, jogging ¾ pace to sprinting.

    Cool Down & Stretch

    Space Raiders – Laid Back (7:28)

  35. Has anyone done an entire Tabata spin class? I threw in a Tabata track for our last song today…hardest four minutes EVER. Everyone loved it and I’d like to add more to the mix but I’m thinking an entire hour of straight Tabata might be a bit much! Suggestions?

    1. Dana,
      I do Tabata training in my interval class—Tabata is not intended to be longer than one round of 4 minutes. Your riders should be totally spent after that and have nothing more to give-after a round of Tabata it should be time the cool down, stretch and see’ya.

    2. I want to try a Tabata class too! Check out my interview with Schwinn Master Trainer Chris Roche – he talks about how to put together a Tabata cycling class.

    3. Yes, Dana…I have Tabata Pro on my I-touch and use it all the time…I start with spin-ups for beginners, then finish with form sprints for my experienced riders. I give them a good 10 minute warm-up and 10 minute cool-down when doing this type of ride…hope this helps. You can also ride it with “different terrain.” I am able to very my music as my tabata is not tied into the song! The app costs: $2.99 i think.

  36. Hey everyone!
    Thought I’d share my latest playlist! It got rave reviews. WOO HOO!

    WARM UP: Va Va Voom – Nicki Manaj

    On The Floor- Jennifer Lopez/Pitbull. Still continuing with the warmup…but raising the heart rate. Start in the saddle…Listen for the change in music/tempo. Head on up to 2nd position, then over to third when you hear the changes. Sit back down…and repeat. Stay over in third during PitBull’s part, then back down when he’s done.

    Jellyhead – Crush. Sprints on the chorus

    NaNaNa (Riddler remix) – DACAV, Seated climb. There are three points in the song where the music speeds up. Tell your riders to step on the gas…and get up that hill!

    Black Horse and the Cherry Tree – KTTunstall. This is the first of three jump tracks on this playlist. This one is easy. All four count jumps…sitting down on the chorus. Make sure your riders are on an incline! It works so well with the beat.

    Don’t Stop the Party – Pitbull. One of my favorites on this playlist. Seated climb to a standing flat. I tell my riders “when you hear ‘are ya’ll havin’ a good time out there?” they have to a) answer positively and b) take it out of the saddle or in the saddle…depending on where we are.

    Candyman – Christina Aguilera. Have your riders pick a resistance higher than their normal flat road. They need to stay right on tempo for the entire song…at that resistance. It should be challenging!

    Come Out and Play – Offspring. Hardest jump track. Once the jumps start…we don’t stop til the song ends. Start with four count jumps…in third position. On the chorus, change to two count jumps…in second. Transition directly back to four counts,…back to two….you get it.

    Istanbul (Not Constanpoule) – Milan and Phoenix. Seated climb…a slight recovery from the hideous jumps we just came from.

    Back in Time – Pitbull. Our last jump track. Easy though. Two count jumps on the chorus.

    Trouble – Pink. Sprints!

    Carry On – Fun. Heaviest hill yet. I usually have my riders start in the saddle…and when that beat kicks in, they add as much resistance as they can muster and take it out of the saddle for a standing hill.

    Whiskey’s Gone – Zac Brown Band. I’m a big country fan and LOOOOVE ending my class with this one. Sprints on the chorus. But on the last chorus…they will need to add resistance four times (you’ll hear it in the music). They finish that last sprint up hill. Nine times out of ten, when I end with this, even if a rider hates country, you will surely get a “WOOO!!!!!!!” when it’s done.

    COOL DOWN: Working Girl Let The River Run – Studio Sound Ensemble. Ask the riders if they remember the movie this is from while they’re wiping the sweat from their bodies (Working Girl).

    Glitter in the Air – Pink Stretch, Cool down
    Amazed – Lone Star – Cool down, goodbye music

  37. Ok new playlist for thursday, what do you think folks.

    Adele – Rolling In The Deep 3:54
    Kings Of Leon – Sex on Fire(Electro Remix) 4:04
    Rihanna – Umbrella 4:13
    Dandy Warhols – Bohemian like you 3:32
    Nelly Furtado ft.Timbaland – Promiscuous 4:00
    Arctic Monkeys-Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor 2:52
    Lady Gaga- Poker Face Lyrics 4:00
    Green Day – American Idiot 3:00
    Black Eyed Peas – Meet Me Halfway 4:45
    Jet – Are You Gonna Be My Girl? 3:52
    Stop and Stare- One republic 3:45
    Crazy 5:17 Aerosmith

    1. I think it sounds great Martin! I have a friend who adores that Arctic Monkeys song. I want to play it for her next time she comes to my class. What do you coach to it?

      1. I keep it simple really, hands on the outside chest down pick up the pace and lift out the saddle on the chorus

  38. Wanted a long winter ride that would let us imagine summer, so I put together a “Sun Themed” mystery ride for tomorrow . . . going to tell the riders there is a common theme to all of the songs:
    Soak Up the Sun, Sheryl Crow, (warm-up)
    Brighter Than the Sun, Colbie Caillat
    Sound of Sunshine, Michael Franti
    Chasing the Sun, The Wanted
    Whiplash, Selena Gomez (on album When the Sun Goes Down)
    Sunday Bloody Sunday, U2
    Walking on Sunshine, Katrina and the Waves
    Blister in the Sun, Violent Femmes
    Radioactive, Kings of Leon (on album Come Around Sundown)
    Sunglasses at Night (lots of versions of this song available)
    Sunshine of your Love, Cream
    Sunshine, Matisyahu
    Sun Is Up, (listed as Various Artists)
    Sunshine Superman, Donovan
    Walkin’ on the Sun, Smash Mouth
    Anna Sun, Walk the Moon
    The Sun, Shiny Toy Guns
    Cheap Sunglasses, ZZ Top
    Sunrise, Norah Jones; No Rain, Blind Melon and/or Hard Sun, Eddie Vedder as cool-downs

  39. There are three amazing climbing songs that to share. Two of them are old school rock and you are guaranteed to see lips moving in tune throughout the room and the third is a remix by Snoop Dog from a Doors classic.

    “We Built this City” by Starship and “Eye of the Tiger: by Survivor for back to back climbs and test out “Riders on the Storm” (Fredwreck remix), Snoop Dog featuring The Doors for a grueling hill challenge.

    1. Thanks Sarah! You got me hunting around for Eye of the Tiger remixes and I really like the Doors/Snoop Dogg as well.

    1. Hi Fern! Thanks for the link – I’m going to post it on my blogroll and please feel free to do the same with Spinning Music. Folks, Fern is a cycling/yoga instructor in Canada – check out her new blog.

  40. Ok here’s another 45 minute playlist for you to fest on. Let me know what you think please.
    Christina Aguilera – Ain’t No Other Man 3:49
    Warm up
    The Offspring – Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) 3:15
    Warm up continued getting faster
    P!nk-Trouble 3:14
    Full charge on chours few turns on
    Haddaway – What Is Love 4:00
    Hill climb
    Good Charlotte – I Don´t Want To Be In Love 4:04
    Back to the speed set
    Moby James Bond Theme (Moby’s Re-Version) 3:11
    Speed set continued
    Robbie Williams Man Machine 3:35
    Steady climb in the saddle
    Snap – The Power (HQ) 4:25
    Continue the climb, getting out of the saddle
    Nickelback Where Do I Hide 3:38
    Kayne West GOLD DIGGER 3:28
    Out of the saddle and climb
    Ozzy Osbourne-Crazy Train 4:45
    Every thing you’ve got left
    Jimi Hendrix Angel 4:23
    Cool down and good bye.

  41. Hi All – wanted to post one of my recent favorite 60 minute playlists – enjoy!

    1. Glad You Came – The Wanted – nice easy warm up 80-100 RPM
    2. Hey Baby – No Doubt – continue warm up – work in 2nd position at :46, 1:35 and 2:43 – I tell them this is not about a hill – it is to warm the core and legs
    3. End Of Me – Apocalyptica – seated sprints at :38-1:00 1:26-1:48 and finally a 50 second sprint at 2:22-3:11 I have them start with a solid resistance of about 70 RPM and during each sprint they should push for 90-110 RPM
    4. Bitter Sweet Symphony – The Verve – short recovery as you approach your first hill – start 80-100 and then begin adding until you are riding 60-70 RPM in 3rd position – about an 8-9 out of 10 difficulty
    5. The Sound (John M. Perkins’ Blues) – Switchfoot – I have them level out their road and begin to fight the wind on a flat – usually tell them to have enough resistance that they are just above their comfort level – about a 6 out of 10
    6. Up n’ Down – Britney Spears – I either do jumps to this or I work in 2nd and 3rd position with moderate resistance. I encourage them to work their glutes by squeezing with each pedal stroke and in 3rd put the butt out and up to work the hamstrings and glutes.
    7. This is How a Heart Breaks – Rob Thomas – cardio climb in 3rd position – they should have a resistance of about a 7 out of 10 – RPM 65-75 – I encourage them to shoot for breathless
    8. Love, Reign O’er Me – Pearl Jam (love this song) – sit back down, add resistance and continue climbing to the top – I let them know that at the top they will get a well deserved recovery!
    9. A-Punk – Vampire Weekend – nice short recovery with enough pick me up for a couple of downhill surges – be sure to bring heart rate down
    10. Let It Rock (clean version) – Kevin Rudolf & Lil Wayne – endurance flat – I tell them that it should be just above their comfort zone – wind in the face. Part way into it if their legs aren’t beginning to burn they need to add resistance!
    11. Maybe – Sick Puppies – Team sprints – each sprint is 30 seconds and there are 3 of them. :42-1:12 1:36-2:04 2:33-3:06 I have them on a solid incline and tell them that they are sprinting as a team to take the lead. Right before the sprint they add 1/2 to 1 full turn to the right so they are running up hill! The other teams maintain their slight incline
    12. If Everyone Cared – Nickelback – this is the beginning of an 8 minute climb. They start in the saddle and get heavier with each minute of the song.
    13. Hero of The Day – Metallica – This is where the riders take it out to 3rd position and continue climbing. This song has 3 great surges where I encourage the riders to add as much speed as they can – even taking a little of the resistance off to do it
    14. Stronger – Kelly Clarkson – last recovery as they move towards the finish line. There are 3 downhill sprints where I have them go up to 90 RPM being sure to have the fly wheel under their control. Sprints at :41-1:16 1:40-2:14 2:37-3:30 At this point I tell them to be sure to prepare for their last climb – I tell them that it is a riders choice as they approach the finish line
    15. My Body – Young The Giant – great song for a climb – I let them know each minute as the song goes on so they can challenge themselves to empty the tank for the last minute. I remind them that they are there for a reason and that they don’t want to walk out the door with any regrets and to put it all out there!
    16. Glitter in the Air – Pink – cool down and stretching

  42. loving this website, here is one of my playlists for you to enjoy,

    Forget You Cee Lo Green 3:46 cheerful warm up and intro in to the class.
    Let Me Entertain You Robbie Williams 4:22 every one loves this track and go way to get the class started
    Sexy Chick (clean edit) – David Guetta ft. Akon 3:16 out of the seat and climb
    Guns N’ Roses – Live And Let Die – 3:02 on the guitar solo out of the seat and sprint hard
    Somebody That I Used To Know (Tiesto Remix) – Goyte Ft. Kimbre 4:33 dig hill for a tough climb
    A ha Take On Me 3:44 fun power sprint
    I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas 4:06 step hill climb
    Monkey Wrench 3:53 Foo Fighters power sets
    Lady Gaga – Marry The Night nice rolling hills
    Great Balls Of Fire 1:56 Jerry Lee Lewis recovery track before the big push
    Livin’ On A Prayer 4:11 Bon Jovi Cross Road final sprint to the finish
    Sandi Thom I Wish i was a punkrocker 2:42 cool down and stretch

    1. Thanks Martin! I love that I know most of these songs but you’ve cherry-picked them from different decades and genres. I downloaded Let Me Entertain You before the preview even finished and have a whole new respect for Take On Me, too. Love it!

      1. TRY THIS ONE
        Cyndi Lauper – She Bop – 3:44
        Beat It Michael Jackson 4:18
        Rihanna – Don’t Stop The Music (LYRICS) 4:31
        Nickelback- Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting 3:44
        Chicane feat. Tom Jones – ‘Stoned In Love’ 3:41
        You Give Love A Bad Name 3:44 Bon Jovi
        Disturbia – Rihanna 3:59
        Thunderstruck 4:54 AC/DC
        One 4:21 Mary J. Blige featuring U2
        Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) 2:33

      2. Thanks Martin – your playlist includes some of my all-time favourites (Stoned in Love, Disturbia, Thunderstruck). I like the nod to the ’80s, too. I had a request for Thunderstruck just last week.

  43. This is a great site and resource for our weekly Spinning group at Davenport University. I’ve posted some playlists to my WordPress blog…including my latest spinlist…Burn it Down. Thanks for sharing yours!

    1. Thanks Steve! I checked it out and commented. It looks like we enjoy a lot of the same music. I am going to add a link to your blog, if that’s okay. All the best, Cynthia

  44. Hello everybody

    Here is a new very electronic mix. As always, it is intended for advanced students but you can always acomodate the pace for beginers:

    001. WarmUp:
    001.1. [5:00][135RPM] – Ride (Cary Brothers – Tiesto Mix)
    [Seated Flat Aero] – 60%
    001.2. [3:00][93RPM] – Infinity (Guru Josh Project)
    [Standing Flat/Seated Flat Aero — Alternate] – 70%
    001.3. [6:30][73RPM] – Connect to the Source (Dali)
    [Seated Flat] – 80% Switch between single and double tempo every minute

    002. Main
    002.1. [5:00][83RPM] Empty Streets (Late Night Alumni)
    [Standing Climbing] – 80%
    002.2. [3:15][115RPM] Hello (Scooter)
    [Seated Aero] – 60%
    002.3. [6:00][75RPM] Mea Culpa (Enigma)
    [Standing Climbing] – 90%
    002.4. [3:30][128RPM] In lichter Farbe steht der Wald(Helium Vola)
    [Standing Flat] – 75%
    002.5. [4:00][128RPM] Humaniodz (Tom de Neef and Laidback Luke)
    [Standing Flat] – 60%
    002.6. [4:00][128RPM] Pa’ Bailar (Bajofondo)
    [Standing Climbing] – 80%
    002.7. [4:00][135RPM] Big Time Disco (Anthony Acid)
    [Seated Aero] – 70%
    002.8. [2:45][116RPM] We no speak americano (Yolanda be cool)
    [Standing Climbing] – 90%

    003. Cool Down
    003.1. [3:30] Malevaje (Sudestada)
    [Seated Relax]

    Here is the full audio:

    Please remember that the mix is provided without any commercial interest and only with educational purposes. All the rights belong to the original artists. If by any mean you believe any commercial right or intellectual property are being violated, please let me know to bring the file offline.

  45. Hello guys

    I am bringing a very experimental piece today. It’s a bit on the rocky side, so, mind your audience. It is also a killer mountaing up program, so just choose the right day to do it.

    001. WarmUp:
    001.1. [6:00][90RPM] – Party Rock Anthem (LMFAO)
    [Seated Flat] – 60%
    001.2. [5:00][128RPM] – Levels (AvicII)
    [Alternate 1 min Standing Flat: 1 minute Seated Flat – Follow the lead by Calle13] – 70%
    001.3. [6:00][125RPM] – Get Back (Alexandra Stan)
    [Seated flat] – 60% – Alternate the lead leg every minute or so

    002. Main
    002.1. [7:00][87RPM] – Beautiful World (Tiesto)
    [Standing Flat] – 70%
    002.2. [3:00][125RPM] – Metropolis (Mange Makers)
    [Standing Climbing] – 80%
    002.3. [6:00][110RPM] – Hey Baby (No Doubt)
    [Standing Climbing] – 85%
    002.4. [6:00][74RPM] – Alien Project / The third Revelation (The Infinity Project)
    [Seated Flat (Aero)] – 60%
    002.5. [3:15][121RPM] – Daddy Cool (Placebo)
    [Standing Flat] – 75%
    002.6. [3:15][92RPM] – Ballrog Boogie (Diablo Swing Orchestra)
    [Standing Climbing – HARD] – 90/95%

    003. Cool Down
    003.1. [5:00] Alone en la vida (L’arc~en~Ciel)
    [Seated Relax and slowly come back to life]

    This is a sketch of what you would be doing:


    Here is the full audio:


    Please remember that the mix is provided without any commercial interest and only with educational purposes. All the rights belong to the original artists. If by any mean you believe any commercial right or intellectual property are being violated, please let me know to bring the file offline.

  46. Hi everyone! So here’s a challenge: A member told me today that he’s a huge fan of house music. I like hip hop…but house music isn’t really my favorite style. However…I try to keep everyone happy and my playlists contain a wide variety of music (Eminem to Bob Seger!) I want to make my members happy so they keep coming back! Does anyone have any music suggestions that come halfway? House-ish…with maybe a pop/rock feel?. GO! :)

  47. I have been exploring for a little for any high quality articles or weblog posts on this kind of house . Exploring in Yahoo I at last stumbled upon this website. Studying this info So i am glad to exhibit that I have an incredibly just right uncanny feeling I discovered exactly what I needed. I such a lot for sure will make certain to do not forget this website and provides it a look on a constant basis.

  48. Hello guys

    Here is a new spinning class. Enjoy and please give feedback.

    001. WarmUp:
    001.1. [5:00][95RPM] – Pussy (Rammstein)
    [Seated Flat] – 60%
    001.2. [6:20][128RPM/10RPM] – Louder than words (Tiesto)
    [standing Flat] ALternate RPM Following the beat – 75%
    001.3. [5:00][135RPM] – Sorry (Madonna/Pet Shop Boy remix)
    [Seated Flat] – 70%

    002. Main
    002.1. [15:00] Combination (Spin at high end of comfort range in small chairing)
    – Blessed [115RPM]
    [standing Flat] – 70%
    – Prisionero (Miranda) [122RPM]
    [standing Climbing] – 80%
    – 10 Minutes (DJ Feel) [130RPM]
    [Seated Flat] – 75% – (Keep the strength)
    – Sweat (David Guetta / Snoop Dog) [131RPM]
    [standing Climbing] – 80%

    002.2. [15:00][131RPM] – Combination (
    [Mainly Standing Flat/Climbin] – 80%/90%
    – Not myself tonight (Cristina Aguilera) [75RPM]
    [standing Climbing] – 90%
    – Everything (Tiesto) – [136RPM]
    [Seated Flat – Aero] – 60%
    – Around the world in a tea daze (The Infinity Project) – [95RPM]
    [standing Flat] – 65%
    – La Camisa Negra (Juanes) [95RPM]
    [standing Climbing] – 80-90%

    003. Cool Down
    003.1. [3:46] Ohne Dich (Rammstein)
    [Seated Relax]

    Here is the full audio:


    Please remember that the mix is provided without any commercial interest and only with educational purposes. All the rights belong to the original artists. If by any mean you believe any commercial right or intellectual property are being violated, please let me know to bring the file offline.

    1. Thank you so much Wilma and I totally love the links with the downloads. Some of the links do not work anymore as they are probably to old. I have listen to your playlists and LOVE THEM. Spinning is so much fun with your music choices. Keep posting as I am now hooked on your posts. If would love to get a old on your older playlist downloads.
      grateful and Yoohoo let’s spin,

  49. Here’s a try-out that I have been collecting and combining in the last couple of months. Probably not perfect (I’m not an official instructor or so), but I like the music and they give me a great work-out. Not sure about the order, and exact timing. Total time is appr. 50 minutes (probably a bit more, but less than 1 hour). Please let me know what you think.

    Beautiful Monster – Ne-Yo (4:12): Good for the start of a work-out. Get the pace up during the choruses.

    Ready 2 Go – Martin Solveig & Kele (4:25): Rolling hills, out of the saddle.

    Skies On Fire (Original Mix) – First State feat Sarah Howells (6:12): Hills. Climbing with nice parts to go downhill (2:07-2:51, 4:44-5:29, 5:44-end).

    Sinead (Benno de Goeij Remix) – Within Temptation (3:04): Short song, but great for climbing, with perhaps sprints at 0:45-1:12 and 2:18-2:50.

    Good Thing – Fine Young Cannibals (3:22): Steady beat, can be used for climbing or running (I prefer the latter).

    Watercolour – Pendulum (4:48): Apparently this was also used for RPM, but I’d never heard it before. Nice, fast paced song, good for sprinting with jumps.

    Holding Out For A Hero (Dance Version Jellybean Remix) – Bonnie Tyler (6:20): Great song for climbing (standing up).

    Love is Darkness – Sander van Doorn feat Carol Lee (3:18): Sprinting. It slows down after the first minute, but after that it’s downhill, fast!

    Elephant – Alexandra Burke feat. Erick Morillo (3:50): Climbing.
    How Much Is The Fish – Scooter (3:45): Great sprinting song.

    Bullfrog (Original Mix) – Ralphie B (7:03): Climbing, but some parts can be used for sprinting.

    Ass Back Home (feat Neon Hitch) – Gym Class Heroes (3:42): I really like this song, can listen to it all day. Beat is good for climbing or running.

    If I Had A Million Dollars – Barenaked Ladies (4:25): Nice for cooling down.

    Please Don’t Let Me Go – Olly Murs (3:24): Cooling down.

  50. hi everybody,
    here is my list for todays class.

    dont stop the party – b.e.p.
    hello-martin sloveg
    good feeling-flo rida
    house music- benny benassi
    antidote(original mix) – swedish house mafia
    pass out the freestyler(dj from mars fm remix)
    sexy and i know it- LMFAO
    desert walk-kato
    galvanize- chemical brothers
    under the bridge – RHCP

    greetings from turkey.

  51. Hi everybody

    I’ve got an easter mix for you. I find it very lating and fun. The main idea is to concentrate on lungs resistance and cardiovascular tone with some short hardcore intervals.

    I noticed that many have been downloading the mix. I thank you for that. I’d really appreciate any input, I am just learning to do this and would love to have some advice to correct my mistakes.

    Here you go:

    001. WarmUp:
    001.1. [2:28][91RPM] – Now you are gonne (Basshunter – Feat DJ Mental)
    [Seated Flat] – 60%
    001.2. [3:14][132RPM] – Now you are gonne (Basshunter – Fonzerelli Edit)
    [Seated Flat] – 65%
    001.3. [6:00][120RPM] – El Sol de la Noche (Salsa Celtica)
    [Standing Flat] – 75%
    001.4. [6:00][128RPM] – Zumba Samba (Karmin Shiff)
    [Standing Climbing] – 80%

    002. Main
    002.1. [3:00][127RPM] – Work hard, play hard (Tiesto)
    [Seated Flat – Aero] – 70%
    002.2. [3:00][86RPM] – Girl gone wild (Madonna)
    [Standing Climbing] – 85%
    002.3. [3:30][126RPM] – Malo (AvicII)
    [Seated Flat – Aero] – 70%
    002.4. [3:00][129RPM] – Gang Bang (Madonna)
    [Standing climbing] – 90%
    002.5. [3:00][130RPM] – Verano (Paul Van Dyk)
    [Seated Flat – Aero] – 70%
    002.6. [4:00][100RPM] – El Boulevard (Thangheto)
    [Standing Climbing] – 85%
    002.7. [3:00][134RPM] – Let’s get re-started (Black Eyed Peas)
    [Seated Flat – Aero] – 70%
    002.8. [3:00][134RPM] – Simple little melody (Black Eyed Peas)
    [Seated Flat – Aero] – 80%
    002.9. [3:00][105RPM] – Tocarte Toa (Calle 13)
    [Standing Climbing – 90%-95%

    003. Cool Down
    003.1. [3:46] C’est déjà ça (Alain Souchon)
    [Seated Relax]

    If you want to give it a try you can get the mix from here:

    Please remember that the mix is provided without any commercial interest and only with educational purposes. All the rights belong to the original artists. If by any mean you believe any commercial right or intellectual property are being violated, please let me know to bring the file offline.

  52. Hi all

    I created a kind of weird playlist. You can use it for long climbs kind of training. It focuses on resistance. At first I thought it was not going to work but I tried it and it worked quite well. As always, just keep your mind in the music and it will go well.

    001. WarmUp:
    001.1. [5:10][130RPM] – Late night Alumni (Empty Streets)
    [Seated Flat] – 60% (Right Leg)
    001.2. [1:30][115RPM] – Upper Grooves (Happy Hour)
    [Standing Flat] – 70% (Right Leg)
    001.3. [1:30][77RPM] – Telephone (Lady Gaga, Alphabeat Remix)
    [Standing Climb] – 80% ((Right Leg)
    001.4. [1:30][115RPM] – Upper Grooves (Happy Hour)
    [Standing Flat] – 70% (Left leg)
    001.5. [1:30][77RPM] – Telephone (Lady Gaga, Alphabeat Remix)
    [Standing Climb] -80% (Left Leg)

    002. Main
    002.1. [2:30][120RPM] – Alors on danse (Stromae)
    [Standing Flat] – 70% (Right Leg)
    You have 10 seconds to rest and have a sip of water. Stand up at the first beat.
    002.2. [6:00][85RPM] – Pa’ bailar (Bajo Fondo)
    [Standing Climbing] – 85% (Left Leg)
    002.3. [7:30][130RPM] – No hesitation / Cloudwalking (DJ Tiesto)
    [Seated Flat] – 70% (Alternate Legs)
    002.4. [3:20][90RPM] – Rayuela (Ghotan Project)
    [Standing climbing] – 90% (Right Leg)
    002.5. [6:00][126RPM] – Out There (Vasilis Giotis)
    [Standing Flat] – 80% (Left Leg)
    002.6. [6:00][126RPM] – Bad Girl (Brown Sugar and Kid Shakers)
    [Standing Flat] – 80% (Right Leg)
    002.7. [7:28][80RPM] – Amor Porteño (Gothan Project)
    [Standing Climbing] – 95% (Choose random leg)

    003. Cool Down
    003.1. [x:xx] Just keep going with the last one until you have to seat and slow down, follow your body.
    [Seated Relax]

    If you want to give it a try you can get the mix from here:

    Please remember that the mix is provided without any commercial interest and only with educational purposes. All the rights belong to the original artists. If by any mean you believe any commercial right or intellectual property are being violated, please let me know to bring the file offline.

    1. Could you reload this mix as I am addicted to your playlists and just joined in so this link is “to old” and I would be so grateful if you could reload for us to download. I was looking for a resistance playlists and this is answering my prayers. Love your work and keep posting.

  53. Ok the purists are going to hate this, but this has been my most successful indoor cycling session yet. The feedback off of cyclists has been incredible.
    I am a Spin qualified instructor and for a while I stuck to the Spin rules and moves. However I realised quickly that my clients wanted more. The RPM/cadence etc was too slow for them. So I decided to introduce faster cadence songs and more moves. This might not be to everyone’s taste but my clients love it. As you see from the moves below there is very rarely a 1 move per song, only on the fast flats. I have them moving all the time and they LOVE it. Less than a year ago we started with 2 classes a week, now we do 9 and there is demand for more.

    As you see from the playlist below, most are old sing-a-long songs that have been remixed. So everyone loves them young and old.

    **Please note the last fast flat EVE OF THE WAR (ULLADUBULLA JEFF WAYNE REMIX) this is a very intense song that will pull the cyclists along.













    FAST FLAT – WAITING FOR TONIGHT (Alex Gaudino & Jerma pres. Lil Love) 3.41




    1. I hope you keep posting as I am just starting out teaching and I am going to try a couple of your songs in my next class.

  54. Hi everyone,
    I absolutely love this website, it has been incredibly helpful in find music suggestions for my classes.

    It’s my turn to share now. I did a fundraising class yesterday for the American Cancer Society. I put a lot of thought in to picking relevant and fun music. Here it is:
    – Give Me Everything, Pitbull
    – Hey Hey Hey, Michale Franti/Spearhead
    – Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Pat Benatar
    – Move Along, All American Rejects
    – Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Marvin Gaye
    – Firework, Katy Perry
    – Smile, Uncle Kracker
    – Dog Days Are Over, Florence and the Machine
    – Just the Way You Are, Bruno Mars
    – Livin’ On A Prayer, Bon Jovi
    – The Time, Black Eyed Peas
    – Beat It, Michael Jackson
    – How Do You Like Me Now, Toby Keith
    – I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor
    – The Middle, Jimmy Eats World
    – The Climb, Myley Cyrus

  55. I have been spinning for years but just decided to take it to the next level of instructing when I switched gyms and saw a need for more quality classes! My certification course isn’t for a few weeks but I’m incredibly nervous about being out “in front.” I’m devouring all of the resources and information I can find online to help prepare myself better. What a gift this website is! I have a running playlist that I was hoping might be a good one to spin to as well. I’d love comments and feedback on this list of songs. It’s fun to look at other people’s playlists– such a “window” into individual personalities and interests!
    Here’s mine:

    Anniversary Song- Cowboy Junkies
    Clocks- COldPLay
    Let’s Get It Started- Black Eyed Peas
    New Sensation- INXS
    Somebod TOld Me- The Killers
    I Think We’re Alone Now- Tiffany
    Family Affair- Mary J. Blige
    Speed Of Sound- Coldplay
    All THese Things that I’ve Done- The Killers
    Die Another Day- Madonna
    Set Fire TO THe Rain- Adele
    Lucky- Jason Mraz

    ANy tips on replacements, order, and workout ideas for any of the songs are appreciated! Also, how do you remove the pause between songs on an ipod? THANKS!!! –Kris

  56. Has anyone ever done a class with all the bikes facing eachother and have a team 1 and team 2 type thing? what did you do? How did it work? I was thinking about trying this. Thanks!

    1. I once lined everyone up in a straight line like they were “drafting” each other and we had 4 sets of teams. It was so funny! “I hard to work so much harder” was the biggest comment.

    2. HIya April,

      I did a class like that for a Race Day and it was pretty cool…however, you need a class that contain enthusiastic spinners to make it really work.

      Good luck. I did another race day and all the bikes were in a circle simulating the laps…it was really cool and a lot of fun!

      Have fun and enjoy,


  57. Hi All –

    Two years ago I posted my St. Patrick’s Day ride titled “Irish Stew.” Type that into your “Find” box and it will come up. I’m making a few changes for this year’s ride, adding “Thing Of Beauty” by the Hothouse Flowers and “Danny Boy” by Off Kilter to end the class and sacrificing Rory Gallagher. Off Kilter is the only non-Irish band (though one co-founder is Irish born). I trimmed 45 seconds off the start and some of the end as well, not needing too much of some plaintive Irish flute. But its a hoot to hear such a rockin’ version of DB. Unfortunately, iTunes and Amazon don’t have Off Kilter but you can hear a snippet on their website or better yet, a live version on YouTube.

    The Hothouse Flowers required a bit of editing as well, but it’s a great song with a powerful beat. Finally, I can’t go without commending Van Morrison for any St. P’s day ride. The live version of “Domino” just kicks it.


  58. I really want to put together a Disco Spin class. Does anyone have a playlist with routine already made up? I would appreciate any help that you could give.

    1. Hiya Adam, I love love love DISCO!!!!

      I did the following for my Disco Spin:

      I Just want to be your everything
      Flashhdance…What a Feelin’
      Disco Inferno
      Ring My Bell
      Ain’t Nobody
      Keep it Comin’ Love
      Hot Stuff
      Knock on Wood
      It’s Raining Men
      We Are Family
      Can’t Get enough of your love

      If you’d like me to break down the class I will, but I have dig it up…this is the play list. Enjoy!!!!


      1. Hi Syd,
        Thank you so much for this. I will listen to them and see how the class should be broken down. If you can find the routine easily, great, if not that’s ok too you have given a good start. I have only been instructing for 4 weeks now, so this website is a godsend.


    Hi all, I made a “rough” copy of my ride and I’m listening to it now! I download most of my music from e-music and then use NERO software to slice, splice, and mix. It’s very spirited. I cut out the first 1:47 minutes of the Riverdance “Celtic Spirit” and then did an overlap into Celtic Irish Folk “Dueling Violins”…all my rides are a continuous mix with a 6-12 second overlap into each song.


    U2_01_Mysterious Ways (Mainfesto Mix)
    Great Big Sea_03_Road to Ruin
    Various Artists_04_Stand Up! (Single Edit)
    Flogging Molly_05_Swagger
    Riverdance_06_Celtic Spirit.
    Celtic Irish Folk _07_Dueling Violins
    Dropkick Murphys_08_The Hardest Mile
    Party Rock Anthem_09_Club can´t Handle me
    Great Big Sea_10_Wandering Ways
    Flogging Molly_11_Drunken Lullabies
    Imelda May_12_Johnny Got A Boom Boom
    Great Big Sea_13_Mari Mac
    Dropkick Murphys_14_Going Out In Style.
    Total Ride Time: 45:57.43
    The “clip” is a public service announcement I found about the health benefits of switching from high caloric drinks to water…I don’t have a cool down as we are doing a three hour benefit ride and I’ll be switching off to another instructor.

    Thanks to all the instructors that through in the song ideas…this is a product of your suggestions! Let’s Emerald Rock and Ride On!

    1. LOVE “Going Out in Style.” My riders are pretty lenient and cool when it comes to lyrics so they’ll really enjoy this one. Thank you!!! I’m putting my Emerald List together as we speak and I’ve got three Dropkick Murphys (Tessie, Spicy McHaggis and Going Out in Style). And I LOVE Mari Mac.

      1. “Going Out in Style” just adds the right flare to the end of any ride! Thanks for the other Dropkick Murphy’s suggestions…Take care and EAT A HILL for BREAKFAST!

  60. Hello everybody

    I have a new playlist and I’d love to have your input and critics.

    001. WarmUp:
    001.1. [5:00][125RPM] – Raise your weapon (Deadmau5)
    [Seated Flat] – 60%
    001.2. [3:00][128RPM] – Turn me on (David Guetta)
    [Standing Flat] – 80%
    001.3. [3:00][128RPM] – Sweat (David Guetta & Afrojack)
    [Standing Climb] -70%
    001.4. [2:00][128RPM] – Turn me on (David Guetta)
    [Standing Flat] – 80%
    001.5. [4:00][128RPM] – Madagascar (Tiesto, Cignus X Remix)
    [Standing Climb] -70%

    002. Main
    002.1. [6:0][115RPM] – Lift me up (Moby)
    [Seated Flat] – 60% first 3 minutes then increase to 65%
    002.2. [5:40][135RPM] – After (Moby)
    [Seated Flat] – 60% to 70% –
    Almost 12 minutes seated may get boring so keep the mind in the beat and play with the position from simple to aero and back in intervals.
    002.3. [3:40][118RPM] – She doesn’t mind (Sean Paul)
    [Standing Flat] – 80%
    002.4. [6:00][90RPM] – Tell me why (Amna)
    [Standing climbing] – 90%
    002.5. [3:00][127RPM] – No sleeping (Corina)
    [Standing Flat] – 80%
    002.6. [4:00][125RPM] – One Love (David Guetta)
    [Standing climbing] – 90%
    002.7. [7:28][135RPM] – New York City (Paul Van Dyk)
    [Seated Flat] – 60% to 70

    003. Cool Down
    003.1. [4:00][127RPM] – Esa Noche (Café Tacvba)
    [Seated Relax]

    If you want to give it a try you can get the mix from here:

    Please remember that the mix is provided without any commercial interest and only with educational purposes. All the rights belong to the original artists. If by any mean you believe any commercial right or intellectual property are being violated, please let me know to bring the file offline.

  61. Movie Tour :) from Germany (rookie class)

    1. The Indiana Jones Theme // Introduce your Class

    2. Das Boot 2001 [DJ Mellow-D Remix // Das Boot // 5min warmup

    3. Nile Rodgers – Axel.F (Beverly Hills Cop 3 ) 2:58 // 16x 8x 4x Jumps

    4. Will Smith – Men In Black 3:47 // Standing Climb

    5. Michael Sembello – Maniac (Flashdance) 4:05 // seated flat

    6. Braveheart Dance & Trance ~ Protect Your Mind by DJ Sakin & Friends [HD] 3:31 // 0:53 – 1:22 = 16x Jumps / 1:22 – 2:33 offbeat seated flat / 2:33 – 3:31 8x Jumps

    7. Belive – Franka Potente (Lola rennt) 4:02 // Freestyle

    8. Miss Marple Theme 3:00 // Break // just roll :)

    9. Kenny Loggins – Danger Zone (Top Gun Soundtrack) 3:57 // 0:18 curt over the arch upper part of the body dont range only the femorel work !!
    0:46 the same 1:53 the same

    10 Eye Of The Tiger – Rocky 4:06 // Standing Climb

    11. The Rocky Horror Show The Time Warp 4:00 // Seated Flat

    12. Scotty – The Black Pearl [HQ] 3:32 pirates of the carebean // 0:00 – 0:51 Stand (much drag) -> 0:51 – 1:20 seating flat -> 1:20 – 1:50 waves/jumps -> 1:50 seat or stand -> 2:35 – 3:20 Jumps or waves

    13. Clubbed to Death 7:28 Matrix // 0 – 2:55 Standing Climb -> break -> 3:58 – 5:54 seated climb

    14. take a look around – Limp Biskit / Mission Impossible 5:23 /
    Say you do 2 hard sprints and make 3 :)
    1:25 stand up -> 1:40 – 2:05 HARD Drag and Fast Sprint ->
    2:50 stand up -> 3:09 – 3:35 HARD Drag and Fast sprint ->
    …… 4:14 – 4:35 HARD Drag and Fast sprint

    Ghostbusters 4:00 Ray Parker Jr Ghostbusters drive out

    Titanic or Time of my live Stretch

    greetings from Germany


    Have a World Tour or a USA Tour or a Latino Class ask if you want more of this ;)

    Love this website thx you all :) its a big help

  62. I had a request for an All Hills class. I never turn down a good request and I never introduce something new on my riders until I try it out myself first . That being said, I put this to the pedal today….and holy moly. Be careful what you wish for!

    WARM UP: Let’s Get Loud – Jennifer Lopez

    The hills start here. We use the Kaiser bikes…so from here til the last hill…resistance is at a 12 and higher.

    Don’t Stop – Foster The People (seated)

    Yeah! – Usher, Li’l Wayne, Ludacris (seated to start…popping out of the saddle on the chorus…adding resistance before we had back to the saddle)

    Harder to Breathe – Maroon 5. Sprints on where he says “Is there anyone out there cuz it’s getting harder to breathe.” It certainly is!

    Do You Wanna Touch Me – Joan Jett. Jumps. 8 ct, 4 ct, 2 ct.

    When We Stand Together – Nickelback. What else but a standing climb.

    The Beautiful People – Christina Aguilera. LOOOVE this one. Hands are all the way out to the ends of the handlebars the entire time….and we’re nice and low. Resistance stays at about a 12-14 for this one.

    Pump It – Black Eyed Peas. Rolling Hills. Start at a 12. When we hear “Pump It” – add one. Roll it back down after the chorus…and do it again.

    Lose Yourself – Eminem. Seated climb…block your ears when he drops the “F” bomb.

    Pour Some Sugar On Me – Def Leppard. Once again…standing climb. Make the resistance higher than the last one.

    Kiss With a Fist – Florence and the Machine. Two minutes of solid, hard, work. RPMs are hovering around 115…resistance is at at least a 12. Holy moly.

    This is it. The last hill of the day.
    Because We Can – Fatboy Slim. Give it everything…high resistance…speed…and there’s a sprint thrown in there for good measure. Listen for it…and speed up when the music does (I had to download this one from Listentoyoutube.com. It’s not available on iTunes).

    All In – Lifehouse. Nice flat road.
    Proud – Richard Niles. Riders should be proud that they just finished about 40 minutes of uphill work.
    Bright Lights Big City – Cooldown/Stretch

    1. Hi Dana!
      that’s Ilenia from Italy here :-)
      I’ll get your hints for my next “all hill” class…..I know for sure that every ride on a Keiser is a great one!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. St. Patty’s Day is coming up and I’m doing a charity event ride as the lead off instructor. Any great peppy Irish or “Green” tunes you would care to share would be appreciated. I’ll get my ride posted before the holiday, so all may get some ideas. Thanks. As a side-note, I downloaded some sound effects (car passing by real fast w/horn and a mad cow mooing)…everyone loved them at the 5:15 a.m. cycle class.

    1. I love anything by the Dropkick Murphys. I LOVE “Tessie”…and “Spicy McHaggis” has a fantastic beat for either a heavy climb or jumps.(however…the lyrics are a bit raunchy….if you can understand them).

      And there’s always Riverdance. “Irish Rover” from The Pogues is pretty good, too.

      1. Thanks Dana…I do love Dropkick Murphy’s. The folks in my class “chill” when it comes to lyrics…I just don’t use the F-bomb, ever!
        I also plan on using some Flogging Molly:
        1. Drunken Lullabies (e-music) (jogs/runs)
        2. What’s Left of the Flag (e-music) (hills and valleys with “gear” play)
        3. Swagger (e-music) (standing jog)
        4. Cruel Mistress (e-music) (sitting jog w/a spike in gears after each
        chorus; when music slows…go to SHORT, STEEP HILL, then crank the gear down and run like hell (hips stay steady).

        These songs are fast paced and happy…I won’t use them all in the same ride, pick and choose! They do leave you feeling good and that’s what it’s all about in the end.

        Keep ’em rollin’ in gang…I’ve got a great start and thanks…Ride will be posted soon.

        P.S. Went to Bondiband.com and got my St. Patrick’s Day headgear!


    2. Hi BAR, here are three of my favourites:

      I’m Shipping Up to Boston – Dropkick Murphys (2:34): Recover for 30 seconds then do 15 seconds on/off. If you’re Irish, do ‘em standing. (A Dublin cabdriver once told me that Irish is a state of mind – I like that.)

      Mari Mac (Live) – Great Big Sea (3:19): Back in 1994, I went on a road trip to Newfoundland with some girlfriends. While poking around a record shop in St. John’s, we asked the clerk who he thought would be the next big musical thing to come from the Rock. He answered without hesitation: “Great Big Sea.” We bought the their first CD, which had just come out. 17 years later, they’ve released 12 albums, five of which have gone gold, and four platinum, including 1995′s Up, which went quadruple platinum and gave the band airplay across Canada. Time to split the class into two teams. We’re going to alternate 30 seconds sprinting with 30 seconds of recovery.

      Team One sprints from: 0:45 – 1:15, 1:45 – 2:15, and 2:45 – 3:15

      Team Two sprints from 1:15 – 1:45, 2:15 – 2:45, and what the hell, 2:45 – 3:15 if they want to show Team One who’s boss.

      The Old Black Rum – Great Big Sea (3:31): Is everyone sucking wind? It’s not quite time to quit. Sure, relax, have a blast, take a drink, whatever you like – for 38 seconds. Last two sprints of the day here: 0:38 – 1:22 (45 seconds), and 2:20 – 3:14 (54 seconds). If the old black rum’s ever gotten hold of you, sing along.

      Looking forward to checking out your St. Paddy’s ride. Thanks for offering to post it.

      1. OH CYNTHIA!

        Love that Mari Mac! I am using Great Big Sea and will post with my ride.

        Thanks and CRANK THAT CHAIN…


    3. I forgot to add this one the other day. “Cry of the Celts” by Ronan Hardiman. Love, love LOVE this one. A must for any St. Paddy’s list!! It’s short….so feel free to sprint the whole time.

  64. Hi Earthgirl74 –

    I’ve used a few versions of a list called “Divas” and it’s very popular. Each one has a song by Aretha, Tina and Patti LaBelle, usually using live versions, which they tend to speed up. But here’s a challenge: try making a list using only the names of girls/women in the song title. It’s not hard to find many such songs, but it is a bit difficult if you limit the list to the name only–Marianne, Valerie, Rhiannon, Peggy Sue, etc. I named these lists “Cherchez Les Femmes.” I also have a list using only artists named Patty or Patti. I had a few favorite tunes from LaBelle, Loveless, Austin, Smyth, Scialfa, and Smith and found a few more from lesser-known artists. If you like, I’ll send along whatever interests you. Just drop my a line at rbleventhal@gmail.com.


    1. Bob,

      Thanks for the wonderful ideas. I just did a speed endurance class with all Whitney Houston songs. I know people didn’t expect speed class with Whitney, but it worked like a champ!

      I’ll be sending you an email tonight, thanks Bob!


      1. I thought I was brave for doing an all-Gaga class or an all-Slumdog Millionaire class, but an all-Whitney class takes cojones. I think you have to post this one, Syd.

      2. Hey Cynthia,

        Ok my tribute to Whitney Houston was a Speed Endurance Ride….

        Star Spangled Banner (live performance 27 Jan 91) – W/U (2:15)
        Queen of the Night (CJ Mackintosh Mix)- continuation of warm-up (3:46)
        So Emotional (David Morales Mix) – seated flat, running flat (3:57)
        It’s Not Right But It’s Okay (Thunderpuss Mix) – seated flat (4:16)
        I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) – seat flat, running flat (4:53)
        How Will I know (Junior Vasquez Mix) – seated flat (4:10)
        I’m Every Woman (Clivilles & Cole Mix) – seated flat, running flat (4:31)
        I Will Always Love You (Hex Hector Mix) – seated flat (4:51)
        I’m Your Baby Tonight – seated flat (5:01)
        Love Will Save the Day (Jellybean & David Morales Mix) – seated flat steady increase to get to running on a hill (5:06)
        Greatest Love of All (Junior Vasquez Mix) – seated flat (5:09)
        I Learned From the Best (Hq2 Mix) – seated flat (4:23)
        Run to You – cool down (4:27)

        Keeping in mind this is class is all about speed the seated flats are just below a sprint. Each repeat event is a bit harder telling the class to try and keep the same speed/pace for a certain amount of time and it should increase in resistance (still on a flat road) and pace each time. Hope that makes sense to you and all who enjoy this ride. If you need any of the music, please let me know I’ll email out it.

        I have a race day planned again and I’m so excited. I’m planning a night right in one location and I’m going to go get some of the flameless candles and put them all over the room. I can’t WAIT!!!!!! So excited. If anyone is interested in my Race Day class let me know. I’m planning out the music this weekend and the theme – NIGHT, RIDE…of course. If you have an idea of a song for this type of ride…I’m all EYES and EARS!

      3. ok Folks, I can’t figure out how to start a new post, but I wanted to share my pics of my night ride race day! Welll…maybe someone can tell me how to do just that!


    2. Thanks Bob. I love how how plain the connections are in your playlists and how subtle they’d appear to riders… sometimes it would be pretty hard to make the connection I think. (I know you circulate your playlists in advance to those on your mailing list, so they get a heads up beforehand.)

  65. In honor of Valentine’s Day, I taught 2 “love song”-themed classes… the only requirement was that the title or the song itself had to say love somewhere. There were definitely too many choices in my iTunes library! And in honor of Whitney Houston, I threw in a couple of her greatest. I spread these out over 2 classes on the 13th and 15th but they could be one long class as well. I included drills for some of the songs but ended up just playing it by ear during the 2nd class. It didn’t end up being too sappy – especially rocking out to “Love in an Elevator” at the end of the first class!

    The “LOVE” Ride
    True Fine Love – Steve Miller Band – warmup
    How Will I Know – Whitney Houston – warmup
    You Can’t Hurry Love – Dixie Chicks – warmup
    Can’t Get Enough of Your Love (Remix, 127 bpm) – minute @ 100 rpm, minute off, repeat x 3
    My Love is Your Love (Remix) – Whitney Houston – 30 seconds on/30 seconds off
    Love the Way You Lie – Eminem/Rihanna – seated climb
    We Found Love – Rihanna – jog
    Where is the Love? – Black Eyed Peas – seated climb
    Jump for my Love – The Pointer Sisters – jumps
    Bad Romance – Lady Gaga – standing climb
    Crazy in Love – Beyonce – jog
    Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Queen – 2 minute pace ride
    Lay All Your Love on Me – ABBA – rolling hills
    Love in an Elevator – Aerosmith – minute on/minute off
    Love Shack – The B52s – 40 seconds on/20 seconds off
    Can’t Buy Me Love – The Beatles – sprints
    Love the One Your With – Stephen Stills
    Hello, I Love You – The Doors
    Say You Love Me – Fleetwood Mac
    Best of My Love (Remix, 132 bpm) – The Emotions
    The Love You Save – Jackson 5
    Love at First Sight – Kylie Minogue
    This Love – Maroon 5
    Accidentally in Love – Counting Crows
    Love You Out Loud – Rascal Flatts
    Love Game – Lady Gaga
    Love You Like a Love Song – Selena Gomez
    I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston – cooldown
    Can’t Help Falling in Love – Andy Williams – cooldown
    Do You Love Me – Guster – cooldown
    Lover Lay Down – Dave Matthews Band – cooldown

    1. I had a few of these in my Valentine’s/Tribute to Whitney class, too!! :) I used songs with either “heart” or “love”. I also used “Love Stinks” by J. Giles..”This is How a Heart Breaks” by Rob Thomas .and “U and UR Hand” by Pink…just in case case anyone was alone and bitter on Valentine’s Day. :)

      1. Yup, I agree Dana. My Valentine’s playlist always has something for the single folks. (I always use U and Ur Hand, too…) Adam Sandler does an awesome version of Love Stinks in The Wedding Singer.

    2. Awesome Jeni. This one’s going to become an evergreen playlist I think. (“Evergreen” is a term magazine and newspaper editors use to signify a subject that is always topical or relevant). I think my new and improved blog should have a spot with links to theme rides so people can come and quickly find a ride that fits the season…

  66. In honor of the Superbowl today, I am doing a superbowl halftime performance themed ride. I have Madonna, Black Eyed Peas, Janet Jackson, Micheal Jackson, U2, Usher and Justin Timberlake. I will post the full routine a little later and let you all know how it goes! I’m excited for it.

  67. Hello everybody

    I am tryingg to organize my Spinning Mixes, so I can share it with others and hopefully get some feedback and recommendatiosn. I like the mizes quite hardcore and fast paced but I guess anyone can adapt them at their needs. I have more but this is the first one I organized properly:

    001. WarmUp:
    001.1. [5:00][120RPM] – So What (Acid Luke)
    [Seated Flat]
    001.2. [5:00][130RPM] – Rolling in the Deep (Adele)
    [Jumps – Change every 30 Secs)(Standing flat/Standing Intermediate)]
    001.3. [3:40][110RPM] – Hasta abajo (Don Omar)
    [Standing Climb]

    002. Main
    002.1. [6:20][130RPM/100RPM] – Someone like you (Adele)
    [Alternate Standing flat and climbing every 2 min]
    002.2. [2:20][140RPM] – Give me everything (Afrojack – Original)
    [Seated Flat]
    002.3. [2:20][100RPM/140RPM] – Give me everything (Afrojack – DJ Kaybul Remix)
    [Alternate Standing flat and climbing every 2 min]
    002.4. [6:00][100RPM/140RPM] – Open your eyes (Alex Metric)
    [Alternate Standing flat and climbing every 3 min]
    002.5. [3:00][140RPM] – Me Enamore (Angel & Khriz)
    [Seated Flat]
    002.5. [6:00][110RPM/140RPM] – Duck Sauce (Armin Van Helden)
    [Alternate Standing climbing and seated flat every 3 min]

    003. Cool Down
    003.1. [3:00][120RPM] – Love is a loosing game (AMie Winehouse)
    [Seated Relax]

    I already have the mixed in MP3 format but I don’t know if I can publish here a link to download. If anybody is interested just shoot me a message, as far as you understand that I provide it at no charge without any commercial aim in mind and only for your personal use.

    Thanks for this wonderful blog

      1. hi. looks great. would love the link to download your playlist and try it out…..please send. thanks.

    1. Hi Wilma I am just getting back into spinning and loved your mix want to try and send over, Cheers Andrew

    2. Hi! What a nice offer to publish this mix for anyone interested in trying it out. I would love to try it out for my own personal use if you don’t mind!

  68. Hello spin friends! I recently needed something during the active recovery time for one of my classes. I remember reading somewhere to play Simon Says. I thought.. Why not? Here is what I did. During active recovery, I explained the game. I would then yell out “Simon says..standing run”!, everyone would stand and run, then I would yell out another bike position and say “simon says”, once I don’t say “Simon Says” first, and someone moves, everyone must do a 10 sec sprint! It’s great way to fill in the time.

    Give it a try..it’s good wholesome fun!

    Breath and Smile!

  69. Hi everyone,
    I have been spinning for about 5 years now and I have finally decided to take the leap and teach. My first class is scheduled for Sunday and I’m excited and nervous and feel like I might puke when I think about it. I’m so nervous about getting up there and going blank. I have a cheat sheet, but it’s still nerve-wracking. Here is the playlist I have come up with and I would love any feedback!

    Viva la Vida by Coldplay 4:04 Warm-up and stretch

    Tonight is the Night by Outasight 3:10 Stil warming up sitting to standing, increasing resistance throughout song and rotating hand position

    Blackout by Breathe Carolina 3:30 Jumps with an Isolation during the part where he sings, “this won’t stop till I say so”

    Paradise by Coldplay 4:39 Seated climb

    It Will Rain by Bruno Mars 4:20

    Marry the Night by Lady Gaga Sprint the choruses

    Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO 3:22- Jumps 8ct verses/4ct choruses

    Beautiful People by Chris Brown feat Benny Benassi 3:43 8ct around the bike(Hand position 2, Hand position 3, Slide, sit down) verses and 2 ct around the bike for choruses

    We found Love by Rihanna 3:38 Up in 3rd and sprint choruses

    Animal by Neon Trees 3:38 Rolling Hills

    You and Me by Ben Rector- Cooldown and Stretch on bike

    A Thousand Years by Christina Perri- Stretch off the bike

    1. Congratulations!!!! This is a great playlist…you’ll do fine. I started teaching last year…my first time up there with a mic in front of all those people….I thought for SURE everyone could see me shaking. The fact that I didn’t throw up still amazes me. A fellow instructor eased my nerves a little bit by telling me “they just want to follow someone.” Since you’ve been spinning for 5 years…you’re already a pro!

      Now I’m up to teaching six classes per week and I absolutley LOVE it. Keep everyone posted!!!

      1. Dana, Thank you soooooo much! It’s good to know that I’m not the only one who feels this way about teaching for the first time! I went in to practice today, but it got cut short because a trainor had a session and needed the spin room:( I’m hoping to go back later tonight and try again. I will definitely keep you posted. Thanks again!

    2. A Certified Spinning Instructor would never teach a isolation, please check out contradicted movements in the Spinning Program. Care for your students, don’t teach things that could potentially harm them. But good luck.

      1. Thanks Dana for the words of encouragement. I added some things to fill the full hour, but it was such an amazing and exhilarating experience! I was on a pure adrenaline rush all day long! I am so excited for next weeks class.
        Jeff where I teach it’s not technically ‘Spinning’, but indoor cycling and I’m not sure what you mean when you say an isolation could potentially harm them. It is just holding your upper body still in a standing postion while focusing on the movement of your legs.

      2. Ashley – Where did you get your certification? I believe all the certifying bodies for indoor cycle (“Spinning” or the others) teach that “isolations” (exactly as you describe them) are contraindicated moves. They can hurt people’s knees because the alignment on a spin bike is not appropriate for that sort of “lunge” like move. It is not an effective way to train, and it can cause heartrates to drop since you have to slow the cadence down so much, so it’s not great aerobically either. Much better to ride properly, and then if you wish to train your legs, do lunges or squats off the bike.
        I’m not a fan of the outdoor cycling “purists” who get very dogmatic about not doing anything indoor that you don’t do outdoors. There are some safe moves on indoor bikes that make sense that don’t work outdoors (e.g. controlled jumps/lifts). But, we instructors do need to be responsible and avoid contraindicated moves. Even if it doesn’t hurt *you,* it’s contraindicated because it does hurt some people.

        Congratulations on your ride btw! I don’t mean to be critical. I just think think safety is an important component of being an instructor. Have fun and ride on! :-)

      3. Herein lies the contraversy with indoor cycling—I agree with Jeff, a certified instructor, any certified instructor, should not teach contraindicated movements like isolations ( potential knee injuries), pedaling faster than 110 rpms, pedaling w/ no or too little resistance, concurrent upper body exercises ( i.e.push ups off the handle bars) while cycling, stretching on the bike…I have 3 indoor cycling certs, Mad Dogg( Spinning), IFPA, and Schwinn- each encourages instructors to ‘keep it real’, if you dont see it outside, don’t take it inside. In order to ‘entertain’ riders and fill our classes we feel as though we have to compromise our integrity as instructors. Our #1 concern should be safety, #2 is to provide our riders with a great workout that will leave them energized or as I like to say pleasantly trashed. It takes planning, knowledge, confidence and experience to achieve that.

    3. That’s great that your first class left you on a good note all day! Congratulations! That’s EXACTLY how I felt after my first one.

      I, too, learned in my certification to stay away from “freezes” and yet I love them.. I don’t do them for every class…just in those where I know all my riders are experienced. I make sure that they load tons of resistance on the bike beforehand. If there is a new rider in class, I ask that they observe…and do them when they have slightly more experience (although I never discourage them trying it out!!).

      One song I use quite a bit is a HUGE hit. It’s called Painkiller by the Freestylers. I don’t use complete freezes persay. Here’s what we do: we start off on a hill…matching the resistance to the music. On the chorus, we take it out of the saddle…all the way in third…but only about an inch from the seat. So it’s KIND of like a freeze…but not really. Totally burns the thighs. We do four of them…on a count of four (out..2, 3, 4 down 2,3,4). We do this for each chorus (there are only three) but the last chorus…we do eight instead of four. I like to end my class with this one, and every single time I play this, I inevitably hear a “DAMN!!!!” and a few “WOOs! when it’s over. It’s not called Painkiller for nothing! :)

      1. Experience has nothing to do with it. I’ve been doing indoor cycle since 1995 (and teaching it since 2007). And, isolations or freezes hurt my knees.
        I know that it causes a “burn” in the quads & gluts. Some students and instructors misinterpret this “burn” as an effective workout. In reality, there is no benefit. No one gets stronger or leaner from this “burn.” It’s a very unsafe movement, causing a tremendous amount of pressure in the knee joint. The burning is caused by muscular inefficiency, loading the knee in extreme flexion, it doesn’t improve let strength in any way.

      2. Never really meant to discourage anyone, yes I do really try to keep it real inside the classroom since there are so many people out there trying so many “Soul Cycle” type of classes and trying to reinvent the wheel. Isn’t indoor cycling hard enough?

        I would like to share a recent article that I have reposted about what sounds like what you are doing in the above post.


        Take care my friends, and safe indoor cycling to you all.

      3. No worries Jeff. It was an important point. The link you posted has been closed – is there another place to find the article?

    4. Welcome, Ashley. Awesome to hear that your class went well. I’ve been teaching for 3 years now and my time on the bike is still one of the highlights of my week. I get a huge charge out of spinning and an even bigger charge out of teaching.

      Jeff has opened a can of worms here, hasn’t he? I both agree and disagree with him. First what I disagree with: my day job involves teaching adults and I spend a lot of time giving feedback to people who are learning new skills. Learning a new skill and putting oneself out there can leave one feeling very vulnerable and the wrong sort of criticism can cause a learner to give up. You were up front that you are a brand new spinning instructor approaching your first class and seeking feedback. For that reason, Jeff’s comment felt brusque to me.

      There are lots of indoor cycling websites where posters are critical and even mean to others, particularly around the use of contraindicated moves. (www.pedal-on.com is one example, which is a shame because there’s wealth of information there, but I can only take it in very small doses).

      I want Spinning Music to be a welcoming, safe community where all indoor cycling instructors can come to share our knowledge and enthusiasm for our sport. I love what a supportive community this blog has become, and I will protect that. I read every comment left on the blog. We need to be able to disagree and to discuss controversial topics as they come up. I encourage this. While I have never felt the need to delete a comment (other than spam), I would do so without hesitation if I felt it crossed the line.

      Now, what Jeff said that I agree with: he’s right about isolations or freezes being contraindicated (here is a link to a list of contraindicated moves. I think it’s fair to say that these are generally accepted as being a bad idea: http://mail-dog.com/page.html?p=000001XDDtjL1IFLkXd2E1xaNcJ1mfvJA1bHaA).

      Personally, I started out using isolations because I’d seen other instructors I respected doing them, and they were not covered as contraindicated in my initial training (which actually spent very little time on contra-indicated moves). I was interested in learning as much as possible about spinning, so while digging around on the Net, I began coming across discussions of contraindicated moves. I no longer use isolations in my classes.

      Okay, so what now? Get right back on the bike. Of course it’s always best to use proper form, but I am pretty sure there’s 500% more risk in a single outdoor ride on city streets than there is in even a spin class that included a contraindicated move. So don’t sweat it too much.



      1. Thank you Cynthia. I really appreciate the environment you’ve created here. As I said before, I really don’t care for the stringent “keep it real” folks who feel outdoor cycling is the standard to which indoor cycling should strive to live up to. I prefer indoor cycling where I can concentrate on my workout without feeling paranoid about cars or potholes or weather issues, etc. And I’m not particularly interested in tracking all the statistics with precision (VO2max, lactic threshhold, etc.). But, I do care about safety & body mechanics — especially since many folks come to cycling because an injury lead them away from something more weight bearing like running. I say this with respect and support for our fellow instructors: when we know better, do better. If you taught contraindicated moves without realizing it, that can happen to any of us. But, if you continue to teach unsafe moves when you know better, that’s irresponsible. We’re here to help each other out. We can all learn things, and I hope this can be a safe place to share & grow. Thanks again Cynthia for a great space for us!

      2. I had no idea posting my first spin class routine would have caused such a huge discussion. Thank you Cynthia for creating this site. It really is a wonderful resource and the positive response I received from Dana and you has been wonderful. I know that everyone else was just trying to help in pointing out that the isolations can cause injury and are unsafe. I’ve been taking spinning classes for 5 years now and most of the instructors in the classes that I take use isolations so I just incorporated them into my routine. In our training, I do not recall the isolations being brought up. I thank you for all of the feedback and look forward to continuing to grow as an instructor.

      3. I think the Spinning program is the only one that goes into detail on contraindicated moves. Glad to have you on the blog!

      4. Teach with a passion, be happy, be safe…remember those who are positive, listen, eat well, stay strong, be a mentor…enough said!

  70. Hey everyone!

    So I need some “words of encouragement” to use on my riders. I feel like I say the same things all the time…”Great job!” “Beautiful!” “You got this!” I need something new! Any motivating suggestions are welcome! :)

    1. Hey Dana, I typically pull off the music. By that I mean, I use the lyrics in my motivation with the class. I.e. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough…there ain’t no mountain we can’t get over…etc… That’s an example. Or Victorious….I sing…We WILL BE VICTORIOUS. Use your music and pull from it. There is something there, just have to listen.

      Prob a bit confusing, but it’s what I do, esp when I need a push. I listen to the words and shout it out.


      1. Thanks, Syd. Yeah…I tend to do that sometimes, too! One of my favorites is “My Body” by Young The Giant. It’s all about never quitting. “My body tells me no…but I won’t quit cause I want more..” And I feed off of that. And thanks for the song suggestion! Bonus! :)

    2. When climbing, I tell everyone to get into “O2” debt and when we go downhill I mention to put the brain on “numb” and let the lactic acid work out of the muscles.

      I also like using the phrase, “Sweat is just fat cells falling off your body!” This always gets a chuckle. My classes are full of humor…I’ve moo’ed for cows in the road…had sirens and train whistles, etc…When I moo’ed, one of the guys hollered…”Hey don’t Udder back!” Make it fun! “Bark” when a dog is chasing the team and everyone has to speed up! Have fun, it will show through in your ride.

      1. Biggest thing I get out of this is that no 2 bikes gearing is the same, with use the gears vary, so depending on the bike, you could be getting a totally different workout.

    3. Hey Dana,

      I struggle with keeping this fresh, too. I love Earthgirl74’s idea of pulling from the music (and I confess, I’ve used that line from Young the Giant too). I am also a big fan of humour, like Bar.

      So, here are some things I’ve been saying lately…

      – something related to the time elapsed or time left in the interval (e.g. “We’re 30 seconds in, 30 to go!”)
      – Race day visualizations
      – Reminding them of their accountability to themselves (e.g. I want you to get what you came for. Don’t leave today feeling like you could have given more.)
      – Before the final sprints: “Ok, it’s time to leave everything on the floor.”
      – “I’m going to do the next sprint interval standing. Who’s with me?”
      – Think of the music as the peloton. You have to keep up with it – don’t get left behind.”
      – “I want you to leave with that pleasantly thrashed feeling but you have to go get it.”

      Anyone else? I need some new stuff, too.

      1. Cynthia…these are GREAT!!!!!! Thank you SO much. And thank you for this site! I visit it almost daily for new songs, new moves, etc. No doubt this site has helped me become a better instructor.

        I often pull from the music…I was looking for words of encouragement that came from outside the songs…and so far, I’m finding what I’m looking for!

        And I love what you wrote in response to the contracticted moves.

  71. hey guys

    heres a little set to try on your riders if you use the keiser m3 bikes. the riders said it was the hardest thing they have ever done. ever…… including running or swimming.

    easy warm up at level 7 -10 for 5 minutes 100rpm

    the set
    the top riders did this at these levels

    1 minute @ 100 rpm level 14
    1 minute @ 100 rpm level 15
    1 minute @ 100 rpm level 16
    1 minute @ 100 rpm level 17

    x 5

    5 minutes easy recovery anything they want.

    then repeat…….

    10 minute cooldown

    i have never seen heart rates so high and determination to complete the set.


    1. Wow – I just started teaching on Kaiser bikes, and I’m still getting used to the computers, but 100 RPM at 14, 15, 16, & 17 seems crazy hard. I consider those gears hill gears, but 100 RPM is a pretty fast flat cadence. Am I way off??? Does anyone else familiar with Kaisers have guidelines for what range of gears/levels = “hill” vs. “flat” and what cadence you use for hill vs. flat?

      1. hey lisa

        a lot of the guys i train are tri-athletes or iron men, so they are used to pushing themselves but if you drop the starting gear by 4 and start at 10 i guarantee they will still be knackered. also remember a flat for someone is also a hill to someone else.

        for triathlons they recommend running at around 90 rpm for their bike so their legs dont burn out. this gives the riders on the last 2 mins of each set cadence around 95 rpm so over a period of a class they hit 95 rpm for most of it.

        it is a killer and not for the faint hearted but your riders will love it but hate it ate the same time. i teach this off the bike so everyone knows they cant hide.

        after all its about making them fitter not me,,,,


    2. Thanks for your reply Roddy. So, when you say you go thru it “x5” is there any break in between that 4th minute & beginning again at 1min? Or, do you just keep going thru 5x and then take your 5 minute break after 20 minutes?

    3. Holy moly! I’ve been using the Kaiser bike since I started and that seems CRAZY!!! I’ll try it out myself first before I introduce it to the class. Any particular songs you use?

      1. I second what Dana said – HOLY MOLY. I do triathlons and don’t think I could hit 100 rpm at those gears for 20 minutes straight. After warming up, I generally start my classes with a minute on at 100 rpm at 2 gears above whatever they consider their “flat road” (and then a minute off) x 3. I want to make sure they are out of breath at the end of each minute to make sure their flat road is going to be challenging enough. I’m going to try a variation of this drill at some lower gears and maybe a minute off between 4-minute sets and then try and work our way up to the full 20 minutes over the next few months.
        Lisa – I get my class (wide range of ages but pretty fit) to find their flat road by doing the above, but encourage them to be somewhere between 8 and 13. Standing jog generally 14 – 17, standing climb 15 – 20, and seated climb as high as they can tolerate. There are some other instructors at my gym that will go as high as 22 or 23, but I find that is just too hard on most people’s knees and they can get a better workout by going faster at the higher gears.
        Roddy – thanks for the suggestion!

  72. 35min Spin Work-Out

    Foo Fighters – Everlong : warm up

    Aerosmith – Come Toegether : The 2 Minute Challenge : 30sec seated @ 70%, 15sec rest, 60sec seated @ 70%, 15sec rest, 90sec standing @ 70%, 15sec rest, 2min standing @ 70%

    Incubus – Wish You Were Here & The White Stripes – Seven Nation Army : 30sec @ each position: seated hand position 1, seated hand position 3, hover, standing jog, hover, seated hand position 3, seated hand position 1

    Jet – Are You Gonna Be My Girl : Tempo Work, 50% gear

    Kings of Leon – Crawl, Linkin Park – In the End, & Black Eyed Peas – Imma Be : 9 Minute Climb : Start at 50% then increase tension every 30sec til the 3 minute mark, standing climb next 3min increasing tension every minute, last 3 minute is a climb at max tension for each person (standing or seated).

    Kenny Chesney – Don’t Blink : cool down and stretch

  73. Thank you so much Judy, yes that is exactly what it is, our gym is offering a sampler class of all the classes being offered and I have 15 minutes of spinning in it. I was planning on dedicating 2 minutes to everything. I absolutely love your choice of songs and am gonna take your advice. Thank you again for your time and reply.

  74. Dear Cynthia and all the spinning instructors, I thank you for this page Cynthia and for the wonderful advice and playlists. I am supposed to be giving a sampler class this coming Saturday and wanted to cut my songs to 2 minute lengths on my Ipod. Can you advise please, how do I do that.
    Thank you

    1. If I am interpreting this correctly you want to shorten the length of songs so that you can ‘strut your stuff’ and showcase your versatility as an instructor? You can listen to the tune and cut at an appropriate place then crossfade into the next tune. iTunes allows you to change start and stop times of songs plus create a gapless album- go into ‘get info’ ‘options’ and it will be self explanatory from there. How long will your demo class be? My suggestion is to take a few of your strongest tunes- from different genres- practice them so you feel confident-make sure you include warm up and cool down tunes. I’m loving ‘I’m Glad You Came’ for a warm up tune, “Feel the Beat’ Darude is great a great demo tune because you can climb, sprint, and ride a on a flat road all to the same tune, Rammstein’s “Du Hast’ is hauntingly wonderful, great way to end the demo is with ‘Invincible’ Hedley- it’s a yummy feel good tune.
      There are programs- like DJ Pro- that allow you do all sorts of fancy stuff to the tunes you choose to use or apps for the iPhone that allows you to change tempo…but I always find the original to be the best version, they just always feel ‘right’.
      Make sure your cues are clear and concise- use a microphone if one is available- it helps! Good Luck.

      1. This is excellent and glad the topic is already up for discussion. My gym is looking to do a 30 min class to see if we can get more folks interested in SPINNING. I love the above selections and look forward to giving this a…shall we say…SPIN.

        Thanks all,


      2. Thanks Judy,

        I’m rotating through a pedal and pump class. We cycle for 30 minutes, then get off the bike to do strength training!

  75. Here’s my first spin list for 2012, wide variety in years and nationality (but with an eye…ear!… on Scandinavian music)
    First set (after warm-up)
    1. From Paris to Berlin , Infernal (Danish). Stupid lyrics, but with good beats that kickstart the program. 63 RPM
    2.Just a Dream. Nellie. Sitting, plains. 90 RPM
    3. Jailhouse Rock. Elvis. Standing climb. 42 RPM
    4. CIty Boy. Donkey Boy (Norwegian). Standing when feeling like it, nice song to ease up the tension after climbing with Elvis :-). 60 RPM,
    5. Give it 2 me, Madonna, 63RPM. Jumps, with increasing resistance. 3-3 and 2-2.
    6. Links 2 3 4, Rammstein (Remix by Westbam). 65RPM. Sitting Climb, increase resistance twice to get to max pulse. Cut after 2-3 minutes, else it becomes too monotonous.

    Second set
    7. Mad World, Tears for Fears, mix by Michael Parsberg (danish), 60 RPM,
    8. Stereo Hearts, Gym Class Heroes, 90 RPM, sitting plains.
    9. Sexy and I Know it, LMFAO, 65 RPM, heavier resistance, sitting and standing.
    10. Møkkamann, Plumbo (Norwegian), 115 RPM, Downhill cycling, with increase in speed during refrains.

    Third set
    11. I Follow Rivers, Lykke LI (Swedish), 60 RPM
    12. Unstoppable, Kat DeLuna, 120. Jumps 3-3 and 2-2, increase and decrease resistance a couple of times.
    13. Engel, Rammstein. 42RPM. Siting climb in verses, extra heavy standing climb in the guitar sections. Wow, what an adrenaline kick!
    14. Chiquitita, ABBA, 84 RPM. Plains, but with sitting climbs (a little more resistance) during the two “refrains”.

    1. Thanks Nils. I am looking forward to looking up the songs I don’t know from this playlist. I was glad to see Give it 2 Me – I’d sort of forgotten about that one and it rocks. Also really enjoy From Paris to Berlin but haven’t used it as a warmup yet.


    Amazing Inna 03:32
    45 Stars On 45 03:00

    SET 1

    Sympathy For The Devil Rolling Stones 06:28
    C’mon (Catch ‘Em By Surprise) Tiesto vs. Diplo ft. Busta Rhymes 03:41
    Fortunate Son Creedence Clearwater Revival 02:31

    SET 2

    clubbed to death Matrix soundtrack 07:35
    Titanium David Guetta 04:00
    She Sells Sanctuary The Cult 04:31

    SET 3

    New Attitude Patti LaBelle 04:04
    Gold Dust DJ Fresh 03:14


    Wind Of Change Scorpions 04:44


  77. Hey All – is anybody planning a New Years special playlist? I want to do someting fun and inspiring but feel like the top songs of 2011 might be boring. Maybe I will do “my” to spinning songs for 2011 – what are you all doing???

    1. For the last few years I’ve done the “top of the year” songs as my New Years thing but I’m bored with that. So, I have a few different ideas for this years playlist.
      1) I could pick songs about: Beginnings, Starting, New, Fresh, Annual, Repeat etc. (but I’m struggling with finding 1 hour of quality music). Here are a few song idea’s / Let’s Get it Started – BEP , Start Me Up – Stones, Time to Start – Blue Man Group.
      2) My other idea (which I like better) is to create a playlist of songs that stand the test of time. So, playing songs that have been popular for a very long time. For example: Don’t Stop Believing – Journey, Anything by the Stones. etc. I’ll try to include newer artists too. Good luck. Let us know what you end up doing.

      1. I have three ideas (none of which I’ve executed yet). One is a Spinning through the Decades playlist – starting with a song or songs from the 60s, then 70s, then 80s, then 90s, then 00s, then 2010-2012. I am thinking of choosing iconic songs to represent each decade. (To make it fun, you could also mix it up and get riders to guess which decade the song came from & offer a prize). The second idea is to use all inspirational songs (e.g. Move any Mountain by Shamen, Invincible by Hedley, etc.) The third is to make a playlist entirely of songs that were #1 on January 1 of a particular year. Feel free to use any of these ideas if they suit, but do come back and post your playlist.

    2. Lisa, here’s what we did last week for our last / end of the year class. It was a compilation of songs that the class had liked the best in 2011. Our class is 30 minutes, small town, ages range from 20’s to a very fit 70. I’ve found it pretty easy to assemble play lists from 60’s soul / r&b records. I’m also partial to the “Girl Groups” of that era like the Chiffons, Shangri-La’s, Angels, Raindrops, Marvelettes, Ronettes, Supremes, Martha Reeves & Vandellas, and many others.


      Ike & Tina Turner, Proud Mary Start Slow/End Fast 4:48
      Sam & Dave, I Thank You Classic R&B/Anything 2:54
      Aretha Franklin, Chain of Fools Anything 3:50
      Isley Brothers, Shout I & II Sprints 4:15
      Wild Cherry, Play That Funky Music Long Hill 5:00
      The Supremes, In And Out Of Love Catch Your Breath 2:38
      Martha Reeves,Dancing In The Streets Speed Up Again 2:40
      The Chiffons, One Fine Day One Last Sprint 2:07
      Mamas & Papas, Do You Want To Dance Cool Down 2:58

    3. Hi Lisa
      Like Annette and Cynthia I had thoughts of doing a “new beginning”, motivational type class but I couldn’t find enough music so I ended up doing a “feel good” class instead filled with songs which make me happy, which I find inspirational or just make me wanna dance :)
      This is the 50 min, medium intensity class I used this morning – still needs a few tweaks.

      Sun is Up, Inna 2.32 – Warm Up (it’s a 6am class so seemed appropriate)
      Love Today, Mika 3.57 – Warm Up 2 (was a toss up between this one and Golden – pretty much any Mika song is feel good!)
      Fascination, Alphabeat 3.05 – Short sprints
      Higher, The Saturdays 3.26 – rolling hills, start seated then standing
      Ghost of Days Gone By, Alterbridge 4.25 – Standing climb (I think this song gets a bit wishy washy towards the end so not sure if I’d use it again, maybe just stop it early, it’s quite long anway!)
      Pencil Full of Lead, Sunny Side Up 2.26 – two surges/sprints (this song is probably not to everyone’s taste but it just makes me smile)
      Mr Saxobeat, Alexandra Stan 3.49 – Fast seated climb (other song option here was We No Speak Americano)
      Marchin On, One Republic 4.11 – Slow seated climb with some standing (wasn’t sure how this would go down, it’s quite a slow song but I could see people really getting into the beat). I first heard it on the final four episode of Biggest Loser 11, can’t get more inspirational than that!
      Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO 4.25 – rolling hills (member request)
      Jump (sorry don’t know who by) 4.10 – Jumps, I couldn’t think of a song I really wanted for my jumps track so this was an old fall back
      International Love , Pitbull 3.47 – Standing run at slightly uncomfortable intensity (other song option here was Club Can’t Handle Me)
      Raise Your Glass, Pink 3.23 – Standing on verse, sprint chorus
      Mika, Relax 4.30 – Cool down/Stretch
      James Derulo, It Girl 3.12 – Stretch/Goodbye

      Any other “Feel Good” songs you can recommend?

      I was thinking of Miley Cyrus’s “The Climb” and I’ve seen a couple of people have used it, but I’m worried it’s just too cheesy? Let me know what you think xx

      1. Michelle, Annette & Cynthia —

        I’ve posted a list titled “The Power Of Positive Thinking” twice now, the first time almost one year ago to the day. It’s my answer to the same desire to have a fun ride with lyrics that inspire and motivate (well, that’s true only for the title in a couple of cases) . It’s proved to be very popular. Use the “Find” feature for the “Readers’ Playlists” and it should pop up. You’ll note that I look for warm-up songs that are out of the spinning norm but fit the theme, like “Accentuate The Positive.” For my New Year’s Ride I used “New Year’s Resolutions” by The Therapy Sisters. It ribs all of the “resolutionaries” who don’t last long, but my regulars love it. It’s still timely for another couple of weeks.

        Cheers (and Happy New Year),

    4. Hey Spinners , Do you have any sprint interval songs. I am looking for a slow tempo that kicks up and a just KICKS backside . 20 -30 second go go go . Wynter Gordon – Till death due we party .. Devil went down to georgia ..Mission Imposible .. Sebastian – Retro .. any suggestions would be great . I am not looking for a fast song I can do sprints to but more something with a short interval

      1. At the moment I’m using “Don’t upset the rhythm” by The Noisettes (Jorg Schmid Remix). Just before the chorus when I do the sprints they count down 4,3,2,1 – couldn’t be more perfect! Others are Break Your Heart (Taio Cruz), Welcome to the Black Parade (My Chemical Romance), This Aint a Scene or Dance Dance (Fall Out Boy), All Fired Up (The Saturdays), Untouched (The Veronicas), Fire (Prodigy), The Bongo Song (Safri Duo). Let me know if any of these are along the lines you’re looking for, they’re all I can think of right now

      2. Sorry forgot to mention that the version of Break Your Heart I use is from Most Wanted 2010 (Move Ya aerobics CD) so it’s sped up to about 150 beats. I find I use my aerobics cd’s a lot for sprints – the latest music just faster! I’ve just been listening to the original and it’s a LOT slower, so sorry again

  78. Happy holidays to all spin junkies! Here a holiday playlist I created for my class this week. The play list includes 2 sets of climbs (starting with seated then adding to standing), then each time a Christmas song plays, you need to do a running flat (optional seated flat) with a set of rolling hills, jumps on hill and sprints to finish with a nice light jog to the last Christmas song.

    Warm Up – Step into Christmas, Elton John

    Running or Seated Flat (for seated >85 RPM) – All I Want for Christmas, Mariah Carey

    Seated to Standing Climb (startin level 6, add resist to 8) – I Don’t Care Anymore, Phil Collins

    Standing Climb (keepin resist from previous song) – Every Rose Has Its Thorn, Poison

    Running Flat – Run, Run Rudolph, Lynyrd Skynrd (love it!)

    Standing Climb (start at level 7, add to level 8) – All or Nothing, Theory of a Deadman

    Standing Climb (keep resist from previous song) – It will Rain, Bruno Mars

    Running Flat – Jingle Bells, The Brian Setzer Orch

    Rolling Hills (tell everyone to listen to the music, when the song shifts or slows, add a full turn, go to stand climb, it will speed up, then sit and turn the resist down) – Palladio, Silent Nick

    Jumps on Hill – Never Again, Kelly Clarkson

    Sprints (seated or standing) – Raise Your Glass, P!nk

    Standing Flat (light jog, the last standing flat to end the loop, active cool down, flush out the legs) – Jingle Bell Rock, The Brian Setzer Orch

    Cool Down – Santa’s going South – Sammy Hagar & Toby Keith (what a funny song!)

    Merry Christmas

  79. Hi everyone! I’m looking for some game ideas! I have my holiday list all ready to go. Fun holidays songs mixed with “regular” songs. I’ve had a few members mention they like the music they hear and I thought I’d make a few CDs and give them out. The problem is…I teach five classes per week. While I’d love to do it…I don’t have the time (or the blank CDs!) to make a CD for each member. I can certainly make 10 or so.

    Does anyone have any fun game ideas to play while on the bike? I’d love to hear them! Happy holidays everyone!

    1. Hey Dana, I’m not sure how this would work with a holiday play list, but I will challenge my riders to name an artist on some music that I am playing and whoever gets it right wins a prize. Usually it is an old song or a song you would not expect to hear from a certain artist. You could also do some Christmas trivia, maybe Charlie Brown’s Christmas. Have fun – post your playlist if you get a chance – would love to see it!

      1. I LOVE the trivia idea!!! Thank you!

        So here’s my playlist. I had fun putting it together. I wanted to avoid holiday overkill so not everything is a holiday song. I could have…but I didn’t want my riders to lose interest! :)

        Feed The World, Band Aid. Warm up
        A New York Christmas, Rob Thomas. Still warming up…just adding resistance and taking it out of the saddle on the chorus.
        What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger, Kelly Clarkson. Sprints.
        Sexy and I Know It, LMFAO. Speed work, single leg drills
        I Know You Want Me, PitBull. Steady uphill climb (this is also getting us ready for Zumba…which is coming to our club soon…)
        Christmas Tree, Lady Gaga & Space Cowboy. Jumps
        Winter Wonderland, Stryper. Out of the saddle flat run.
        Show Me How You Burlesque, Christina Agueilara. Steady pace at a very high resistance.
        Drummer Boy, Justin Bieber & Busta Rhymes (don’t laugh!!! It’s got great beat! Starting in the saddle, taking it out adding resistance.
        Mony Mony, Billy Idol. Sprints
        Christmas Wrapping, The Waitresses. Jumps
        Christmas/Sarajevo/12/24. Uphill, following the beat…high resistance the entire song.
        The Chanukkah Song, Cool down
        Something About Christmastime, Bryan Adams. Cool down and stretch,

  80. I made this song for my Indoor Cycling Classes (Torque Indoor Cycling), I stopped the music just before this song started (class still pedaling though) and gave them a speech about coming out of their comfort zone. Being able to push that extra litte bit each time. The song start gets you buzzing and you can’t help for giving it everything. I used it on a hard climb.
    If you want me to upload to download just ask.

  81. Help please! I have an audition in two days and I’ve been changing my playlist constantly! I’d like to show them a little bit of everything so I’ve thrown in a little bit of everything. I’d love feedback!!! I used to do an hour long class for 24 hour fitness for a group who wanted some of everything, but that was a different club and the other side of the country:
    Warmup/Speed pickups – We found love – Rihanna
    2 song climb – Burn it to the ground (Nickelback)
    Unstoppable (Not nuts about this choice)
    Jumps: Sexy and I know it
    Sprints: Renegade (Daughtry)
    Rolling Hills/Climb: Good Feeling – Flo’ Rida
    Jumps: Badman Riddim
    Sprints: Kids Aren’t Alright (Offspring)
    2 song In and Out Climb (surges on the chorus): Beat It (John Mayer)
    Blow (Ke$ha)
    Jumps: One that got away – Katy Perry
    2 song finish that I’m still working out: I Like How It Feels and Domino

    Basically I had a set ride profile that worked as a go-to for a 60 minute class and I’m having trouble finalizing something I like for a 45 minute ride.


    1. Hi Kathleen,

      OMG on of the folks below recommended the song Ramalana (Ruby Blue) and it’s awesome and you can do so much with it! I make it a fun full body song, hand position three, full side to side motion, knee to elbow, going the speed of the music. My class loved it and ask for it again. I also do slow concentrated hills. Good resistance on the bike, slow (heels down, push/pull motion) CONCENTRATED MOVEMENT. Then I slow the pace down again and do hoovers. Burn the thighs, no doubt about it. I know this is not a motion you can do on a bike outdoors, but I love this and get a lot out of it. My classes like it do and are thrilled (at least the say so afterwards) with the ride. First time I did the hoover move, my class was sore after (next day) a good sore, not pain.

      Anyway, I did a theme ride tonight – music with the word Queen or by Queen. I’m going to mix up my December rides with some holiday music and some fun. I was thinking about Simon Says Spin, but just playing with that idea. On today’s theme, I didn’t tell folks what the theme was, they had to guess. Anyway, just some fun ideas to engage the class.

      Good luck,


      1. What were some of the songs you used, Syd? I’m assuming “Dancing Queen” made it to the list?? I’ve used Queen in several of my classes. “Fat Bottom Girls” has an amazing beat…I use it for a heavy out of the saddle climb.

      2. Hey Dana,

        My Queen songs were:

        Under Pressure – Queen & David Bowie
        Dancing Queen (dance remix)
        Queen of the Night – Whitney Houston
        Sahara Queen (Arabic music) – Cheb Rayah
        Snow White Queen – Evanescence
        Homecoming Queen – Hinder
        The Show Must Go On – Queen
        Midnight Queen – Nickelback
        King & Queen – Shakira/Wyclef
        Eye of the Tiger – Queen
        Caribbean Queen – Billy Ocean
        We are the Champions – Queen

        Hills, fast, slow, knee to elbows, standing runs…etc…awesome fun.


    2. These are great!

      I actually have “I Like How It Feels” on one of my playlists. I start out with a climb…basically to the beat of the song (adust resistance accordingly). Once he starts singing “I like how it feels…” I have my riders speed up. And yup…they’re speeding uphill to a slower beat. I have them go faster and faster until they basically spin themselves out of the saddle (I do have them slow down a bit first before we get up and take it into third). Listen to the music…and you’ll know when to take it out (after he sings “turn it up let me go I’m alive let me go….”). We keep it up and over in third position on Pit Bull’s part…then do an out of the saddle sprint for the last round of “I like how it feels”. Every single rider lets out at “WOO!” at some point in the song. So much fun.

      For jumps…I tend to use things with a “jumping” beat. One good one is “I Kissed It” from Macy Gray. Start with four count jumps, then cut it half on the chorus. I like “Sexy and I Know It” though.. I’ll have to see how this works for jumps! :) I’ve also used “I Kissed A Girl” by Katy Perry. Same beat. Start with a four count, then two counts on the chorus.

      I have a fun one for rolling hills if you’re looking for another suggestion. I use “Pump It” by the Black Eyed Peas. Start off on a flat road…and every time we hear “Pump It” add resistance. Bring it back down to a flat after the chorus…and do it all over again. And keep your ears open because they sneak some “pump it”s when you’re not expecting them! I’ve also used “Edge of Glory” by Lady Gaga for rolling hills. Same concept…when she says “Edge”…add resistance.

      My absolute favorite song to end a class with is “Welcome to the Black Parade” by My Chemical Romance. The first 1:45 is all uphill….and it’s a big hill. Take the resistance down when the music speeds up and do some speed drills, going for balls to the wall sprints on the chorus. Halfway through the song, the music will get slow again. Take it back up to a heavy out of the saddle climb; you’ll feel the music…make your hill get bigger and higher. Then when the music speeds up again take it back down in the saddle, ease up the resistance a bit and sprint until the end. The music once again slows down during this last sprint. I tell my riders “when that music slows down…you don’t! KEEP. GOING.” There have been one or two “holy shits” after that one. :)

      I hope this helps. Good luck!

    3. I love your playlist Kathleen! This will be a great ride. Not sure which Unstoppable you meant – couldn’t find an obvious one on iTunes. Possible alternatives for a climb are Sweat (Remix) or Moves Like Jagger? I like Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae for jumps. But I think the #1 most important thing about your music choice is that you use only songs you know and love. This isn’t the time to try something new (lots of time to do that AFTER you have the job!) Good luck.

    4. I love Unstoppable–if it’s the Kat Deluna/Lil’Wayne tune- I use the chorus for power surges- can be done in or out of the saddle. How about Beautiful People- Benny Benassi, or the latest from Rihanna-one of my current faves is “Farewell” for a heavy climb- I love the David Guetta mixes for some pump’n tunes. Blow- I tend to use it for the last work song—full on sprints at moderate/heavy (7/10) tension- tell them to give it all they’ve got and finish strong! Anyone can sprint at low resistance in my class they have to work for their cooldown!
      I agree with Cynthia- only use songs that get you going and you are familiar with- you’re enthusiasm will shine as well your ability!

  82. HI Lisa –

    That’s a great playlist–smart and creative. I hadn’t thought Thanksgiving was much of a basis for a ride, but you’ve shown me otherwise. It’s too late for this year, but I’m going to put together something for 2012 based on your selections. Thanks.


    1. Thanks Bob – glad you liked it! Let me know how it goes next year…

      Watch out for that John Lennon Cold Turkey track. It’s quite a random song. It’s about withdrawl symptoms (from heroin, I suppose), but I turn it into a literal thing: You ate cold turkey (frozen in the middle like my MIL served a few years back…), and now it’s making you sick. Every so often, you have to “surge/sprint” to the bathroom… Kinda gross, especially when he starts moaning at the end of the song, If you’re not up to cuing that one just right, you might wanna leave that one out (as I sometimes wish I had…)
      – Lisa

  83. Okay everyone…it’s that time of year! I’m putting together a holiday playlist…and I REALLY want (need!) to stay away from those horrible songs we hear all the time (i.e. “All I Want for Christmas” by Mariah Carey.) I’m looking for fun and upbeat songs! Lady Gaga has one called “Christmas Tree”. It’s filthy…but has an amazing beat for jumps so if your riders are open…I say download it! I’ve also got “Christmas Is a Time To Say I Love You” by Billy Squire. Old…but fun.

    I’ll take any suggestions…along with appropriate moves if you’ve got ’em! Thank you!

    1. Hey Dana,
      I like two of Bruce Springsteen songs – Merry Christmas Baby and Santa Claus is Coming To Town. I used both during warm-up but they have a nice enough beat that they can be used in other ways too. I did a climb to Christmas Lights by Coldplay – it has some good surges too.

      1. Thanks for the Coldplay suggestion! A friend of mine…who is of all things a yoga instructor as well as a heavy metal fan (go figure!) suggested Stryper’s verison of “Winter Wonderland.” I’m not a metal fan by any means…but it has a great steady beat! And it’s not head banging stuff….more 80s hair band stuff.

    2. My riders know that I am sick of Christmas songs by December 1 and refuse to use any in my classes (they mostly agree). But there is one now traditional exception. The last song (before cool down) in my classes during Christmas week is always “Christmas Wrapping” by The Waitresses. It has a thumping beat and a variable rhythm. It’s also very sweet in it’s fashion, with clever lyrics, so the 5:20 go quickly.


      1. I don’t blame you for being sick of Christmas songs, Bob! Me, too!! But “Christmas Wrapping” was already on my list…I love that one. :) For a cool down I also have used “The Chanukkah Song” by Adam Sandler. Can’t leave us Jewish people out.

    3. Hey Dana,
      Thanks for including Chanukah in your holiday mix—I use the same Adam Sandler tune. What I do is alternate holiday tunes with contemporary tunes so I dont bombard my riders with music they may not love as much as I do;-)

      Off to teach spin! Anyone have a turkey tunes, lol?!

      1. There’s another good Hannukah song by the Maccabeats. I forget what it’s called, but I got it off iTunes last year. I think it’s a cover of Dynamite.

        As for Thanksgiving, this is kind of a cheesy playlist, but it’s what I came up with a few years ago…

        Linus & Lucy 3:08 Vince Guaraldi Trio A Charlie Brown Christmas (Remastered) Soundtrack 16 11/24/2010 9:33 AM
        Homeward Bound [Live] 2:43 Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits Rock 17 11/24/2010 9:35 AM
        We Are Family 3:37 Sister Sledge The Essentials: Sister Sledge Dance 15 11/24/2010 9:39 AM
        Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie 2:21 Jay & The Techniques 20 Best Hits of the 60’s (Original Artist Re-Recording) Rock 17 11/24/2010 9:41 AM
        (Do The) Mashed Potatoes 2:15 The Undertakers Beat, Beat, Beat, Vol. 1: The Mersey Sound & Other Mop Top Rarities 1962-1963 Rock 16 11/24/2010 9:44 AM
        Gravy (For My Mashed Potatoes) 2:05 Dee Dee Sharp Cameo Parkway: 25 Original Hits Rock 14 11/24/2010 9:46 AM
        Feelin’ Satisfied 4:11 Boston Boston: Greatest Hits Rock 14 11/24/2010 9:50 AM
        Holiday 4:06 Madonna The Immaculate Collection Pop 15 11/24/2010 9:54 AM
        Cold Turkey 5:01 John Lennon Lennon Legend Rock 15 11/24/2010 9:59 AM
        Heavy Action (Theme from Monday Night Football) 1:34 Johnny Pearson Heavy Action (Theme from Monday Night Football) – Single Soundtrack 15 11/24/2010 10:01 AM
        Everybody Eats When They Come to My House 2:41 Cab Calloway Jazz Masters: Cab Calloway Jazz 16 11/24/2010 10:03 AM
        Fat Bottomed Girls 4:16 Queen Jazz Rock 45 7/3/2011 8:56 AM
        Thank You 4:18 Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette: The Collection (Bonust Track Version) Pop 14 11/24/2010 10:12 AM
        Fast Hopi Drums 2:23 American Indian Music Native American Drums World 16 11/24/2010 10:14 AM
        Thank You 3:38 John Mellencamp Words & Music – John Mellencamp’s Greatest Hits Rock 12 11/24/2010 10:18 AM
        So Tired $0.99 4:47 Eric Clapton Back Home Rock
        Turkey In The Straw 3:38 Capitol Symphony Orchestra & Carmen Dragon America The Beautiful: Songs And Hymns From The American Soul Classical 17 11/24/2010 10:21 AM
        Our House 3:03 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young So Far Rock 13 11/24/2010 10:24 AM
        Amazing Grace 3:33 Elvis Presley Elvis Inspirational Rock 17 11/24/2010 10:28 AM
        Thanksgiving 4:08 George Winston December New Age 7 11/24/2010 10:32 AM
        Get Together 4:39 FG–The Youngbloods Forrest Gump [Disc 2] Soundtrack 4 11/24/2008 6:55 PM

    4. Hi Dana,

      I have a suggestion..check out “That Christmas Swing” The Dave Williamson Big Band & Singers album….Jingle Bells is a lot of fun. “A Swingin’ Christmas has some nice instrumental pieces with a bit a N’Orleans flare.

      Still searching…have fun!


      1. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I’ve got a great mix of holiday and “regular” music. I don’t want to wear my members out with nothing but holiday songs! :) Syd…I can’t find “That Christmas Swing” on iTunes….

  84. Hi all,
    I’m a spinning instructor in Belgium and here’s my playlist for november:

    Stars on 45 : warming up
    Flo Rida – Good Feeling: standing climb from 37″, add resistance 2 times, seated climb from 2’50 for 20 seconds, then again standing climb
    Sexy Bitch (feat. Akon) – David Guetta: pumps during the chorus
    Alphabeat – Fascination: flat road with 3 sprints
    Lykke Li – I follow rivers: jumps 8 times in the saddle, 8 times up
    Chris Isaac – Baby did a bad bad thing: seated climb, 2 times add resistance
    School Is Cool – World Is Gonna End Tonight: recovery
    Admiral Freebee – Oh darkness: jumps 4 times above the saddle, 4 times up
    Stayin’ Hot – Nelly vs. Bee Gees: jumps x times in the saddle, x times up (starting from 8 times, then 4 and ending with 2)
    Rihanna – We Found Love ft. Calvin Harris: starting from a seated climb and 3 times up for a standing climb during the chorus
    Kaiser chiefs – I predict a riot: i create 4 groups in my class. Jumps 4 times up in position 1, starting from group 1 – 2 – 3 and 4
    Find Yourself – John O’Callaghan: flat road with 2 times an acceleration 80% of maximum power
    Herman van Veen – Opzij, Opzij, Opzij: running
    Kings Of Leon – Use Somebody: cooling down
    Birdy – Skinny Love: cooling down & strech

  85. First of all, I love this site! I am a former instructor at 24hour fitness in San Diego. I taught a Friday 5pm class that was literally half 60-65+ and half 20 and under, so profiles had to stay on the “intro/beginning” side.

    I just moved back to NY and am auditioning at a pretty high end club. The audition will be a full 45 minute class for staff members. I’ve been told that the clientele are pretty intense and don’t really like to recover all that much.

    To prevent me from panic, can anyone share a fairly intensive ride profile? I’m a music lover so I don’t really have to many problems putting in the music, but I’m stressing about the best ride profile for an audition at this type of club.


    1. Hi Katie, I’m a new instructor, but I tell you what…I did a strength class (all up hill) and about died. Prob b/c it was my first strength ride but keeping the same pace while increases the resistance was incredibly difficult. I will have to watch/do this class at home several more times before I bring it to my class. If you want more on this let me know and I’ll jot down the routine for you.

      Good luck!!!!


      1. Syd—I’d LOVE to see that routine! I’ve been an instructor now for almost a year and haven’t tried a strength ride yet. I need something good!

      2. Ladies, I’m so sorry for not getting back to y’all. I’ve had a doozey of a week. I tried doing my ladies night of music and it was a bust (it was great by myself in a practice ride, but I just couldn’t get into it during class), so I moved to an all male line up the next class. It was great…really great and it’s below. I made the all male line-up fast and furious and it was just that….and totally awesome!

        No Rain (Blind Melon): warm up (3:37)
        Another One Bites the Dust (Queen): warm up (3:36)
        The Distance (Cake): seated flat with jumps on the Chorus (3:01)
        Low (Flo Rida): seated flat (faster), standing flat on the Chorus (3:50)
        Moves Like Jagger (Maroon 5): seated flats with jumps on the Chorus (3:21)
        Pump It (Black Eyed Peas): seated flat, standing flat, repeats throughout the song, increasing speed and resistance (3:33)
        Give it a Go (Timberland): seated flat, seated climb, standing climb, and jumps on a hill during the oh oh oh oh give it the go go (4:21)
        Wait (Earshot): seated flat, standing flat (on Chorus) maintain speed (3:33)
        Are you Gonna Go my Way (Lenny Kravitz): seated flat – constantly increasing speed and resistance (3:32) small increases, next song, start where you leave off (speed and resistance, so small and steady increases)
        Battle of One (30 Seconds to Mars): start at the speed and resistance you ended with on previous song, continue increasing (2:47)
        Rusty Cage (Sound Garden): seated flat, standing flat, standing climb, seated flat (increase resistance throughout song, should only go to standing climb once the resistance has gotten difficult) (4:26)
        Smooth Criminal (Alien Ant Farm): seated flat and jumps on the Chorus (3:29)
        Get Busy (Sean Paul): seated flat, fast and furious (slow and steady increases of speed and resistance (3:32)
        Billie Jean (Michael Jackson): standing flat and jumps on the Chorus (4:54)
        Veritgo (U2): this is a free for all song as long as everyone does at least four different moves (3:21)
        Indifference (Pearl Jam): Cool Down (5:04)

        This class is all about speed…and boy did this class fly by! Hope Y’all Enjoy!

    2. I do a lactic acid threshold (LAT) drill where you pick a lengthy song (around 8 minutes or so) and you explain where the lactic acid threshold is. The drill would be for you to have the students push to their lactic acid threshold and then you come down right below it, where the burning ceases but your intensity is still high, and you hold it for 20 seconds. If you think they’d want more intensity, you can hold it right beneath the LAT for a longer duration. It is a tough drill.

      1. That sounds really interesting – I’m actually not familiar with that drill. Could you explain? Thanks so much!!

      2. Sorry for the late response…

        Typically, a lactic acid threshold drill takes more conditioning and a base reference to the individual’s stamina, but in a tight class setting, I don’t have the luxury of time. So…I just like to get the students aware of their bodies’ limits. A lactic acid threshold is the line at which you start feeling the burn when you really push hard (e.g. climbing uphill, fast sprint, loaded surge, etc.). I give my class a quick definition of when the lactic acid threshold comes in and I coach them to ease back just a bit until the burn subsides. This is just below your LAT. You’re working, it’s hard, but it doesn’t burn as if you are above the LAT. I tell them to hold that uncomfortable pace for a duration of time. For a mixed class I would start w/ 20 seconds and move up accordingly. It should not be easy, and you would want at least a minute of recovery in between each exertion. I do about 3-5 of these LAT drills in one long song.

        Also explain to the students that the more they train in that zone, the higher their stamina will be, as well as their bodies’ ability to efficiently utilize fuel.

    3. Hi Katie, I’m not a Spin instructor but I am a DJ who was putting together some songs for the instructor for a bit of fun. Although its a bit of DJ advice its still relivent for your situation so I’ll tell ya. In fact I’m suprised how many similarities there are to DJ’ing. Anyway obviously take some advice here about new routines and music you should play (research the crowd in my world) but also dont forget to apply what you already know and don’t venture too far so youknow you can still deliver it with confidence. In my case picking too many songs that you are not used to is not going to allow you to do something really special if even if they are the right songs. Don’t get me wrong you need to give them what they want (play to the crowd) but make sure its not so new to you that you cant deliver it with confidence if you really want to impress them. The only way to do that is to really have the music and routine down packed but I’m sure you will be fine since you are already doing this research and preparing :) Good Luck!

      1. I agree 100% DJ Transcender. I seldom practice my routines before doing them anymore but I always listen to the playlist I am going to use that day.

      2. I COMPLETELY agree w/ you. I took a song that I didn’t know that well and mixed it into my playlist because it was recommended by a lot of instructors. I didn’t feel it, therefore the students couldn’t feel it. I didn’t know where the peaks were in the song, where there were quirky gaps, etc., and bottom line, it sucked. When I know the song or the drill, I’m so confident, it shows in my delivery, and it translates into a higher energy level for the class. Great tip, DJ Transcender!

    4. Congrats on your audition Kathleen! Here are two of my rides that are particularly challenging:
      Live and Let Die Spin Mix – https://spinningmusic.wordpress.com/2010/09/22/live-and-let-die-spin-mix-47-minutes/
      Adrenaline Spin Mix – https://spinningmusic.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/adrenaline-spin-mix-51-minutes-2/

      The Adrenaline Spin Mix is probably a better choice for an audition as the music is more current. Make sure to set the crossfade to zero seconds on your iPod so there is no silence between songs. I would also suggest practicing the ride you choose at least once to identify and work out any bugs.

      Good luck! Come back and tell us how it went for you.


      1. THanks so much! I’m realizing after reading your posts that between California and New York I’ve seen very different approaches to rolling hills. I’m honestly not sure if I’m “teaching them right”. Could you take me through how you teach them? Thanks!!!

      2. How do I set the crossfade on my iPod?? I tend to have a few seconds between songs…too much time for the heartrate to fall!

  86. So folks, I was thinking about doing some themed rides and wanted to start with an all female music list; however, I’m struggling trying to find some good music. Can anyone help me out? Next week is all male music and I def have that, no problem, but any and all suggestions are welcome. Then I was thinking about movie motivation…you know Rocky theme, etc…


    1. I always like Lady Gaga. For “Edge of Glory” I start off uphill…move to a standing climb then sit back down right before the chorus. At the beginning of the chorus, we’re on a full out sprint. Then…each time she says “Edge”, we turn up the resistance by one or two numbers (or one or two turns of the knob…depending on the bike). Back to uphill for the second verse…then do it all over again.

      For her “Born this Way” – it’s sprints on the chorus.

      Pink is always great, too. “Trouble” is GREAT for sprints, as is “It’s All Your Fault.” There’s always “Raise Your Glass”, too.

      Not sure if your riders mind horrible language…but Missy Elliot’s “Lose Control” is GREAT for a steady uphill climb.

      Amii Stewart’s “Knock On Wood”, while really old, is FANTASTIC for jumps, as is Macy Grays’ “I Kissed It.” Fantastic jumping beats on both of these songs.

      “Dreaming” by Blondie is good for a steady flat…your choice to stay seated or be up and out of the saddle.

      Aretha Franklin has a GREAT version out there of “Think”. I love it.

      Other good femaie artists I use are Avril Lavigne & Rhianna.

      I hope this helps!

      1. I have a few to add. . However, Dana’s suggestions and my favorites on her list are Edge of Glory (Gaga), Trouble and Raise your Glass (Pink)

        I have done a few all female singer rides and other artists you can include are: Katy Perry – (Firework), Adele (Rolling in the Deep – Megamix or Someone Like You/Thin Red Men Remix), Madonna, La Roux, GoGo’s, Kylie Minogue, Joan Jet, Ting Tings etc.

      2. Oh…and Florence & the Machine is good too. Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez & Annie Lennox. (I could keep going if you need more. lol)

    2. I have a Women of Rock ride and used Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, Lita Ford,
      Heart, Blondie, Jennifer Lopez…some of the songs I used included: “What’s Going ON”, “Call Me”, “Restless” for cool-down, “Poison”, “Baracuda”, “Conga”, “Sweet Dreams (RAVE VERSION)”, “Bad Reputation”, “Anxiety” and “Objection Tango”.

      Some may be oldies, but they have a good driving beat and keep the group moving. Good-luck and please publish your final list!

      P.S. Does anyone ever use “Art of Dying” songs in their rides? I picked up couple…like the group a lot!

    3. Older but should work, most are as fast/faster than Edge:

      Pointer Sisters, I’m So Excited
      Betty Everett, It’s In His Kiss / Shoop Shoop Song
      Tina Turner, Proud Mary (from Working Together album)
      Supremes, Keep Falling In And Out Of Love, Back In My Arms Again and many others
      Martha Reeves & Vandellas, Heat Wave, Dancing In The Streets
      Staple Singers, I’ll Take You There
      Chiffons, One Fine Day, He’s So Fine
      Crystals, Da Doo Run Run
      Sheryl Crow, All I Want To Do, Soak Up The Sun, etc.
      Bangles, Manic Monday; Walk Like An Egyptian
      Aretha Franklin, Since You’ve Been Gone; Respect
      Karla Bonoff, Every Time You Walk In The Room
      Jennifer Warnes, First We Take Manhattan
      Sarah McLachlan, Surrender
      Lucinda Williams, I Just Wanted To See You So Bad
      Olivia Newton-John, Physical (laugh if you like, it’s a hot song)
      Cindy Lauper, Girls Just Want To Have Fun
      Nicolette Larson, Lotta Love
      Linda Ronstadt, Can’t Let Go & many others
      Madonna, Like A Virgin & others
      Lesley Gore, Maybe I Know
      Raindrops, Kind of Boy You Can’t Forget
      Mary Chapin Carpenter, How Do; Down At The Twist & Shout
      Marveletes, Please Mr. Postman
      Little Eva, Locomotion
      Laura Nyro, Wedding Bell Blues, Stoney End, Met Him On A Sunday (cool down songs)
      Bette Midler, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B
      Joni Mitchell, Crazy (slower: You Turn Me On, Car On The Hill, Free Man In Paris)
      Judy Collins, Someday Soon (warm up or cool down)
      Jefferson Airplane, Somebody To Love
      Delaney & Bonnie, That’s What My Man Is For
      Ronettes, Be My Baby
      Janis Joplins & Big Brother, Down On Me

      Hope these help.

    4. Hope I’m not late to the party. Here are the five favorite female artists from my “greatest hits” playlists–they are titled “Superspins” and I use them when we’re my regulars are ready for the tried and true (or a new group may not be ready for my quirky themes.)

      Patty Smyth – Most anything from her Greatest Hits CD works for a ride, but we like “Heartache Heard Around The World” (4:58) and “Good-Bye To You” (3:46) best.

      Stevie Nicks -“Stand Back” (4:59)

      Chrissie Hynde (The Pretenders) – “Love Colours” (4:37) or “Night In My Veins” (3:18)

      Patti Austin -“Reach” (4:31)

      Laura Branigan – “Gloria” (4:52) never fails.

      “Gloria” reminds me that one of my favorite themes is “Cherchez Les Femmes.” Every song title is the name of woman. It’s not “Women In Rock” but there are usually a couple of riders to name check with a tune and have some fun. Drop me a note at rbleventhal@gmail.com and I’ll send along one of these lists.


    5. More great women in music….Beyonce, Single Ladies; Britney Spears, Womanizer; for those country folks, Carrie Underwood, Last Name; Cobie Caillat, most songs of her music is great for cool downs; Janet Jackson; Mary Jane Girls, In My House.

      Have fun.

    6. What awesome suggestions!!!! I have a few Rihanna favs and Katie Perry favs…I was just drawing a complete blank…prob b/c I was actively searching. My class is tomorrow and I have a good mix, although not all female. So my class later this week will be all female then all male. I was thinking about doing a themed ride for next Friday in celebration of the opening of the newTwilight Saga. I have two songs in my class for tomorrow from one of the Twilight soundtracks. I’m soooo excited. I just want something more than booty shakin’ music…not that there is anything wrong with booty shakin…just want to provide some spice…and some variety to my classes. Thanks again everyone and I will post my list this week.

      1. A HUGE thank you to Dana, Annette, BAR, Chris, Bob and Cheri for their suggestions on a ride of all-female artists. There’s more than one ride here for sure.

        It’s been a while since I did an all-female playlist. Mine is here: https://spinningmusic.wordpress.com/2008/05/24/girl-power-spin-mix-33-minutes/

        I think a Twilight ride is a great idea. One of my favourite tunes from that series is Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, on the first album.

        I did a quirky Out of India ride when Slumdog Millionaire came out. The soundtrack is incredible. You can find the ride here: https://spinningmusic.wordpress.com/2009/02/01/out-of-india-spin-mix-47-minutes/

      2. Have you used “Tremble for My Beloved” by Collective Soul? I believe it was in the first movie. I love it. I do a seated climb…with a burst of speed on the chorus.

        BTW…I’m going to see Breaking Dawn tomorrow. Can’t wait!

  87. hey guys

    thought id pop on my october mix.

    1. Beautiful Day The Eels 3:31 Nice easy start warming up and adding a couple of gears changes on the way 100rpm

    2. End Of The Line Traveling Wilburys – 3:28 standing run keeping in the time with the beat 70-75rpm couple of gear changes usaully finishing in gear 15.

    3. Crash The Primitives 3:15 first song that we are going to work on. gear 13. looking to hold between 115 and 120 rpm. giving them a singsong at the nanananan bit. they cant breathe when they do it. i usually turn the music down and see if they are all taking part.

    4. Louder DJ Fresh ft. Sian Evans 3:02 small recovery to start with and then we add some gear to slow them down to 60 -70 rpm then speed it up towards the end

    5. We Found Love Rihanna – 4:00 standing climb on the verses 60 -65rpm then sprint the choruses. fast as they can go add a gear on before every standin part

    6. Hello Girl, Let’s Party Til The End Titus Jones 5:26 one of my favourites at the moment. freestyle. anything goes up down fast slow, you have to feel the song to make it work.

    7. The Wanted – Lightning 3:26 hill climb standing gear 14 65rpm on the verses then sit for the chorus and add 5 gears and push as hard as you can. 60 rpm should be about right.you will be glad to get standing again.

    8. Shout Lulu 2:57 gear 12 fast as you can go 120rpm get them to join in near the end

    9 Collide Leona Lewis 3:58 best climbing song. you can get them to be right through the gears. standing and sitting.

    10. Rebel Mother Down [Rihanna vs. Danzig vs. Billy Idol] DJ Schmolli 3:42 a seated climb pure torture. 60 rpm for the mother part and then 70-75rpm for the in the midnight hour bit. heart rates are through the roof

    11. Dancing On My Penguin [Avicii vs. Robyn vs. Beyoncé] 3:40 another mash up. alternate between standing climb and seated. adding gears when seated.

    12. Freakin you baby – Jungle Brothers 5:07 standing usually do this or the 2nd song. stay with the beat adding a few gears on the way.

    13. Can’t stop moving Sonny J 2:57 100rpm for the verses 120 for the chorus. right good on to get the legs going again towards the end.

    14. Ed Sheeran – The A Team 4:50 cool down

    hope you enjoy the tunes

  88. Hi everyone!

    I’m a newly qualified spin instructor currently teaching in New Brunswick up on the east coast. We have a brand new facility and a lot of newly enthused spinners,so I thought I’d share a playlist that is very popular with my early morning class! It’s 45 mins with a bit of a mix of everything and is geared towards a slightly more high intensity workout.

    Maroon 5 – Moves Like Jagger – seated climb
    Chicane – Stoned in Love – sprints
    Calvin Harris – Feel So Close – Standing climb

    Ting Tings (wideboy remix) – Hands – Mixed terrain – Stand and climb for the first chorus then increase speed to a standing sprint @ 1.14. Bring it up for another climb @ 1:58 then slow it down @ 2:42 and finally drop it and sprint @ 3.00

    Kickstarts – Example – Quad burners. Everyone up at a high resistance and really slow RPM to work just those quads. hold for between 45-60seconds.

    Duck Sauce – Barbara Streisend – Jumps of 4 and 2 counts

    DJ fresh – Hypercaine – Another mixed terrain track to act as a breather before the final all out track.

    Darude – Sandstorm – A track made for long all out standing sprints. Increase the resistance as the beat builds. @ 2:45 explode out of the saddle for a 60 sprint. Same again @ 5:00 and give the option to finish the sprint seated.

    Enjoy everyone! This site has helped me build my track selection so much I hope I can help someone else out :)


    1. Great to hear from another Maritimer, Hannah! Love these tunes, especially Feel So Close, Kickstarts, and Hypercaine. Much appreciated.

  89. I had no idea that I could crossfade songs on iTunes until this weekend, thank you master intructor D! Someone else may be in the dark on this too so here is how to do it. Go to iTunes, Edit, Preferences, Playback and click on Crossfade Songs. Now you have one continuous flow but can control the songs individually as opposed to it being one long song like MixMeister. I love MixMeister and mostly use it but if I have a new crowd I may veer from my plan. This way I can skip songs if I want. Yay!

    1. jennifer, thank you for that great tip! What a wonderful idea. I usually have cyclists drink up during that 10-20 sec pause so now this is more professional. I dont use mixmeister, I just cant get the hang of it but i have no problems with my playlists and now it just flows. great suggestion!

    2. I love it! Sometimes my Ipod is located far away from bike and the song takes a while to change, which leaves me with the sound of heavy breathing.

      Thanks for the tip.


  90. Hi guys!! So as I allready told I’m a cyclinginstructor from The Netherlands. To give you some lookaround in the spinningworld on the otherside of the ocean I’ve put one of my best playlists online.
    This is the ONE!!!!!
    Start on 45 – 45 (2:40)

    Enrique Iglesias ft. Nicole Scherzinger – Heartbeat (Digital Dog Radio) (3:46)
    Racing on: 0.44-1.16 / 1.51-2.35 / 2.49-3.06
    Between the racing (with the resistance of a light climb) it is a light climb.

    James Blunt – Stay The Night (Buzz Junkies Remix) (4:52)
    In the first minute we put up our resistance for 5 times, all the time we stay seated.
    0.59 standing climb
    1.23 jumps on 4 (up and back seated)
    1:53 seated climb
    2.15 standing climb
    2.45 seated climb
    3.16 standing climb

    Snoop Dogg & David Guetta – Sweat (David Guetta Remix) (3:16)
    2 rounds, seated climb – front fix – standing climb
    First round fix at 0.36 / second round fix at 1.43

    Don Fardon – I’m Alive (Dominatorz Edit) (2:32)
    Time for a good running!! (there is a possibility to cut this song in 2 parts).

    Partycrashers – Just Be Good To Me (3:10)
    After the running time for a short recovery. At .044 we start to put on resistance and we gone jump on 4. 1.15 seated climb (moderate). And then the surprise in this one. FIVE short sprints, and I say they are real short!!! (2.00 / 2.03 / 2.06 / 2.10 / 2.14. And then to the end with a standing climb.

    Headhunters – Something About You (3:04)
    Start with recovery (standing). Then put up resistance at 0.27. In one minute we put on 5 times more resistence. Then recovery (resistence goed back to the start PLUS one). Second round same route, start at 2.14.

    Master Blaster – One Night In Bankok (6:34)
    Great song, great exercise. We gona use the back and front fix.
    0.27 back fix / 1.24 standing recovery / 1.42 back fix / 2.13 front fix / 2.42 standing climb / 3.41 seated climb / 4.22 back fix / 4.54 front fix / 5.07 standing climb / 5.38 seated climb / 6.19 recovery.

    Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turnerr – Written In The Stars (3:29)
    Start with a short running (20 seconds). Then standing climb (resistance moderate). We gona increase the resistance several times (40 seconds to go). Then it’s time for a racingpart at 1.03. After 30 seconds racing we increase the resistance for al heavy climb. At 2.16 we gona race!! First decrease your resistance.

    Solex – Close To The Edge (8:10)
    Hill climb time!! The mountains are great and the edge DEEP.
    Start with a moderate seated climb. At 1.25 stand up and increase the resistance. 1.53 pause time. 2.22 back on track with a seated climb. 3.18 standing climb. 4.15 seated climb. Don’t forget you have to increase your resistance several times. 5.10 pause two. Then start with a standing climb at 6.08 (everybody makes it his/her 2 minutes).

    Alphabeat – Fascination (3:04)
    Downhill. The music tells your route.

    Rene Amesz & Baggi Begovic – Smells Like Teen Spirit (3:08)
    A nice mix up. Light seated climb is the start. 0.43 jumps on 2 / 1.29 seated climb / 1.45 back fix / 2.09 sprint with your resistance on! / 2.16 jumps at 4 / 2.31 seated climb.

    Swingfly ft. Christoffer Hiding – Me and My Drum (3:05)
    Standing climb. Increase your resistance at 0.45 / 1.36. There is a pause at 1.04.

    Brooklyn Bounce – Bass, Beats & Melody (Video Edit) (3:05)
    For the real bass-lovers.
    Seated climb at 0.14 / 0.30 standing climb / 1.01 back fix / 1.54 front fix / 2.23 back fix / 2.55 standing climb.

    Darren Styles – Holding On (4:10)
    FINAL!!!!! This is the real spinning stuff!!! The speed is the murder in this one.
    Seated climb is the start, moderate resistance.
    1.10 time for a sprint with your resistance on
    1.19 jumps on 4
    1.42 standing climb
    2.05 racing time, with the resistance on.
    2.28 seated climb
    2.50 jumps on 4
    3.24 standing climb
    Last 10/15 seconds seated sprint with a light resistance.

    Adele – Someone Like You

    I hope you will enjoy this class a much as I did with my class.

    Sportfull greating from Holland!!!

      1. Front fix => stand up, shoulders frozen. Your position is in the middle betweet the seatpost and bars. Important is that you do bent your knees to mutch. It is training for the mussles is your legs, not your ACL.

        Back fix => stand up and make a move as far your can backwards. If you ‘re there stay there.Important by this one, stretch your back and keep your body steady. This one is also a very good training for the lef mussles.

  91. Does anyone have a good classic rock playlist? Some of my riders have been asking. I’m not a HUGE fan…I like it well enough but not enough to put it to the pedal. But I want to make everyone happy so if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!!!

  92. Hi all, here is my 55 minute class
    I haven’t actually used these songs in this exact order, but I thought I’d try put in as many that I haven’t seen on this blog (at least since I joined) as possible. Surprisingly there aren’t any Pink songs in this playlist because I usually have at least one of her songs in every class I teach. My favourite is Raise your Glass for seated flat with seated sprints (I’ve also used it for jumps after seeing that a few times on here). Otherwise I use F***ing Perfect for climbs (obviously the clean version) and So What, for a hard standing flat. Katy Perry is another favourite of mine that doesn’t feature in this playlist. I generally use her songs for my first warm up, Hot n Cold is my favourite.

    All time low, The Wanted (3.25) – Warm up seated flat

    I’m only human, The Parlotones (4.01) – Warm up 2 seated flat/standing flat
    Great South African band. If you like this one, also check out Bird in Flight, it’s quite similar but a little slower

    Jump that Rock (Whatever you want), Scooter/Status Quo (3.26) – standing flat
    I’ve also been using Stamp on the Ground, Italo brothers, which I discovered on this site and is awesome, and Club Can’t Handle Me, from an Aerobics CD so a little faster than the original (Flo Rider and David Guetta)

    How do you do, Cascada (3.19) – a couple of long sprints
    (it’s making me spin now, spinning within!)

    Sweat, Snoop Dogg (David Guetta remix) (3.20) – Seated climb, with slow jumps for chorus
    I tell my class to come up for 4 counts every time they hear the word sweat, saves me from counting and gives them something to take the mind off the pain. Always gets a smile!

    Tonight I’m loving you, Enrique Iglesias ft Ludacris (3.51) – Standing flat/climb

    Untouched, The Veronicas (4.14) – sprints on chorus

    Proud Mary, Cast of Glee (3.43) – Jumps

    Roisin Murphy, Ruby Blue, Ramalama (Bang Bang) 3.35 – Seated climb, one leg drills
    A little bit of a weird one but I love the beat (rediscovered it whilst watching CSI a couple of weeks ago!). I also use Rolling in the Deep by Adele for seated climbs as many times as I can without boring my class

    Fighter, Christina Aguilera (4.09) – Slow standing climb
    Love this for a heavy climb, Dirrty is also good if you fast forward the first minute or so which is pretty boring 

    Born this Way, Lady Gaga (4.20) – Seated sprints
    I often play Lady Gaga’s Edge of Glory as well

    Break your heart, Taio Cruz, I use an Aerobics version –standing sprints

    Neon Trees, Animal (3.32) – Rolling hills, class can choose their own intensity either to work hard right up to the end or as an active recovery/beginning of the cool down after two hard sprint tracks
    I also like to use Jaiho, Pussy Cat Dolls for hills

    Pack Up, Eliza Doolittle (3.07) – Cool down/upper body stretches
    My absolute favourite cool down

    Crack the shutters, Snow Patrol (3.21) – cool down/lower body stretches off bike
    Can’t go wrong with Snow Patrol, I also use Chasing Cars

    1. Michelle,

      I did this class last week and again today (two different locs) and it was great. I edited it a bit, but I tell what…what a great lineup of music. I really really REALLY love Ramalama and got great feedback on that particular song and was asked to play it again. I did something different with that song. I did a fast climb, knees to elbows, in order to really engage the core and boy does it work. My entire class loved it!

      Thanks again for sharing!!!


      1. Yay! So glad you enjoyed and got some use out of my playlist. I’ve been so inspired by this website, as I take 4 classes a week and am often in need of ideas :) I need to spend this week putting together some new playlists for January so hopefully I’ll have at least one to put up in a few days

  93. I put together what I considered to be quite a hard playlist for a 30 min session. When I actually gave the class last week it turned out to be even more difficult than I had thought. Fortunately, everyone coped and enjoyed it (retrospectively of course).

    Here is the playlist:

    I Still Remember – Bloc Party – Warm Up
    Friday on My Mind – The Easybeats- Fast Flat – Sprints
    Uprising – Muse – Hill – Press-ups
    Nightmare (Sinister Strings mix) – Brainbug/Oakenfold Hill – Jumps – Press-ups
    The Catalyst – Linkin Park – Hill – Seated
    Same Jeans – The View – Fast Flat – Sprints
    Salva Mea – Faithless – Hill – Seated Sprints
    Blue Monday- Flunk – Cool Down

    1. Press ups? Risky move on a bike, sweaty hands + sweaty handlebars = Slip and broken nose!!! Just my opinion though, you are entitled to do your classes the way you want.
      That is why I call myself an indoor cyclist not a spin instructor, even though I was trained as spin instructor. In Spinning there are only so many moves you are supposed to teach. But with indoor cycling, a little imagination can come up with great moves.





















    1. Hey Ellis, I was really interested in your music choices, but I’m having the darnedest time finding some of them. I was hoping to find the Fake cooldown song, but no luck there. Can you help me out and point me in the right direction?

      Thanks, Syd

  95. Thanks SO much to you ALL! I appreciate the support, camraderie and all the great playlists!

    Cynthia-you have created a wonderful community! We are all scattered in various cities, states, and nations despite the distance we have bonded- and this all through your wonderful site!

    Idea—wouldn’t it be a blast to have a weekend get together?!

  96. I think we can all agree that Judy’s situation regarding the content of her music is exasperating and ludicrous. After all, “it’s only rock and roll.”

    But I have a solution, at least for a class or two. I’ve used a few lists titled “The Power Of Positive Thinking.” They are class favorites. Here’s the “Best Of” version. I’ve chopped the start and ending of several of the tunes to help the continuity, so the times won’t match up with iTunes.

    Hope it helps.


    Best Of Power Of Positive Thinking
    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) Accentuate The Johnny Mercer 1:58 Warm-Up _____

    2) Keep On Moving UB40 4:37 Warm-Up _____

    3) Gotta Be Positive Eddy Grant 3:37 Standing Run _____

    4) Let’s Go! Wang Chung 4:09 Standing Climb_____

    5) Reach Patti Austin 4:15 Standing Climb_____

    6) We’re Gonna Win Bryan Adams 2:27 Sprints _____

    7) I Won’t Back Down Tom Petty 2:53 Seated Climb _____

    8) New Attitude Patti LaBelle 3:58 Standing Climb_____

    9) Don’t Give Up Third World 3:12 Recovery _____

    10) Don’t Stop Fleetwood Mac 3:09 Standing Run _____

    11) Push It To The Limit Corbin Bleu 2:56 Standing Climb_____

    12) When I’m Up Oysterband 2:24 Sprints _____
    I Can’t Get Down

    13) Let It All Go Jeff Healey Band 3:24 Seated Climb _____

    14) I Believe R.E.M. 3:31 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    15) I Will Not Be Johnny Clueless 3:45 Standing Climb_____
    Left Behind

    16) Jus’ Can’t Stop Me J. Geils Band 3:12 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    17) You Can Do It Dusty Springfield 4:13 Cool Down _____
    Total Time: 58 Mins. Ratings: 1 through 5 (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

  97. Can anyone offer insight or tips to teaching on a RealRyder bike? I just started at a facility that has them and they are tough. Hard for me to use and I’ve been doing this for years—no other gym in my area has them. Can’t ever hold the handlebars still- standing is crazy ( lots of torque on the knees- ouch) since they sway side to side-I think that the weight of the fly wheel causes the resistance to be somewhat
    erradic wherein it goes from light- moderate- kick butt har nothing between mod and kick butt hard. It’s a great gig and I want to continue but dont want to do my riders or myself a disservice by not teaching properly. Thanks!

  98. Thanks! I am fine with radio edits—but that alone does not solve my problem- I need music that isn’t ‘suggestive’–‘language’ is obvious but we have to review for content as well , which just about curtails myuse of most current tunes;-)!

    1. I am fortunate that I teach in my home town and in one club, so I know most of my riders, so anything goes, i just apologise prior to any swearing etc. My riders especially like Eminem songs, which are hard to find without swearing or suggestive content.

      1. I was in a spin class once where the instructor played a clean version of Shake That. I had to giggle, every other word was bleeped.

        I push the envelope musically and pray that nobody gets offended. I have been guilty of finding something to say just when a swear word comes around, and also for mea culpas a few times when I accidentally downloaded the explicit version of a song.

        Judy, I agree with Lisa – your gym is being unreasonable! I mean, they say f**k on late night TV now & not just HBO.

    2. Wow – you have one sensitive group! Even stuff that’s cleared for public radio waves isn’t ok? Even older music from tamer times can be “suggestive” (Elvis?) — how the heck are you supposed to be the arbiter of what’s ok for everyone? I teach at a Y too, and I love that it’s a family friendly place, but as long as it’s a radio edit, I feel ok about it – if they can hear it in the lobby, then they can hear it in class for heaven sakes. There are definitely some songs that make me a little nervous, and I talk over key bits, but I think it’s unreasonable for any club to expect you to screen for what’s “suggestive.” IMHO that’s absurd and there’s absolutely no way for instructors to abide or for them to effectively enforce that.

      1. Wow…I don’t know if I could play all “easy listening” songs. If I know a song has a bad word…I’ll either say “Oops..I didn’t hear that” after it’s said…or talk over it if I know exactly where it is. A few songs on my lists drop the “f’ bomb…but I draw the line at racial slurs! How many riders have complained Lisa?

        Here are a few that I think could be okay:

        All In – Lifehouse
        Hey (Nah Neh Nah) – Milk & Sugar
        Carnival de Paris – Finger Eleven (no words! Can’t go wrong!!)
        Proud – Richard Niles
        I Run For Life – Melissa Etheridge

        Good luck! :) BTW…I just downloaded Shake That…

  99. Sorry about the formatting of my lists, you’ll have to do some separating because they’re Side A and Side B lists from the tapes. If you would like them “clean”, contact me and I’ll send them to you as .pdf or .doc or.wpd files.

  100. Hi everyone, this is a mainly 1960’s with a smattering of later decades (Lucinda Williams is probably the most recent) set of lists.

    I’m a p/t volunteer music provider for a class that tends to be older. Which is fine b/c I don’t have much after the early 80’s. It’s a 30 – 45 minute class but the tapes I record on are 45 per side.. I have times for some of these lists if anyone wants them. Not every list has been used yet, the last 2 are works in progress and some of the songs have already been used. I threw them in anyway. I won’t try to say how to use them in class, you’re the instructors.

    No one’s talked about playback systems, that’s been an issue some places I’ve been. I record 90+ % from my lp’s onto high end cassette decks/tape, then use a Sony WM-D6C Pro Walkman playing through Bose Roomate II powered speakers. I also have two different Denon mini-systems, one with Creek speakers, the other has Missions, but they’re too tempting to sticky fingers, and hard to transport; what I use fits in the Bose bag designed for the speakers. The sound is good, and we have fun.

    For all the iPod fans, there’s an inexpensive (compared to what they used to cost) Digital to Analog (DAC) out that you should like: HRT iStreamer ($200.00). It somehow pulls differently from the iPod’s hard drive. If you have more to spend, you could read the June 25, WSJ article “Audio Alchemy In A Box” (which is where I learned about the iStreamer. I’m an analog holdout, but finally looking because so much music I would like to have is digital only.

    Thanks to the other posters, I have enough new ideas to last the rest of the year.

    Mamas & Papas, Do You Wanna
    Association, Along Came Mary
    Swinging Medallions, Double
    Shot of My Baby’s Love
    Paul Revere & Raiders, Just Like Me
    The Cars, Tonight She Comes
    Standells, Dirty Water
    T-Rex, Bang A Gong
    Cyndia Lauper, Girls Just Want To
    Have Fun
    Karla Bonoff, When You Walk In
    The Room
    Buffalo Springfield, Do I Have To
    Right Out And Say It

    Lucinda Williams, Crescent City War, Summer
    Steve Earle, Guitar Town John Hiatt, Memphis In The
    Ventures, Hawaii Five 0 Meantime
    Ventures, Walk, Don’t Run Lucinda Williams, Lines Around
    Taj Mahal, Ain’t Gonna Whistle Your Eyes
    Dixie (No Mo) Johnny Rivers, Seventh Son
    Los Lobos, One Night In America Young Rascals, Good Loving
    Neil Young, The Emperor of Ritchie Valens, La Bamba
    Wyoming Lucinda Williams, Righteously
    Dion, Donna The Prima Donna The Supremes, Back In My Arms
    K.D. Lang, Constant Craving Again
    Joe Turner, Shake, Rattle & Roll Sly & Family Stone, Dance To The
    Johnny Rivers, Mountain of Love Music
    Graham Parker, Discovering Japan Spencer Davis Group, Gimme Some
    Roy Orbison, Oh Pretty Woman Loving
    Bobby Fuller Four, I Fought The Law

    Karla Bonoff, Got Me In Trouble Marvin Gaye, Sexual Healing
    Again Marvin Gaye, What’s Going On
    Joe Cocker, Feeling Alright Bruce Hormsby & Range, Every
    The Boxtops, The Letter Little Kiss
    The Band, Promised Land Lucinda Williams, I Just Wanted
    Commander Cody, Hot Rod To See You So Bad
    Lincoln Jennifer Warnes, First We Take
    Martha Reeves & the Vandellas, Manhattan
    Dancing In The Streets Major Lance, Um, Um, Um, Um,
    Aretha Franklin, Since You’ve Um, Um
    Been Gone ` Rod Stewart, Maggie May
    Fleetwood Mac, Go You Own The Guess Who, Shaking All Over
    Way Dionne Warwick, Walk On By
    Sarah McLachlan, Surrender

    Staple Singers, I’ll Take You There Isley Brothers, Harvest For
    Paul Simon, You Can Call Me Al The World
    Crystals, Da Doo Run Run Martha Reeves/Vandella, Heat
    Human Beinz, Nobody But Me Wave
    The Strangeloves, I Want Candy Pat Benatar, Hit Me With Your
    The Beatles, Please Mr. Postman Best Shot
    Mitch Ryder, Devil With The Blue Van Halen, Jump
    Dress/Good Golly Miss Molly Rolling Stones, Start Me Up
    Bobby Lewis, Tossing And Mitch Ryder & Detroit Wheels,
    Turning Little Latin Lupe Le
    James & Bobby Purifys, Shake A Graham Parker, Discovering Japan
    Little Tail Feather Sheryl Crow, Soak Up The Sun
    The Chiffons, One Fine Day Shadows Of Knight, Gloria
    Roy Orbison, Oh Pretty Woman
    Jay & The Americans, Come A
    Little Bit Closer

    The Bangles, Manic Monday Roxy Music, More Than This
    Rolling Stones, Start Me Up Lou Reed, Love You Suzanne
    Jimi Hendrix, Fire Lou Reed, New Sensations
    Love, Little Red Book Steve Earle, Guitar Town
    Cream, Sunshine of Your Love Ventures, Hawaii Five 0
    The Doors, Light My Fire Ventures, Walk, Don’t Run
    Jefferson Airplane, We Can Be Los Lobos, One Night In America
    Together Neil Young, The Emperor of
    Led Zeppelin, Rambling On Wyoming
    Yardbirds, Shapes of Things Steve Earle, Last Of The Hard
    Neil Young, Cinnamon Girl Core Troubadours
    The Beatles, No Reply
    The Strangeloves, I Want Candy
    The Who, The Kids Are All Right

    Danny Gatton, Sailing On Sheryl Crow, Leaving Las Vegas
    Brian Setzer, Bobby’s Back Sheryl Crow, All I Want To Do
    Brian Setzer, The Knife Feels Everything But The Girl, These
    Like Justice Early Days
    Brian Setzer, Boulevard of Lucinda Williams, Six Blocks
    Broken Dreams Away
    Marshall Crenshaw, Marianne Lucinda Williams, Lines Around
    Marshall Crenshaw, Mary Jean Your Eyes
    Marshall Crenshaw, Girls Little Eva, Locomotion
    Marshall Crenshaw, Someday, The Chiffons, One Fine Day
    Someway Carol King, Jazzman
    Marshall Crenshaw, She Can’t Carol King, Going Back
    Dance Carol King, What Have You
    Bob Seger, Trying To Live My Got To Lose
    Life Without You Joni Mitchell, Troubled
    Jackson Brown, Running On Child
    Empty Joni Mitchell, Raised On Robbery
    Jackson Brown, You Love Linda Ronstadt, Just One Look
    The Thunder

    1. Thanks Chris – tons of ideas here. I remember T-Rex!

      I’ve been thinking of a 60 Years spin playlist for a while now. It would start in the 60s and then head through to the current decade, with songs from each decade in between. You could use iconic songs, or less well-known tunes and get riders to guess which decade they are riding to.

  101. Love the 80’s theme—I need some new material- CLEAN material- I teach at 4 gyms but one, the Y, makes it difficult to compile playlists because though the members want current hits, those hits contain ” inappropriate content”- maybe 80’s tunes will do the trick!
    Questions: What do other instructors do to replicate an outdoor ride- should standing be reserved only be for climbing ?
    Should our ride profiles be geared more to outdoor rides or should we do “tricks”, as many instructors do, to keep riders engaged for the duration of the class?

    1. Judy look for radio edit versions of new songs, they will contain no explicits.
      I noticed that if you stick to just road moves the people soon get bored, so tricks give you new dimensions.
      Just need to make sure whatever you try is safe. I have seen some crazy moves on youtube, like guys standing on one pedal and going around the outsidie of the bike….scary!!!
      This is a great site, keepup good work guys.

  102. Just done an 80s routine and it went down an absolute stromer.

    Sesson time 58 minutes

    Session name – 80s leg warmer

    Warm Up – Wake me up ~ Wham

    Standing flat/Running – I’m so excited ~ The Pointer Sisters

    Standing Flat/Climb On Chorus (Full turn) – Footloose ~ Kenny Loggins

    Fast Flat – Breakaway ~ Tracey Ullman

    Standing Climb (Whole song) – Heart and soul ~ T’pau

    Fast flat/sprint chorus – You spin me round ~ Dead or Alive

    Seated climb/standing climb – Addicted to love ~ Robert Palmer

    Standing Flat/climb chorus – Get out of my car ~ Billy Ocean

    Fast Flat/Running – I think we’re alone now ~ Tiffany

    Jumps 4×4 Making your mind up ~ Bucks Fizz

    Standing Flat/Running – Walk like an egyptian ~ Bangles

    Seated/Standing Climb – Wild boys ~ Duran Duran

    Running as long as they can – Atomic ~ Blondie

    Standing Climb slow/fast on chorus – Nellie the elephant ~ Toy Dolls

    Cooldown – Waiting for a star to fall ~ Boy meets girl

    Bye bye – I can make you feel good ~ Shalamar

    Yes you did read right Nellie the elephant, the riders loved it. Really heavy standing climb, then when song goes wooooooooooohhhhhhh they sit down reduce the resistance and start picking up the pace, then on chorus they go flat out. Even I was tired after the last double chorus.

    1. I love this! I’ve never heard of Nellie the Elephant…I think I like it. I’m going to try it out. Never heard of Making Your Mind up Either. And I grew up in the 80s! It sounds like it was from a TV show or something…

      Thanks for the playlist. Can’t wait to check it out.

      1. Dana making your mind up won the Eurovision song context for Britain, now its gone all political we will never win it again.
        I like to add a wee comedy song to my routines now and again, like Nelly the elephant. But I tell you done right it gives you a very hard profile move.

    2. Thanks Ellis! I am ready to do another 80s mix. I grew up in the 80s so the music brings out a lot of nostalgia for me.

  103. Playlist I used today:
    Pjanoo warm up
    Dont Stop the Music warm up
    Move Like Jagger
    Written in the Stars
    I Wanna Go
    Cheers-I’ll Drink to That
    Take Over Control
    Party Rock
    Rain Over Me
    The Reason ( my FAVE)
    Mr.Saxo Beat
    Camina Burano Remix-Tiesto
    What a Feeling- Kelly Rowland -Stretch/Cooldown
    Forever- Chris Brown- more of the same
    Anyone have ideas what do for the ‘work’ phases tunes—I’d love some fresh, new ideas for this ride?

    1. whoops–pressed send too fast– last sentence should read ‘Does anyone have ideas for what to ‘do’ for the ‘work’ phase tunes…’

      1. Hi Ann,
        Truth be told I don’t ever do the same ride profile–I play it by ear! I look at my group and ge a sense of what they need. I typically teach intervals-I’d love to teach more specific classes (strength, interval, race day, endurance) but since folks don’t always come on a regular basis that becomes difficult to coordinate. I am Mad Dogg Athletic and IFPA certified. I love to teach classes based upon heart rate and try to encourage riders to invest and wear them but there are times when I’m the only one with a HRM :-(

  104. Hey does anyone teach on Realryders? I start next week currently I teach on a variety of bikes, Star Trac, LeMonds, Schwinn, CycleOps but they are stationary – Realryders move side-to-side to simulate a ‘real ride’, wondering how to cue, what ‘tricks’ to do ( jumps, loops…)? It’s a trick in and of itself to keep the bike centered when you are standing;-) Any advice?

  105. It has been raining like crazy in Florida which prompted me to construct a playlist that contained many songs that have ‘rain’ or ‘reign’ in the lyric…
    1st work song- Rain Over Me- Pitbull
    3 song climb:
    Set Fire to the Rain- Adele ( start at RPE 6, end on 7)
    Love Reign Over Me- Pearl Jam version (begin RPE 7, end on 8)
    Purple Rain-Prince (8-10)
    Livin La Vida Loca- Ricky Martin
    Cool down & Stretch:
    Please Dont Stop the Rain- James Morrison
    Listen to the Rain- Evanescence

    1. It’s been raining constantly in Nova Scotia, too. I’d add:

      It’s Raining Men – the Weather Girls (there’s a workout version by the All stars)

      Summer Rain – Slinkee Minx (this one first suggested by Tim. It’s incredibly catchy)

    2. Hi Judy —

      Tropical Storm Lee has been harder on us than Irene. So rain is all anyone is thinking about here in No. Va. I have a list from a couple of years ago that at least offers some reminders that there is nice weather in the forecast once in a while.

      Rain Or Shine
      Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
      1) Right As Rain Adele 3:17 Warm-Up _____

      2) Shine Like It Does INXS 3:05 Warm-Up _____

      3) Summer Sunshine The Corrs 2:53 Standing Run _____

      4) Shine Luther Vandross 4:50 Standing Climb _____

      5) Fall Like Rain Eric Clapton 3:51 Fast/Sprints _____

      6) Shine Cyndi Lauper 3:46 Seated Climb _____

      7) Shine Patty Smyth 4:22 Standing Climb _____

      8) Who’ll Stop The Rain John Fogerty 2:33 Recovery _____

      9) Rockin’ With The The Judds 2:42 Standing Run _____
      Rhythm Of The Rain

      10) Rain The Wreckers 4:09 Seated Climb _____

      11) Shine The Holmes Bros. 3:14 Fast/Sprints _____

      12) Shine On (Live) Peter Frampton 3:25 Seated Climb _____

      13) Summer Rain Belinda Carlisle 4:18 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

      14) Shine It On Allman Bros. 4:52 Hill Climb _____

      15) Rain King Counting Crows 4:16 Fast Climb _____

      16) Talk To Me Patti Scialfa 3:45 Cool Down _____
      Like The Rain
      Time: 59 mins. Rating (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

  106. Sorry forgot to add artist and ride time.

    3 Sweaty Hills

    55 minute ride

    Warm Up – Hot N Cold ~ Katy Perry
    Standing Flat – S&M ~ Rihanna
    Standing Flat/Climb on chorus – Love Love ~ Take That
    Medium speed Flat – Walking On Sunshine ~ Katrina and the waves
    Fast speed Flat – Kids In America ~ Kim Wilde
    Standing Flat – Lose Yourself ~ Eminem (apologise for swearword before song)
    Standing Flat/Climb on chorus – Sweat ~ Snoop dog
    Medium speed Flat – Make You Sweat ~ C+C music factory
    Fast speed Flat – Everlong ~ Red Hot chilli peppers
    Standing Flat – Stamp on the ground ~ Italo Brothers
    Standing Climb (Hard RPE 8-9) – The Climb ~ Miley Cyrus
    Medium Speed Flat – Shine a light ~ The wanted
    Fast speed Flat – Keep Warm ~ Jinny
    Cool Down – California King Bed ~ Rihanna
    Bye Bye – Don’t Speak ~ No Doubt

    I use this routine with a wall planner with a picture (linear) of the hills in question. Each song time is charted on the picture so the cyclists can see where they are getting on and next time the routine comes around they can beat it.
    I have to say again, all instructors listen to Miley Cyrus The Climb, this is probably the best hill climb song ever!!

    1. Great playlist! I like “Stamp on the Ground.” I’d never heard it before. That’s why I love this blog so much…it introduces me to new tunes!

      Also, isn’t Everlong by the Foo Fighters? I couldn’t find the Red Hot Chili Peppers version…

  107. 3 Sweaty Hills

    Warm Up – Hot N Cold
    Standing Flat – S&M
    Standing Flat/Climb on chorus – Love Love
    Medium speed Flat – Walking On Sunshine
    Fast speed Flat – Kids In America
    Standing Flat – Lose Yourself
    Standing Flat/Climb on chorus – Sweat
    Medium speed Flat – Make You Sweat
    Fast speed Flat – Everlong
    Standing Flat – Stamp on the ground
    Standing Climb (Hard RPE 8-9) – The Climb
    Medium Speed Flat – Shine a light
    Fast speed Flat – Keep Warm
    Cool Down – California King Bed
    Bye Bye – Don’t Speak

    I use this routine with a wall planner with a picture (linear) of the hills in question. Each song time is charted on the picture so the cyclists can see where they are getting on and next time the routine comes around they can beat it.

  108. Enjoy :)
    Moves like Jager – Maroon 5 – Warmup
    Smooth Criminal – Alien Ant farm – seated sprints
    Sandstorm – Durade – Sprints
    Singing in the rain/Umbrella – Glee – light climb in 1st, take it to 2nd from :32-:53 and 1:26 – 2:09
    Harder to breathe – Maroon 5 – Climb
    End of time – Beyonce – 8 count jumps, taken to four count jumps at :54-1:10, 1:27-1:41, 1:58-2:14, 2:31-2:50, 3:07-end
    Start me up/Living on a prayer – glee – steady seated climb
    So what – pink – climb, switch to 3rd at chorus
    Lose control – Missy Elliott – 8 count jumps, seated sprints at :50-1:05, 1:51-2:06, 2:37-end
    Mercy – Duffy – (these moves were stolen from another reader’s playlist, flattery is the most sincere form of flattery!) climb in saddle – :59, take off resistance and sprint :59-1:21, add resistance in saddle 1:22-1:50, take off resistance and spring 1:51-2:12, climb in 1st 2:13-2:30, climb 2rd 2:31-3:16, climb 1st 3:17-3:40
    Remember the name – Fort minor – very heavy climb
    Raise your glass – Pink – 8 count jumps, take to 4 count at chorus, or seated sprint at chorus
    Rain over me – Pitbull – Start in first, take it to 2nd at :15, take it to 3rd at :30, back to 1st at 1:00, continue that pattern adding resistance each time.
    My kind of party – Jason Aldean – cooldown
    Sunday morning – maroon 5 – cooldown/stretch

  109. hi
    not sure if i saw it here…….someone posted a profile with a wave. it sounded like it would be fun. has anyone here tried it?

    1. Yes, I did see that as well. Here are the instructions (I modified them for my spin class) Have fun!
      • Participants in the class are set up in rows or a half circle (it works either way).
      • Participants increase intensity to their 60-70%, or RPE 6-8. We start their right and move to the left (or you can start left to right).
      • For rows, everyone starts seated, then the front and back person on my far right (or left) move from seated to a standing jog for 30 seconds while everyone else stays seated. For a circle, you can start from the left or right, move from seated to standing jog for 30 seconds while everyone else stays seated.
      • After 30 seconds, the next person moves to standing, and all the way until everyone is in a standing jog. Then we move back, the people on the right or left (opposite from the direction you started) move to seated, then a new set sits after each 30 second set.

      I usually do this during the active recovery time. Keeps people moving.

      Let me know how it works!

      1. Did it today during an endurance/recovery song—kept my riders on their toes ( mentally and physically) lol!

  110. Ok guys this is not a playlist but a big tip. For those who like to have their playlist and routine at hand, there is an iPhone app called seconds.
    This is an interval trainer app, which you can add your own intervals/times and comments. Everytime I do a routine I add the move to be performed, and the track time. So when I start my session I press start and all my song times and routine is right infront of me. Very handy.

    1. It is only $2.99 at the App Store and gets great reviews. I am going to try it. Ellis do you have to make each song a separate workout, or can you combine them?

      1. Sorry just saw your post, no just make a new workout then you can add as many song titles as you want. For example:
        Standing flat/climb chorus – Love Love (then add the time below.)

  111. Hi have just recently became a qualified instructor (thanks to Barry Ross)
    I am having so much fun making up classes and music for mostly virgin riders. I add a bit of visualization for added effect. (See *)
    This was my 1st weeks playlist, please comment.

    Warm up – The Scientist – Coldplay chillout cover by Wen
    A great slow warm up track with a great cadence testing beat.

    *This I tell them them is them getting to the race.*

    Faster beat song – Can’t Stop Moving – Sonny J
    A faster beat so faster pedaling. I get them to lean over slightly every often from left to right so one leg is working harder.

    *Now they are told the race has started, their working hard to get off the line and maintain a good postion.*

    Standing Flat – Break My Stride – Blue Lagoon.
    The chorus is fantastic to introduce the class to standing flats.

    I advise them their is a breakaway pack and they have to keep up.

    Focus song – Adele – Rolling in the deep.
    This song I ask them to focus on their breathing, while maintaing a regular pace the whole song through. While listening to Adele’s amazing voice this goes down well.

    *They are in the breakaway pack and staying with them.*

    Hill Climb 1 – Miley Cyrus – THE CLIMB.
    Seriously this is the best song I have ever heard for a hill climb. Every line, in fact ever word she sings is perfect. Like this >

    ‘Cause there’s always gonna be another mountain
    I’m always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be a uphill battle
    Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose

    Ain’t about how fast I get there
    Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
    It’s the climb, yeah!

    *They are now making their way through the breakaway pack.*

    Standing Flat – The Doors – Riders on the storm.

    *This one they are advised it is starting to rain (as in song effects) their saddle is getting wet so they have to last the whole songs standing*

    Jumps – Call On Me – Eric Prydz
    4/4 beats jumps on chorus.

    *They are now fighting to maintain their postion in leading pack*

    Resistance Building – Deadmau5 – Strobe
    An eigth resistance added every 20 seconds, keeping same cadence.

    *Now they are getting to front of pack and are side by side with the leading rider*

    Climb 2 – Evanescence – Bring Me To Life.
    This song is amazing for a climb, it builds up and up until you can’t resist adding resistance and fighting up that hill.

    *Now theare to visualize overtaking the front rider and pulling away from them up the hill*

    Resistance/Cadence building/Sprint – Eric Prydz – Pjano
    A slow build up of cadence then resistance thena sprint for the line.

    *They are told the line is in sight, the pack is catching so they have to work as hard as they can to get to the finish first*

    Cooldown – Paramore – Misguided Ghosts

    I have had 100% retention of riders from 3 classes of 14. They are all loving the ride. Long may it last.

  112. Hi! This is a 60 minute ride! Some of the songs are old, and some are new!

    Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Two Tribes (3:56) – One of my favourite warm up songs. A really good energy to it (fairly dated now though!). Start with fast legs and low resistance, gradually increasing resistance throughout the song!

    What a Feeling [Radio Edit] (Featuring Kelly Rowland) – Alex Gaudino (2:48) – Increase resistance to match the pace of the song, and lift up and down off the saddle in intervals of 8/4/2 beats!

    Aiii Shot the Dj (Radio Version) – Scooter (3:27) – It’s time for sprints! I like this song for sprinting but it goes by quickly! I like doing 3 big sprints at 0:38-1:11, 1:45-2.20, 2:47-3:27

    Love Love – Take That (3:43) – Turn the resistance way up. The song is slow, but it shouldn’t be easy. We’re climbing off the saddle with regular freezes/isolations!

    Holding On – Darren Styles (4:16) – Lower your resistance because we’re sprinting! Normally I’d divide the group in two and have them race against each other, when one half is sprinting the other are keeping the pace at about 80% (which is still fast, remind people not to slow down to 8% it only makes it harder to get going again!!).

    The Edge of Glory – Lady GaGa (5:20) – We’re at the base of a mountaineous hill. The next few songs will take us all the way to the top (I love these continuous hills, very tough but rewarding!). This song is seated, go with the speed of the song first, then increase the resistance to match!

    Don’t Hold Back – The Potbelleez (3:27) This song is a continuation from the last, so don’t slow down or stop between songs! Take it into a standing climb. As you now have your body weight to help you push and pull those pedals, don’t hold back with resistance!

    Don’t Stop the Party – Black Eyed Peas (6:07) This is a long but energetic one. Keep climbing, still out of the saddle, occasionally increase resistance slightly. If anyone looks too comfortable, suggest they turn up the resistance (or if you’re feeling extra cruel, get off, walk around, and do it for them :) )

    Born to be Wasted – 009 Sound System (6:13) We’re still climbing. This time it’s a slower pace, so increase the tension!

    Love is on Fire – ItaloBrothers (3:23) The top of the hill is in sight. Increase your speed – we want to get to the top in record time! The song is short but fast, so keep standing but you can lower resistance (slightly) if you need to. Once we get to the top, we can have a break!

    Congratulations on finishing a 24minute climb! I love the sense of achievement, and how good it feels to stop climbing. Take a short break, get a drink, towel etc., and get ready to sprint down the other side!

    Waiting for a Girl Like You (KB Project Remix) – Ultrabeat (4:10) – We’re sprinting down the other side of the mountain! It feels a bit weird at first after all the climbing, but keep the speed up nonetheless! Combine seated sprints with intervals of standing sprints! NOTE: This song is misspelled on itunes. It has it listed as Waiting for a Girk Like You (somewhat oddly). I got this song, and the next song, on Alex K’s album “Ultimate NRG 5”

    Loco (KB Project Remix) – Manian (5:29) – Again, sprinting. This song is a great sprint song. Do whichever you prefer – everyone sprinting at once, divide into half, girls vs. boys, call every second person ‘Number 1’ and every other person Number 2 and have Number 1’s sprint, then Number 2’s sprint, or have them race against each other – whichever!

    Shot Caller (Matrix and Futurebound Remix) – The Ian Carey Project (5:01) – Final song. Increase resistance, take it into a standing position, and climb the final hill. This song is very fast so give it everything you’ve got. I love this song as it has a high-energy about it. Make your mark on this last one and you won’t feel the 5 minutes go by! Imagine you’re trying to catch somebody to beat them over the finish line!

    Perfect Stranger (feat. Katy B) – Magnetic Man (5:57) – Cool down and stretch – congratulations!

  113. So I had to sub for a class not long ago and was told that it was all Big Guys. I had to tweak a bit…some of my playlists include Justin Bieber (surely someone would have walked out), Jennifer Lopez (nice to look at…but do Big Guys really like her music?), etc. So here’s what I was calling my Man List. Feedback is appreciated! :)

    Warm up: Use Somebody, Kings of Leon

    First time, Lifehouse. Still warming up…but increasing resistance and coming out of the saddle during the chorus.

    Harder to Breathe, Maroon 5. Seated climb…sprints on the chorus.

    Burn It To The Ground, Nickelback. Uphill climb. Take it to a standing position before you bring it down for two count jumps on the chorus.

    Heavy, Collective Soul. Freezes! (some may call them “hovers”). On the chorus. everything above the legs stops moving…and we focus on just the quads and butts. Freeze when you hear “All your weight….it falls on me, it brings me down.” NOTE: The second time you hear it…the freezes are LONG.

    Sing, My Chemical Romance. Another seated climb with sprints…heavier on the resistance this time. Take it up and out of the saddle for a quick break…and when you hear “Keep Running”, park it back down for another set of sprints.

    I Kissed A Girl, Katy Perry. Four count jumps, transitioning right into two count jumps on the chours.

    Walk, Foo Fighters. Heavy climb, switching from the saddle to third position.

    Personal Jesus, Marylin Manson. Some songs were just MADE for spinning…and this is one of them. Seated climb, take a standing climb break during the instrumental part.

    Painkiller, Freestylers. I found this one on this blog! LOVE IT. Uphill battle, then take it to four count FAST hill jumps on the chorus.

    It’s All Your Fault, Pink. Switchbacks. Start on a flat road, crank it to a heavy resistance on the chorus and run as fast as you can out of the saddle. Back it down to a flat road…then do it again.

    Welcome To The Black Parade, My Chemical Romance. I could play this on a loop I love it so much. But it’s a GREAT song to end your class with. The first 1:45, you’re all uphill. Heaviest hill yet. Take it back down when the music picks up for some speed/sprint drills. You hear the music slow down…you crank it back to that tall mountain and get yourself out of the saddle. Sit back down again when the music picks up for some more sprints. The music will slow down once more…but you don’t! Sprint to the finish line.

    COOL DOWN: Tonight, Tonight, Hot Chelle Rae
    My Next Thirty Years, Tim McGraw

    1. Hi Dana,
      A few suggestions:
      ‘ I am a Man’- Black Strobe

      I’m also lovin’ Sick, Sick, Sick by the Baysides. Take a look at Cynthia’s ‘Give Me Everything’ playlist- it rocks and it gender neutral! ”I kissed a girl’—I’d omit that one and in keeping with the holiday atmosphere go with Fireework if you are a Katy Perry fan. As far as ‘freezes’ my certifications ( IFPA and Mad Dogg) say that’s a contraindicated move-therefore on my list of not-to-do’s.

      Have a Happy 4th!

      1. Thanks Judy! I couldn’t find “I Am A Man” on iTunes. Any other suggestions? I got certified through Madd Dogg, too, and I know freezes are on the “not-to-do” list. But I LOVE them! Can’t help myself!! :)

    1. Hi Carleen –

      Drop me a note at rbleventhal@gmail.com and I’ll add you to the email list for playlists I send out each week that are heavy on 60’s and 70’s music. I’m on vacation, so it will be a week or more until my next list goes out.


  114. So glad this website is up! Here is my playlist:

    (66 minutes)

    1. WARM-UP “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy“ – Big & Rich (3:20)
    2. CLIMB 1 “Oh No”- Girl Talk (5:39)
    3. CLIMB 2 “The Stroke” – Billy Squier (3:39)
    4. SURGE “Clocks” – Coldplay (5:07) *Add ¼ turn each minute
    5. SPRINT “Prrrum” – Cosculluela (3:58) * 20 second sprints x 3
    6. SURGE “Sandstorm” –Darude (3:45)
    7. CLIMB 1 “Another One Bites the Dust” – Queen (3:36)
    8. CLIMB 2 “Edge of Glory” – Lady Gaga(5:21)
    9. RECOVERY “Rock Your Body” – Justin Timberlake (4:27)
    10. SPRINT “On the Floor” – J.Lo (3:51) *sprint on chorus
    11. CLIMB 1 “Electric Feel” – MGMT (3:50) *seated climb-add ¼ turn each minute
    12. CLIMB 2 “Feeling Good” – Michael Buble (3:57) *3rd position climb- add ¼ each minute
    13. JUMPS “Raise Your Glass” – Pink (3:23)
    14. SURGE “Run Like Hell” – Pink Floyd (4:25)
    15. COOL-DOWN “Another Gig in the Sky” – Pink Floyd (4:47)

  115. Here’s another playlist:

    All songs are available in iTunes and mixed together with MixMeister.

    Warm Up
    SF – ZON 1-2
    ▪ 3.56 min, Szerelem, miért múlsz (What Abou My Dreams? – Kati Wolf, 65 RPM
    ▪ 3.27 min, Who’s That Girl (feat. Eve) – Guy Sebastian, 65 RPM

    Block 1
    ▪ 3.18 min, Glow – Madcon, 64 RPM
    SF=>StF – ZON 2-3 @ 0.34, 1.19, 2.09 och 2.55. (15/15/15/15 sec each)
    ▪ 3.49 min, Born This Way – Lady Gaga, 63 RPM
    SF – ZON 3. Increase the cadence in the chorus @ 0.47, 1.56 och 2.05 30 sec each.
    ▪ 3.13 min, Sweat – Snoop Dogg vs David Guetta, 65 RPM
    StC – ZON 3.

    Active Recovery
    2.57 min, I Can – Blue, 93 RPM
    SF – Zon 2-3

    Block 2
    ▪ 3.09 min, In My Head – Jason Derülo, 64 RPM
    SF – ZON 3 Increase both resistance and cadence in the chorus @ 0.44, 1.37 och 2.23, 24/22/22 sec each.
    ▪ 2.58 min, The Girl Got Hot – Weezer, 68 RPM
    SC – ZON 3 Keep and hold the same resistance the entire song and into the next song.
    ▪ 2.48 min, Crawl Back In – Dead By Sunrise, 68 RPM
    StC – ZON 3-4. Increase resistance @ 0.33, 1.15 och 2.12

    4.17 min, Broken Heels – Alexandra Burke, 80 RPM
    SF=>StF – ZON 4-5 @ 1.06, 2.24 och 3.38. (23/23/37 sec each)

    Cooldown and stretch
    ▪ 2.24 min, Our Song – Taylor Swift
    ▪ 3.17 min, Bless the Broken Road – Rascal Flatts
    ▪ 6.02 min, Summer – Joe Hisaishi

    SF = Seated Flat
    StF = Standing Flat
    SC = Seated Climb
    StC = Standing Climb

  116. I use this site all the time so I thought I should post something for all of you- I started teaching about 6 months ago and use a wide variety of current & classic music. I really like to end the class with a strong classical song (or remix) so here are some of my favorite ending songs & drills etc…

    Requiem for a Tower 4:10 London Music Works & Clint Mansel Requiem for a Tower Dream
    4:10 0:00-0:50 seated climb adding tension
    0:50 – standing climb – hard
    1:25- seated break
    2:03 – pedal faster, layer on speed & resistance
    2:52 sprint all out (seated)
    3:17 transition to climbing sitting, up tension until you have to stand
    finish strong

    Asturias 4:43 William Joseph Beyond
    easy ride – 0:00-0:48, 0:49 – speed up, 1:08 faster – sprint 1:54-2:13 (20 second sprint), SLOW, 3:16 – speed up, 3:36 faster! 4:12 end with a 25 second all out sprint

    A Last Illusion 5:26 Trans-Siberian Orchestra Beethoven’s Last Night
    mainly 2 classical songs “flight of the bumble bee” & ode to joy – flight of the bumble bee is all about speed – ode to joy focus on the climb
    0:20 get ready to sprint
    sprint 0:28-0:41
    recover 10 seconds
    sprint 0:53-1:06
    very fast pace standing for about 30 seconds 1:18-1:49
    sit and get ready for sprint 1:50-2:00
    sprint 2:00-2:14
    ode to joy 2:30 – 3:06 slow – recovery – get ready for a slow seated climb
    3:06- add tension – slow climb in saddle
    3:46 – (singing starts) standing fast climb (30 seconds)
    4:20 slow muddy climb tension way up ~ 40 seconds!!!!!
    5:00 finish seated

    Palladio symphony mix my version is just under 8 minutes – I love the build up!

    0:00 – find beat, layer tension with song – big hill ahead!
    1:45 – out of saddle keep climbing increasing tension
    2:37 – small break, flat- ease tension sit – bad news hill ahead steeper
    3:00 – climbing again, slower with beat, out of saddle
    3:30 – fast climb out of saddle
    4:25 sit, undo tension, flat – break but get ready for speed
    4:50 (tweaky music) start to speed up….
    5:20 a little more speed
    5:45 all out speed!!!!
    6:15 back to a fast pace
    6:40 – sit and climb slow last hill to the peak! adjust tension and stand and climb slow
    7:13 sit, climb double time (out of saddle if needed!)
    7:44 done!

    1. Hi Jordan Ann –

      To answer your question — what classical music pieces are good for a cycling class? I read a story once — it might have been a reader’s contribution to Cynthia’s blog — about an instructor who was also a classical music critic for a newspaper in Oregon. His riders challenged him to make up a playlist of nothing but classical. I never did find out what he chose.

      Here is some of what I have selected over the years; no remixes or added beats, they stand on their own. In general the pieces are short, used as bridges or changes of pace, usually a sprint. I most often use classical dance pieces. One of the best music finds I ever made was the CD “25 Classical Dance Favorites,” pulled from a bin at a thrift shop. It has provided me with “Sabre Dance” by Katchachurian (2:31); “Can Can” (Orpheus) by Jacques Offenbach (1:23); “Midsummer Night’s Dream: Scherzo” by Mendelssohn (2:50); and Slavic Dance in G Minor, Op.46 No. 8 by Dvorak (3:01, but I use the first 2:30). It also has Sousa’s spritely Washington Post March (2:27), which fit nicely into a theme ride for Inauguration Day. A surprisingly effective instrumental is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s version of “Hail To The Chief” (1:39), I used on that same ride.

      I have also used segments of Mendelsohn’s “New Hebrides Overture”, Dvorak’s “New World Symphony,” and Beethoven’s “Ninth Symphony.” My editing starts by finding the movements titled “”Vivace” or “Presto” and then further listening for the minute or two of high-energy crescendos.

      There is also the perfectly named “Spinning Song” by Mendelssohn (1:37). But my favorite of all is 1:19 of a frenetic, but controlled aria from Mozart’s “Don Giovanni,” (K. 527: ‘Fin ch’han dal vino). It’s a great sprint.

      Finally, there is always the William Tell Overture. Riders suggest it every time I use a classical piece, but I haven’t played it yet. No Bolero, either. But what I do play is greatly appreciated, perking up the class by stimulating a bit of refocusing during my usual mix of blues, soul and alt country and rock.


    2. Thanks Jordan Ann! I’ve used Palladio and gotten positive feedback. I really like all of the songs on this playlist. Your post and the comments that followed have gotten me thinking about doing a classical playlist.

  117. Here’s a new playlist I used tonight:

    Loser Like Me (Glee Cast Version) 3:19 Glee Cast Pop 20 5/19/2011 10:25 AM Glee: The Music, Vol. 5 3/15/2011 10:43 PM

    Barbra Streisand 5:00 Duck Sauce Electronic 1 5/19/2011 10:30 AM Barbra Streisand – Single 5/18/2011 9:47 PM

    CLIMB W/ 3 “BREAKAWAYS” (StC, first 10 seconds of it all out)
    Evacuate the Dancefloor 3:28 Cascada Dance 2 5/19/2011 10:10 PM Evacuate the Dancefloor 5/18/2011 10:20 PM

    Golddust 3:12 DJ Fresh Dance 2 5/19/2011 10:21 PM Kryptonite 5/18/2011 9:46 PM

    Rolling Till The World Ends 3:59 Jarod Ripley 2 5/19/2011 10:28 PM 5/18/2011 8:48 PM

    Give Me Everything (feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer) 4:16 Pitbull Pop 2 5/19/2011 10:35 PM Give Me Everything (feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer) – Single 5/18/2011 10:18 PM

    S&M 4:03 Rihanna Pop 3 5/19/2011 10:45 PM Loud 5/18/2011 10:26 PM

    Pure Soul (feat. Matisyahu) 3:16 DeScribe Reggae 1 5/19/2011 10:52 AM Pure Soul (feat. Matisyahu) – Single 5/18/2011 9:55 PM

    Kissed It (feat. Velvet Revolver) 4:36 Macy Gray Pop 2 5/19/2011 10:58 PM Kissed It (feat. Velvet Revolver) 5/18/2011 10:20 PM

    Save Me, San Francisco 4:09 Train Pop 2 5/19/2011 11:02 PM Save Me, San Francisco (Bonus Track Version) 5/18/2011 9:46 PM

    Tonight Tonight 3:20 Hot Chelle Rae Pop 2 5/19/2011 11:07 PM Tonight Tonight – EP 5/18/2011 9:53 PM

    JUMPS (OPTIONAL – Cut if short on time)
    Blow (feat. B.o.B) (Remix) 4:33 Ke$ha Party Rap 1 5/19/2011 11:09 AM DirtyMexicanLemonade.com 5/18/2011 10:44 PM

    Hello 4:41 Martin Solveig & Dragonette Dance 1 5/19/2011 11:17 AM Hello – Single 5/18/2011 10:06 PM

    More (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix) 3:40 Usher R&B/Soul 2 5/19/2011 11:17 PM More (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix) – Single 5/18/2011 9:56 PM

    SEATED CLIMB W/ 3 “Spin ups” (Optional – cut if short on time)
    Sing 4:30 My Chemical Romance Alternative 2 5/19/2011 11:21 PM Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (Deluxe Version) 5/18/2011 10:06 PM

    Hell to the No (Glee Cast Version) 3:05 Glee Cast Pop 20 5/19/2011 11:26 AM Hell to the No (Glee Cast Version) – Single 3/15/2011 10:44 PM

    Uncharted 3:35 Sara Bareilles Pop Kaleidoscope Heart 5/18/2011 9:52 PM

  118. Hi All, Thanks so much for making this such a great resource. I am a new instructor. I am team-teaching right now with a very seosononded instructor and it’s been a great way to learn. Last night I taught the first half of class and it was amazing. I just wanted to share my fave song from the class:
    “Dog Days Are Over”-Florence + The Machine.
    I used it for the warm-up and included a cadence increase, but this would be great for all-out sprints as well.

    1. Congrats on your new class! Great to team teach but don’t let that influence your ability to be yourself.

      I just used Dog Days this AM as part of my warm-up- I totally agree that it’s a great choice!

    2. Hi Gabriela, welcome to the blog! I have only team-taught once, but our gym now encourages it so I expect I’ll be doing it more. I liked the Glee Cast version of Dog Days even more than the original.

      1. Hi Cynthia and Judy, Thanks for the encouragement. I’ve have a great time team teaching so far- I don’t think I could have gotten this kind of teaching experience otherwise. I’m doing a Fitness Leadership program at my school (I’m a grad student). It’s a year long program and part of the requirement is to assist with various group fitness classes. I’m taking my personal training exam next month and same with my spin certification.
        I just started my own blog about my experiences and lessons learned as I transition into the fitness industry. I’m so excited and I hope people will visit and add their own advice that they learned on their own personal journey.
        You can check it out here: http://peacelovefitness.wordpress.com/
        Thanks again,

      2. Thanks Gabriela,

        I’ll include a link to your blog. Please feel free to include a link to Spinning Music on yours. Good luck with your journey!

    3. Hey Judy – I use Dog Days for a fast paced climb in third and with the three up tempo portions I have the riders sprint up the hill – the music and the words work perfect – give it a try! The last two are back to back and killer. The first sprint is at 1:17 – 1:44 next sprint is 2:15-2:53 and quickly at 3:06 all the way to the end! Puts you to breathless and above threshold!

  119. Hi Everyone

    This blog is so inspirational! I’m trying to set up my own spin studio and want
    to have a lot of musically themed workouts to appeal to everybody. If the business takes off, you guys can all have a cut :)

  120. Hey there! So here’s a playlist I’ve used a few times. It’s all about jumps and hills. We start off with a quick warm up, then head into five songs that are all jumps. These jumps are done on hills…so resistance is HIGH!! One recovery track and then it’s all uphill for five songs. The class runs a bit over an hour. Enjoy!!

    Loser Like Me, Glee cast (I’m a HUGE fan of the show). Warm up.

    Right Round, Flo Rida. Start with four count jumps. Take it to two counts on the second half of the chorus. This is done throughout the whole song.
    Tubthumping – We start off out of the saddle…and when he says “DOWN”…we sit down! Two count jumps the whole song..

    I Don’t Care, Fallout Boy. I do what I call “loops.” They’re like jumps, but instead of going straight up and down, we go up, over, back up, back down. That’s one loop. Start off with a four count, take it to two on the chorus.
    Jump Around, House of Pain. How can I do a jump playlist and not include this one??? Two count jumps…taking it to singles on the chorus.

    Tipsy, J Kwon. Four counts to two counts. This has a fantastic beat…easy to perform all these jumps.

    All In – Lifehouse. RECOVERY TRACK

    Now let’s get ready to climb. All of these songs are done at a high resistance. It’s hills after all.

    Price Tag, Jessie J (feat. B.o.B.). In the saddle the whole song…but take it out when B.o.B. does his thing. Back down, increase resistance, finish it off.

    Personal Jesus, Marilyn Manson. Again – in the saddle for the entire song…one break out of the saddle during the instrumental section…then back down.

    One Thing. This one’s tough. It’s a slow song, so it’s heavier resistance. Run on the chorus. It’s HARD!

    Lose Yourself, Eminem. Heavy, heavy, heavy. We’re almost done!

    Home Sweet Home, Motley Crue. Take it home with this last hill. Start out of the saddle, take it in the saddle for the chorus.

    This, Darius Rucker. Ahhhh….no resistance whatsoever. Flush out your legs, get the heartrate back to normal. STRETCH.

    And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going , Jennifer Hudson. This is basically background music as your class drips out the door.

    1. Thanks Dana, I have never tried five jump songs in a row – I bet that would be wicked hard. Can you explain your loops? I’m not familiar with them and I’m having difficulty picturing what you mean.

      1. It is wicked hard! BTW, I love hearing “wicked hard”. I grew up in Massachusettes where “wicked” was a part of my daily vocabulary. Not so much here in NJ.

        Okay – let’s see if I can explain loops. It would be so much easier if you could just…come to New Jersey. (ha ha).

        Let’s use a four count jump as an example: As you know, a regular jump is straight up, straight down. Here’s what the four count jump looks like: Up (two, three, four) Down (two, three, four). And so on. Slower or quicker, depending on the beat of the song (obviously).

        A four count LOOP would be Up, Over, Up, Down: Example: Up (two, three four), Over (two, three, four. ‘over’ meaning third position…or hands at the ends of the handlebars, flat backs, butts right above the saddle). Back Up (two, three, four), Down in the saddle (two three four).

        You need a song with a great beat to do this. “I Don’t Care” from Fall Out Boy is a great one. “Uprising” from Muse works great, too. “Spicy McHaggis” from Dropkick Murphys is excellent, if you can get past the disgusting lyrics (it’s about a guy who likes…um….larger women. He finds one and knocks her up!). If the song doesn’t have a good beat, it won’t really work, and you’ll get confused as well as your riders!

        I really hope this helps. Let me know!

      2. Ah. Got it. I am going to try them with one of the songs you suggested. Thanks, Dana. We must be about the same age – I grew up in Ontario and wicked was a popular adjective there, too.

      3. Good luck Cynthia! Let me know how it works out. I did “I Don’t Care” today. I went from four count loops…to two count loops on the chorus and sat back down in the saddle in between sets.

        I just turned 42 in April! Fabulous 40s, I say! You?

      4. I did Dana’s loops this AM with my class to Commander- worked well on the chorus. Fun too since I typically do a move similar to the loop but have my riders go from position 2 to 3 ( up and over in Dana’s terms) repeatedly during the chorus-they are used to that so the loop was a new, unexpected twist!

    2. Judy – yay!! I’m glad they worked. I would have hated to post a suggestion…and then have it suck! :)

  121. Hello boys and girls :o)
    I have been using this site for a while now without actually posting a playlist up myself! So I thought it was about time i shared some of my favourite tracks with you all. I have been teaching for almost 2 years and i currently do 7 classes a week and I revert back to this site everytime i make a new playlist! So i’m basically constantly here :o)
    This isn’t one of my playlists – just a couple of my favourites!
    Hope you like the songs!!

    1. Painkiller 5:31 – Freestylers featuring Pendulum
    This is BY FAR the most loved tune I have ever used. I normally leave it for the last track in the set because it really gets people pumped!
    I go for a sadle climb with some sprints when the beats kicks in but you can put anything to the verse really. The part my class love is the chorus. I get them to whack their resistance up real high, start pushing the pace as much as they can and then everytime they hear word PAINKILLER they have to do one explosive jump into standing and then sit straight back into the saddle again. When the chorus is done resistance goes right down and straight into sprint! Give it a try!

    2. Gold Dust (Radio Edit) 3:14 – DJ Fresh – Speed work!

    0:00 – 0:30 = (aprox) Building up the pace and getting ready for the minute of speedwork ahead
    0:30 – 1:30 = fast run + saddle sprint + fast run (about 20 secs on each, you’ll know when to change position as the music cues you!)
    1:30 – 2:00 = quick recovery and start building up the pace, get ready to go again!
    2:00 – 3:00 = saddle sprint + fast run + saddle sprint (again 20 secs on each position, I start with the saddle this time jst to mix it up a bit)

    3. Tubthumping 3:34 Chumbawamba
    For this track I get my class to listen to the words in the song for cues. It gets them thinking and takes their mind off the battle! It makes me laugh everytime I play it and you can really feel the good energy build up in the class!
    The idea is to use 3 positions – Elbows, Saddle and Standing.
    Verse = Moderate/Heavy resistance Elbows
    Chorus = Low resistance, Speed Work!
    You’re riders will be on elbows for the verse and when the chorus comes in with “I get knocked down” They do exactly that and shift into the saddle posiiton. Keep that speed up though and here comes the next line “but I get up again” You guessed it! Up you come into a standing sprint position and finally “you’re never keep me down” Drop back into the elbows position. This repeats a few times in the chorus so simply get your class to keep changing positions until the verse. I try and encourage my class to keep sprinting while changing positions. It’s great for building up confidence in how fast you can actually sprint in the standing position.

    4. I Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor 2:48 – Sugababes = Sprints
    (0:15) 10/20/30/45 – Saddle sprints
    Start at 0:15for the first sprint and leave a 0:15 recovery break inbetween each after that! WHOA!!

    5. Disturbia 4:03 The Cab – Resistance is only going in one direction, no prizes for guessing which!!
    It takes 0:15 for this track to start – the routine repeats itself throughout
    0:15 – 1:00 standing climb – Adding a turn every 10 – 15 secs
    1:00 – 1:15 saddle sprint (but don’t touch resistance)
    1:15 – 1:30 elbow sprint
    The basically repeats through the song so
    Verse = standing climb – starting turning up that resistance again!
    Bridge = into the saddle get sprinting with that resistance!
    Chorus = Shift to elbows but keep pushing!

    Well guys that’s going to have to do for now, hope it makes sense to you!! I have a class to teach at 18:00 so I don’t have time to put up anymore.
    Enjoy! Love and happy energy your way – Greta :o) X x X

    1. Hi Greta, thanks so much for posting! I bought Painkiller (I accidentally bought the Judas Priest song first) and had never heard that version of Disturbia before.

  122. Hello boys and girls :o)
    I have been using this site for a while now without actually posting a playlist up myself! So I thought it was about time i shared some of my favourite tracks with you all. I have been teaching for almost 2 years and i currently do 7 classes a week and I revert back to this site everytime i make a new playlist! So i’m basically constantly here :o)
    Hope you like the songs!!

    1. Painkiller 5:31 – Freestylers featuring Pendulum

  123. Hi Dana —

    Here are the two playlists you asked about. As you can see, they play off the titles. Most of my themed rides do unless its a holiday, special occasion or music theme like “British Invasion” (that was last week’s ride). I send out my playlist via email every week to folks who are interested. If you are, drop me a note at rbleventhal@gmail.com. This week it’s “On The Run.” I ask for feedback from riders; mostly they let me know what they didn’t like. Keep in mind my classes are planned, as I say, for “Old Folks and Old Souls.” Most have no idea of what’s popular at the moment.


    Wild And Crazy

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) Crazy The BoDeans 4:35 Warm-Up _____

    2) Wild Honey U2 3:47 Warm-Up _____

    3) Crazy Men At Work 2:36 Standing Run _____

    4) Wild Stroke 9 3:23 Fast/Flat Road _____

    5) Wild Night Van Morrison 3:33 Standing Climb _____

    6) Crazy Little Dwight Yoakam 2:22 Flat Road/Sprints_____
    Thing Called Love

    7) Crazy Mama Rolling Stones 4:34 Hill Climb _____

    8) Little Wild One Marshall 3:52 Faster Climb _____
    (No. 5) Crenshaw

    9) Crazy Widespread 4:21 Recovery _____

    10) Crazy R.E.M. 3:03 Seated Climb _____

    11) Wild Woman Little Jimmy & 3:40 Flat Road/Sprints_____
    The Memphis Soul

    12) Wild, Wild West The Escape Club 5:43 Fast Climb_____

    13) Wild Women Dennis Rowland 3:34 Standing Climb _____

    14) Child Of The John Hiatt 4:28 Fast Climb_____
    Wild Blue Yonder

    15) Crazy Love Aaron Neville & 4:30 Cool Down_____
    Robbie Robertson

    Total Time: 58 minutes Ratings: 1 through 5 (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

    Hit Or Miss

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rate
    1) This Is Me James House 3:28 Warm-Up _____
    Missing You

    2) Hit The Ground Jonny Lang 3:31 Warm-Up _____

    3) Hit Me With Pat Benatar 2:42 Standing Run _____
    You Best Shot

    4) Miss Me Blind Culture Club 4:32 Standing Climb_____

    5) Hit The Road Eve Selis 2:43 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    6) Hit The Highway Proclaimers 4:02 Seated Climb _____

    7) Never Miss Chaka Khan 4:46 Fast Climb _____
    The Water

    8) Wish I Didn’t Angie Stone 4:31 Recovery _____
    Miss You

    9) Hit The Road Jack Ray Charles 2:18 Standing Run _____

    10) Never Miss A Beat Kaiser Chiefs 3:11 Sprints _____

    11) I Miss You Honeydogs 4:31 Seated Climb _____

    12) Miss You Rolling Stones 5:34 Standing Climb_____

    13) Missing Pieces Voxtrot 5:17 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    14) Missing You John Waite 3:55 Slow Climb _____

    15) One Hit Wonder Everclear 3:30 Standing Climb_____

    16) Hit The Ground Lizz Wright 3:33 Cool Down _____
    Time: 60 mins. Rating (1 – Most Liked, 5 – Least Liked)

  124. Carsten
    Here’s a few ideas—one suggestion, I would not use Thunderstruck and Sandstorm back to back- typically I use one of the 2 as the last song in a work phase or the entire session- I have my people do all out sprints to the chorus of Thunderstruck and with Sandstorm I have them start out at 75% effort for speed then increase to their all out 100%, we go back to 60% when the beat slows considerably then right back up to 85%, 90%, 95% and finish with 100% while I encourage them to give it all they have so they can finish strong. For the Safari Duo- yes great beat-it can be an endurance phase-since the song is long and a bit repetitive I would vary positions during the song- perhaps do 0-2 mins in the saddle, 2-4 standing in position 2
    (upright), then move during 4-6 to standing in position 3 or toss in a few single leg leads or have them increase to heavy resistance for 10 seconds, then back it off for 10… the problem with this type of song is keeping your riders interested. One minute of silence is tough- when I have songs with brief breaks I tell my riders to use that time to mentally challenge themselves- keep their feet moving, focus on themsleves, what they are doing, their breath…you can edit that minute of silence out as well- sort of cut and paste the song or change where the song starts- start after the silent portion just find a good new starting point and go with it. Other option is to use it as warm up and talk thru the silence- it could be a good time to explain the ride profile, instruct about proper form, ask your riders about themselves…all while they keep pedaling. You’ll be surprised how fast that minute will pass!

    1. @Judy..

      Thanks for awesome input :)

      And you got it all correct about thunderstruck and sandstorm… Gonna leave one of them out of this setlist :)

      Im just on a tough task here.. I about making a 1hour class with only a few rock and hard rock songs, that is what i listen to.. But gotta have a few sets with pop/dance for when im taking classes for others in last minute… I do enjoy spinning to some of this music, but its harder when making the set i think. Couse i dont know the music, or the name of the bands or songs etc. :) Right now im having an hour put down, with a few rock songs in it.. But i have no idea right now what to do in each song..

      1. The best advice I can offer is to make sure that every song on your playlist is something that keeps YOU motivated so that you can keep your class motivated. I have always felt that if you don’t ‘feel it’ , it won’t work.
        I also will tell you that pop/dance/hip-hop tunes are the easiest to work with–the choruses are so obvious–easier than most rock/purely instrumental tunes. I’m sure you can find many that will get you going!
        Additionally, the more prepared you are the better you will feel when you hop on a bike to lead a class–after instructing for 2+ yrs now I still make a playlist then before I put it out there for my class to ride to I either ride it ( I own a spin bike) or run to it. If a red flag goes up-if I feel a particular song just doesn’t work- I dump it. I’d rather have to add another good tune then work thru a bad one- that can be stressful. You need to feel confident that you will offer your participants a motivating, well thought out ride. No one can expect anything more. Once in a while I’ll tell my riders that they may not love a playlist or the way I cue…but they have to respect every instructor for all the time and effort they put forth for the riders’ benefit. We can surely be taken for granted at times.
        Good Luck!

  125. Hi

    Ideas wanted for this song.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UtaZkXzucI
    Right before this song i have britney spears with oooops i dit it again.. (a VERY slow song), where my plan is it gotta be standing and VERY HARD..

    After 1min 42sec there is almost silence for 1min in the song.. I think its great song with great drum rythm, where it must be possible to use it for a spin class. :) But dont know what to do with the 1min break.. And now im also in doubt of what to do for the entire song.. :(

    After this song i plan to have sandstorm – darude (where i want to have some hard work in it) and then after that thunderstruck with ac/dc to just go crazy with double double tempo.. and then after thunderstruck the class is over.. So these 3 songs has almost the last 33% of the class in it..

    Thanks.. And happy easter :)

    / Carsten

    1. Carsten,
      That Safri Duo song is awesome. I have 3 different versions of it and none of mine are the same as the one you linked. Search for “The Bongo Song” and you’ll find other versions that are between 3-8 minutes long (without dead spot). My class love it and call it the “drum song”.

  126. Does anyone know where I can download Aerosmith’s “Come Together?” I’m trying to put together a Cover Song theme ride…and I love that one. The problem is…I have to download the whole album to get that one song and I certainly don’t need the entire soundtrack from “Armegeddon.”

    1. You can go to youtube- highlight and copy the version of the song you like in the youtube browser- then go to either vidtomp3.com or listentoyoutube.com paste it into that browser and it will convert the tune into an MP3- it will save directly to iTunes or your desktop. That’s how I do many of my songs-otherwise I’d go broke, lol!

      1. Thanks, Judy! So I have it…but for the LIFE of me can’t figure out how to move it into my iTunes library. When I drag it…it SEEMS like it’s dropping in there…but nope. I’m so close! :)

  127. Hi Cynthia —

    I noticed a couple of recent posts, one about featuring just one artist and another looking for something different than the current crop of radio hits. I fully agree that a class full of songs performed by the same person/group is a non-starter, but on other hand, how can any of us who grew up in the Sixties fail to celebrate Bob Dylan’s 70th birthday next month (the 24th)? So here’s my playlist for that week. Note that Bob himself only gets a couple of minutes at the end, an edit from his segment of The Band’s “The Last Waltz.” I know that some folks aren’t enamored of his voice. Someone has counted the number of Dylan covers, more than 32,000. The vast majority wouldn’t work for a spin class, but these will do fine for my riders. It’s a bit longer than my usual class. There is still a few more weeks to tinker with this, so if anyone has other suggestions, I’d love to receive them.


    Happy Birthday, Bob

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) I’ll Be Your Baby, Tonight Robert Palmer 3:21 Warm-Up _____

    2) My Back Pages The Byrds 3:06 Warm-Up _____

    3) If You Gotta Go, Go Now Manfred Mann 2:27 Standing Run _____

    4) Everthing Is Broken Kenny W. Sheppard 3:47 Standing Climb _____

    5) Forever Young Rod Stewart 4:01 Seated Climb _____

    6) Don’t Think Twice… Elvis Presley 3:56 Sprints _____

    7) The Times They Are A Changin’ Phil Collins 4:56 Standing Climb _____

    8) Highway 61 Revisited Dr. Feelgood 3:53 Fast Climb _____

    9) Born In Time Eric Clapton 3:38 Recovery _____

    10) Most Likely You Go Your Todd Rundgren 3:23 Standing Run _____
    And I’ll Go Mine

    11) We Can’t Turn Back Now Rodney Crowell 4:41 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    12) Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 Tom Petty 4:30 Standing Climb _____

    13) Absolutely Sweet Marie Jason & The Scorchers 2:52 Sprints _____

    14) Gotta Serve Somebody Etta James 5:59 Seated Climb _____

    15) It’s All Over Now Baby Blue Bryan Ferry 3:59 Standing Climb _____

    16) Watching The River Flow Joe Cocker 3:11 Standing Climb _____

    17) Baby Let Me Follow You Down Bob Dylan 2:18 Fast Climb _____

    18) Better Days The Jayhawks 4:32 Cool Down _____
    Total Time: 63 minutes Ratings: 1 through 5 (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

    1. Bob, I am always in awe of your creativity and now for the fact that you’ve got a playlist ready for next month already. Thanks for posting. Can I vote for Matt Andersen’s version of Wagon Wheel (Dylan wrote the chorus)? It’s on Youtube for sure, not sure about iTunes. Matt is a local singer and I have seen him do Wagon Wheel live twice. Both times I was utterly transfixed. This guy can sing and play guitar. It’s awkward to spin to… maybe jumps, or recovery, or the cool down? The chorus is so catchy.

  128. Terrific! Thanks! Happens that I have What’s the Point in my iTunes- that will be perfect!

    I’m not familiar with mixmeister…available in the US?

    Happy Holidays to you too!

  129. Ove- great playlist—I went to youtube, listened then downloaded it in its entirety! Any other tunes you would add—haha, I need 10 more minutes of music and love your choices!

    1. Hi Judy!

      Thanks a lot! I forgot to mention that my music is all mixed together with Mixmeister, a common used program among instructors.

      To prolong the existing class I would maybe put in one or two songs before the active recovery.

      3.40 min, Who’s That Girl (feat Eve) – Guy Sebastian, 64 RPM
      4.03 min, Idiot (Soundfactory Remix) – Lena Philipsson, 64 RPM
      Some combination of climbing with a higher resistance but at a lower cadence.

      To get the heart rate up after the recovery I would increase the cadence in the chorus of, 4.16 min, What’s The Point – Johnossi, RPM 70.

      Wishing you a Happy Easter!


  130. I’m looking for some out of the ordinary tunes for a 55 min ride–getting bored with the ‘radio’ tunes- haven’t been impressed with most of the new releases, any ideas?


  131. I’m on my way becoming an instructor here in Sweden and here’s my first 45-minutes class.

    Warm Up
    SF – ZONE 2
    2.37 min, In the Club – Danny, 65 RPM
    3.06 min, Resuscitate Me – September, 65 RPM
    3.29 min, More – Usher, 65 RPM

    Block 1
    3.27 min, If I Had You – Adam Lambert, 70 RPM
    SC=>StC – ZONE 2-3 @ 0.36, 1.37 and 2.46. (28/28/41 sec long)

    3.38 min, You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home – Hannah Montana, 77 RPM
    SF – ZONE 3. Increase resistance in the chorus @ 0.50, 1.58 och 2.48. 25 sec long.

    3.17 min, Wash My World – Laurent Wolf, 70 RPM
    StC – ZONE 3.

    Aktive Recovery
    2.56 min, Upp Och Hoppa – Frida, 110 RPM
    SF – ZONE 2-3

    Block 2
    3.24 min, River Flows – Jasper Forks, 70 RPM
    StC – ZONE 3 @ 0.41 and 2.31, 55 sec long

    2.50 min, Walk On By – The Real Booty Babes Compilation Edit, 70 RPM
    StC – ZONE 3 @ 0.36 and 1.44, 35 sec long

    3.15 min, Down – Jay Sean, 70 RPM
    StC – ZONE 3-4. Increase resistance @ 1.16 and 2.10

    3.00 min, Me and My Drum – Swingfly feat. Christoffer Hiding, 92 RPM
    SF=>StF – ZONE 4-5 @ 0.41, 1.36 and 2.28. (22/22/32 sec long)

    Cooldown and stretch
    2.24 min, Our Song – Taylor Swift
    3.17 min, Bless the Broken Road – Rascal Flatts
    6.02 min, Summer – Joe Hisaishi

    SF = Seated Flat
    StF = Standing Flat
    SC = Seated Climb
    StC = Standing Climb

    1. Hi Ove,

      I second Judy – this is a great playlist! I especially liked Wash my World and River Flows. Thanks, too for the lyrics and Mixmeister tips.

  132. @Linda

    I curius.. What do you do to the songs like volbeat and hammerfall and nightwish ??
    Thats 3 bands i know already. And have heard a lot from.. I just not sure what exercises to do listening to them ??

    I can understand when people that is not used to rock / metal say that its not possible to spin to this music. But can also be because i just told them to do the wrong things :)

    / carsten

    1. Hi Carsten,

      To the rocksongs we most often sit in the verse and then stand up in the refrain, but it depends of the song of course. For example Volbeat – I only wanna be with you we stand the whole song.
      I think rock/metal is the best music to spin to :)


      1. @ Linda

        Come to Aarhus denmark and do some spinning classes.. I would LOVE spinning to rock and metal my self.. Think im going to use the summer to try and find out what to do in wich songs.. And see if i can find some instructors doing rock / metal spinns and then attend them..

        / carsten

  133. The remake of purple rain is made by a band that have a style what we in Sweden call dansband… maybe it’s so simple in english you call it dance-band :)

    You can listen to all the songs on youtube!



  134. Ok, here it comes :) There are Swedish songs you may not recognize, but please take a listen! ;)

    Urbanmyth – Africa (Toto)
    Carola & Marit Bergman – Waterloo (ABBA)
    Lars Kristerz – Purple rain (Prince)

    Hammerfall – När vindarna viskar mitt namn (Roger Pontare)
    Italo Brothers – Moonlight shadow (Mike Oldfield)
    Volbeat – I only wanna be with you (Dusty Springfield)
    Novaspace – Beds are burning (Midnight oil)
    Nightwish – Over the hills and far away (Gary Moore)

    David May feat. Kelvin Scott – I’ll be watching you (The Police)

    Jay Smith – Like a prayer (Madonna)
    Plura – Det hon vill ha (Christer Sandelin)
    Marilyn Manson – Personal Jesus (Depeche mode)
    Pet shop boys – Always on my mind (Elvis)
    The Baseballs – Pokerface (Lady GaGa)


    Westlife – Total eclipse of the heart (Bonnie Tyler)
    Maia Hirasawa – The worrying kind (The Ark)

    I hope you like it :)

    1. Thanks for posting these! You’re right…I’m from New Jersey so I don’t recognize some but I can’t wait to check them out. I didn’t realize there was a remake of Purple Rain….I’m going to go have a listen…

  135. I teach a theme class this Saturday the 16th.
    Theme: COVERS! Many of my favourite songs, in a new version.

    I can post the playlist if you like?
    All the songs are available on youtube if you haven’t heard them before :)

    /Linda, Sweden

    1. Yes…please post! Speaking of covers…David Cook just did a remake of “Don’t You Forget About Me” from the movie The Breakfast Club. It’s going on my Movie theme list!

  136. If you get them to guess on decennium, then you can also use songs that have the title of the movie in the lyrics. And even better, you can do an entire quiz during the class! Here’s how: I have spin quizzes from time to time at my gym and what I do is ask people at the end of each song what decennium they think the song is from. I then count to 3, and everybody then answers with their fingers. “If you think the song is from the fifties . five fingers in the air”, “if you think its from the seventies – seven fingers” etc. Each biker with a correct number of fingers in the air get a tangerine to put in front of their spinning bike. It takes a little bit of running between each song on my part to hand out the tangerines, but it makes it a breeze to keep track of the scores. The class loves it, but its important to play songs that everybody knows about. The goal is for everybody to answer corract decennium on at least half of the songs, so you should not be afraid of making it too easy.
    Afterwards, everybody gets to keep their tangerines, and the winner of course gets an extra prize. Its hectic but fun!

  137. There are thousands of good movie songs. I’m sure I posted a oscars spin and gave everyone an envelope with a piece of paper in it. One of the papers had 2 tickets to the cinema. The guy had to come to the front and do an acceptance speech. An easy idea is to do some golden years and get them to guess the year, will post a few up and see how u do

    1. I LOVE the idea of an acceptance speech!!!! And believe me…I know there are thousands of good movie songs. I just can’t think of any! :) Thanks for your help…I look forward to seeing your list!

  138. I love themed rides—I have my riders guess the theme. Tonight I used your tipsy playlist, I asked my peeps to listen to lyrics then after class tell me what they thought the theme was, if they were correct I offered a prize- a drink, on the house, at my new restaurant;-) Promoting my new business venture while giving incentives to my peeps—mutually beneficial! Of course I told the winners that they could have any drink they chose—water, iced tea, didn’t have to be alcoholic.
    One type of playlist I have found not to ‘work’- single artist. I tried a Beatles playlist and my regulars said they got bored- next time I wanted to feature an artist I made sure to mix it up, like my Adam Lambert ride—1 Adam to 2 parts assorted artist, I continued that pattern throughout the class- it got rave reviews. Of course I have holiday playlists- love them plus they are timeless, you can reuse year after year or change it up a bit by adding/deleting oen or two songs.

    1. I love themed rides, too. I’m not convinced that single artist playlists are workable. Unless maybe a lot of other artists have covered the songs in different genres (e.g. a Michael Jackson playlist with Alien Ant Farm’s version of Smooth Criminal, Fall Out Boy doing Beat It, etc.) I did do an Out of India soundtrack ride (all A.R. Rahman) when Slumdog Millionaire was huge – some people liked it, some didn’t. Lesson learned.

      Love the idea of giving a prize for guessing the theme, Judy.

      1. I LOVE theme rides and I’m all for giving out a prize to the correct guesser. I’m working on a movie theme ride. But it’s hard because if I play…say Footloose…that’s a dead giveaway. I’ve got Coming To America by (don’t laugh) Neil Diamond (from The Jazz Singer. OLD OLD!), Tremble for my Beloved by Collective Soul (from Twilight). I figure I can use Footloose…but I want to have the tough ones first. Any other suggestions??

  139. Thanks Judy! I totally agree. As a person who frequently “drops” by and takes a spin class (ok more like 2 -3 classes), I need that motivation to get me to the finish line! woo hoo…! Most recently, my classes have been themed (classic rock love songs, 80’s rock) with a place to go (riding along the coast or down the “pot-hole” roads of New England) usually ending with sprints.

    Thanks for advice!


  140. Hey Cheri-
    Loved your ‘tipsy’ playlist- I had to alter a bit as I work at the Y and some of the language was questionable- I added ‘Let’s Dance’, ‘Raise Your Glass ( the clean version, fo course)’ stretching and cooldown to ‘Need you now’ and ‘Champagne Super Nova’.
    I taught a 75 min class for several months-we modified it back to 60 mins because members said it was overwhelming- I loved it ;-). I can tell you that your playlist has to be extremely motivating- especially the last 15 minutes of your class otherwise you’ll lose people- they get this blank stare on their faces. THe best advice I can offer is to make sure that every song on your playlist is something that keeps YOU motivated so that you can keep your class motivated. I have always felt that if you don’t ‘feel it’ , it won’t work.

  141. Thanks Carsten! I am glad you liked it! I am more into the KISS method when it comes to teaching..(‘Keep It Simple Stupid’), not that anyone is stupid :) it allows me more time to coach and motivate.

    I have been asked to teach a Concert Spin Class (75 – 90 min), does anyone have any ideas? Music? Profile?

    Smiles and spins!

  142. I used my ipod today. And followed the plan all the way. :)
    This is my playlist for 30min today:

    Pretty fly for a white guy – Offspring
    Whiskey in the jar – Metallica
    Waterline – Dizzy Mizz Lizzy (Danish band – english lyrics)
    Fallen – Volbeat
    (A danish song singing about a blue bike) :)
    Bad craziness – DAD (danish band – english lyrics)
    Paradise City – Guns n Roses

    To relax afterwards: Lets get rocked with Def Leppard and Eye of the Tiger.

    Stole some of the ideas from you Cheri.. :) We were only 4 (me included) :( But they loved the standing attacks. (i did it 10/10)

    Dont know all the songs from the list you posted. But i will try and find it and see how it is.. Would be good to have a none (or little less) rock music class as well, when im standing in for others :)

    1. Thanks for posting Carsten. Just wait until you get a packed class to instruct. The energy is amazing.

  143. Hey everyone! Thanks for all the advice with chit chatters! They came back and once they started talkin, I was able SQUASH it very quickly! I shouted “If you are talking, you are not working hard!!! Turn up the resistance and let’s ride!” I could see everyone in class smiling from ear to ear! (the black lights make their teeth very white!) :)

    Anyway, I thought I would post one of my first spin classes a couple of years ago. It’s fun for those who teach Friday’s (TGIF!). It’s called “Happy Hour Loop”. I can’t take full credit, I borrowed from someone but include some of my own touches.

    Have fun! Keep smiling and spinning!


    Happy Hour Loop
    Complete the loop 5 times, add 5 minute warm up, 5 minute cool down, and you have an hour routine.

    Warm up – 5 min
    3 Minutes seated
    minute 1 -Level 4 last :15 sprint
    minute 2- Level 5 last :15 sprint
    minute 3- Level 6 last :15 sprint
    :60 standing Climb (leaving above gears on) 60-70 RPM
    :60 standing Attacks (:10 on/:05 off)
    :60 Hover/ Aggressive (butts back, brushing the saddle)
    :60 standing Attacks (:10 on/:05 off)
    :60 seated removing 1 gear every :20
    :60 standing Attacks (:10 on/:05 off)
    :60 seated Flat 100-120 RPMs

    Cool Down – 5 min

    Tubthumping – Chumbawumba
    Tick Tock – Kesha ft. P.Diddy
    Love Drunk – Boys Like Girls
    Champagne – CAVO
    Whiskey Hangover – Godsmack
    I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
    I Drink Alone – George Thorogood
    Mas Tequila – Sammy Hagar
    Burn it to the Ground – Nickelback
    Brass Monkey – Beastie Boys
    Tipsy – J Kwon
    Nightrain – Guns N’ Roses
    Girls on the Dance Floor – Far-East Movement
    Something in Your Mouth – Nickelback
    Bartender – Rehab (my class LOVED this song! It is very funny!)

    1. Thanks Cheri – looking forward to checking out these songs. I want to try a loop class and an out and back class.

    2. I LOVE this playlist! I actually have a lot of these songs already (great minds think alike!). But one of my classes is at 4:30 on Fridays. I love the Happy Hour theme! Thank you!

  144. Does any one of you teach activio spinning, with heart rate chest belt?


    I have a class with this type of training once a week, and also one “regular” spinningclass :)
    I have since I started (as a substitute instructor) in october 2010 advanced and now teach 2 own classes every week :) Like it a lot!

    Norrköping, Sweden

    1. Hi

      In the center im training its called suunto. But im pretty sure its the same thing. Heart rate belt, and then i 70″ screen with every persons heart rate on, and heart zone. I have not instructed it yet. But its actually the only thing i have education on at the moment. :)

      / Carsten

    2. Hi Linda, I clicked on the link but it’s broken. Haven’t done activio spinning, but sounds interesting.

  145. If you have an iPOD it’s easy- right click each song individually, you’ll get a box that opens with various options- left click on “get info” , left click again on “options”- when options opens you will see ”volume”–there is a blue arrow, it should be in the middle of the scale, it os labeled ‘none’, if the arrow is to the left of ‘none’ the song’s vol will be too low, if it’s to the right, the vol may be too loud- I usually keep all my songs on ‘none’. That’s not to say that there may be a song that is old, or poorly recorded that needs adjustment. I listen to each song on every playlist to be certain that the volume is just right because as you stated you don’t want to have to adjust the stereo constantly. Good question!

  146. Another thing i just thought about..

    What program do you use to give all songs the same volume ??
    I think its a problem when you have to turn the volume up / down all the time through the class..

    I have tried mp3gain. But dont think i can get it to work like i want. :( Maybe im just doing it wrong. But wanted to hear how you do it :)

    / carsten

  147. HI

    Thanks for all the feedback. :)
    I put the music on ipod. But didnt think about using that as timer as well.. Not even sure the wire there is long enough to that. But will check it out :) I did ask the class what they thought about the entire 30min. But didnt ask about the music it self. All the instructors in the center use CD. Im the first one using ipod. And sure is a lot easier.

    At the moment i only got that 30min playlist. Ive made it with mixmeister so its just 1 song on the ipod. So cant shuffle it. Need to make some more playlist next few weeks so im prepared. :)
    Thinking about making a all danish band class. And also an all metallica class. With most songs from black album. Since it has 20year aniversary in august.

    @Judy. I really like your number 9. I agree 100% with you.. I also love those songs.. Although the only one i can think of right now is Sandstorm with Darude. It has a great pause in the middle. And a lot of changes in tempo’s through the 7min or how long it is.. Would love if i could think of others :)

    Also.. Great 10 things you have mentioned. Thats a keeper for sure :)

    Have uploaded my 30min set to dropbox now. Should be possible to download for all.. Will only be there for a couple of days. Its around 340mb
    [audio src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21505437/rock%20spin%20fors%C3%B8g%201.wav" /]

    Also here is the complete list on when to do what i used for the class:

    If any of you want to listen it through (or use it your self) :)

    Damn now its midnight here.. Gotta go to bed. :)

    / Carsten

    1. Thanks for posting that, Carsten!

      Can you use Mixmeister and still keep the songs separate? It sure makes it easier for cueing because once you’ve written down where the music changes, you can use it again and again. The cord from the stereo to my iPhone is long enough that I can perch the iPhone on the handlebars. I have a rubber case for it to help it stick, and to ensure it won’t break if it falls off (it never has). If the cord at your gym isn’t long enough you can buy one inexpensively. I keep an extra one in my gym bag just in case and I think I paid about $20.00 for it.

      I love the idea of an all-Danish spin. I need to do an all-Canadian spin soon – maybe for Canada Day (July 1). Might be risky to do all one artist before you’ve established yourself and have a bunch of regular riders.

      1. In mixmeiser you can keep the songs seperate or make it as one file.

        The metallica class would also be a special class if i did.. It would be mentioned before people signed up what it was. :) Not sure i will do it anyway.. Im in a small center. There is only 500 customers there in total.. Dont know how many % of them that do spinning.. So would problably be hard.. And also its in august.. Still summer in denmark there.. So problably not many active indoor spinners at that time :)

  148. Carsten,
    I’ve been wanting to reply to you but I’ve been terribly busy…here are my suggestions:
    1. always be prepared- I keep a few CDs with me in case my iPOD fails, like the time I forgot to charge it before class; make sure you are familiar with your music, I usually run or spin to a new playlist before I use it in one of my classes, this way you know it ‘works’ if it doesn’t you can tweak it before class; know your participants-each class has it’s own personality, my morning class participants are quite different from my evening participants.
    2. learn to make lemonade out of lemons- just today I must have pressed ‘shuffle’ on my iPOD, whoops, I always place my songs in a specific order but oh well. I told my class that I was technologically challenged, they all giggled and despite the fact that I had no clue as to what song was going to play next, we had a great class.
    3. Try to know your regulars by name, connect with them, ask questions about their lives and show that you are interested in them as a person, i.e. “hey rob, I missed you last week, were you out of town?”
    4. I always tell my participants that their CONSTRUCTIVE comments are welcomed—
    5.I honor requests for music but joke if anyone complains about their choice I will be the first to say that the song was not my choice but Leslie’s choice;-)
    6. Make your class challenging-most folks are looking for a kick a– class BUT do not take yourself or your class too seriously, this is spin, not life or death you have to enjoy what you are doing, if your energy, passion and skill shines, you will shine and your class will be a great success!
    7. Give concise, clear clues
    8. As far as motivating your riders- I find that telling people what I would want to hear works well. Think about what you would want to hear or what you think to yourself when you are working through an intense exercise session, ‘come on you can do it, I know you can, I have confidence in you’..’just a little farther’…
    9. Keep your profiles fresh, one thing I like to do is challenge my riders both physically and mentally, I love to use songs that have lots of variation in tempo, especially those that make you think they are winding down only to pump back up, even stronger than before—some tunes seem to end, but in actuality have a 10 or 15 second pause, I love it, it keeps my riders on their toes.
    10. This is a GREAT resource and Cynthia provides amazing support! Visit this site for music ideas, guidance/support/from experienced instructors. We allwant to see you to succeed!
    Good luck! No worries-sounds like you have all it takes to be a terrific instructor!

  149. Well.. That was my debut now…
    30min of high intensity spinning..

    Besides that some of them didnt like my music style, and says it cant be used for spinning, i think it went ok. I was nervaus.. And “clever” enough to start the music but not my stop watch.. I forgot. And my program was made down to 15sec of what to do at what time etc.. And it all went wrong from the first minute :D So had to do some changes along the way.. Went ok i think..

    Not sure i was that good of talking to them along the way giving them fighting spirit. I think i told enough of that to do, and in good time (for the most part of it) :)

    Think i will be nervaus (cant spell that) :) next time also… But also know that within a week or 2 i will most likely have a full 60min spinning class.. But i dont feel ready for that :( But we will see..

    Regards Carsten

    1. Hey Carsten,

      It sounds like your first class went just fine. One way to combat the stop watch issue is to use an iPod as a timer – if you tap right at the top of the screen, a timer comes up. That’s what I use in my classes – I rest my iPhone on the handlebars so I can see the timer. If you don’t have an iPod or MP3 player that offers a timer, I recommend springing for an iPod as soon as you’re able. They make teaching much easier. When I first started teaching, there were still instructors who burned their own CDs every week. Maybe there are still some people doing this, but it sure isn’t the easiest way to teach.

      Don’t worry about motivating just yet – there are so many layers to what we do. Get the cueing down first, then work on motivating your riders. It will all come together soon.

      I really liked your play list. Did you solicit opinions about it? My suggestion would be not to do that right now – wait till you’re more experienced and confident. Instead, ask for requests for particular songs or types of music during cool down rather than asking riders how they liked what they heard. That gives your riders input without being able to lay anything negative on you.

      I think you’re well on your way to becoming a great spin instructor. Why? Two reasons. First – you were able to improvise when your stop watch got behind your class (this can be hard to do, and you did it right away!) Second, you’ve obviously given careful thought to how it went and what you could do to improve. As a teacher, this tells me you’re going to improve quickly – this sort of self-reflection is so important to mastering a new skill.

      Good stuff! Thanks for letting us know how it went.


      1. I have a tip when using an iPod, iPhone or even an iPad. When you’re making your playlist. Right click on a song and select the option show info. Click on lyrics and then write your instructions here. Don’t forget to press OK to save the changes.

        Now when you’re playing the song the instruction will show on the display and you’ll never get lost again. :o)

        Regards from Sweden
        //Ove Eldståhl

      2. Great tip regarding lyrics! I use an ipad, with an app called Djay for spinning classes. It allows for smooth and customizable transitions between songs, and displays a graphic profile of the current song. Great info during classes. It also has larger numbers than the ipod-app for the ipad, But Djay doesn’t show the lyrics texts I have entered, so I have to multitask between the notes I have made and the djay app if I don’t have all the numbers in my head.
        Hmm, maybe I’ll have to reconsider whats the best app for spinning. I’d go for Djay, but now I don’t know.

      3. Nils, I am going to check out the Djay app for sure. I got an iPad for my birthday and have been playing with it ever since.

  150. I second all what Cynthia said.

    I dont have any spinning instructor knowledge yet.. Still has my debut waiting just ahead of me. But would defently do what Cynthia said.

    Also i have planned that i wont mind telling that its my first class. And next time that its my second and so on for the first 3-5 classes. And let people know that you would be really happy if they would come afterwards and tell anything good or bad.. Doesnt matter. As long as they say what they really mean so you can learn and be better :) And then just be your self and if you make errors just ignore it. Unless the class sees it. Then just make fun of your self :)

    Spread some good mood by singing along. It always seems to bring some happiness to a class when a instructor with a REALLY bad voice sings along. :)

    GL with it..

    1. GOOD LUCK!!!!!! The first class is the hardest but once it’s done, you’ll be off and you’ll never look back. Smile, make eye contact, throw in a few quips here and there, know your music and routine…and you’re good to go. ROCK THAT ROOM!!!!

      1. Emily, I love your playlist. I downloaded the Usher song. The 50 Cent song is Baby By Me, right?

        The only song I wasn’t sure about was Sweat. It’s sexy (reminded me a bit of Nelly’s Hot in Herre), but I’m not sure it’s got the energy to sustain a 4 minute seated climb. If it were a regular class I’d use it and see what happened but I don’t know if I’d use it for an audition. I thought your Maroon 5 song had EXACTLY the right energy for a seated climb.

        I think the profile looks really good, too. I like finishing with a sprint.

        Fingers crossed for you!


  151. Hi!! im new to the teaching world of spinning. I have a teaching gig already but tomorrow is my first LIVE audition, where i actually have to teach a class. any suggestions and tips????

    1. Hi Emily,

      Welcome to the blog! Pull out your best go-to profile. If you’re relatively new as an instructor, a practice run-through in an empty classroom can be a huge help. If you’ve got lots of experience but just haven’t done an audition, I’d focus on how you’re going to demonstrate that you know your stuff and can run a great class.

      Come early. Find out if there are any new spinners. Offer to help with bike set up for anyone who needs it. Include a proper warm up and cool down of at least 10% of the class length. 5 minutes for each is also a good rule of thumb. Do dynamic (moving) stretches before the ride, static stretches after. Introduce yourself at the beginning of the class and say how long the ride will be. Make sure to give pointers about proper form at the outset. Pull out your best ride. Ideally it should be an interval ride with chances to climb and sprint in and out of the saddle, and jump (if your program includes jumping). Don’t do anything fancy or potentially contra-indicated – no creative moves, stick with the basics. (If you Google contra-indicated and spinning some sites will come up that list these moves). Bring 100% enthusiasm even if they’ve got you teaching to a small class or just to the evaluator (tough for sure). Demonstrate what you’d do to motivate riders to give their best effort. Wind it up with proper stretching off the bike and make sure to thank everyone for riding with you.

      Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


      1. here is what i have as a playlist/workout for class. its a 45 minute class

        1) Stereo Love – warm up. stretches, slowly increase tension to a 5 (out of 10)
        2) Britney Spears – Til the World Ends: Standing Run (6/10), slowly increase to an 8/10
        3) Usher – More: remain standing – heavy climb with surges at refrain of song
        4) Billie Myers – Kiss the Rain (remix): 8 count jumps on 7/10
        5) Snoop Dog and David Guetta – Sweat: seated climb
        6) OutKast – BOB: sprints in and out of saddle (5/10)
        7) Maroon 5 – Harder to Breathe – seated climb up to 3rd position heavy climb
        8) Janet Jackson – All for You: keeping pace, adding tension
        9) Pitbull – Hey Baby: 8 count jumps with increasing tension
        10) Benny Bennassi/50 cent: climb and finish with sprint
        11) Train – Meet Virginia: Warm Down

  152. Thanks for the feedback..

    Was the plan that i should have my debut in 4hours time.. But had to cancel todays session. :-/

    Think its the flu that has got me.. (maybe combined with the hard and loud megadeth / Slayer concert last night) :) But know for sure i got feber, nose is full and just feel like ****

    So got one more week to be really nervaus in :-(

    1. That’s too bad Carsten. You definitely don’t want to teach your first class sick. Good luck, tell us how it goes.

      Sent from my iPhone

  153. Hi all.. Been reading in here for a while.. Im not an educated instructor (yet). Hoping to be later this year.. But on tuesday im having a 30min class for the first time ever. Also im the only one in the center listening to rock (hard rock/metal) music. But the other instructors think it could be nice if there were some rock classes.. So im giving it a go, even though im very nerveaus :(

    But maybe you could give a short view on my playlist, to give me some confidence :)

    En Wannebe Darth Vader – Nephew (danish band so problably unknown for most of you)
    Best of You – Foo Fighters
    Amerika – Rammstein
    Welcome to the jungle – GNR
    Enter Sandman – Metallica
    Heaven Nor Hell – Volbeat
    Thunderstruck – AC/DC
    Bring me to life – Evanescence

    Evanescence is for cool down.. Thunderstruck ends the show with Standing ST and when people yells “HEP” its 15sec seated sprint and then up again until next “HEP”

    Best regards

    Carsten – Denmark

    1. Hey Carsten,

      A big hello to you and the other spinners in Denmark. I really like your playlist – it’s high energy, hard rock, but not inaccessible to non-metal heads. I love using local artists so kudos for including Nephew in your mix. I listened to the song on Youtube & especially liked Heaven nor Hell from Volbeat.

      I did a hard rock class (GNR, Metallica, AC/DC) a couple of weeks ago and got lots of positive feedback. I think people will really like your class, too. Good luck tomorrow!


  154. And I also start a class on fridays. Here is the playlist if you’re interested :)


    Pink – Raise your glass
    Pitbull – Hey baby
    Eric Saade – Popular

    Block 1:

    Shakira – Objection
    The Ark – The worrying kind
    Michael Jackson – Beat it

    Madonna – Celebration

    Block 2:

    Jay Smith – Like a prayer
    Lena PH – Kärleken är evig
    Scotty – The black pearl


    September – Vem ska jag tro på
    Pink – Fuckin’ perfect
    Arash – Broken angel


  155. Hello from Sweden again!

    Tomorrow I’m gonna have a rock n’ roll/heavy metal class :)

    Warm up:

    Mando Diao – Long before rock n’ roll
    Sha-Boom – R.O.C.K
    Lordi – This is heavy metal

    Block 1:

    Guns N’ Roses -Live and let die
    Fall out boy – Dance Dance
    Offspring – Pretty fly (for a white guy)
    Jay Smith – Like a prayer


    Rolling Stones – Paint it black (2 minutes)

    Block 2:

    Nightwish – Wish I had an angel
    Damn I can’t remember the secondsong in block 2 :) am at work so don’t have the playlist, haha!
    The Poodles – Night of passion
    Ozzy Osbourne – Paranoid

    Cool Down/Stretch:

    Greenday – Boulevard of broken dreams
    Skid Row – I remember you
    Sparzanza – Follow me


    Hugs from Linda

  156. This is great Stacy! Love Tubthumping. We have the same tastes in music…I have Higher Ground, Burn It To The Ground (I do two count jumps on a hill on the chorus for that one), I’ve Gotta Feeling…thanks for the playlist!

    1. Thanks Stacy! Well worth checking out folks – she’s using a great mix of recent songs, including Lady GaGa’s latest hit, Born this Way.

  157. Here’s my playlist for this week! I used it today and three riders said it was their new favorite so I wanted to share it. I hope you like it!

    When I Get You Alone, Glee Cast – Warm up
    Since U Been Gone, Kelly Clarkson. Still warming up, but start bringing the work in by popping out of the saddle on the chorus with some increased resistance.

    Numb – Jay Z/Linkin Park (make sure you download the clean version!!). Switching between standing and seated climbs, increasing the resistance with each move.

    Baby I’m A Star – Prince. Sprints!

    The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson. Two count jumps on a hill…sit during the chorus. Add resistance before you get out to jump again.

    Maybe – Sick Puppies. Standing to seated climb. Start off pretty heavy…and INCREASE resistance before you sit down (on the chorus). Up again…and again, increase before you sit. By the end of this one, there’s not one dry person in the room.

    Now You’re Gone – Basshunters. Flush the legs out to this great beat with a standing jog.

    Spirit in The Sky – Four count jumps on a hill.

    Seven Nation Army – White Stripes. Start off on a flat road…increase resistance a bit before you stand…increase again before you take it over to that third position. Sit back down, keep resistance where it is…and do that combination two more times.

    Mama I’m Coming Home – Ozzy Osbourne. Heavy, heavy seated climb. Challenge your riders to increase the resistance as high as it can go for at least 10 seconds (you’ll probably have to stand for this one).

    Life is a Highway – Rascall Flatts. Seated flat to a standing run.

    Ballroom Blitz. The legs will feel great after the two previous songs with some sprints. Get the room to scream out “Awwwwwwwww Yeeeeeeeeeah!” at the appropriate part. It’s fun!!!

    Bat Out of Hell – Meatloaf. You can literally be all over the place for this one, as the music goes up and down. It’s a 9+ minute song, loaded with sprints, climbs, flats. It’s the last one, so encourage the riders to let it all on the floor.

    F**ing Perfect – Pink. Cool down
    The Riddle – Five For Fighting – Cool down.

  158. Thanks Dana! I downloaded What the Hell and Trouble. I like the country flavour to this playlist. I was rooting around iTunes for something from Lady Antebellum to use in class and came across the Jason Nevins Dance Remix of Need You Now. (Would work for a Grammy mix.)

    1. I would love to do an all country class but I don’t think my riders would love it. But one or two thrown in every now and then is okay. “White Trash Wedding” by The Dixie Chicks is an AMAZING sprinting song. It’s extremely short…so you can go all out for the entire song. I’ll ask for a couple of “yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaws!” and usually am not disappointed!

  159. I’ve gotten some positive feedback on the playlist I used this past week. I love this site and come back here daily for ideas!

    Warm up: Come on Over – Jessica Simpson

    If I Had You – Adam Lambert. Start in the saddle, take it straight up..then over, increasing resistance with every move…but leaving it where it is when you sit back in the saddle

    Tempted – Squeeze . Seated climb…adding resistance every time you hear a change in the melody.

    Ball and Chain – Social Distortion. I use what I call “Loops.” Instead of just up and down jumps, the jumps are a two count…up, over, up, down.

    Saturday Night – Bay City Rollers. Fun fun!!! Standing sprints

    What The Hell – Avril Lavigne. Breakaway with heavy resistance on the chorus…lightning it up a bit when you sit back down.

    Trouble – Pink. Climb, with bursts of speed on the chorus.

    Sandman – Metallica. Put the metal to the pedal on this super heavy seated climb.

    Candyman – Christina Aquliera. Standing sprints/recover a bit.

    St. Elmos Fire – our second breakaway. Jam on the breaks before you pop it out of the saddle and run. Lighten up when you sit back down.

    My Life Would Suck Without You – Kelly Clarkson. Start off with a standing climb…on the chorus, sit, lighten up the resistance…and sprint.

    Amen – Kid Rock. Seated Climb…last one of the ride so make it heavy!

    Mama Kin – Aerosmith. All out sprints. Good way to end the class!

    Ever Ever After – Carrie Underwood. Cool down
    Live Like You Were Dying – Tim McGraw. Cool down.

  160. Hi friends:

    3 things:

    1) Anyone know where I can get a clean version of Little Lion Boy by Mumford & Sons? I love the song, but the f-bomb is enunciated a bit too clearly for comfort for me to play in my classes…

    2) Anyone putting together a Grammy’s playlist class by any chance? I’d love to see that! :-)

    3) If you’re interested in quirky songs, here’s an unusual one that might make a good climb song, and you can get a free download of it here:

    Oh wait, bonus #4!) I am interested in learning more about power & becoming a better teacher. And, I’d love to support others but the cost of membership at that ICI website is too much for me. Anyone have knowledge to share here for free? Cynthia?

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Great to hear from you again. Can’t help on Little Lion Boy but I really enjoyed the song. You’re right – the f-bomb comes through loud and clear. Thanks, too for the song suggestion from Pledge. I agree it would be a good climb, but didn’t download it because they want you to join their mailing list and I guard my e-mail address like gold.

      I absolutely adore the idea of a Grammy playlist. I hope someone did one and is willing to post it.

      It’s hard to find resources on becoming a better teacher outside of the Spinning website (though there is a decent amount of free content there). One site I visit is an instructor forum at http://www.pedal-on.com. There is a ton of information there and the forums are really well-organized. The only thing I don’t like about it is a general attitude of superiority from some of the posters.

      ICI charges $24.95 per month or $144.00 per year. They also do a free 7 day trial for $1.00 and offer a money back guarantee. I haven’t joined or done their free trial. Has anyone else? What did you think?

      I listen to John McGowan’s free podcasts on iTunes from time to time. (He runs the ICI Pro site you mentioned.) My favourites are the ones where he interviews other instructors about what they actually do in class. There are also a lot of interviews about new products or services, which I find less interesting. But there’s a description of each podcast so you can download only the ones that interest you.

      You’ve given me an idea, Lisa. There’s really nowhere on this blog for us to congregate and ask each other questions and learn from each other. I’m going to set up a new page where we can post questions and answers. I don’t have the technical skills to make it a forum, unfortunately.

  161. Hi all I have just uploading another class on mixcloud…
    this classe have the purpose of stimulate the heart beat and working near the anaerobic maximum of 85% of the HR.
    This extended intervals class have a 2:1 ration ex: stimulation of the heart for 10 minutes and active recovery for 5 minutes… stimulation on a hill and recovery on a flat road!
    Also consider that this class was prepared using Schwinn Cycling Program!

  162. Great idea regarding Ping. I’ve now published a list in Ping, “Spinn60: Circle of Life”. I think you can find me using my email: nilshakon@brettspill.no

    Only problem was that I couldn’t publish an already made playlist, I had to make a new playlist specifically for ping. Any ideas to make this simpler?

    And: Anyone else care to share?

    1. Hi Nils,

      I tried to find you by email, but that didn’t´ work. Found you by adding full name. I´m new to ping so maybe I do something wrong… Could not find any playlist, all I could do was to ´follow´ you on Ping. Maybe the playlist will be available later?

      I prefer to use Spotify Premium. It gives me millions of tracks to choose from and I can use it offline on computer or iPhone. Playlists can also be shared with other users. Works like a charm!

      Br, Vegar

  163. I really like the commentary on all the previous playlists. Do any of you Ping your playlists in iTunes? Much faster and you can sample the music without spending a lot of time searching for the songs if you want to hear them. You can also download the music directly from published playlists… very fast and efficient.

  164. Hans Zimmer rulez :D at least for me, I usually avoid commercial music or recent music because the class tends to sing instead of being focus on the objective of the class.
    Also instrumental song provides more cuts therefore you can use it to the people in your class understand better what is doing and when… specially those that still don’t understand the need of a Polar ignoring all my learnings!
    Blue cafe cd’s or Budha Bar also provides a few nice songs for the classes!
    Hugh from Portugal!

  165. Mojave works! Too bad its only available with the rest of the album on iTunes, at least here in Norway. I also like to use instrumentals, partly because I want to vary the type of sound that my riders will encounter during a class. Here’s a few songs from me:
    * Mombasa (from the movie Inception – adds a kind of the urgency to the pedalling!)
    * Immortals Attack (from the movie 300 – I let my riders stand through this, and I paint them a picture of us being the Persian hordes massing to attack Greece, very effectful to get people moving after a break)
    * River Flows in You (from Twilight, perfect buildup in the beginning, and it really takes off from 1:57 and onwards)
    * Yakety Sax (Pozee) – silly little tune that is fun to use for sprints

  166. Does anyone use instrumentals? I am loving Adagio for Strings ( tiesto), He’s a Pirate ( Hans Zimmer-tiesto remix), Keep Hope Alive (Crystal Method)- I’d love some suggestions. Classical music..Ravel’s Bolero?

    1. Instrumentals!? always and in every class!
      Since I prefer having a 10 minutes warm up with a little mind training and relaxation, instrumental are the best!
      Also the last track I usually use musics like the ones you mentioned trying to focus the class on the cadence and beat of the music!
      Try to listening to Afro Celtic Sound System (Mojave) and see how you can create a great crescendo on the class and Nacho Sottomayor!
      Trance music are good for special dates! Fartlek classes!

  167. Roddy—love your playlist- I use Startrac NXTs, no computer for cadence, RPM, resistance…so for those of us who don’t have access to such a neat device can you give the equivalent RPE to match the gears you noted?

    Do any of you do cadence checks with your participants? I find it interesting when I cue level 8 ( on a scale of 0-10 RPE) that I can look around the spin studio and see legs going at the speed of light.

    I always tell my class that this is their ride-I don’t know if they are recovering from a run, strength training…or they just “aren’t there yet” , but how else can you build strength and endurance other than to crank up that resistance? Got to spice up that workout with hills, thick of puddles of mud, head winds and the like- life is not always smooth sailing on a flat road or coasting downhill:-)

    1. I remind riders to always ride with resistance in every class and when I see legs going around too fast for what we’re doing I like to indicate how riders should be feeling and encourage them to increase their resistance if needed.

    1. I wasn’t able to get to them – they want you to sign up. (John McGowan and Jennifer Sage run the site, they’re experienced instructors with lots of content).

    2. Does anyone belong to the indoorcycleinstructor site? Not sure that it is worth the monthly fee or if most of the info can be found on other sites for free? I love this blog and get so many great ideas from it! Thanks!

      1. Mae- If you look back to 1/22 you will see instructions how to get to the free mash-up downloads.
        I don’t belong but there are free music downloads anyone can access plus as you said some good info.

      2. I haven’t joined but I do listen to their free podcasts sometimes. I surfed around the site but couldn’t figure out how much they’re charging for membership.

        Readers, is anyone a member there? How do you like it?

  168. Hi!

    Yesterday I starded as instructor with spinning activio. Everyone in the class has a heart rate chest belt placed around their chests. The participants are anonymous and identify their chest belts by its number on the screen.
    The intensity meter shows five different zones used by the instructor to guide the participants during the session.
    Read more about this on: http://www.activiofitness.com/

    The songs I use for this class is:

    Warmup (same as in my recent class):
    Ke$ha – Tik Tok
    Zac Harry – Spring Nana
    Charlotte Perelli – Hero

    Block 1:
    Jay Smith – Bad romance (Jay was the winner of Swedish Idol 2010)
    September – Mikrofonkåt
    George Lamond – Don’t stop believing (Journey cover)

    Chicane – Come back and stay (Paul Young cover)

    Block 2:
    Takida – Jaded
    The Baseballs – Umbrella
    Mike Candys and Jack Holiday – Insomnia (Faithless cover)

    Take That – The flood
    U2 – Unchained melody
    Staind – Epiphany

    In this activio class I want my participants to be on 80-85% of their max heart rate in block 1. An then we increase during block 2 to be between 85-95% :)

    Again thank you for a fantastic site, I really enjoy reading everyone elses playlists and I like sharing mine.

    Hugs from Linda in Sweden

  169. right guys

    a few of my class are off to austrailia so was going to do an australian spin. any bands, songs or anything that is half relevent post them up


    1. Roddy, here are some of my favourite Aussie spin tunes:
      According to You – Orianthi
      Black Betty – Spiderbait
      Chant – Xavier Rudd
      Clubbed to Death – Rob Dougan
      Untouched – The Veronicas
      Hook Me Up – The Veronicas
      One Day – Delta Goodrem
      I Like The Way You Move – Bodyrockers

      Are there any readers from Australia out there? What are you spinning to these days?

  170. hey guys
    thought it was about time i posted my january playlist. i use the keiser bikes with the wee computer if you are wondering what the gears mean. this is an hour class and they are dying by the end of it. heart rates are through the roof. i get off the bike and do a gear check with a few of them so they know where i want them to be on a couple of occasions. no hiding places.

    Get Ready For This – 2 Unlimited. Warm up 100-110rpm gear 8-10. Steady pace slight increase to 110rpm on chorus

    I’m Your Man – Wham. Standing run. Gear 12. 75 rpm. Add a couple of gears through the song.

    Bubbles – biffy clyro. Gear 16. 70 rpm. Standing hill. This song has everything. Chorus kicks in raise the leg speed to 80. When it slows down get back in the saddle and add on 4 gears and drive the legs. Then take off the 4 gears and back up at gear 16 70 rpm. Repeat. The music then kicks off faster gear 14 100 rpm. That gets the heart rate going.

    Raise Your Glass- pink. Gear 15 90rpm. On the chorus we are going to drive out the saddle. Accelerate away from the pack. 2 short drives 1 longer at the end.
    Glory days – Bruce Springstein. Gear 16, 70 rpm. Seated climb. Just keep adding the gears throughout the song until you cant keep the rpm above 60. Sometimes will do a pyramid on this depends on how i feel.

    Holding out for a hero – Bonnie Tyler. Gear 14, 75rpm. On the verses, we stay out the saddle keeping with the beat and on the chorus we are back in the saddle sprinting like hell. This send the heart rate through the roof. The hardest song in this playlist if you get the right gear and push it trying to kepp the rpm above 110.
    American idiot- Green Day- sprints. Gear 13. When the music is fast we sprint our socks off. When the singer and music have small breaks we take the foot of the gas, then we go again, really quick changes. Then a total burst at the end. Its only 2 mins so hit them hard

    Staying alive= n trance- gear 17 + you can make this a recovery or i like to get the gears right up and get them to use their core out the saddle 60 rpm. During the chorus bring the arms in just like trovolta does.

    Baby Dont cry – inxs- gear 13, 70 rpm, this song is all about the title. When those words kick in they add 3 gears and drive in the saddle. Once the chorus finishes they can take the gears off. By the end they should be crying.

    We Built this City – Starship. Gear 15 70 rpm. Out the saddle keep with the beat. On the chorus double time the legs. Add 1 gear on every new verse. This will finish off the quads and prob the calves.

    Fire with fire – Scissor sisters. Gear 13, 90 rpm. Easy start to this song . seated steady run then drive out the seat on the chorus. Add 2 gears at the 2nd verse and keep the legs building speed and then drive. Keep adding gears and try and get your class to really push the high gears leading up to the chorus. I tell them to imagine they are a bottle of champagne just getting ready to explode. The release of driving up on the last chorus should be immense if you have a hard enough gear when you are seated.

    First date –blink 182. Gear 12, 100- 115 rpm. Fast song means speed. Sprint the chorus at 115, on the verses 100 rpm. Easy as that.

    Feeling good – Michael bubble
    If i were a boy- beyonce

  171. So glad you like! Here’s the first one I did…it’s still one of my favorites:

    Proud, Richard Niles. Warm Up

    Candle (Sick and Tired), White Tie Affair. Start w/a seated flat, take it to 2nd…then over to third for a run in the chorus, increasing resistance w/each move. When you sit, don’t touch the resistance…and do it again two more times.

    Burn It To The Ground, Nickelback. Seated small incline, two count jumps on the chorus.

    Tessie, Dropkick Murphys. Standing hill the entire song…sprinting on the chorus. Don’t sit down…it’s tough!

    Time For Miracles, Adam Lambert. Seated, HEAVY climb.

    (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To, Weezer. Seated climb…burts of speed on the chorus.

    Celtic Irish Lord of The Dance (not sure of the artist). Standing sprints…let the music tell you when to go faster. You’ll hear it!

    It’s Not My Time, Three Doors Down. Loops (jumps…but instead of up and down..it’s up, over, up, down. Four count…to a two count on the chorus)

    Undo It, Carrie Underwood. Switchbacks (or breakaways)

    Born To Run, Bruce Springsteen. Seated flat/hill, up and running when he says “Run”.

    Carnival de Paris, The First Eleven. Riders’ Choice!

    Rain, Creed. Cool down
    Glitter, P!nk. Cool down

    1. Great stuff, Dana! I especially like Candle, If You’re Wondering, and It’s Not My Time. Also like Proud – what an inspiring warm up. Thanks for posting.

  172. Dana,

    FABULOUS playlist! You and I have the same taste in music….I tend to go for more “mainstream” music as that i what my classes seem to enjoy! Keep posting your classes….they ROCK! :-)

  173. A friend of mine told me about this site…and I LOVE it!! I just became a spin instructor and teach twice a week. I’m always looking for new music and apparently…this is The Spot!

    Here’s the playlist I used today. I got some “WOO HOOS” during..and positive comments afterwards so I thought I’d share. I am all OVER the place with music as I like having a great mix. I may play Metallica…then follow it up with Hannah Montana (I have an 8 year old girl). Anyway…here it is.

    Warm up – Feed The Tree, Belly

    How Far We’ve Come, Rob Thomas. Seated flat, standing in 2nd position on chorus.

    River Deep, Mountain High, Celine Dion. Maintain a steady, fast cadence on a slight hill throughout the entire song.

    The Best Damn Thing, Avril Lavinge. Seated run…but on the chorus, jam on the resistance and run it in third position. I call them switchbacks…some call them breakways. They’re quick but get the heartrate moving.

    Let Me Be Myself, Three Eleven. Seated climb, bursts of speed on chorus.

    Gel, Collective Soul. Standing run to a seated run on the chorus.

    Spicy McHaggis, Dropkick Murphys. (Warn your class that the song is dirty!) I did loops…which are like jumps but instead of straight up & down…it’s up, over, up, down. Four count to a two count on the chorus.

    My First Kiss – 3OH3 and Ke$ha. Standing climb, to a seated run on the chorus.

    Pump It – Black Eyed Peas. Rolling Hills. Everytime we hear “Pump It”…add resistance. Bring it back down to a steady seated run…then do it again.

    Piss On The Wall, J. Giles (oh yes I did!). Jumps. Four count to two count on chorus.

    Proud Mary – Tina Turner. Standing climb…seated sprint when the music gets fast.

    Do Something – Brittney Spears. Switchbacks (breakways)

    American Idiot. Green Day. All out sprints.

    Over You – Daughtry. Cool down
    Falling Slowly – Lee Dewyze/Crystal Bowersox. Cool down

    1. Hey Dana, welcome to Spinning Music! I agree with Christine – I love your playlist. So much energy, and not the obvious songs from each artist. Great stuff. Thanks for posting it. Would love to see more! Cynthia

    2. Hey Dana, welcome to Spinning Music! I agree with Christine – I love your playlist. So much energy, and not the obvious songs from each artist. Great stuff. Thanks for posting it. Would love to see more. Cynthia

  174. Olá,
    I wich you all a nice year full with all the things you want and much more.
    Since I haven’t post for a while I bring you 3 new classes for this new year.
    One of low endurance and 2 of high endurance, one with a circuit.
    Hope you enjoy it as much I did planning this classes.
    They are mounted on mixmeister and you can saw the playlist on my blog http://gatomaupt.blogspot.com/
    Have a great year!

  175. Hi Cynthia,

    I just stumbled onto this website looking for music ideas, since I just started as a indoor cycle instructor 3 weeks ago. I’m so happy to have found this site… it’s a great resource, and the feeling of community is wonderful! Here are my first program that I used and got really good feedback. There is no theme, just other than to pump the students up and keep them working!

    Stylo by Gorillaz – Setting up/greeting
    Hung Up by Madonna – Warm Up

    G6 by Far East Movement
    Flat road, then a hill as the song enters into chorus, then full attack of hill on main chorus lines, back to flat road.

    It’s Like That remix by Run DMC
    Steady climb with heavy resistance to match cadence, standing climb and seated climb (where there is more work being done)

    Let It Rockby Kevin Rudolph
    Flat road to all out sprints at the chorus lasting around 40-45 seconds 3x.

    Freedom by George Michael… yes… George Michael =)
    This one I ask them to visualize riding along the beach and as we enter chorus we get into a standing climb on a moderate hill. Second portion of chorus, we crank up resistance to climb the steepest part of the hill. When the main chorus “Freedom” comes in, we’ve conquered the hill and are sprinting down until we reach flat road again at the next verse. x3

    Lose Control by Missy Elliot
    Jumps 8 counts and then down to 4 counts at chorus

    That’s Not My Name by Ting Tings
    Hills where we do standing climb to seated push, then seated climb to standing push, etc.

    Oh Mickey by Tony Basil
    Moderate resistance into isolations

    So What? by Far East Movement
    Jumps and position changes to emphasize riding posture and to work different muscle groups.

    Honest Mistake by The Bravery
    Endurance song where I ask them to either a) keep up with me with a full sprint the whole 3 plus minutes, or go at a moderate pace and then join in the sprint on my cue, which lasts about 40 seconds.

    Smack My B Up by Prodigy
    This is the culmination of the class, which includes hills, seated and standing push, ending with a sprint at the end of the song. I know this song in and out so I like to play with the different moods within the song to match the work we’re doing

    Overjoyed by Stevie Wonder
    Cool down and stretch upper body on bike

    Me, Myself and I by Beyonce
    Cool down, stretch lower body off bike

    I’ll post my second music program later…
    Thanks again for the great site!

    1. Welcome Suzie, What a great ride! Thanks for posting it. All kinds of new stuff – I think Let it Rock is the only song that has come up on the blog before. Glad you enjoy the blog.

  176. hey guys

    did my xmas spins this week. what a laugh. xmas number 1’s were the theme this morning. 7 songs , split the guys into teams and they had to name the year that it was the xmas number one. they were hilarious, some were saying nooo noooo, it was earler than that, thought a few were going to fall out.

    they also got a present out of santas sack, that will keep them happy.

    best xmas number 1 song is mull of kintyre by paul mcartney and the wings, heavy climb, add resistance during the choruses out the saddle, big pipe band bit halfway through, add on some serious resistance and finish them off. they were singing like mad. try it it is an uplifting and goose pimple moment. everyone in the gym was coming to see what the hell was going on. prob my fav spin song of the year.

    hope you all have a good xmas. off for a few weeks now to recharge the batteries. come up with some new ideas.

  177. Here is my latest class 45 minutes :)
    Premiere today!


    Ke$ha – Tik Tok
    Zac Harry – Spring Nana
    Charlotte Perelli – Hero

    Block 1:

    Wig Wam – In my dreams
    FM Audio – Killer
    Pandora – Tell the world


    Eric Prydz – Pjanoo

    Block 2:

    Rammstein – Ich will
    Johnossi – What’s the point
    Yolanda be cool – We no speak americano
    The Baseballs – Umbrella
    Scotty – The black pearl (Dave Darell mix)


    Take That – The flood
    Kent – Varje gång du möter min blick
    Kci & Jojo – All my life

    All the songs are available on youtube, not all have music videos but you can here the songs if you’re interested :)

    Hugs from a still very snowy Sweden!


    1. Thanks for posting your playlist, Linda. I love hearing what you’re spinning to in Sweden. Pandora has an Ace of Base vibe to it (at least, that song does). Still meaning to use Johnossi in a mix early in the New Year. Happy holidays!

      1. Thank you Cynthia :)
        Hope you’ve had a fantastic christmas.

        I’m gonna have my class tonight again :)
        It’s so funny. I only started as an instrctor 2 months ago so I’m still new at this. I love it!

        Oh, nice that you’re gonna use Johnossi for your class.
        They are from Sweden so they get a little free promotion then :)


  178. I have a new list for a new class that I’m starting with the 20th of december. Will share it soon :)

    To all of you who was interested in my first list here above all the songs are available on youtube. I don’t think all of them have videos but you can hear all the songs there :)

    Greetings from a snowy Sweden!

  179. For anyone looking for a Hanukkah tune to spin to, check out this cover of Dynamite:

    You can buy it on iTunes. (I have no affiliation with this group.)

  180. Hi cyclists, heres another playlist to start your week. I actually had it done and accidently hit delete (i guess) and lost everything i had spent time typing up, so won’t go into the details as I had. If you want to know how i did i certain song, let me know. This playlist has a good beat throughout, which you can make it a good climb or interval like I have it! Enjoy, Cynthia downloaded Channel KGBS and Phazing from i-tunes! I liked those two and will use them in new playlist :-)

    My love/The bird and the bee- warm up
    Burn for you/Kreo- continue warm up adding resistance (love the beat in this song)
    Take it off/Ke$ha- medium resistance, stand during chorus, repeat
    Now your Gone/DJ Boten Anna- have cyclists increase resistance till their pushing at the 3o’clock. In and out of the saddle
    Only Girl/Rihanna – climb
    Celebration/madonna- continue climb
    I made it/kevin Rudolph- jumps
    Sandstorm/darude- sprints
    We speak No Americano/Yadena- little bit of anything and everything with this song or recovery
    Raise your glass/P!nk- my top 10 favorite of the year. Start in saddle than power surge at chorus (either standing or in saddle) increase resistance after every chorus
    All I ever wanted/Basshunter- In the saddle, keep that cadence going throughout. Interval
    Infinity 2008/Dance DJ- medium resistance, start in the saddle than take it up at 0.40, you make this a climb go right into next song with a climb
    Bottoms up/trey songz- continue climb
    Devil Drums/Scooter- my cyclists love this song. medium resistance, fast cadence. every minute, cyclists add resistance. they should be breathless by the end
    It ain’t over till it’s over/ Lenny Kravitz- cool down
    High five cyclists, fitness tip, etc……….

  181. Who was asking for interesting, less common songs? Judy?

    Anyway, here’s one I just downloaded. Haven’t tried it on a bike yet, but it’s plenty quirky:
    Tall Boy by Har Mar Superstar

  182. A few more fast beat songs…..

    Amazing- Seal (I tunes has a bunch of long remixes- love this song!)
    Niki Nana (We are One)- Yanni 8:15 (corny but i promise it works!)
    Scenes from an Italian Restaurant- Billy Joel
    As- Stevie Wonder

    All of these are 4 different genres, but all good to use for different playlists

  183. After a looong hiatus from teaching due to surgery, I am now contemplating getting back into it and reading all these posts is really getting me excited to teach again! Thanks for all the great song suggestions, classes, etc….I love to see everyone sharing classes and encouraging each other. Great community spirit! Cheers!

    1. Christine, the community spirit is one of my favourite things about this blog! Love how the readers make it so much more than I could ever do on my own.

  184. In response to a long song song—for Sue– one of my faves is Elton John’s Funeral for a Friend–11 mins, beat is varied so you can incorporate climbs, power surges…

  185. okay here is playlist #2. BTW, the above play list I have used for about a year now. It is a hit at the various clubs I teach spin at and is a good back up one I have used when I didnt feel like putting together a new one, however, it hasnt been repeated more than twice at any club. I make a new playlist for every class, and will use the one I make for Monday night and use it Tuesday Morning (different clubs) and again Wed morn and than wed night may use it again. Friday is always new. I have about 15 I keep on my ipod that are class favorites, and about 40 playlists altogether. I have many many cd’s too. My room is overflowing….
    enough, on with the tunes!! i’ll keep the verbage simple, you add or change as you like!

    POP & ROCK #1
    ANIMAL/ NEON TREES active warm up
    RAISE YOUR GLASS/PINK seat/run (stand)
    BEETHOVEN/UTRAMAX power surge/passing riders
    NO DIGGITY/BLACKSTREET low climb/hover
    MAJOR TOM/SHINY TOY GUNS power surge
    BREAKEVEN/THE SCRIPT cooldown/stretch

    Marianne :-)

  186. Hi fellow spin instructors! Thought i’d post 1 or 2 of some playlists that have been making my cyclists happy. feel free to use a song or two or the whole playlist. My classes are 1 hour long, so a good 50 minutes of pure sweat!
    I’d like to share that I recently stepped outside my club and went with a friend to another local clun and tried their bikes. They call it X-treme spinning! It simulates mountain bike riding, the handle bars move with various resistance left to right and pedaling resistance is controlled by the handlebar. I found the 30 minute class challenging, great upper workout, but the pedals were to choppy. I seemed to spend more time on finding the right ‘gear’! The instructor was a delight, schwinn certified and her playlist was “movie themed” Has anyone riden this type of bike or do most gyms have the ‘spinner or schwinn bike’?? Any way on to some playlists as promised!!

    stage 1- MUSIC INFERNO/ MADONNA warm up. seated flat, standing flat. (go over ride, 5 stages, 2 recoveries, mixed terrain)
    stage 2- RIGHT ROUND/ FLO RIDA find gear and pace, settle into hill. (zone 2 and as we get closer to the top you will go into zone 3/4
    I DON’T CARE/fall out boys ( continued hill, time to jockey for position, can you pass the 3 riders you see in front of you?
    READY TO GO/REPUBLICA combo hill zone 3 and 4 time to pass the 3 riders ahead of you.(each time cue to see the new rider, staying strong, pass (imagine competition and the other riders)
    STAGE 3- SINGLE LADIES/BEYONCE short recovery, flat
    STAGE 4- BEETHOVEN VS. VIVALDI/ULTRAMAX 5 intervals or power surge with chances to go anerobic
    STAGE 5-STRONGER/KAYNE WEST seated/standing flat recovery
    STAGE 6- I GOTTA FEELING/BEP seated and standing steady hill climb with focus on finishing the ride strong
    FIRST TIME/LIFEHOUSE continue climg

    RIGHT ROUND/ FLO RIDA combo hill

    1. Thanks so much Marianne – looks like a great ride. I see you’ve got some Kanye in there – is anyone using any songs from his newest CD? It’s been getting rave reviews from critics.

  187. Yikes – I just read through the comments above and found a lot of great posts! Sorry for asking if there was anything recent – It’s been a long week. I work full time in education and teach 3 classes spin a week as a volunteer for the fun of it and because I love it! I am still looking for some long (7-9 minutes) songs. Also am teaching an 8 a.m. spin on Thanksgiving – anyone have anything fun to share for that?!
    Thank you – Again I love this site!

    1. Hey Sue,

      Here are some of my favourite longer songs – most are extended remixes. Come to think of it, I should do a playlist of longer songs…

      Paradise by the Dashboard Light – Meatloaf (9:58)
      Palladio (Symphony Mix) – Silent Nick (9:44)
      Stoned in Love (Vertigo Vocal Remix) – Chicane (9:04)
      Umbrella (Jody Den Broeder Lush Club Remix) – Rihanna (8:30)
      I Drove All Night (Hex Hector Extended Vocal Import Mix) – Celine Dion (7:50) (don’t judge!)
      Call on Me (Eric Prydz vs. Retarded Funk Remix) – Eric Prydz (7:33)
      Pjanoo (Club Mix) – Eric Prydz (7:31)
      Clubbed to Death – Rob Dougan (7:27) (great for seated climbs)
      Bargeld – KMFDM (7:15)
      Break on Through (to the other side) (Remix) – BT vs. The Doors (7:07)
      No Stress (Original Club Mix) – Laurent Wolf (7:00)

  188. Hi –
    I love the reader’s play lists and class blogs. I haven’t received a new class update post since late September and wonder if I have missed any! I’m looking for a few really good long fast beat spin songs to incorporate in my classes. I have used “Breathe and “Find Yourself” for a few months now and need some new ones! Any suggestions?!

    Love this site!

  189. THANKS LISA!!!!!!!! I’m SO excited, this is fantastic! Yesterday I used Magical Mystery Tour for a w/u song and cooldowned to Michelle and While my Guitar Gently Weeps—I agree alternating with themed rides changes things up a bit, keeps our spinners on their toes!

  190. Judy – I create my playlists in Excel. I’ve tried to cut & paste my Beatles playlist here for you. We’ll see how the formatting holds up when I press “submit”… As you’ll see, it’s not 100% Beatles. It alternates 1 Beatles song, and 1 non-Beatles song that my husband (a Beatles nut) approved as suitable for the genre. This was one of the more challenging playlists to create because many Beatles songs are too slow to spin to, and all are really short, so it’s more work for us to choreograph. Everyone loves the Beatles though, so it’s always a hit. I’ve had my classes break out in song more than once… Hope you enjoy! :-)

    1 IFeelFine 2:22 2:22 quick warm up
    2 Wouldn’t it be nice 2:27 4:49 slower, bring it up and jog
    3 OhBlahDeeOhBlahDah 3:11 8:00 fast double time on chorus, rest of song sit at single time
    5 RudyCan’tFail 3:34 11:34 endurance flat
    6 Rock&RollMusic 2:36 14:10 “rolling hills” walk/sit
    7 MessageinaBottle 4:55 19:05 on beat, increasing steady climb, add gear at SOS, recover a bit, then climb last min.
    8 8DaysaWeek 2:47 21:52 in/out of saddle loooong “jumps”
    9 HardDaysNight 2:35 24:27 mostly out of saddle, seated break
    10 Cecilia 2:53 27:20 steep St. Climb
    11 Help! 2:23 29:43 downhill, draft (add gear, same pace)
    12 IWannaHoldYourHand 2:29 32:12 3P rollling hill
    13 RightHereRightNow 3:11 35:23 passing intervals
    14 DayTripper 2:52 38:15 seated climb, add “wind” gear
    15 WeCanWorkitOut 2:18 40:33 steep St. Climb
    16 Fire 2:47 43:20 climbing switch backs in/out saddle
    17 PleasePleaseMe 2:05 45:25 climb a little less steep, but 1 switchback
    18 Twist&Shout 2:35 48:00 walk/sit and push downhill
    19 Travelin’Band 2:11 50:11 nice steady seated flat, draft
    20 DesertRose 4:46 54:57 steep St. Climb
    21 AndYourBirdCanSing 2:04 57:01 downhill, cooldown
    22 AllThoseYearsAgo 3:47 60:48 cooldown
    23 KeeptheCustomerSatisfied 2:40 63:28

  191. Thanks for the insight Cynthia and Lisa! Lisa would you mind sharing some of your themed ride playlists? Just today I used a few Beatles songs today for warm up and cool down but would love to have an all Beatles playlist:-)

    Cynthia, this is such a wonderful resource for a multitude of reasons- great people, great advice and amazingly quick responses!

    1. Thank you Judy and thanks to you too, Lisa for the great Beatles playlist below. iTunes just got the whole Beatles catalog so it’s easier than ever to include the Fab Four in a playlist.

  192. I teach 2-3x a week (one of the classes I alternate w/ another instructor). I operate similar to Cynthia. Every playlist I make, I print out on a 4×6 card, I put clear packing tape over it to protect from sweat. I keep the whole wad of them in my gym bag, when I get to class I pull one out and put it on my handlebars. Like Cynthia, I find I don’t pull out the older playlists as much, they just feel stale to me, with the exception of the theme rides. I have a couple 80’s playlists that are popular & often requested. I also have a Beatles ride, a One Hit Wonders Ride, a Disco ride, various holiday rides, etc. – all those aren’t as susceptible to going stale, so long as I don’t pull them out too often. At this point, I have a big enough “library” that I don’t feel the pressure to create new playlists that often. I make a new one every month or two. Basically, I just download songs that grab me and file them into a “New playlist” category in my iTunes account, and when I’ve gathered enough to make an hour class, I start the work of putting it together.
    Speaking of songs that grab me, Glee had a great one last night with Gwyneth Paltrow guest starring and singing “Forget You” with the cast. By the time I got up from my couch after watching it and booting up iTunes, it was already the #2 most popular single. If Glee isn’t your speed, check out the original by Cee Lee (or something like that).
    – Lisa

  193. Cynthia-
    Do you have playlists that you rotate, do you ‘shuffle’ tunes to make the playlists seem new again…please share your secrets for reusing playlists when you simply don’t have enough time to create new ones.
    I teach 4 classes a week and it gets difficult to make new playlists weekly. I can flip-flop my AM classes’ playlists with my evening classes’ but there are times when there are not enough hours in the day to sit at the computer and start from scratch;-)
    Motherhood is magical isn’t it?!

    1. Hi Judy,

      I have a coil notebook with all of my playlists in it. When I’m prepping for class, if I am not creating a new playlist, I page through it looking for an interesting one. I post all of my new playlists on the blog so you can see I only create 1-3 new ones each month – sometimes none.

      My only rule is I won’t use the same playlist in the same class more than once a month. I figure if riders heard the playlist a month ago, they either won’t remember, or won’t care. That said, I find I get very little use out of my 2008 playlists that were heavy on 2008 songs – they just seem dated now. I get more mileage out of mixed playlists, so most of my choices are from the current year.

      When I had multiple classes I had a system where playlist A would go on my Monday class one week, my Thursday class the next week, and for any classes I subbed over those two weeks. I could get away with this because my classes didn’t have much if any overlap in regular riders. If I did see a regular from Monday in Thursdays class, I’d just quickly choose a different playlist (think this happened maybe once or twice).

      Occasionally I’ll make a new playlist of songs from previous ones. This is much easier than creating a playlist of all new songs because I’ve already listened to each song so I know where the sprints should start or where the lulls are, etc. I usually do this if I’m craving something fresh but don’t have the time for a whole new mix.

      I just like making new playlists, and my favourites are the ones of brand new charting tunes (and especially new releases that I think will do well but haven’t quite hit mainstream yet) even though these playlists have the shortest shelf life.

      Readers with multiple weekly classes, how do you do it?


  194. Linda and Kristina,
    I can’t seem to find a lot of these songs—what sites can I get to so that I can give a listen-I’m in Florida-no place exotic;-)

    Songs that I have been loving- 1,2,3 Turnaround- Christian TV; Pop Goes the World-Gossip; We No Speak Americano-Yolanda Be Cool and the D Cup

    Anyone have any other fun, upbeat, funky songs? I’m so tired of all the typical stuff.


  195. Hey Linda…I really enjoyed looking up those songs and listening…something different! I spent a year in Sweden in 1985 so hearing some music in Swedish was fun! I really liked all those songs. Thanks for sharing that. I need to write down what I do in my classes…( I tend to do it off the top of my head) and then I can share also.

    Cynthia….hope all is well with you…I miss your new playlists but find myself here on the reader page finding all kinds of fun ideas. Thanks for all you have done and all you do.

    1. Hey Kristina,

      All is well with me, just busy with the baby… haven’t done a new playlist in a while but am working on one now. So glad readers are stepping in with new stuff. I’m really enjoying it.

  196. Warmup: Shakira – Waka Waka
    Warmup: Baby Alice – Pina Colada Boy
    Warmup: Eric Saade – Manboy

    Block 1:
    Volbeat – I only wanna be with you
    Rasmus Seebach – Natteravn
    Pain – Shut your mouth
    Mando Diao – Dance with somebody

    Recovery: Safri Duo – Sunrise

    Block 2:
    Mairlyn Manson – Tainted love
    Timoteij – Dansar i månens sken
    Johnossi – What’s the point
    Stromae – Alors on dance
    Scotty – The black pearl

    Cooldown/stretch: Lady Antebellum – Need you now
    Cooldown/stretch: Kent – Passagerare
    Cooldown/stretch: Alexandra Burke – Hallelujah

    1. Thanks Linda! Almost all of these songs are new to me. Lots of good stuff. I especially liked What’s the Point by Johnossi.

      1. That is a really great song, I love Johnossi!
        I am new as a spinning instructor in Norrköping, Sweden, and have had 2 classes so far with theese songs :)

  197. Cynthia, I just posted another complete profile and it didn’t post?? I hit submit comment, any ideas??? :-(

    1. Hi Marianne,

      It got caught in my spam filter. I approved it and it’s posted now. I love your idea of high- fiving everyone during the cool down.

  198. Schwinn Ride ‘RUN AROUND’
    7 stages, after warm up with 3 stages to work anerobic.
    WARM UP:
    Run around (Blues Traveler) zone 1, relax shoulders, stay in control of your pedals and feel 3 o’clock push point. Do you feel the road beneath you?
    Hey Soul Sister(Train) zone 1 to zone 2 in and out of saddle
    #1 Everything’s Magic (Angels & Airways) zone 3/zone 4 @ 1:00-1:38,2:18-2:54. Toughest stage, extremely challenging – make this Interval race pace. (talk test.. one word answer.) heres a chance for cyclists to get ahead of the other competitive riders.
    #2Raise your glass (P!nk) MY FAVORITE!! start out in zone 2, comfortable but challenging, at chorus turn resistance 1 to the right, stand and power surge. repeat till end of song.
    Closer to the edge(30 seconds to Mars) Zone 2/3 keep that cadence steady
    #3 Untouched (The Veronicas) another chance to take it to breathlessness with power surges. start at zone 2 for the 1st min than turn it up and power surge at 1:06-1:28,2:12-3:38 goes right into next song where we keep the intensity going..
    Cold As Ice(power music) all 3 zones used here. start comfortable than take it to breathlessness zone 3 at 1:32 for 1 min, zone 4 2:23, 40 sec,zone 2 3:17-3:54,zone 4 3:54-4:48, than back down to zone 2!! whew HARD WORK (CUE WORDS: LISTEN TO THE MUSIC CHANGEAND WATCH MY HAND SIGNS FOR THE POWER SURGES IN AND OUT OF THE SADDLE. TURN TO YOUR NEIGHBOR AND TELL THEM THEIR DOING A GOOD JOB!
    #4HURRY UP AND LETS GO(shout out louds) seated flat, zone 2. continue to work but change the intensity gradually. tell riders to drink, to cool their bodies.. remind them to hydrate for performance
    #5 KASHMIR (bond) however, the Led zepplin version is awesome too! 2 hills, last opportunity to reach anerobic level. Intensity near the end of the first song. Gradual increase in gear, adding on every minute.Ending at zone 4, hard, challenging.
    LOOKIN FOR A GOOD TIME (Lady Antebellum Combo Flat , bring it back down- find your steady zone 2, it being a comfortable medium intensity.keep it here till we start the next hill
    #6RED ALERT(Basement Jaxx) Combo hill, remainder of the ride you are working in your aerobic zone and work between 2/3 remind riders to relax shoulders, neutral spine length, change hand positions anytime. focus on the music and the steady beat to keep riders going.
    MISS INDEPENDENT(Ne-Yo) seated flat, steady zone 2
    #7 CONTROL (muddle of mudd) Combo Hill, interval zone 2/3. make every pedal stroke count, you’ve gained miles under you. find enough gear and the right rpm’s/cadence to challenge your muscular and cardio strength.
    ROCKSTAR(Nickelback) seated flat, zone 2/3 push at 3o’clock to 9 o’clock, feel the music to set your pedal speed. push double time (not quite power surge) during chorus.
    COOL DOWN: THINKING OF YOU (Katy Perry) steady zone 1,take a victory lap, drink some water, towel off. (recap the ride accomplishments, reason to return to your next cycle class, and my favorite. a fitness tip or a good quate to leave cyclists feeling great!! ( I personally go around during cool down and high five all the cyclists, special added touch!

    There you go, instructors another 60 minute ride, mix it up to suit your style or use as is, let me know if you use it!
    Happy riding,

  199. Fernando,
    Glad you like the playlist and Jessica, hope you got some new songs from these profiles. I did my playlist twice, once Wednesday and again this morning! Both classes were packed. 25 and 28 at both and EVERYONE loved the ride, the profile i used with it. I made Goodie bags for each cyclist, purchased at the ‘Dollar store” mini snack pretzels, power bar or granola bar, sugarfree gum and a few little treats thrown in to. FUN is all I can say. I LIKE a themed ride now and than. Already have my new playlists ready for the next week, going to be some good rides!!
    oh MY NEW FAVORITE SONG…. BY P!NK, RAISE YOUR GLASS, great song to have cyclists go at a medium resistance in the saddle than they have 3 opportunities to ‘power surge’ where they stand and run it out!! EXCELLENT song!!! (fyi- power surge is used now in place of sprint (Schwinn 2010 training manule)
    happy Cycling,

  200. Hi again, yes Halloween is a really good way to bring fun into indoor cycling classes.
    Still finding Mariane classes great, in Portugal we don’t have a Halloween traditions as in the USA or Canada, therefore my proposal goes directly to scary movies. This is a 50 minutes ride!

    Fartlek Schwinn Cycling Class
    65% to 85% HR
    This is Halloween, Marilin Manson (from nightmare before christmas)
    Warm up
    Burn, The Cure (from the Crow)
    Standing Flat
    Ghost Riders in The Sky, Doors play by Spiderbait (from Ghost Rider)
    Seated Climb
    Sympathy for the Devil, Rolling Stones ft Nerd (from Interview with the Vampire)
    Standing Climb
    Thriller, Michael Jackson [halloween mix] (from Thriller)
    Combo Climb
    Unfinished Sympathy, Paul Okenfold ft Massive Attack (from Ghost)
    Fast Flat
    Ghostbusters, OST from Ghostbuster
    Combo Flat
    XFiles – Enya ft Enigma (from XFiles)
    Standing Climb
    Gladiator, Dave Pearce (from Gladiator not a scary movie :D)
    Seated Climb
    The Phantom, remix by Guenta K, (from the Phantom of the Opera)
    Fast Climb / Standing Climb
    Halloween vs Freedy, remix Halloween
    Fast Climb / Combo Climb
    Just like a Ghost, Norwegian Recycling
    Cool Down
    It Can’t Rain all the time, Jane Siberry (from the Crow)

  201. Love the Halloween ride…thanks for the ideas! I love this site. I have found so many great rides on here and being a fairly new instructor, I thank you for the help!

  202. Good morning! Thought I would post my HALLOWEEN RIDE 2010, hope there is some ideas you guys can use or use it as is!










    1. Thanks Marianne for posting! I am sure everyone’s looking for a Hallowe’en ride for next week. I have a line on another Hallowe’en ride from reader Bob – I will post it here with his permission.

      Thanks for the comment Fernando – nice to see you here again.

      1. Hello everyone. Here is Bob Leventhal’s Hallowe’en playlist and introductory commentary. Thank you, Bob for your permission to post it!

        Bob says:

        Of course folks are expecting a playlist for Halloween, and I do like this one. But I also think this holiday is the most difficult to put together (I refuse to do a Christmas set, except to play “Christmas Wrapping” by The Waitresses, without fail, every year.) Halloween tunes are most all novelty numbers and most of us can only stand one per class. In this case it’s “Haunted House.” Roy Buchanan’s guitar work on his version, as always, saves the day. I tell the many people who suggest “Monster Mash,” by Bobby Boris Pickett that’s it’s not a good spin tune–true or not. So these songs have “ghost” or “haunted” and such in the title, but not much else to make them Halloween songs. On other hand, it’s simply not possible to ignore “Thriller,” a work of pop genius whatever you otherwise think of MJ. I love the Ra Ra Riot cut, but wasn’t sure my riders would share my enthusiasm.



        Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating

        1) The Ghost In You Psychedelic Furs 4:17 Warm-Up
        2) The Witch Queen Redbone 3:33 Warm-Up Of New Orleans
        3) Haunted House Roy Buchanan 2:45 Standing Run
        4) Me And Your Ghost Sarah Borges & 3:29 Standing Climb The Broken Singles
        5) I Want Candy Bow Wow Wow 2:45 Fast/Flat Road
        6) Trick Or Treat Otis Redding 3:11 Seated Climb
        7) Ghost Dancing Simple Minds 4:45 Sprints
        8) Devil With The Mitch Ryder & 2:45 Fast Climb
        Blue Dress On Detroit Wheels
        9) I Put A Spell On You Bryan Ferry 3:56 Recovery
        10) Wicked Old Witch John Fogerty 3:10 Seated Climb
        11) Devil In Disguise George Thorogood 3:11 Fast/Flat Road
        12) Ghosts In My Machine Annie Lennox 3:31 Seated Climb
        13) Devil Inside INXS 3:57 Sprints
        14) Sympathy For Rolling Stones 6:34 Standing Climb
        The Devil (Live) -Edited
        15) Thriller Michael Jackson 5:12 Fast Climb
        16) Haunted Deep Purple 4:24 Cool Down

        Total Time: 59 minutes

        Ghosts Under Rock Ra Ra Riot 4:27

        I have my own Hallowe’en playlist on the blog – look for it by clicking on October 2009. Happy Hallowe’en everyone!

  203. Hi Cynthia,
    Speaking of B.O.B. Magic I use that song as a warm up. I REALLY like his other son “Just the way you are” I’ve used that song as a first song after warm up it has a really nice beat. I used it in my playlist that I made up for a class i coached for “Breast Cancer Awareness month” that song blended in perfectly with the theme. During the ride I would tell riders the “facts” of breast cancer. I would have them ride hard for someone who couldn’t. It went over really well. I have 2 rides posted on my facebook wall and will post a ride a week over there. Some are from this sight ( actual person will get recognized if i use their playlist. So far I have an 80’s theme and a ride I call “Lost highway”
    You guys can request me as a friend and I’d be glad to share more.

    Marianne Albretsen

    1. Hi Marianne,

      Do you mean the Bruno Mars song? I couldn’t find a B.o.B. song by that title.

      Thanks for offering to share your playlists via FB.



  204. Cynthia – I’ve had Magic on heavy rotation too! Can’t wait to see what you do with it. Also had Like a G6 going too – nice hill song.

    1. Hi Kristina,

      Thanks! So glad you like the blog. I’ll have a new post probably in the next couple of weeks. I have a song I really want to use. It’s Magic by b.o.b – has been on heavy rotation on my iPod since I first heard it.

  205. Hi Cynthia,

    I am a very new instructor and found it much easier to que a ride that I have been on outdoors. Such as riding in Moab. I am looking for any suggestions for music for a theme ride in Moab, that would help take the class there along with my queing?


    1. Hi Susan,

      I’ve never cycled in Moab but I think of it as a new age-y place. Spinning Master Instructor Josh Taylor uses a lot of world music in his rides – if you Google his name and spinning you may find a link to one of his playlists.

      For those who aren’t familiar with cycling in Moah, here’s Wikipedia on the Slickrock trail:

      The Slickrock Trail, located near Moab, Utah (USA), is a popular mountain biking destination with worldwide fame. This 10.5-mile (16.9 km) loop takes intrepid riders over a landscape of “petrified” sand dunes and the eroded remnants of ancient sea beds. The Slickrock Trail is one of the more difficult rides in the Moab area and possibly the U.S., both technically and cardiovascularly, and is not suitable for novice riders.

      The Slickrock Trail consists of three main sections, an out-and-back lead-in (also known as a lollipop stick or a cherry stem), a 6.8-mile (10.9 km) loop, and an optional 2.3-mile (3.7 km) “practice loop”. The lead-in, loop, and practice loop are clearly marked by white dashed lines to prevent riders from straying from the trail, becoming lost, or disturbing the fragile cryptobiotic soil through which the trail passes.

      Does anyone else have an idea or two for Susan?

  206. Hi Cynthia,

    I was catching up on my reading of the guest blogs–and glad to see you back– and noted the mentions of a common instructor’s credo: “if you can’t (or don’t) do it on the road or the trail, we don’t do it in class.” I generally agree, but practice one major exception. Almost every class of mine has a couple of songs perfect for a standing run or jog, where riders are upright (spine vertical, or nearly so, fingers of both hands light on the base of the handlebars, and most important, knees well-supported.) My regular riders expect and enjoy this; some run whenever the mood strikes them. I also am aware that a few folks skip my class citing this as a main reason. They are the folks who are very serious cyclists, viewing spinning as training sessions for their outdoor rides. I am not their ideal instructor (see more on this below).

    Instead, I’m a believer that standing runs help put the rhythm in a “rhythm ride.” So it’s no surprise that dance tunes often work best. The perfect song for a run is between two and three minutes long. Half way through is an instrumental break or a new chorus that offers a nice gateway to a change in position; a run shouldn’t last much more than ninety seconds in my opinion though some riders maintain it for the entire song.

    Let’s face it, there aren’t that many positions to hold while cycling and some of us need all the variety we can get. With the right music, it’s just fun, and fun is a necessity for me. The slightly slower cadences I put near the start of class, the faster ones in the second half.

    Here are my top five Standing Run songs:

    5) Blue Eyes Mika 2:55
    4) Loco-motion Little Eva 2:25
    3) Down On The Corner (Live) John Fogerty 2:58
    2) (Just Like) Romeo And Juliet The Reflections 2:11
    1) Little Latin Lupe Lu The Righteous Brothers 2:35

    Also, thanks to you for your latest blog entry and to the reader’s who have talked about “coaching.” I have seldom felt like a teacher, and most of my riders are far beyond needing an instructor. I think I “lead” my class on a ride, having “curated” (currently a trendy concept) the playlist, but coaching adds the element of helping people use what they already know about cycling, but sometimes forget. So that’s how I will describe myself when other terms feel inadequate. Plus, it sounds better than being the “reminder.”

    Finally, remember that not every rider wants to have the “coach” standing by them as they pedal. Form is one thing, effort is another. As I used to say to several nosy–though well-intentioned–class leaders when they tried to read my monitor, “My heartrate is between me and my cardiologist.”


    1. Hi Bob, I too, do standing jogs, usually for parts of a song (maybe 30-60 seconds at a time). While it isn’t one of the five core movements in the Spinning program, I haven’t seen it on any lists of contraindicated moves either. I have been to classes where instructors morphed this move into a no-hands move. As long as hands stay on the handlebars, I don’t see any harm in it.

      I love the line – my heart rate is between me and my cardiologist. I don’t think we should push individual riders except by motivating with our words and demonstrating proper form. How do I know where they are in their workout routine? Maybe this is a recovery day for them. Maybe they’re getting over an illness or an injury and did well to make it to class at all. I’ll encourage the group to give a little more but I would never single anyone out. The most I do is to comment (say, on a seated climb), “I’m still seeing some pretty high cadences. This hill should be a comfortable challenge, moving into an uncomfortable challenge. Is your resistance where you want it?”

  207. hey guys

    i have been off the bike teaching spin for the last 8 weeks after tearing my cruciate ligament. i thought it would be difficult, but has turned out to be easier than it was. The best thing i did was to revisit some of my old workouts and mix them up. found it difficult to practise new routines. then add a few new songs into my routines that way. my riders have hated the last 2 months but i can honestly say they have never worked harder. we use the keiser bikes with the monitors so there is no hiding places. i have been walking around flicking up the gears and getting them to hold their rpm for longer. they hate it but think they feel they are improving.

    dont be scared to tell them to put on extra tension when you are going around. i found people push harder when you are near them so you can walk the class and be nearer the ones who need pushed.

    i subbed one of the other girls classes and did last months routine with them. it was only half an hour but within 2 minutes i had put all their gears up because they werent working hard enough. told the girl to do a class off the bike or even jump off for a few songs and kick their asses. after all its for their benefit.

    even when i am fit i jump off the bike just to push them that extra bit.

    new routine tonight with some great new tunes so im going to kick butts.

    i have still got 2 months of not being on the bike and my classes are always full so they must love it

    cheers for now

  208. Greetings from NYC,
    In response to Mae and Cynthia , I think how you instruct depends on your participants. I work for the Y and a bike and fitness shop, at the Y my participants want to see me work as hard as they do, but at the bike and fitness shop where I have hardcore roadies and athletes I believe, though have never done so, that those participants have the motivation and knowledge that would enable them to get a great work out with me instructed them from a location other than the bike.
    Mae- ask your participants what would work best for them.

  209. I need to teach off the bike for 8 weeks to heal an ankle injury. Does anyone have any tips? Not sure if I should do this or just sub out all of the classes?

    1. Great question Mae. I’m going to re-post it in my next blog post to generate some extra discussion. I’ve never taught off the bike – when I couldn’t ride at the necessary level (at the beginning and end of my pregnancy) I didn’t teach at all. Readers, do you teach off the bike? Tell us how you do it!

  210. I found it!!! It’s called Channel KGBs (tnt remix) by The KGBs :) They did a lot of cutting parts out though, and then even repeated one part over again. Anyhow, that’s the song, it was just doctored for the class! Thanks for helping me find it!

  211. nope, none of those were the one :( thanks so much for trying though! I will keep looking and if I find it, I will be sure to post back here!! Maybe I misunderstood when I asked and they did not say “KGB” ?!?! I dunno, but if I figure it out I will be sure to post! Thanks again!

    1. Zia,

      I checked E-music and there are 50 songs titled KGB. Also there is an artist KGB that is listed under “electronic” music. Hope this helps. Keep looking for good cycle tunes and thanks for sharing!

  212. I have started taking spinning classes at our gym. We had an instructor play a song called KGB, I thought I would be able to come home and find it on the internet but no such luck :( Can anyone help me? I liked it because it had two points in it where the beat got faster and faster and you just had to sprint it out and try and keep up, totally burned me out (in a good way). I would love to know who it’s by so I can purchase the song! Thanks!!!

    1. There’s an app for that! Too bad we can’t use Shazam in spin class. Seriously though, could the song have been KGB by the Backstreet Girls, KGB by DJ Serial K? KGB by the Funhouse Strippers? All three are on iTunes. I downloaded the Backstreet Girls – it’s a rockin’ sprint song so I’m guessing this is the one your instructor used. Thanks for the tip, Zia! Let us know if it’s the right song.

  213. Great idea with Jesus and the asses! It’s always fun to try to come up with a scenario for the class and stick with it for a few minutes. I use film music in this way. The battle music from the start of “Gladiator”, where Maximus and his men charges the german lines, gives me a great opportunity to paint a picture where the class is the roman cavalry charging in from the side on to yell stuff like “Keep your heads down, else you’ll be caught up in the foliage” or “Hold the line!” and finally “Charge!”. Maybe I get a little caught up in it, but its works!
    Regarding bad language, since English is only a second language to us here (Norwegian being the first!) we can luckily have a little fun with the swear words instead of being afraid of offending anyone. In “99 problems” with Jay-c (great song by the way, with a powerful beat) I tell the class to actually listen to the text and stand up the first time Jay-C says “B**h!” in the text. Next time the word comes around, I tell them to sit down. And then the class is on their own. Who discovers the next “B**h” first, and stands up? Almost like a party game.

  214. Thanks for the great responses! Beth Ann—I love your commentary! I too have found that the women ‘crank’ much more than the men, I hate to say it but it seems to be the nature of the beast. Cynthia- it’s great to have you back and as always I appreciate your expertise. I ordered a new HRM today-can’t wait to take it on a ride:-) Happy Rides to All, Judy

  215. Bob,

    Geez, did the guy ever hear of earplugs! They will take the decibels down and he can still hear the ques, etc.


    I work for the YMCA and have the same issues that you are now facing. One clever way I got around the words “B***h and A** in two songs that I loved by Ted Nugent and Scooter was to announce that Jesus rode upon an ass and that we were in the grand canyon, to mount your asses and get down the hill fast! No complaints on that one. The next one I announced that some bitches were loose and we had to pedal as fast as we could…get you mind out of the gutter…all a bitch is is a female dog! This got my 4th grader out of trouble when he was caught looking the words up in the dictionary and he is 19 now! Hope this helps. I do find that woman complain more about lyrics than men. Most men tell me they don’t even hear the words. That’s just in my experience. I’m sure everyplace is different.

    1. Bob, I can’t believe you had an 80 year old spinner! And he wore a decibel-meter. I am delighted. I think.

      Judy, most of the playlists on this site are clean – I try to flag any explicit language if I know it exists. I’m with Beth Ann on the suggestive stuff. Sometimes I do like Bob and ride over it, hoping for the best. Other times I’ll say, “whoops, I downloaded the clean and explicit versions and I hope I used the right one…” Nobody has complained about my music…yet. It could be that my spinners tend on the younger side, about 80% under 35.

      As for heart rate monitors, I use the most popular one – the Polar F11. It was a good compromise between price (about $150), features – calories burned, % max HR, time at each level, a cool trophy if you meet your workout goals for the week, and a comfortable all-cloth strap. I only have two complaints about it. The glass scratches easily so it’s better to wear just during exercise than as your main watch, and second, after two years of hard use, I’m finding the chest strap is getting finicky and sometimes I have to wet it several times before it will pick up my heart rate. Otherwise, it’s a great monitor and I’m very happy with it.

      When I ride outdoors I have a friend who uses GPS and can track our distance and average speed, which is nice because none of us have cycling computers.

  216. Hi Judy —

    I love Broadway, but I’d hate to feel pushed into show tunes. I’ve listened to some scores, such as “In The Heights” and found that songs I loved while sitting in the theater failed to work when checking them out for a playlist. Even “Jersey Boys” didn’t do it for me, and a couple of my riders were requesting it. The beats just weren’t insistent enough. Another option would be instrumentals, such as Memphis soul (like the Bar-Kays) or some blues numbers. But I would stick to my musical guns, simply avoid the expletives.

    In the can-you-top-this category, I had a fella who wore a decibel meter to class. Of course, I was over the EPA and OSHA limits. I turned it down a bit, but not enough for his liking. He’s a very nice guy, but at age, 80 he was concerned about hearing loss and eventually decided it was time to give up spinning and stick to running.

    Thanks for asking about my eye. I am progressing normally, but that means it is still several months until I’ll know how close I will come to regaining my former vision. In the meantime, I’m getting along fine.


  217. For all the spinners who do heart rate training–any suggestions as to the best HRM for spinning? Polar has a zillion models—there are HRMs specific to cycling (outdoor cycling only?), others that offer countless otpions and add-ons ( GPS) vs the more simple models… talk about confusing! I’m not a techy but love using a HRM to monitor my intensity level and zone. Thanks!

  218. Hi Judy —

    I know this won’t do you much good, but I can’t resist pointing out that much of the appeal of rock n’ roll was the very fact of its suggestiveness. That, plus the good beat, was why we all loved it so much when we first heard it. I’m afraid you’ll have to decide song by song what is acceptable. This week I’m going to use “You Are Dreaming” by the Shout Out Louds. After the third listen, I thought I heard an “f-bomb” in there, but I’m going to play it anyway. It’s indistinct and folks should be pumping hard enough not be focused on every word. I might also choose that moment to issue some instruction or exhortation. That’s worked in the past on the few occasions that I felt a great song shouldn’t be sacrificed for a word or two. On the other hand, last week I wrestled with using an old Ike Turner number from 1951 (“Rocket 88,” often called the first rock n’ roll song), based on his sad history of mistreating Tina. I decided to go ahead. But I go through the same indecision with Michael Jackson, who is often suggested to me for my playlists. And I won’t play “Only The Good Die Young” by Billy Joel because it strikes me as a prolonged cheap shot at Catholics. I said that to an instructor once who did play it, completing mystifying her. (Come to think of it, it’s suggestive, too.) Point is, almost anything can be a source of contention or offense.

    So, I say, trust your instincts about where to draw the line. Some tunes are obviously inappropriate to the majority–and to you, no doubt. But don’t let one or two people put a crimp on what everyone else would enjoy. Your loyal riders will come to your defense if there are any unreasonable complaints.

    Finally, remember that this is an edict from your management. And so, this, too, shall pass.


    1. Thanks much for your input Bob! BTW- how’s your eye? Recently I have found that our spinning classes have been subject to scrutiny..music is too loud, lyrics are suggestive, the language is inappropriate…BUT when I opted to play ‘safe’ music ( show tunes, Momma Mia, I Need a Hero…) I got a few raised eyebrows. My participants seem to enjoy and be motivated by contemporary music–me too–my last playlist was pretty clean-unless you consider sh-t offensive-i.e. “The City is at War”. I find it hard to believe that a large % of the gen population include that word in conversation on a daily basis. That all said- we have no policy in place re attire-and one day I had a participant who was wearing a t-shirt that I found offensive as would many others. Go figure! I hope this is cyclic and as you said—this too shall pass—perhaps these few cranky individuals will find a something else to complain about—uhh, the rock climbing wall is too high:-)

  219. Right now we are going thru a transition where I teach—management sent out a directive – no suggestive lyrics–of course no dropping of the “f-bomb” but we are not to use any song that contains “language” whatsoever. Do any of you have playlists that fit that description? Suggestions? I have downloaded from iTunes on a few occasions and though the song was not labeled ‘explicit’ it clearly had ‘language’ in it.


  220. No worries Matthias. Would love to see your playlists. Several readers have posted more than one. Start with your favourite playlist and see where the comments take you.



  221. 1. Warm up – Leave the world behind (Mr. DSC Funk Remix)
    Increase resistance till Minute 6, so you can get out of the saddle for easy riding out of the saddle

    2. Interval – K_naan Bang Bang ft. Adam Levine (Maroon 5)
    Double Speed at chorus

    3. Easy hill – Maroon 5 Misery
    Increase resistance every 90 seconds – sit in the saddle

    4. Attacks – Pink So what
    Hot the resistance to the beat and get put of the saddle at each chorus (for burning legs hold body frozen)

    5. Hard Hill – Eminem/Rihanna LOve the way you
    Increase Resistance so you have to get out of the Saddle for the rest of the song

    6. Sprints – Colton/Kelly Clarkson Cover Life qould suck wihtout you
    Sprint with an easy resistance every chorus

    7. Jumps – Avicii & Seabstian Drums My feelings for you
    Jumps 4/8/2

    8. Rest – Sonic Pals into the sun
    Time for easy riding:)

    9. Attacks – Cascada Dangerous
    Increase Resistance so you ride to the beat, then get out of the saddla for each chorus and do an easy jog out of the saddle

    10. Easy Hill – Bon jovi living on a prayer
    Increse resistance every minute

    11. Hard Hill – ACDC Touch too much
    Let the people ride it by themselves

    12. Moving out – David Guetta feat. Akon vs. Mashup-Germany – Sexy Bitch in Memphis
    Get out the resistance every minute and let them ride for the last minute

    13./14. Stretch
    Sitting by the dock of the bay Odis Redding & The Climb Miley Cyrus

    1. Hi Matthias,

      Thanks for posting. What a cool mashup of Sexy Bitch + Walking in Memphis + a bit of Hotel California, and was that Cher in the video? Some of the best party footage I’ve seen in a while on the Youtube video, too.

  222. Hi
    I love the blog. I am a new instructor and have gotten so many wonderful ideas from the playlists. Would Glory Days be a good cycling song ? If so, how would you use it. I was also thinking of Old Time Rock& Roll workout remix. Any thoughts?

    1. Hi Kathy,

      I think Glory Days would make a great cycling song. I’d use it for high tension lifts/jumps or a seated climb. I think the workout remix of Old Time Rock & Roll would be a great standing climb. We don’t have enough classic rock playlists on the blog – once you’ve put yours together, would you post it?

  223. Hi Lisa,
    There are tons of mashups out there but so many of them are awful. However, these DJ’s (DJ Lobsterdust & DJ Earworm, DJs from Mars) do a fantastic job at creating awesome mashups. Google them and you can download mashups free from their websites. Many of these mashups can be viewed on youtube too.

    To make your search easier here are the ones I like

    – DJ Lobsterdust
    Gimme Freaks
    2008 United States of Pop 2008
    Love & Wonder
    Funky Goes to Hollywood
    2009 United States of Pop
    Beautiful Mashup

    – DJ Lobsterdust
    Sex in Chains
    Shut Up Now
    Put on the Red Light
    Smells Like Funky Music
    Urgent Situation

    – DJs From Mars
    Enter Telephone *** AWESOME finishing song!
    Boom Boom #2
    Radio Tik Toc
    Alors on Danse
    Smells Like the Morning After

    There are many more but this will get you started.

    Cynthia – What are your favorites?

  224. Hi LiveinTO & Cynthia –
    Where do you find & buy these mash-ups? I’m so clueless. If I can’t find it on iTunes I’m lost. But I’m super interested. The few mash-ups & remixes I’ve managed to find I love. Please share!

    1. Lisa,

      I find some on e-music.com. Sometimes I put in an original, then follow-on with the mash-up. I use Nero Software and can cut out parts and then overlap the songs….keeps the road from “dropping off”….and the energy levels high. Good luck and keep riding!


  225. This site has been very helpful when I’m looking for inspiriation. Here is the playlist from the class I taught today. 4 loops of 11 minutes (approx.) I like remixes and mashups so you’ll see lots of those in my list.
    Addicted To Love 3:21 Florence & The Machine
    Silence [DJ Tiesto Remix] 4:31 DJ Tiesto

    Loop 1
    One Thing Leads To A 5:12 Fixx (Rythym Scholar)
    Just Dance 3:26 Lady GaGa (ft. Akon & Offishall)
    Single Ladies (In Mayberry) 2:51 Party Ben Mashup

    Loop 2
    Blue Vertigo 4:19 [MMM] MadMixMustang
    Bulletproof 3:28 La Roux
    My Life on Crazy Train Sucks 3:35 Mashup?

    Loop 3
    Smells Like Morning After 3:55 Timbaland Vs Nirvana –Dj from MARS
    This Is How A Heart Breaks 3:51 Rob Thomas
    Tick Tick Boom 3:44 The Hives

    Loop 4
    Sweet Dreams R Made of 7 3:51 DJ Poly
    Club Can’t Handle Me 3:53 Flo Rida
    Radio Tik Tok 4:42 Kesha vs Queen (DJ’s From Mars)

    Cool Down
    I’m The Man In Black 4:32 Johnny Cash Vs. Will Smith
    I Love the Rain the Most 4:39 Joe Purdy

    1. Hi LiveinTO (I used to live in TO myself – on Huron St., near Bloor + Spadina). I adore mashups and you’ve used some I really like. One of my faves is Bob Marley + Iron Maiden. When they’re good, they’re brilliant. Thanks for posting your ride.

  226. Hi Judy –
    I do the single leg work exactly as Cynthia does – both feet on the pedals, just bringing awareness to leading with one leg, then the other. I don’t do this very often, but it’s a good one to pass the time on a long flat.

    I also do upper body stretching on the bike as we cool down, then take it off the bike for the lower body stretches. I don’t do any stretching anymore during warm-up. I can’t remember where I read it, but I think it’s also the policy at Equinox, to skip the warm up stretches in spin class, and just warm up the body on a flat for 5+ minutes.

    Also agree with Cynthia, I would of course, never single out anyone and criticize, but just cue the class in general. If I see something really agregious, I might hop off my bike, turn off my mike and talk quietly to the person directly, so they don’t hurt themselves. But, I’ve only done this a few times. There are some folks in my class who don’t listen to my cue to add a bit of gear and find the flat where they are not bouncing and their hips are planted in the saddle. I’m just not sure what to do about them…

  227. Thanks Lisa- you made some great points! I agree that indoor cycling can augment and complement outdoor cycling while still being its own entity. I, too, cue slow, controlled jumps and incorporate core awareness. I remind participants to use good form and technique (relaxed upper body- keep those shoulders away from your ears, loose grip on the handlebars, pull your belly button towards your spine, chest up, legs into the center of the bike, feet flat…BREATHE), work at their own pace and have FUN! Do you incorporate single/lead leg work into your routines?

    1. Hi Judy and Lisa,

      Great topic, Judy. Thanks for raising it. My do/don’t list is similar to Lisa’s. I do some upper body stretching during the cool down but all lower body stretches off the bike. I always do dynamic upper body stretches for the warm up and static stretches for the cool down.

      I do incorporate jumps (as you know) but not so-called fast ‘popcorn’ jumps, and always cue that they’re about quads, not pulling up with arms. I also occasionally incorporate single-leg training – but always cue both feet to remain on the pedals. Some people take a leg out, which is risky because the weighted flywheel can come round and bash them in the calf if they aren’t careful. I don’t devise moves of my own creation – I pretty much stick with the basics and try to bring creativity into the ride with the music and the way the various drills are arranged.

      I have been to classes and seen instructors do things that I know to be contraindicated, even accounting for the bit of variation that exists from program to program. Hovers and isolations seem to be the most popular contraindicated moves.

      I try to strike a balance. I cue and demonstrate good form but I would not single out a rider who did something contraindicated, nor would I rant or flame an instructor who did. (And believe me, there are those out there who will and do.) If I see something untoward I cue the entire class on proper form and explain why, without singling out the offender or making a big deal of it.

      I think there’s probably more risk in a single road ride than in several dozen spin classes, even if riders do a few contraindicated moves. That doesn’t make them right, but I think one has to approach it with some perspective. Hey, it’s a stationary bike. Overall, I think it’s one of the safest forms of exercise, especially compared to (say) outdoor riding, skiing, soccer, hockey, or even running.

      That said, I think it’s useful and important to discuss. I know I’ve learned a lot from reading blogs and forums on-line.

  228. I agree that there are many instructors cuing contraindicated moves, although I’m seeing less and less of it.

    Things I do not cue (but have seen others cue):
    – pedaling with such heavy gear that you can barely get the pedal around
    – pedaling with such little gear that you are way beyond 120RPM, bouncing in the saddle like crazy (my personal pet peeve – kills my knees)
    – “freezes” where you still the upper body while out of the saddle (another knee killer)
    – upper body work (although I very occasionally suggest that they take one hand behind their back and see if they felt their abs/core kick in, then I have them try to hold onto that core support while returning their hand back on the handles – purpose = awareness of leaning too much weight onto handles)
    – sudden stop/start
    – stretching while standing on the pedals

    I do not believe strictly in the motto “if you can’t do it on a road bike, you can’t do it on a spin bike.” I view outdoor and indoor riding as similar and complimentary, but not identical sports. They each have some things that can’t be replicated by the other. Also, there isn’t 100% overlap between participants, and one can certainly be an avid, fit, knowledgeable and enthusiastic spinner without also riding outside (I’d venture to say many folks fall into this category). It’s awesome to bring some of the outdoor experience into the spin room, but it’s not the end all be all for me.

    Jumps/Lifts I do all the time, however I do them slower and controlled, not yanking yourself up/down by the handles.

  229. Hi All,
    When I became an indoor cycling fan 3 years ago I noticed some moves that instructors were cuing didn’t seem quite right- after over a decade as a cPT I was certain that several of the positions would or should be labeled ‘contraindicated’ . I became a certified spin instructor 18 months ago and once I started teaching I realized that the participants expected me to cue the same risky positions to counter boredom, offer additional challenge, or to showcase the instructor’s level of fitness. My motto was if you can’t do it on a road bike, you shouldn’t do on a spin bike. I’d like some input from more seasoned instructors- do you incorporate jumps, upper body work, balancing poses and likes in your class? What moves do you classify as contraindicated? Thanks!

  230. hey guys

    here is a couple of songs that will hit your riders hard. first up harlem shuffle (3.00) seated hill around 60 rpm. adding a gear or a turn every 30. after keep them on the hill with proud mary by tina turner.(4.57 keep it really hard for them then 2.20 into get them to drop the gears and go as fast as they can with just a little resistance. they wont expect it. trust me the burn and their breathing will go through the roof.


  231. Cynthia,

    I am finishing up my next week playlist to send to you. However, I thought I would post my playlist from this week that celebrates the American Fourth of July. (It was a short one- 45 minutes)


    American Honey 3:45 Lady Antebellum

    American Baby 4:35 Dave Matthews Band

    American Boy (feat. Kanye West) 4:45 Estelle Shine

    American Dream 4:29 Jakatta

    Living in America 4:09 James Brown
    America 4:19 Neil Diamond

    Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly 3:48 Aaron Tippin

    American Girl 3:35 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

    American Land 4:44 Bruce Springsteen

    Pink Houses 4:44 John Mellencamp Words & Music

    God Bless America 3:48 Celine Dion

    1. Thanks Adrienne! I used “Oh Canada” by hip hop artist Classified as a cool down for my Canada Day ride.

  232. As promised this are the 2 links available for download. The first one as all songs and also a pdf file with the class base plan. The second one is the class as listen on mixcloud.
    I will love to have further feedback after the classes!



  233. To listen you have to play on the green arrow on the left side.
    I prefer not given to much time between classes and as you all know some music have to be cut therefore I use iTunes connect to Mixmeister Fusion to create my classes and the final result is only a track song.
    On the previous class I used 28 musics all mixed to a pre choreographed to keep the class motivated to one great challenge, therefore is impossible to give all tracks used.
    in this one, the tracks that I use are the ones I wright down before. Either way I will post later 2 links one with the class for download and other with the songs.

  234. Fernando –
    I figured out what to click, but I can’t see which versions of the songs you have. Would you be willing to share that? I love a lot of the music and just want to figure out what I need to download! Thanks!
    BTW, really love the idea of mixcloud where we can actually hear the entire song, instead of iTunes silly 15 second clips. I just need a bit more info about the artist version, remix, and/or exact time of the song, so I can purchase.
    Thanks for sharing!!
    – Lisa

  235. Me too. I would love to be able to upload the playlist and use for my classes this week.

    Glad to hear you are back teaching Cynthia! Hope all is well with your little one.

  236. In the following link I had a new class dedicated to the World Soccer Cup. The chosen musics are musics dedicated to soccer either the past and present World Cup and also the European Cup.
    Maybe now that USA and England times are out of the tournament is not very easy to give this class, but we still have a few countries that this class will be the cherry in the top of the cake, specially before matches…
    Hope you enjoy it…

    Anthem Orchestral | 80 RPM | Warm Up
    É uma partida de futebol | 102 RPM | Warm Up
    World Cup Samba | 68 RPM | Climb
    Força | 60 RPM | Standind Climb
    Chumbawamba | 103 RPM | Flat Road (not recovery, mantain HR)
    Waka Waka | 65 RPM | Climb (follow the music)
    La Copa de la Vida | 60 RPM | Standing Climb (follow the music, take them to the roof)
    Wave your flag | 76 RPM | Standing Climb (last music of 1st mountain)
    La Gloria | 110 RPM | Flat road recovery (personal cadence or on the music cadence)
    We are the champion (at least on the bike) | 65 RPM | 2nd mountain climb (follow the music)
    Whoo hooo (Blur) | 65 RPM | Climb (you can speed up a little on the chorus)
    Hips don’t Lies | 105 RPM | Flat Road Second and last recovery keep the HR high a little connection from the second to the 3th mountain
    Kalemba | 70 RPM | Last mountain Standing Climb (low cadence / higher effort)
    I Gotta Felling | 65 RPM | Standing Climb, Follow the music, last and maximum effort… give it all
    Broken Strings | Ride home
    The time of our lives | Stretch

    1. Thanks for posting these rides Fernando. I am having trouble figuring out how to listen to them – couldn’t find the link to click on for this ride.

  237. Hi, I had just finish this race day class that I would like to share with you and get some opinion about it.
    As you know this race day class as no recovery track and the HR will be between 80 to 95%.
    Depending on your skill and preferences you can use the tracks either to longer flat road or just clim. This feature tracks are Rihanna (Don’t stop the music / Limp Bizkit (Mission Impossible) and Nneka (Heartbeat).
    Last track (He’s a Pirate) we had one or two 15 seconds sprints when the music rises!
    The class was mastered in Mixmeister and had 25 musics therefore I will not extended this message including all track and all choreography. If you really like it and want to explore the track I developed email me and I translate the notes that I made for this class…
    Hope you enjoy it.

    1. Fernando,

      I was just in Portugal! Thanks for sharing your ride. I’m going to your website to check it out. Have a great day and many fantastic rides!

    2. Love this one. What is the name of the first track?

      Is there a way to click between tracks on the mixcloud site?

  238. hi guys

    ive been teaching spin for about 6 months now and i am always looking for new ideas we use the keiser m3s with the little meter on the handle bars, means there is no cheating by pretending to turn the little knob. they hate it when i jump off the bike and walk behind them on high resistance intervals. hahahah

    one thing i have learned is that you have to fit the music to the people that come to your class. i was lucky to get a hard drive that has over 50,000 songs and it has pretty much all the songs of the last 50 years.

    a lot of my spinners that come to my class are over 30 so i play a lot of 80’s and 90’s. take them back to when they were at high school. through in some cheesy songs and a few modern songs and you have a great class.

    i will post a couple of playlists when i get a little more time. i love teaching it and im the only trainer in my gym that does an hour class. pools of sweat on the floor. luv it.

    my favourite spin song is sandstorm 7.26. its torcher on the quads.

    must dash spinning in a couple of hours.


    1. Hi Roddy,

      Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I’m in that demographic that grew up to 80s and 90s songs. We’ve got one 80s playlist on the blog but no 90s playlists – would love to see one of those.

      Happy spinning,


  239. Hi Lisa, how sweet to ask what we want, and I’m sure you will get mixed comments! Just do your normal ride/ playlist you have planned for your up coming class!
    Member Bob previously listed at least 20 ideas for themed rides and even put some up on this site! But whatever you prefer is great! We appreciate all these ideas.. I like a little of everything except the real hard rock! Remixes fo well in my class to! I teach up to 6 classes aweek at various 24 Hr fitness clubs in California, my playlists range depending on the time and club! I really should post my class favorites!
    Cynthia has been an inspiration and I know i have gotten ideas to bring to my riders!

    Again, which ever ride you post will be great! Do you have a blog where you post your playlists like some of the other quests? That might be another suggestion for Judy!

    Also Judy check powermusic and dynamic for silversneaker ideas!

    My class motto: come for the workout…. Leave with the passion <3

    1. Lisa, I’d be interested to see any of these. I agree with Marianne, just give us what you’re teaching this week. I’m especially interested in finding out about new songs or new and creative drills for songs that are currently in heavy rotation, but hey, I’m not teaching these days.

      Thanks Marianne for the kind words.

      Happy Victoria Day weekend to all the Canadians reading.


  240. Hi Lisa! So kind of you ask for our perferences…I am totally into themed rides and would love some new fresh ideas!

    Have a great weekend- I’m looking forward to your post!

    BTW- does anyone teach SIlver Sneakers classes- I could use some new music for that.

  241. Hi Friends –

    My turn to do a post is coming up in the next couple weeks, and I thought I’d ask what you might like to see. I play mostly current stuff. I tend to stick to mostly popular rock type stuff (too much trance/techno gives me a migraine), but a lot of my most current playlists have been heavily influenced on what’s already been posted here. I also have some theme playlists that I rotate in periodically to break things up. Some popular ones include:
    – 1HitWonders
    – Beatles (alternating Beatles music with other music that suits)
    – Disco
    – 80’s (I actually have two 80’s playlists)

    I can also do a more current playlist. But if you’d like to see one of these theme playlists, let me know. I’ll pick soon so I can write it up and send it over to Cynthia.


    1. Lisa,

      Just bring it on: I’m most interested in new ways to “cue” climbs, jumps, flat roads, etc…terminology can make or break a ride just as too much of one kind of music in my opinion.

      I’m a classic rocker at heat, so that’s when I work the hardest, however I really look hard to find a good mix of music in everyone of my profiles. I have young to old age groups in my classes.

      Can’t wait until you post! Don’t worry, any effort is good effort!

  242. Cynthia and Bob,
    Bob- I wish you a speedy recovery!
    Cynthia- what a beautiful baby, keep posting those photos!

    I will surely share themed playlists—the last several I have used I developed myself. I try to keep our members on their toes, they never know what to expect from me plus they love the interactive facet that the themed rides bring to a class- I have them guess the theme, the name of the songs, the artist…I try to use obscure songs or music that is out of character …for example my class was shocked that one of the songs I played was sung by Lady Gaga–a sweet, melodius love song, not what most expect from her:-)

  243. Hi Judy —

    I send out my playlists via email in advance to riders (and a few interested parties around the country). I almost always have a theme, generally based on nothing more the titles, but often they are about holidays or special events. I posted a list of themes in the reader replies a few months back. If they look interesting, I could add you to my mailing list and you would get a new list most Sunday nights.

    Unfortunately, I won’t be sending out lists for a couple of weeks, nor checking my email much–if at all–for the next few days. I suffered a detached retina this weekend and am having it repaired tomorrow. My next class won’t be until June; the playlist will be “Colorful.”


    1. Bob, I’m so sorry to hear about your retina. Hope it heals easily and quickly.

      Judy, would you consider sharing a link for any great theme rides you come across?

      No riding for me yet – Kate’s on her 6 week growth spurt, so it’s feed, feed, feed.


  244. Does anybody have some themed playlists they care to share? I’ve done show tunes and movie soundtracks, holidays (my Cinco De Mayo rocked!) but alas I’m forever on a quest for new and exciting playlists. THANKS!

  245. Anyone have a Cinco de Mayo playlist? I love to incorporate holidays into my rides and I’m teaching next Wed. AM—


  246. What a great site! After attending various spinning classes for 5 years, I was just thrust into instructor mode tonight when the teacher did not show. We are in Iraq and are lucky enough to have a spinning room with pretty good bikes (about 30). I plan on using many of your great songs/routines to get the class motivated. I’ll remember to use my heart rate monitor to keep the class in the right training zone (I even have my clip-in shoes). I’ll keep you all posted!

    1. Hi Major M – so cool to hear you’re spinning in Iraq! Thanks for the kind words. Drop by again with some song suggestions when you get a chance.



  247. Oups, forgot to say that I usually play “Hey ya” (Outkast) before Brenn di Ega kjerke. High speed, low resistance and all rise on 34sec, 1:40min and 3:20min, to let the biker muscles rid themselves of the lactatic acid after the heavy resistance in Panic Attack.

  248. Another guy from Norway here! I work and live just outside Oslo. I’ve been following this fantastic site since I became a spinning instructor in september 2009, and I’ve found lots of great suggestions. I have been meaning to share some of my own “discoveries” regarding songs to use for some time now, and here goes. Following is the second ride I made, and is still the one I always get the most enthusiastic feedback on from the classes (I have tried to replicate the success with later programs, but I guess there’s an x-factor I haven’t been able to analyze and duplicate yet). The program is 55 minutes long:

    Two songs for intro-speak and warm-up:
    1. Love Generation, Bob Sinclair
    2. Paper Planes, MIA

    My programs always have three legs, with 2 two minute breaks during the ride. I find that this predictability makes it easier to communicate what I would like the class to do and how hard they should work at the different stages. Maybe I will change this after a while, I have only made 7 programs so far, but for now this works very well.

    First leg:
    3. I’m a Man (Black Strobe) – Picked this song up from the movie Rocknrolla. Very cool riffs to kick-start the program. All rise after 48secs, 1:37min, 2:25mins and 3:28mins
    4. Dance 2night (Madonna)- picked this one up on this site – sit and stand for 8 counts respectively for one minute, then sit and stand for 4 counts, then 2 counts, then 4 and finally 8.
    5. Love Takes Over (Guetta, Rowland) – the final build-up before the first break, sprints on 37secs, 1:20mins and 2:50mins. The last sprint continues straight into the break.
    6. (2 minutes break music)

    Second leg:
    7. Desenchantee (Kate Ryan) – beautiful french lyrics to ease the crowd into the second leg. All rise on 1:00mins and 3:04mins.
    8. Panic Attack (Celeste) – Norwegian rock band performing in English, as 70-80 percent of them do. Here the class will “isolate” in the chorus parts. Meaning: Try to hold their upperbodies as still as possible, while focusing on using their legs only. Progressively heavier resistance on each isolation part, ranging from 10-15 secs on 31secs, 1:09mins, 1:36mins, 2:07mins, 2:48.
    9. Brenn di ega Kjerke (Black Strobe) – the same french band also playing in song nr 3, this time with a song titled in Norwegian (!) words meaning “Burn your own Church”. No, it’s not a black metal song, as we Norwegians are famous (?) for. Instead it’s a gem of a pulse driver that allows for me to split the class in three and let them sprint in turns lasting 20 secs before the next team takes over. With only 40 seconds of recovery before the next sprint, the class will be able to get up to max pulse during the 5 minutes this song lasts. Sprints starts on 1:26 mins, takes a break from 2:40mins (at this point I tell the class that this was the dress rehersal, get ready for the really serious stuff!), and starts again at 3:10 mins.

    Third leg:
    10. Love is Gone (Guetta). – The second leg is over, and the class can recover while Brenn di Ega Kjerke fades out, and 1 minute into Love is Gone. All rise from 1:18mins and out.
    11. Chiquitita (Abba) – The final song in the program (apart from the cool-down music, that is) and with a fantastic build-up. The cadence is at 90 RPM from the start, and I tell the class that they should keep this cadence for the 5 minutes that the song lasts. The song starts with a not very pronounced beat, and this is the part where I try to draw a picture for the class that they are bicycling the last leg of Tour de France, the sun is shining and the crowds are cheering them on. Something along those lines. It takes a lot of effort to keep up the cadence for so long, and I try to make it harder by letting them increase resistance in the chorus parts: 1:45mins, 3:30mins and 4:48mins. The last chorus is also the final part, and from here on and in everybody rises and put on as heavy a resistance as they can manage. We escort Abba out the door (its a song that fades out at the end) and just listen to our very heavy breathing for a few secs before breaking off. Its all very satisfying :-)
    12. We listen to “Wonderful World” (Louis Armstrong) and “Heaven is a Place Nearby” (Lene Marlin) while cooling down and stretching.

    1. What a wicked ride, Nils! I especially love the songs by Black Strobe and Guetta. Couldn’t find Celeste on iTunes or Youtube – any advice about where to download their music (preferably a legal site – I want to support them)?

      1. Hm, tried changing my settings on iTunes to “Canada”, it seems like Celeste doesn’t appears as easily as they do from my location. But if you search for “celeste panic attack”, you will be able to find them on the iTunes store, even from across the Atlantic. They rock!

    1. Raloh, to subscribe just click on Entries RSS on the right side of the screen. You’ll get an email every time there’s a fresh post. To also get an email when someone comments on the blog, click on Comments RSS.

  249. Hi and greetings from Norway,

    First of all I want to thank you all for sharing ideas and tip, this site has been very helpfull! As a new spinning instructor I have searched the internet for playlist and ideas for my classes, this site is the best. I come from a small village in the western part of Norway. We started up spinning classes in january with 11 bikes and hoped to fill 5-7 classes a week. The interest for spinning has exploded and we now do 25-30 classes a week… In our village lives 1500 people..:-)
    We have made our own webpage and booking system. We publish our playlist so other instructors can pick up ideas and tip. Most of our instructors use Spotify to make their playlists.
    We are now waiting for the spring to take it out on the road.


    1. Hi Vegar,

      I am so impressed at the popularity of spinning in your village! You must be a fantastic instructor – those turnouts are really something. Tell us your secrets and come back again to post a playlist or two. I’d love to hear what you’re spinning to in Norway.

      All the best,


      1. Hi,

        First of all we are 7 instructors, it´s not just me…:-) We have between 25-30 spinningclasses a week… When we first started I expected that the interest would be less after a while. It seems that I was wrong. We are a sportsclub, so all the members can take part of spinning almost for free. We also do many different classes; spinning 1, 2, 3 and Intervall, so our spinners have a lot to choose from…
        I think part of the success is also probably related to our booking system. We only have 10 bikes, so if you want one you have to commit early. Because of this we have few withdrawels and almost always full classes. The system also manage waitlist. So if we get a withdrawal the first on the list will get a text message and can book by replying to the text message. All is automated and works like a charme!
        Here is my spinning 1 playlist at the moment:

        3 random warmup tunes
        Hill 1:
        4. Dolly Parton – 9 to 5
        Standing climb 0:29 – 1:05 (35), 1:29 – 2:05 (35)
        5. David Guetta – When love takes over
        Standing climb: 0:36 – 0:52 (18), 1:20 – 1:50 (30), 2:21 – 3:08 (40)
        6 Fuego – Bond SPRINT
        Hill 2:
        7. Nickelback – Gotta be somebody
        Standing climb: 1:01 – 1:34 (33), 2:01 – 2:34 (33), 3:24 – 3:57 (33)
        8. Muse – Uprising
        Standing climb: 1:25 – 1:55 (35), 2:40 – 3:10 (30), 4:05 – 4:35 (30)
        9.PAUSE (random)
        Hill 3:
        10. Sweet Drems – Overdub feat. Sophia
        Standing climb: 1:00 – 1:30 (30), 2:13 – 3:13 (60)
        11. Metallica – Enter Sandman
        Standing climb: 0:55 – 1:10 (15), 1:33 – 2:03 (30), 2:25 – 3:20 (45), 3:57 – 4:57 (60) (don´t turn down resistance when seated..)
        12. Life is Beautiful – Sixx:AM
        Standing climb: 0:53 – 1:25 (33), 1:47 – 2:30 (43), 3:02 – 3:34 (32) (don´t turn down resistance when seated..)
        3 random cooldown tunes

        This ride takes 60 minutes.
        My other playlists can be downloaded from our webpage here:

        Ride on!
        Br, Vegar

  250. Hi Lisa —

    I did a search and found some hits about songs about movies, but didn’t find one that pulled it all together. I know there are lists of Oscar winners, and if titles from that list strike a chord, it may not be too much trouble.

    As for the “Can Can,” from Orpheus by Jacques Offenbach, I use the version from a CD, “25 Classical Dance Favorites.” It’s just 1:23 and it’s a great sprint number. I also have used Katchaturian’s Sabre Dance from the same source. Every spring I use a few lists under the heading of “Dance Party.” They include old dance songs like The Locomotion, Cool Jerk and Peppermint Twist (another great sprint song), but cover every decade and genre. Some are about dancing: Down At The Twist And Shout, Dance Hall Days, etc. I spread them out over a few weeks, and end with a “Best Of.” The excuse: we’re celebrating the end of winter. We really need it this year.



  251. Hmmm. Thanks for your response Bob. I’ll try to do a little research soon, but I’m a little slammed with trying to get certified for Pilates right now, so my spin playlists have taken a bit of a backseat. Off the cuff, I was thinking maybe there’s something spinnable in the John Whats-his-name (Williams?) soundtracks for classics like Star Wars, Close Encounters, Superman, etc.

    BTW, in a totally unrelated note, Bob, were you the one who mentioned some time ago that you had used the Can-Can? If so, I’m curious, how’d you work that into a playlist? What’d you do with it?

  252. Hi Lisa —

    I think it’s going to be difficult to find Oscar-winning songs that work for
    spin. But you gave me the idea to look into songs with “movie(s)” in the
    title in my iTunes library. Came up with great songs for listening,
    whimsical or reflective, but not much with a good beat:

    Drive-In Movies And Dashboard Lights – Nanci Griffith
    Gone To The Movies – Semisonic
    I’ve Been In That Movie – Steve Wariner
    A Movie Script Ending – Death Cab For Cutie
    Saturday Night At The Movies – The Drifters

    Still, I think there may be a list for songs about movies out there
    somewhere. Next step is to do a search “Songs with the word movie in the
    tiltle” and see if someone, somewhere, has already put their mind to this.
    If I’m wrong about the Oscar songs, I will look forward to seeing your
    playlist. I have a hard time remembering any examples after “Moon River.”


  253. Hi Everyone,
    Anyone out there have a good playlist for Oscars week? I’m thinking something with all movie soundtrack songs, not all from this season, but maybe using favorites from over the years.

  254. Thanks Lisa and all! I dug around in e-music and ended up downloading a boatload of music over the weekend. I did find some “sounds and effects” trains, barking dogs, nature, etc…and they will be great to throw in for shock effects!

    My latest rides are Move Your Fatty Acids, Loopy Loops, and I LUV Two TIming…I’ll be posting one of them with the complete profile for the guest blog I’m honored to be a part of in May!

    I teach enough classes at different sites that I rotate out my play lists-my goal is to have 50 my this years end. I have around 25 now.

    Stay healthy and ride on! The music is your road!

  255. Hey Beth Ann –
    I believe there’s the sound of a car crash at the end of P!nk’s “Shut up and Drive” – which also happens to be a fantastic cycle song. I tell my class to “shut up and RIDE” (and we sprint thru the chorus 3x).
    – Lisa

  256. As always Cynthia you have passed on invaluable information ! Thanks for sharing!

    I hope you are feeling well and geared up for your new arrival!

  257. Thanks Bob- this is terrific!!!

    Yes I do have the inclination not to repeat playlists unless I have to—forget about my class, I get bored with music easily. That’s one of my pet peeves with other instructors- you know things are bad when I have someone else’s playlist memorized!

  258. Judy, that’s great! Having your own class with your own regular riders is much more rewarding – you’ll love it. I’d forgotten about Two Tribes. Love the energy.

    I have a St. Patrick’s day mix in the March 2009 playlists. It’s called the “Irish is a State of Mind” Spin Mix, which is what a Dublin cabbie told me once. I really like Bob’s idea of an all-Irish artist playlist. Thanks for posting it, Bob.

    I had two regular classes and I used to rotate playlists so that if my Monday class got a playlist, the following week my Thurs class would get it. I had very little overlap between the classes, and if I did see people who’d already done the ride, I’d just do a last minute switch out and try again the following week. The other thing I did was always note in my calendar which playlist I’d used so I could tell how long since I’d used it in that class. Generally I consider anything fair game to replay after a month. That helps me to get more mileage out of my playlists, especially the ones that are heavy on currently charting hits, because those date quickly.

  259. Hi Judy —

    Congratulations on getting a class. Now the work begins if you have inclination not to repeat a playlist more than a couple of times a year. In that regard, a holiday ride is practically a blessing, something to resurrect once a year, with maybe a tweak or two. I posted this St. Patrick’s Day ride on this site last year. All Irish artists, but no particular reference to the day.

    Good luck with your class.


    Irish Stew

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) Closer To Your Heart Clannad 3:29 Warm-Up _____

    2) Shut Your Eyes Snow Patrol 3:17 Warm-Up _____

    3) Some Hope The Saw Doctors 2:28 Standing Run _____

    4) No More Empty Words The Thrills 3:23 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    5) Mandinka S. O’Connor 3:49 Standng Climb _____

    6) Secret Life The Corrs 4:31 Fast Climb _____

    7) Domino (Live) Van Morrison 4:46 Sprints _____

    8) Wild Honey U2 3:47 Recovery _____

    9) Gloria Them 2:38 Standing Run _____

    10) The Whole Of The Moon The Waterboys 4:59 Seated Climb _____

    11) Curse Of Love The Pogues 2:43 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    12) Rosalie Thin Lizzy 3:14 Standng Climb _____

    13) Lookin’ After No. 1 Boomtown Rats 3:07 Sprints _____

    14) Dreams The Cranberries 4:31 Hill Climb _____

    15) Shadow Play Rory Gallagher 4:56 Fast Climb _____

    16) Cannonball Damien Rice 3:27 Cool Down _____

    Time: 59 mins. Rating (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

  260. Well gang I finally have moved up in the ranks from sub to having a permanent class! I wll be teaching on St.Patty’s Day—anyone have a good Irish playlist to share? I’m a climb-lover, I am known to take my class on nice LONG climbs then finish them off with heart pumping sprints. This AM I ended with “TwoTribes”, Frankie Goes to Hollywood—I let the class recharge a bit with “Dance in the Dark”, Lady Gaga, then I cranked up the volume and hit “Two Tribes” with every ounce of energy everyone had! The class loved it and so did I! If anyone else follows this practice I’d love to hear from you!

  261. I have just come across this site, and I am flabbergasted! There are so many wonderful ideas on here. I teach a 30-40 minute lunch class and am looking for some playlists or short class ideas…


    1. Hi Jack,

      Thanks for coming by and commenting. Glad you like it! I used to teach a 30 minute lunch class – most of the early rides on the blog are geared to shorter classes.

      Keep spinning,


  262. Hey Gang,

    I was just talking with hubby about Tim’s “Accident” and “Go” idea….he told me that he would look around for the sound of a car crash…(nothing too dramatic, just a fender bender)…if he finds such, I’ll let you in on it.

    Also, sometimes I “bark” and everyone has to take off like crazy! We are going to try and find a growling/barking dog to put at the end of a song so everyone will have to sprint and burn on down the road.

    These are just some things I use to keep the class fresh, inspiring, original and yeah, a little bit crazy. Keep up the great suggestions.

    Bob, I did the Power of Positive Thinking and I even had to print CD’s for my Yoga class that follows cycling. Hmmm…I think I”m spoiling them. Thanks again for the ideas.

    Later gators!


  263. It’s been a while since I posted one of these!

    He’s a Pirate (Radio Edit Remix) – Klaus Badelt & Tiesto (4:07) Warm up – fast pace, increasing resistance/tension every 30 seconds or so!

    Telephone (feat. Beyoncé) – Lady Gaga (3:40) I love this song! Except for the fact that the beat doesn’t start until 23 seconds in, but you can use this time to explain the drill. Increase the resistance to a climbing tension, and then do jumps, possibly starting with 4 beats and then doing 2 beats! At the end of the song, stay standing and keep the same resistance into the next song….

    Rapture – iiO (4:13) Continue on from the last song, only now it’s a standing climb instead of jumps. Adjust the resistance up if necessary to match the beat.

    Memories (feat. Kid Cudi) – David Guetta (3:30) Don’t sit down – you can’t stop on a hill! The beat is slighter faster but challenge the riders to keep the same resistance

    Find Yourself – John O’Callaghan (feat. Sarah Howells) (2:31) More climbing, continuing from the last one. The beat is fast, but don’t turn down the resistance! After this you’ll be at the top of the hill!

    Music is Pumping (Original Mix) – Porn Kings vs Flip & Fill (5:50) Phew! Sit down and take the resistance off after the 13-minute climb! Now that you’re at the top of the hill, the only thing left to do is to sprint down it. Divide the class into teams and have them sprint against each other!

    Russian Roulette – Rihanna (3:47) A seated climb! Sit to the back of the saddle, and turn the resistance is up! The beat is slow, but it shouldn’t be easier.

    Self Control (Club Mix) – Paffendorf (3:28) More sprints, but this time alternate between standing and sitting, but sprinting the whole way through!

    Apache Rocks the Bottom – Scooter (3:45) This one is hard to explain in writing, but I usually do is jumps, freezes (as in nothing moves above the hips) and side-side (that’s just climbing where your body moves slightly side to side over the saddle). What I do is Up: 4, Side-Side 4, Freeze 4, Down 4 (and repeat.) So it works like Up 2 3 4, side-side 2 3 4, freeze 2 3 4, down 2 3 4, up 2 3 4 etc. It sounds very complicated but it actually works quite well and gets your heart rate up!

    Set the fire to the Third Bar – Snow Patrol & Martha Wainwright (3:22) Cool down and stretch!

    Total time: Approx. 38 mins.

    1. Awesome music, Tim! I love every song on the list and they all go together so well. This will be one of my first rides out the gate when I’m teaching again. Thanks!

  264. I tried to find that podcast, and it says “not found” on that website. What’s “Storm Training”?


    April, try downloading John Macgowan’s Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast #11 (on iTunes or here on John’s website: http://www.indoorcycleinstructor.com/category/podcasts/page/6/) where he has Fraser Quelch as a guest. Fraser Quelch came up with a program called “Storm Training” and has great ideas for motivating a group.

    1. NT, I tried it again on iTunes and it came up on the Candian one. It should come up on the American iTunes as well. Search on “Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast.” Two podcasts will come up – click on the one on the left. Then scroll down to #11. It mentions Fraser Quelch. If you still can’t find it on iTunes, I checked it on the Indoor Cycle Instructor website yesterday. It should be there. I can’t remember exactly how Quelch defined Storm Training, I just remember being really taken with his ideas.

  265. Hi – I am wondering if anyone has the list of tracks that are used in the Gold’s Gym Group ride classes? I can’t find a list anywhere and there are some great songs that I just want on my ipod!

    1. Hi Heather…I’m not sure if someone answered you on this yet or not. If Gold’s Gym uses the same format as the gym I go to, then the songs probably can’t be found on iTunes or anything. Our gym uses BTS (Body Training Systems) for their Group Ride program. Instructors get all of their music ahead of time, they have to practice it, then they launch it once a quarter. I don’t do the Group Ride classes…as I prefer to teach free style but I know that some people love the predictability of the class. I hope this helps!

  266. Hi April —

    I can’t say that I ask my riders to do anything in particular that splits them, or focuses their attention on what others are doing. But I understand the need to change things up to keep them interested. When I felt that my format was getting too predictable, I put together a few playlists that relied on sets of songs, three each no longer than three minutes. The first had a slower cadence and higher resistance, the second speeding up a bit, and the third a fast flat road tune (some with a sprint). An hour class would have seven sets with a brief warm-up, some recovery in the middle and a cool down–24 tunes in all.

    Artists these days seldom do such short tunes, so the music was almost all oldies:

    British Invasion
    Sweet Inspiration, Nos. 1 and 2 (R&B and soul)
    Do You Believe In Magic? (American oldies)

    I use one every few weeks. And I hope to add at least one more this year, probably more up-to-date songs. I give my riders a head’s up, not everyone enjoys this kind of ride. But the response to music itself was fine, and especially appealed to folks with short attention spans (as they described themselves). Here’s a set from each of the three. If anyone wants the complete list of any of them, let me know.

    Song Artist Time Tempo/Resistance Rating

    British Invasion
    Do Wah Diddy Diddy Manfred Mann 2:25 Slow/High _____

    Here Comes My Baby The Tremeloes 2:45 Mid/Medium _____

    Glad All Over The Dave Clark Five 2:46 Fast/Lighter _____

    Sweet Inspiration
    Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett 2:57 Slow/High _____

    Gimme A Little Sign Brenton Wood 2:20 Mid/Medium _____

    Soul Sister, Brown Sugar Sam & Dave 2:39 Fast/Lighter _____

    Do You Believe In Magic?
    Not Fade Away Buddy Holly 2:26 Slow/High _____

    Claudette Roy Orbison 2:33 Mid/Medium _____

    I Fought The Law Bobby Fuller Four 2:17 Fast/Lighter _____


  267. Something different! I am looking for something different or fun to do in my cycling classes. Any ideas? I think it do a “race” I split up the class and call out a group and that group has to sprint until I call the next group. Any other ideas like that?

  268. Hi Cynthia —

    Sometimes you run across a song that goes right to the head of your personal “Top Ten” list. And I confirmed this morning how well it worked in a class (but then I know what they like and they know me).

    The song is the old Kinks tune “Victoria” lifted to new heights when Ray Davies does it live with the Dessoff Chamber Choir. There’s a studio version in the Kinks Chorale CD, available on iTunes, but it’s far better on the concert available from NPR Music as a free download. To get it, search NPR Music, then Concerts, then download the whole concert to your iTunes. It’s an hour or more and all pretty great. But you can edit it down to this one song using iTunes.

    If you don’t use that feature, hit File, then Get Info, then Options and fill in the Start and Stop times. “Victoria” starts at around 7:04 and runs to about 10:40. Depends on how much applause and such you include. I saved the excerpt to a new file, not wanting to use all those megabytes for a 3:30 number.

    Anyway, it rocks. It’s high cadence, but inspiring, to get that little extra out of folks at the end of a strenuous class. And I paired it with a live version of Van Morrison’s Domino, just as energetic, if not more so, played at the half way mark just before some recovery.


  269. Ah yes, the snowbirds, many of whom are here are complaining about the ‘bitter’ cold weather we are experiencing in the sunshine state:-)

    Your classes must be a blast!


  270. Hi Judy —

    You are welcome. I had to reread your post to realize you were saying that you hoped that there were no Canadian cities on the list. My bad. So I won’t look for any songs about the provinces. But, hey, maybe you have some snowbirds from north of the border in your classes.


  271. Hi Judy, Christine and Marianne –

    I am happy to provide you with the playlists you requested. Thanks for asking. As I noted before, I will cut and paste from the Word docs that I post in my classes and, no doubt, the formatting will go awry.

    The list titled “Rock Or Roll” wasn’t a typo. The first song, “I Tried To Rock You But You Only Roll” by Leona Naess sets the theme. Every song thereafter has either “Rock” or “Rock” in the title but not both. Obviously, Benny Goodman isn’t RnR. I have a second version as well.

    Alas, there are no Canadian cities on my “City Songs” playlist. But I did play some Cross Canadian Ragweed in my class this morning. Lots of city titles to choose from, so I’ll probably put together a second list this year, and also do one for states (and maybe a province or two–any suggestions?).

    Hope they have some use for you.


    Rock or Roll

    Title Artist Time Ride/Tempo Rating

    1) I Tried To Rock You Leona Naess 3:22 Warm-Up ______
    But You Only Roll
    2) Shake, Rattle And Roll Sam Cooke 3:26 Warm-Up ______
    3) Roll to Me Del Amitri 2:14 Standing Run ______
    4) Roll With It Steve Winwood 5:21 Seated Climb ______
    5) Rock You Up The Romantics 3:33 Standing Climb______
    6) Rock And Rolling Stones 5:25 Fast/Flat Rd. ______
    A Hard Place
    7) Roll ‘Em Benny Goodman3:11 Flat Road ______
    & His Orchestra
    8) The Rock Iration 5:41 Recovery ______
    9) Roll Kinetix 3:54 Standing Run ______
    10) Solid Rock Widespread Panic5:04 Seated Climb ______
    11) R.O.C.K. In the U.S.A. J. Mellencamp 2:54 Fast/Sprints ______
    12) Papa Was A David Lindley 5:01 Standing Climb ______
    Rolling Stone & El Rayo-X
    13) Roll With REO Speedwagon5:35Fast/Sprints ______
    The Changes
    14) Roll Away Back Door Slam 3:37 Cool Down ______

    Time: 58 mins. Ratings ( 1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

    Down And Dirty

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) Don’t Look Dow L. Buckingham 2:48 Warm-Up ______
    2) Hand Me Down The Wallflowers 3:35 Warm-Up ______
    3) Down In The Boondocks Billy Joe Royal2:35 Standing Run ______
    4) If Dirt Were Dollars Don Henley 4:35 Hill Climb ______
    5) Dirty Angels Kevin Kinney 3:15 Sprints ______
    6) You’ll Be Coming Down B. Springsteen3:45 Slow Climb ______
    7) Ain’t Going Down Eric Clapton 4:05 Fast/Flat Rd. ______
    8) Rockin’ Down The Hwy. Doobie Bros 3:30 Fast Climb ______
    9) On The Road Down Robert Cray 4:01 Recovery ______
    10) Down On The Corner John Fogerty 2:58 Standing Run ______
    11) Follow You Down Gin Blossoms 4:31 Seated Climb ______
    12) Dirty Water Pete Townshend 2:08 Sprints ______
    13) Kiss The Dirt INXS 3:56 Seated Climb ______
    14) Tied Down & Chained The BoDeans 3:38 Fast/Flat Rd. ______
    15) Dirty Little Secret All-Amer. Rejects3:14 Fast Climb ______
    16) Runnin’ Down Tom Petty & 4:25 Hill Climb ______
    The Dream The Heartbreakers
    17) Dirty, Low And Bad Keb’ Mo’ 3:08 Cool Dow ______
    Time: 59 mins. Rating (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

    City Songs

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) Atlantic City John Anderson 4:49 Warm-Up _____
    2) Allentown Billy Joel 3:50 Warm-Up _____
    3) Kansas City Wilbert Harriso 2:32 Standing Run _____
    4) St. Louis The Easybeats 3:14 Fast/Flat Rd. _____
    5) Stockton Gala Days 10,000 Maniacs 4:24 Seated Climb _____
    6) New York Shuffle Graham Parker 3:00 Sprints _____
    7) Holy Tulsa Thunder Beau Jennings 3:06 Fast Climb _____
    8) San Francisco Days Chris Isaak 2:59 Recovery _____
    9) Nutbush City Limits Ike & Tina Turner2:58 Standing Run _____
    10) Maybe It Was Pam Tillis 4:00 Seated Climb _____
    11) Oh Atlanta Little Feat 4:14 Fast/Flat Rd. _____
    12) Las Vegas Gram Parsons 3:32 Sprints _____
    13) Phila. Freedom Elton John 5:20 Standing Climb _____
    14) Birmingham Blues Charlie Daniels 4:48 Fast/Flat Rd. _____
    15) C-I-T-Y John Cafferty & 3:37 Fast Climb _____
    The Beaver Brown Band
    16) Las Vegas Hall & Oates 3:00 Cool Down _____
    Time: 59 mins. Ratings (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

  272. i would love to see the rock ‘n roll class too! actually any of the classes sound fantastic! i love how you name them :-)

  273. Hi Bob-
    Your themed rides look great! “City Songs”—would those be cities in Canada? I’m an instructor in Florida- I’d love some city themed songs but if they aren’t US cities I will totally confuse my riders:-)

  274. Hi All –

    I’ve got about fifty themed rides now, not counting the usual suspects among the holiday rides. The themes describe the titles of the songs I use. My format is pretty consistent, so I have to find songs that fit, but I’m always happy to include a minute or two of a novelty (like Raffi–Going On A Picnic–for Labor Day). Anyway, here are some titles of my playlists. I anyone wants to check out a list, please let me know. I’ll do a cut and paste, so you may have see through the formatting mishaps.


    All In A Row
    Angels and Devils
    Back To Back
    Before And After
    Book Festival (to honor the National Book Festival on the Mall)
    Cherchez Les Femmes
    City Songs
    Crime Spree
    Down And Dirty
    Everything New
    Forever And Ever
    Free And Easy
    Good As Gold
    Hit Or Miss
    If Only
    Just Wondering
    Kings And Queens
    Laughin’ And Cryin’
    Let Me
    Now Or Never
    One By One
    Power Of Positive Thinking (#1 & #2)
    Rain Or Shine
    Right Or Wrong
    Rock Or Roll (Parts 1 and 2)
    Saturday Suite (1.5 hrs.)
    Shoes Or Boots
    Starry Skies
    Sweet Sixteen
    Time And Time Again
    Turn It Up
    Ups And Downs
    Whips And Chains
    Wild And Crazy
    Wild Blue Yonder

    1. Bob,
      Wow, you have quite a collection of playlists and i like how you have them ‘themed’. I’ve been an instructor only for 5 months, and I spend hours on itunes or reading posts for ‘ideas’. Could you email or post your rock n roll playlist and your down and dirty one? Thankyou so much, looking forward to hearing some new tunes.


    2. Hi Bob! Thanks so much for posting all of these themed rides! I’m trying to come with some myself and it looks like you’ve got some good ones. Would you be able to list your Wild and Crazy and Hit Or Miss? They seem interesting! I’m curious!! Thanks so much.

  275. Thanks Bob for the theme ride with a “spin” on the new year resolutions! I’m downloading all the songs now. Burn and firm on the bike!

  276. Hi Cynthia —

    I see the formatting from my cut and paste didn’t take. Sorry for any difficulty in reading my playlist.


  277. Hi Cynthia —

    I’m sorry I didn’t see the request for New Year’s lists on time. On New Year’s Eve I used a playlist entitled “Ring In The New.” Every song had “new” in the title and a few were direct references to the new year. But I also used a list in another class that was a riff on the idea of sticking to resolutions. Check the titles. I post my playlists in class (and email them in advance to my regulars), and ask for feedback. Some songs were edited via iTunes, the beginning or ending cut to make them better for spinning (for example, the J. Geils). This list went so well that I did a second version. I am planning to do a combined list, for a 1.5 hour class, maybe for the President’s Day weekend.

    Bob Leventhal

    Power Of Positive Thinking

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) Accentuate The Johnny Mercer 1:58 Warm-Up _____

    2) Keep On Moving UB40 4:37 Warm-Up _____

    3) Gotta Be Positive Eddy Grant 3:39 Standing Run _____

    4) Try A Little Harder Salty Dog 3:29 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    5) Reach Patti Austin 4:31 Standing Climb_____

    6) Keep On Growing Derek & The 5:53 Seated Climb _____

    7) Where’s There’s A Delaney & Bonnie 3:40 Sprints _____
    Will, There’s A Way

    8) Don’t Give Up Third World 3:12 Recovery _____

    9) Don’t Stop Fleetwood Mac 3:14 Standing Climb_____

    10) Let’s Go The Feelies 2:24 Standing Run _____

    11) (I Will) Go Faster Black Crowes 3:53 Sprints _____

    12) Let It All Go Jeff Healey Band 3:45 Seated Climb _____

    13) Let It Roll Little Feat 4:33 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    14) I Will Not Be Johnny Clueless 3:45 Standing Climb_____
    Left Behind

    15) Jus’ Can’t Stop Me J. Geils Band 3:12 Fast/Hill Climb _____

    16) Keep On Trying Poco 2:54 Cool Down _____
    Total Time: 60 Mins. Ratings: 1 through 5 (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

  278. Christine,
    Here is an oldie workout that I pulled together when I first started teaching cycle: I titled the workout, “It’s Takes Two” and set it up as an interval type class. Most of the tunes are 70’s and 80’s (at least I think I didn’t go any further back than that)! Total Ride time was 53:30.

    Die Another Day-Madonna- W.U. (3:30)

    No More Mr. Nice Guy-Alice Cooper- Easy Runs (3:06)
    Welcome to My Nightmare-Alice Cooper-Steady Incline (5:06)

    Thunderstruck-ACDC-Heavy Hill Sprints (Lactic Threshold) (4:51)
    Shoot For Thrill-ACDC-Runs w/attacks out of the saddle (5:18)

    Public Service Announcement-I find these on the internet-North Carolina has a lot about diet, exercise, etc…they last around :36 seconds until a 1:00 people take a break and crack up laughing.

    Keep Pushin’-REO Speedwagon- Moderate Hill Sprints (Lactic Threshold) (3:54)
    Riding the Storm Out-REO Speedwagon-Rolling Hills (5:26)

    Celtic Irish-Riverdance-Moderate Incline Runs (2:19)
    Cry of the Celts-Riverdance-Light Intervals (4:22)

    Public Service Announcement-(:35)

    Still Loving You-Night Ranger or Scorpions?-Long Gradual Hill Climb (6:20)
    No One Like You- ” “-Standing Jog on Chorus (3:52)

    Goodbye To You-Scandal-Cool Down

    Enjoy…and thanks to all for some great ideas. Keep cranking those chains!

    1. Thanks Beth Ann! Love the Scorpions. Christine, I have one 80s playlist on the blog here – it’s the All She Wants to Do is Dance Spin Mix, filed under September 2008. I’ve got a bunch of songs collected for another 80s playlist soon.



  279. Anyone have some really heart-pumping 80’s playlists/classes? i have a class that just CRAVES 80’s music and so I want to make a few great classes for them to enjoy! Any help at all would be SO appreciated! Happy 2010 everyone!! :-))

  280. Hi everyone!
    Happy New year to all. I’m teaching NY’s day, expect a packed class. need ideas for a new playlist. I have many. My Wed morn class liked pyramid rides or alot of climbs. For this class I wanted a mix of pop and rock, to please everyone. i want a hard wo for them. I liked the profile for last years Ny’s ride, about ‘Change, etc w/ a new President and all. Anyone have any good ideas w/profile. I have two real good ones my classes like. One profile was from IDEA and the other from Schwinn. I can post over the weekend.
    Thanks for this site, i review it often to get ideas.


  281. Adrienne, thank you so much. Great playlist! I am going to give you a shout out on the Top 5 Playlists post so everyone can find this one.

    Feliz Ano Nuevo from Mexico,


  282. Here is a 45 plus minute playlist for the New Year!

    (1) “Brand New Day” Sting- extended warm up with a few pick ups at end to shake out legs

    (2) “Love Generation” Bob Sinclair- think positive and a few jumps to get heart up to working heart rate

    (3) “One More Time” Daft Punk- one more time we are going to celebrate all that 2009 gave us; sprints on the hill

    (4) “Let the River Run” Carly Simon


    (5) “Seven Wonders” Fleetwood Mac- two positive songs as we climb the hill for 7 mins

    (6) “I Gotta Feeling” Black Eyed Peas- sprints! And, tonight’s gonna be a good night!

    (7) “New Year’s Day” U2- steady hill, pick one hill, one pace and maintain.

    (8) “Let’s Get Loud” J Lo (remix)- jumps! sprints! Let’s exude energy

    (9) “Auld Lang Syne” BB King- one hill, one minute fast to the end

    (10) “Standing Outside the Fire” Garth Brooks (because how could I not include some country in the final playlist of the year)
    “Life is not tried it’s just merely survived if you’re standing outside the fire”


    (11) “If Today was Your Last Day” Nickelback- extended cooldown

  283. Thanks Duncan! I am away on holiday in Mexico right now but I am going to check out your site as soon as I get back. Happy spinning!


  284. Wow, awesome site. It’s great to see many like minded people putting so much effort into their spin classes.
    I’m a ex-dj turned spin teacher who after years of pushing from my students have decided to get a webpage up and going to showcase my music.


    Hope you like the site, I teach mostly in London, so the music I use is generally house, whilst you’ll find all the tracks mixed together with the bpm’s attached so you don’t have to think too much or stop, just work, work, work.


  285. Thanks! As far as music that is not entirely spin-worthy I have my class crank up the resistance to get them to work hard and do drills that are not reliant upon the beat of the music ( this also works well for Rap- I did it just today with U Can’t Touch This/MC Hammer in an 80’s mix), like take the ‘bounce out’ (keep the upper body still) either standing up tall or in the hover position- it really works those quads, I have them focus on the one leg doing all the work while the other goes along for the ride- then let the other leg do the work so they’re not lopsided, haha, I have them put their right arm behind their backs, then their left, seated reach way out or seat straight up in the saddle, both hands behind their backs and force those legs to work hard. Hope this helps:-)

  286. Fabulous Christine! I really appreciate your help!
    I found one last night- How Do You Spell Chunnukkahh by The Leevees, check it out:-)

    1. Thanks, Judy, I will! I like to try and include all faiths as well – never, ever want to offend someone or hurt their feelings! Btw, Happy Hanukkah (hopefully the correct spelling)! :-)

  287. Here are a few!

    Oh Hannukah – Gods of Fire
    Rock n Roll Hanukkah – David Isaacs
    The Rockin Dreidal – ShaNaNa
    Surfin on Hanukkah/Hanukkah Bop – King Cobras
    Rockin Hanukkah – Poppa’s Kitchen

    Hope this helps :-)

  288. Here’s a bigger challenge- how about some spin worthy Hanukkah tunes??? I have Adam Sandler’s” It’s Hanukkah” on my playlist- not the best spin tune but I always feel that we should try to accommodate as many people as possible ( plus it’s my holiday).

  289. Hey Sara – I posted this somewhere else on this blog but who knows where so I will write it again – I can’t take credit for it – another teacher friend of mine helped :-)

    Sleigh Ride and 12 Days of Christmas – Relient K
    Run Rudolph Run – Bryan Adams
    Jingle Bells – Brian Setzer
    Last Christmas – Cascada
    Wizards In Winter and Winter in Sarajevo – Trans Siberian Orchestra
    Christmas Eve – Elton John
    All I want for Christmas – Mariah Carey
    Rockin Around the Christmas Tree – Hannah Montana (yes i know it’s cheesy but you can’t really tell it’s her singing)
    Little St. Nick – Beach Boys
    I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus – JC Mellencamp
    Christmas in Hollis – Run DMC
    Baby Please Come Home – U2

    Anyone have any ideas for how to use these songs in a class? Denise – you are super a these classes – any ideas?

      1. You are more than welcome! I also go by TriGirl on here – for some reason I end up as either my real name, Christine or the other – i am clearly not technically inclined :-)

        I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for what to do with the Christmas themed music – I usually do what Denise does and use the chorus as a time to sprint or come up out of the saddle or whatever but these songs are so short and some don’t really have choruses. So is there a way to use sets here where we just do the same drills throughout the class? I’m fairly new at this and trying to find a fun and easy way to use this music!

        thanks for any and all ideas!!! Christine

  290. I have taught spinning for over 3 years and I am looking for some good holiday songs I can play over the next couple of weeks. Does anyone have any ideas?

    Happy Holidays and thanks in advance!


  291. Cynthia and Judy,

    Ditto me on the way you do your jumps and attacks Cynthia. I too let the music dictate what type of “jump” I do. I’m with you on the reading glasses. I am using 14 font on my notes!

    Thanks everyone for the tips. I’m working on downloading some new music…came across some interesting songs…will post them as soon as I work up a routine and make sure they are “clean” as I work for the YMCA.

    Happy Holidays my Cycle Addict friends!

  292. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your first child! As a mother of three I can attest that there is no more wonderful experience than that of delivering a healthy baby.

    Thanks for always providing quick, thoughtful and extremely helpful responses.


  293. Hi Judy,

    Counting beats for jumps is easy and doesn’t require notes, but I do find I can’t do much to chat or cue, or I lose count. A tip I picked up from another instructor is to cue the first few and once everyone’s got it, simply cue with a thumbs up or down. It works really well and avoids you having to repeat “three, two, one, up!” “three, two, one, down!” over and over.

    If you don’t want to time sprints, just use a combination of all sprint songs and songs that allow for sprints during the choruses and recovery for the verses. You’ll know when each chorus is coming up, and most riders can anticipate it as well, even if they don’t know the song.

    Yes, I’m 5.5 months pregnant with our first child. Feeling great and hoping to keep spinning into my eighth month. I’ll give it up temporarily if it gets uncomfortable or if I don’t think I can deliver the kind of class I want to deliver.

    Right now I just tell the class I’m expecting and while my doc totally supports my spinning, I have some heart rate restrictions, so they may see me taking extra recovery breaks once in a while. They do not need to break when I do unless they want to – it’s their ride. So far I only need to slow down once in a while – I mostly play with the tension on the bike to make some of the drills a bit easier so I don’t max out my heart rate.

  294. Thanks for that speedy reply! Rhythmic jumps will probably work best for me- I think being so precise- timing wise- would also require me to have notes and my eyes aren’t as great as they used to be so between the dark room and needing reading glasses…you can imagine ;-)

    Truth be told I am one who ‘feels’ the music- I just know what to do depending on how to tune feels to me, but perhaps that is a haphazard way to go about teaching.

    This is the BEST site! I truly appreciate all the wonderful feedback you and the other instructors offer!

    I recall reading that you are expecting? Is this correct? One of my colleagues taught spin until the day before she had her daughter–she felt being so active made for an easy delivery.

    And now I’m off to spin- teaching tomorrow AM but I can’t get enough!

  295. Hi Judy,

    Embarrassingly, my all-climb class still isn’t finished. Maybe someone else has one ready?

    I time jumps with beat counting, usually 16, 8, 4, or 2 beats. My jumps are mostly rhythmic. There is another way to do jumps like a short, sharp sprint involving increased cadence as well as rising from the saddle. I do attacks, which are similar. I time them in seconds, usually 15 or 30, sometimes 45 seconds.

    I time sprints (team or solo) in seconds. When I review a song prior to including it, I’ll time the sections that are good for sprinting and use those. Most songs have sprinting options falling between 15 seconds and 60 seconds. Some very fast songs can be all sprint – these are perfect for team sprinting exercises (guys/gals, row 1/2/3, half the room, then the other half) because it doesn’t matter when each group starts or stops, the music supports the sprint. I divvy up the song into increments and divide them by the number of teams I’ve planned. I usually try to have everyone go together for the last interval.

    How do others do this?

  296. Does anyone have an all climb playlist? I want to do something different- I like to change things up on a regular basis. Also, as I’m pretty new at this I wonder you experts time jumps or team sprints. I don’t feel confident in my ability to do so- how precise are all you expert instructors?


  297. Thanks April and Judy!

    I’ve done Valentine’s mixes (all songs about love), Hallowe’en mixes, all women artists, summer songs, decades (80s, 90s), genre mixes (all dance, all hard rock, all R&B, all alt rock), best of mixes (usually one of my first rides in January is a compilation of the best spinning songs of the previous year), countries (all American artists, all Canadian, all international), and an Out of India mix because I loved the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack so much.

  298. I’ve done holiday rides, all female artists, songs that all had ‘dance’ in the title, all disco, hard rock, have the riders guess the artist…fun stuffl Love to see some of your playlists.

    1. What music do you use for your holiday rides? I wanted to have one coming up and I didn’t know what music to use that would be fast enough.

      1. I just got some pretty amazing Xmas music – I think it will make a great ride:
        12 Days of Christmas – Relient K
        Run Rudolph Run – Bryan Adams
        Jungle Bells – Brian Setzer
        Last Christmas – Cascade
        Wizards in Winter and Christmas in Sarajevo – Trans Siberian Orchestra
        Christmas Eve – Celine Dion
        Step Into Christmas – Elton John
        All I Want for Christmas – Mariah Carey
        Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree – Hannah Montana (yeah I know, kinda chessy but you can’t really tell it’s her singing)

        That’s all I’ve got for now – anyone else??

  299. I have been teaching indoor cycling for a few months now. I love your website. I have gotten some great ideas from it. I have been trying to do a theme to my rides and have the riders guess what it is. I did songs with city names in them, etc. I also did one with songs from movies and one with broadway musical songs. My classes really enjoyed it and it gave them something to talk about and thinking about. Can you think of any other themes for a class?

  300. Thanks Beth Ann—sorry I didn’t reply sooner. Keep on posting those great playlists! I’m working on a new playlist with Lady GaGa’s new album- Fame Monster- I don’t know about any of you other instructors but I get bored listening to same ‘trendy’ songs, I love to mix it up- keeps me motivated!

  301. Judy,

    I used Nero software to make my CD because in this case I wanted to pitch the beat up overall by 4.0. It worked out really well keeping pace between 60-115. Our YMCA has the cycles that read out gears (1-24), cadence, time, HR, and mileage. I also overlapped the songs by 5-10 seconds to keep a continuous road.

    Here is how I profiled my “Halloween II-It’s a Screamer” ride (basically a hill profile):

    Howling Wind (E-Music) (:45): Introduction
    Fresh Prince-Nightmare On My Street (4:40) Warm-up

    “Lot’s of SCREAMERS (Medium grade hill climb, you can still run but under three minutes, sprint would be less than 60 secs before muscle failure; these are just guidelines I give to help set the tension on the cycle) today and I don’t mean vocals! Keep your breathing very regulated and don’t look behind you on this first climb-maintain 60-65 rpm’s.

    Put on your doo-rags (I gave everyone black with orange flames). You’ll be sweaty, hot, tired, and at wits end with today’s ride….question is….was it a Trick or a treat?
    We’ve been invited to a Count’s house for dinner and dance; don’t worry I heard his bark is worse than his bite!

    Don’t Look Behind You (E-music) (4:41):
    Let’s get into our first KICKER of the day. Start at a light hill climb and stay way back in the saddle.
    After around 2:30 into the song:
    Keep working it in the saddle-stretch out and lift up, knees like pistons–glutes are engaged. (I don’t stay here long, some folks call these “hovers” and think they are a big no, no in a spin class). We have aero-bars, so I do use them -keeps folks from getting bored and makes them focus on better body alignment.
    For the last minute: If your feeling strong, crank up the tension two gears and let’s stand. Heavy breathing is acceptable-even if it is behind you! JUST DON’T LOOK!

    Cruella de Ville (Gomez) (3:13): Back off to the SCREAMER LEVEL and keep right on 60 RPM’s….can’t sustain? BLEED DOWN A GEAR and peddle faster up to 75 rpms…
    Wicked little off road adventure, smooth in the saddle….
    Up on the Chorus for a little “push”….
    Slow back down when seated.
    Light on those handles, they are covered with ooze!

    Spiderwebs (No Doubt) (4:23):
    More of the same….keep pushing in the same gear…
    Up on the Chorus for a mini “hit it”…
    Stay focused until “the road” fades out.

    In the Hall of the Mountain King (E-Music) (2:40):
    Ahhhhh….told you Transylvania was mountainous…..keep climbing….trick is you have to mantain 80-85 rpms while in the saddle! Good news is I have found a tunnel that will take us through the mountain; it is rather dark and dank, oh well let’s go for it! (Then this song bleeds right into the next version which is even faster!)

    In the Hall of the Mountain King (E-Music) (3:37-techno remix off a Halloween Bash Album in E-music):Oh no, the tunnel has no exit, slow down, turn around, keep driving on in the same gear, but stand and increase your cadence…hard core all the way until the music slows….(when it slows, settle into the saddle, go up one gear and prepare)….ATTACK MODE…..all you got until the end….breathless!

    Hell 1 (Squirrel Nut Zippers) (3:00)
    Party just getting started….Light winds….go down to flat roads with some tension added for a headwind…..some little jumps are fun for this song….Wake up the legs on this one baby!

    Voodoo Dolly (… and the Banshees) (6:50)
    No rest for the weary…keep standing and go to a DEEP climb with a slow cadence…
    Listen to your inner self….and follow the road…
    We’ll be starting back down the mountain soon-legs should be shivering at this point-(3:20 start backing off the gears and taking up the cadence)-keep up with the road, faster, faster, faster! Put the brain in neutral and let the lungs work—I feel a power surge…two gears up and push to the end!

    Witch Doctor (2:13): Let’s bag out of this party while the legs are still able, get on your flat road…bumpy road ahead…(I tighten the tension and do some 3pointers here)

    Phantom of the Opera (4:03) (E-music):
    Back to the smooth road for a seated run…Let’s grip the handle bars like they were on fire and burn down this mountain. At 3:20 stand and hammer until we hit “ELM Street”!

    Spooky Skit 4 (1:19) (E-music):
    They had several skits and I choose one with a girl saying, “Who’s out there?” Then you hear a wicked laugh and a chainsaw firing up. Grab your breather, cool down; Oh no, do I hear a “chainsaw”?

    Toccata and Fugue in Minor (9:19)
    Feeling a little waxed, tense, a little nervous? Wait until next ride…It’s sure to be a THRILLER! (Evil laugh) and cool down.

    Sorry, I don’t have which albums I got the songs from, but I just put in a search for Halloween music, electronic and got some hits from e-music.com.

    Ride on!
    Beth Ann

  302. Hey Beth Ann,
    Can you post the Halloween ride you compiled yesterday- I took some of your previous suggestions, THANKS, and did some searching on my own and came up with a VERY long ride- when I gave it my ride through test I loved it so much I don’t know what to cut out, darn it, I wish I could teach a 90 min class- I bet my riders will find that just as TERRIFYING as the spooky music, haha! I love spinning so much that I could ride for hours:-)


  303. Tim,

    Ditto me too on your great music selections. Thanks for posting your rides! I finished up my first Halloween Ride today and bought everyone scarfs with flames on them…we took a trip to a Count’s castle and went through a very long tunnel to the “Hall of the Mountain Kings” (I found two remixes and blended them together). Along the way we visited a “Witch Doctor” and found a “Voodoo Dolly”. We decided to bag out of the party and on the downhill ran smack into the “Phantom of the Opera” (techno remix). The only warning I gave out was, “Don’t look behind you, you might not like what you see!” Keep the postings coming, I love the advice and suggestions. Ride on!

  304. Thanks for the compliment! I probably spend too much time listening to songs on iTunes – that’s why I find so many songs. All my friends say iTunes Genius is no good, but I find it comes up with a few good songs (such as How Much is the Fish!). I wish iTunes let you sample songs for more than 30 seconds though!

  305. I immediately downloaded Rapture, How Much is the Fish? and Find Yourself. Great mix! Tim, you always come up with the best songs I’ve never encountered. Thanks for sharing them.

  306. Here is another mix, made up of random songs in my iTunes library (again, there’s no thematic connection!!).

    Give it 2 Me – Madonna (4:47) Warm up. At first, go double time with the beat, increasing resistance every 30 seconds or so. About half way through the song, increase resistance to an amount that you are going single time (each foot falls with the beat – climbing). Continue to warm up, increasing the resistance so that by the end of the song your legs are getting tired.

    Rapture – iiO (4:13) I LOVE this song. Keep the high tension/resistance from the warm-up (adding more if necessary). Do jumps, starting with 8, then 4, then 2. Try to only lift a tiny tiny bit off the saddle – it increases the amount of work done by the leg muscles.

    How Much is the Fish? – Scooter (3:44) Change to the resistance to a tension suitable for sprinting. Seated sprints: 0:45-1:29, 2:00-2:32, 3:05-end

    Magnificent – U2 (5:24) For some reason, this song reminds me of summer! Turn the resistance right up – we’re going to do a seated climb! This is going to be the start of a longish climb (a block of climbing songs together, in my opinion, more accurately simulates an outdoor ride and is challenging). Stay seated for the whole song, with a high resistance. This song really works the muscles – make sure the pedals are being pulled up with the back of the leg as well as being pushed down.

    Celebration – Madonna (3:35) Continue to climb – try and leave the resistance the same, but adjust it if you cannot keep up with the beat. Take it out of the saddle. The hill is getting steeper and needs to be done standing! Make sure your form is correct at this stage (light hands on handlebars, bum over the saddle, bending from the hips, back straight etc.).

    Find Yourself – John O’Callaghan (feat. Sarah Howells) (2:31) Continuing on from the last song, same resistance, but a slightly faster pace. Don’t slow down or sit down in between songs. For extra cruelness, you can’t sit down to drink water – you have to drink and ride, like the pro’s do on real world cycles!

    Café del Mar, Pt. 1 Edit – Rainmaker (3:51) Continue climbing. Make sure to adjust the resistance dial as necessary as heart rates can sometimes level out. This is slightly faster than the previous song, so it should be tough.

    Bailando (Fortezza Mix Extended) – La Princesse (5:44) A long tough one to finish the climb with. Keep the same resistance from the last one – add more if necessary. This catchy song should have people almost spent after finishing the climb.

    Music is Pumping (Original Mix) – Porn Kings vs Flip & Fill (5:50) Sprint like you’ve never sprinted before. Normally I would just divide the class in half (left vs right, men vs women) but Cynthia came up with a great idea of doing a pace line drill. In her own words: “I did a pace line drill with a twist. Each rider took a turn setting the pace for however long they wanted; when they tired, they’d give a wave, fall back, and the next person took over. While waiting for their turn at the front, the other riders maintained a strong, steady pace.“. That sounds like an excellent idea, I’d love to try it some time!

    Sweet Harmony – The Beloved (5:03) Cool down (or is it warm-down?) and stretch. Congratulations!

    The playlist time is 44 minutes. To make it into a longer playlist, more sprint songs could be added, as well as more jump songs or freezes (where nothing above the hips move while hovering above the saddle. Some people call them isolations).

  307. Great idea Judy – I have a draft all-climb class in the hopper from last spring. I want to try it before I run it in class. I’ll do that soon and post it. I used a lot of hard rock.

    iTunes just published a Hallowe’en Essentials playlist with 74 Hallowe’en-related tunes – perfect for finishing off a Hallowe’en playlist.

  308. Has anyone ever done an all climb class- pyramid style? Warm-up, then do one song at 4/10, next song at 5/10 and continue in that fashion until we “get to the top” at a resistance level of 10/10 then we have to work our way down. Thanks for the input!

  309. I love Halloweenie Rides! I do have my old mix that I’m going to start playing this week and it is a “Halloween First Blood Ride.” I bought everyone little gazoo’s, a pirate patch, and a pirate scarf and they had a blast. Got it all through Oriental Trading Magazine.
    Here is the play list and do enjoy as it is meant to be “BEASTLY”!
    Nightmare Before Xmas W.U.
    Tales from the Crypt W.U.
    Bad Moon Rising
    Bark at the Moon
    Batman Theme (OlD one at 1:07 minutes)
    Teenage Frankenstein
    Adams Family (We really snapped our Fingers!)
    Feed My Frankenstein
    Pet Cemetery
    Dean Man’s Pary
    Zombie Zoo
    Elivira (Cool Down)
    Total Ride Time: 54:19 This ride is frightful in variety. Your heart will race, if not from speed and intensity, then from the atmosphere surrounding you!

  310. Does anyone have a Halloween mix? I’m gearing up for fun Halloween spin class and would love some suggestions to give all my ghouls and gobblins and terrifying ride :-)


  311. HI Everyone- here is a playlist of one of my more popular rides. Great remixes of known songs with a twist. I teach this at a on a packed Sunday morning 75 minute ride.. hence the last cool down song ‘Easy Like Sunday Morning.. ” Choose your own rides for each song as you like or let me know if you want more details.

    Eric Pridz – Call On Me 5:53
    Enur Ft Natasha – Calabria 2007 (Club MiX) (Dj emiX RemiX 2007) 6:42
    Hey Ya! (Outcast) 4:28 Lorene Drive Punk Goes Crunk
    Love Is Gone (Original Mix) 3:11 David Guetta Feat. Chris Willis
    Come to Me- Superclean Radio 3:53 Diddy
    Britney Spears f Madonna – Me Against The Music (Gabriel and Dresden Club Mix) 8:50
    Untouched 4:14 The Veronicas Hook Me Up
    Lonely No More (Junior Vasquez Mr. Lonely Remix) 7:35 Rob Thomas
    Coldplay – Clocks (dance remix edit) 5:02
    Give It 2 Me (Paul Oakenfold Edit) 5:00 Madonna
    Sean Paul – Temperature – REMIX BUBBLING DANCEHALL REGGAETON 3:44
    Black eyed peas – Pump It (Travis Barker Remix) 3:37 Travis Barker
    Roger Sanchez feat. GTO -Turn On The Music (Axwell Remix) 6:59
    Hey Stephen 4:16 Taylor Swift Fearless
    Buzz Ballads – Faith No More – Easy Like Sunday Morning 3:08

  312. Thanks, Beth Ann – I’d love to take your class.

    I have a huge soft spot for 80’s hair metal – Lita Ford was a good choice. Also really enjoyed Joan Jett’s Bad Reputation – great for sprints.

    For spin doctors, do you mean DJs? My favourite is Armin van Buuren, but I also like Tiesto.

    1. Thanks Cynthia,

      Been working on a new ride “Move Your Fatty Acids!” I’m going to look up Armin van Buuren and Tiesto.

  313. Women of Rock Ride: I made this ride mixed terrains with runs, jumps, and climbs….all around variety…hope this gives you some ideas. Enjoy!

    Length Song
    5:31 RED SKIES
    5:33 Annie Lennox & Eurythmics-Sweet Dreams RAVE (Techno-Remix)
    4:14 Gloria Estefan-Conga
    4:22 Heart-Baracuda
    3:23 Lita Ford-Shot of Poison
    5:11 4 Non-Blondes-What’s Going On (Techno Remix)
    3:27 Blondie-Call Me
    5:58 Evanesence-Restless
    2:47 Joan Jett-Bad Reputation
    3:39 Pat Benatar-Anxiety
    3:32 Rhianna-Shut Up and Drive
    3:42 Shakira-Objection Tango
    5:41 Instrumental (cool down)

    I’m working on a “Spin Doctor” routine…let me know if you have any songs that may work.

    People do appreciate the effort…..Here are some of my ques…
    “Are you heavy in your seat?” “Hope not because your bums will start burning as I put battery acid gel on them!” Or a tack, or hot glue, people get a good chuckle! For hills I have “kickers, screamers, and walls.” I also like to “bully” up hills and “attack the pack”. I get my ideas from all types of websites, etc…so I do not claim originality. But new ques do keep your classes fresh and fun.

    I also use “F” words in my class: FUN, FRIENDS, FITNESS, and FORM. It’s funny when people make comments on how many “f” words I use to our front counter! And I work at the YMCA! HEE HEE–make them laugh and you will have a great class.

    One day I did questions and responses from “Hollywood Squares”, everyone was cracking up and having a blast while riding at a moderately uncomfortable pace (except me as I had to tell the jokes)! I called this ride “Mind Diversion. ”

    Well, “Gotta hop on my beater, put on the brain sieve, and blast out of here!” Have a great day.

  314. Thanks Beth Ann! I especially like the idea of visuals and the women of rock ride. Would you consider posting that ride for us?

  315. Salutations!

    Been reading through the lists and love the suggestions! Every class I teach has a “goal” and a “theme”. For example, I just did a ride called “Simmer the Beast!” My son is always saying, “Simmer the Beast inside you so you don’t boil over mom,” every time I go to lecture him about cleaning his room. I decided to make it into a ride and people had fun with it. I also give out visua” aids sometimes during my rides. We are doing TTT (Team Time Trials) and the class is getting a handout of the actual stage 4 Tour de France team ride elevation chart and some awesome team pics! I laminate the prints and put them on a key ring. My riders get a kick out of the pics–great to do for your movie rides, if I may suggest. Another ride I’ve done is “Women of Rock” that has been enjoyed by most–I let them guess the singers. Once again, a quick thanks–off to teach Yoga.

  316. Judy, this is a GREAT question. Readers, can you help? What are your favourite ways to keep your classes energizing and invigorating?

    Are you one of those instructors who has a line-up of riders clamoring to get into your classes? Tell us how you do it.

    My two cents: I think you have to be yourself. If you’re not a drill sergeant or a cheerleader, don’t try to be one. Not everyone responds to those approaches anyway. Quieter instructors often stress the mind-body connection in spinning. See if that feels right to you.

    I think it matters that your enthusiasm for indoor cycling comes through. For one of the very best instructors I know, this is her hallmark – you can just tell that she loves to be on the bike and her enthusiasm is contagious.

    Another of my favourite instructors is a funny guy. He uses his sense of humour – which extended to his clever playlists – to keep riders coming back.

    In my classes I sometimes use visualization of a race, especially for attacks. I’ll cue when I want all-out effort and let the class know when I see it. “Nice strong legs! Great work everyone. I’m loving this. Let’s do it again.” Or I’ll say, “You guys are kicking butt and taking names today!” I’ll take them as far as they can go and ask, “Can you do another 30 seconds?” and almost always someone will shout, “YEAH!” and off we’ll go. I also find pace line exercises can work well (having each rider, or each row of riders set the pace for a specific amount of time, then fall back and let the next group do it.) This works especially well if you get a small class or 6 or fewer riders.

    Sign up for John MacGowan’s free Indoor Cycle Instructor podcast (on iTunes, or visit his website at http://www.indoorcycleinstructor.com). He interviews master instructors and other guests about everything to do with indoor cycling. (My very favourite of his podcasts is the one about Storm Cycling – download that one first, it’s all about strategies for motivating a class. I wish I remembered the guest instructor’s name so I could give him a shout out – his ideas were original and absolutely fantastic.)

    If you live near Miami or feel like vacationing there, consider attending the WSSC (World Spinning and Sport Conference) in 2010. Tons of workshops that will help you to become the best instructor you can be. Here’s a link to the 2009 brochure: http://www.spinning.com/conferences/wssc.asp. If you can’t get to Miami, find out who the local instructors are who consistently pack their classes. Attend their classes and analyze how they do it. Or approach them after class and ask to buy them a juice and pick their brains. Most people are wildly flattered to be asked for advice.

    Readers, we need you! What other strategies do you use?

  317. Hi Cynthia,
    Well I have several classes under my belt now yet I’m not satisfied with my ability to motivate the participants. My playlists are terrific and I ‘know my stuff’ when it comes to fitness but my personality is such that I’m not a ‘yeller’ or one who shouts out wahoo during class, I tend to be more of the quite, friendly type. What would you suggest? I want to keep my classes energizing and invigorating, I want the participants to beg for more :-)


    1. Hi Cynthia,
      I appreciate your thoughtful reply! I agree, we have to embrace diversity ergo the old adage of why there are several flavors of ice cream;-). I am totally a mind-body type, I love to close my eyes and “feel” the ride.
      I sent an e-mail out to the three instructors at my gym who are the most beloved and asked for pointers. I also suggested that we develop a mentoring program, meet once per month, share tips, music, discuss what we find “works” and what doesn’t…
      I am happy to see that many bloggers on your wonderful site are in the same age group I am. What a statement that makes! Young at heart, vibrant individuals who are dedicated to sharing their passion for spinning and fitness with others. I recently earned a master’s degree in public health, something I had dreamed about for years. WIth the support of my fabulous husband and children I embarked upon that journey which has given me the confidence to embark on other new adventures, hence becoming a spin instructor after 12 years of one-on-one personal training. And it’s no surprise that personal training was more suited to my personality but I love to spin and love the high I get after teaching a class!
      BTW- I don’t use notes, I don’t want to whip out my reading glasses or turn on the lights so I can read them, lol! I wing it- I do whatever feels right:-)

  318. Judy, sorry to be tardy in replying – your post got diverted to my spam queue and I just checked it tonight. Thanks for posting the Michael Jackson playlist.

    Best regards,


  319. Here you go Cynthia! So busy…. so sorry it took me a while to get back to you! the class loved it and is asking for an encore performance.

    53.5 minutes of climbing. 5 minutes of cool down. Don’t stop ‘til you get enough. ☺

    Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough (6:06)
    “Warm-up and in and out saddle climb”
    add a turn and get in and out of saddle ~ 3:46 – 4:19
    take resistance down
    add a turn and get in and out of saddle ~ 4:35 – 5:20
    Last 30 seconds in saddle – light resistance

    P.Y.T. (3:59)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 30/30/50
    :45 – 1:15 (30 second back in saddle)
    1:45 – 2:13 (30 second back in saddle)
    2:48 – 3:40

    The Way You Make Me Feel (4:58)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 15/15/60
    CRANK on resistance during the first minute
    1:10 – 1:27
    2:00 – 2:17
    2:50 – 3:59
    4:31- start bringing resistance down

    Working Day And Night (5:15)
    “In and out of saddle climb”
    1:21 – 1:36 – out of saddle ~ double time
    2:28 – 2:58 – out of saddle ~ double time
    4:05 – 4:50 – up and down to cadence
    ****Take resistance down and use the last 25 seconds as recovery *****

    Billie Jean (4:54)
    “In the saddle climb”

    Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (3:45)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 20/20/20/40
    :33 – :50 (25 seconds until next burst)
    1:14 – 1:33 (30 seconds until next burst)
    2:03 – 2:19 (30 seconds until next burst)
    2:52 – 3:35

    Off The Wall (4:07)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 25/25/20/40
    :48 – 1:14 (25 seconds until next burst)
    1:38 – 2:04 (40 seconds until next burst)
    2:45 – 3:04 (quick in the saddle)
    3:11 – 3:55 (end of song)

    Beat It (4:19)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 25/30/40
    Take first 20 seconds for recovery
    1:05 – 1:27 (25 seconds back in saddle)
    1:54 – 2:22 (50 seconds back in saddle)
    3:17 – 3:58 – go double time for last 20 seconds

    Black or White (4:16)
    ‘In and out of saddle climb”
    First minute is recovery if you want it. Otherwise just spin those wheels with a little cadence. Back on the climb at :59.
    Up and down throughout the song

    Thriller (5:58)
    “In and out of saddle climb and standing run”
    Music kicks in 40 seconds in.
    First out of saddle burst is: 1:30 – 1:49
    Take song in and out and SR
    4:14 – in the saddle / Vincent Price speaks – RESISTANCE SO STRONG!!!

    Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ (6:04)
    “In and out of saddle climb”

  320. Thank you for the compliments, Cynthia.

    I like it because it is a mix of genres (although leaning slightly towards dance), so people that come to the class don’t find the whole thing monotonous if they aren’t into a particular genre. Also, the long climb simulates an outdoor ride where climbs can last a while! I put the climbing songs in that order as they get faster and faster. The idea is that riders work harder and harder and by the end they are giving it all.

    If you do use it, let me know how it goes!

    Additionally, I’ve always wondered can spin mixes double as treadmill songs (I find the treadmill quite boring). I’ve found that sprinting songs in spin mixes are too fast for the treadmill. Climbing songs actually work really well on the treadmill, even if you have the speed up quite fast (as your legs don’t move near as fast as in spin class). I’ve recently begun making it my business to go on the treadmill straight after spin class (after changing shoes) as I’m training for a half-Ironman (1.2mi swim, 56mi bike, 13mi run) and I’m getting used to the bike-run transition. The problem is my legs don’t want to move as much as my brain wants them to after a spin class!

    Keep up the good work! I’m loving all the mixes you post up – they are a great help!

  321. Thanks for posting the playlist, Tim. Love the whole thing – think I will use it in toto. Had to check out Johnny got a Boom Boom on Youtube. Also love the idea of working through such a long climb. Great stuff!


  322. Here’s my tribute to MJ- I asked my class if they were into this after I overheard some folks say that they had their fill of MJ as all the radio stations were playing tributes. This is a great running mix too:-)

    Rock with You
    Got to be Starting Something
    The Way You Make Me Feel
    Billie Jean
    Remember the Time
    I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
    Beat It
    Tabloid Junkie
    Black or White
    You are not Alone
    Stranger in Moscow

  323. Hi Denise, yes please do post your Michael Jackson tribute playlist. I was considering the same but my mom’s been visiting and I haven’t had a chance to put together a new playlist in ages.

  324. I played an all Michael Jackson/all climb playlist on Sunday and the class LOVED it. So much that one participant requested me to play it in my next class on Wednesday. I can post the playlist later (if you would like to see it). I’m not at home now so don’t have it on me…

  325. Here’s a playlist that I sometimes use (although there is no thematic connection)
    It’s 42 minutes long including the cool-down song

    Johnny Got a Boom Boom – Imelda May (2:57) – It may not be available on the Canadian iTunes, but it’s quite a hit in Ireland and is a great energetic way to warm up. Build up the resistance in steps throughout the song so by the end you have to work to keep up the lively pace.

    Takin’ Back My Love – Enrique Iglesias & Ciara (3:50) – Jumps! Starting with 8 beats, then alternating between 4 and 2 beats.

    Magnificent – U2 (5:24) – Start of the climb! It’s a slow beat, so turn the resistance up high but stay with the beat. Stay seated. Keep alternating the lead leg, but don’t actually take your foot out of the pedal (it’s a pain for those without the cycling shoes and cleats, not to mention slightly dangerous!).

    Infinity (Klaas Vocal Mix) – Guru Josh Project (3:30) – Keep the same resistance as the previous song, but get off the sadle. Standing up makes it slightly easier, but the beat is faster. Adjust resistance, if necessary, to maintain the beat. Continue with the climb

    Granite – Pendulum (4:28) – The climb is getting faster. Challenge your riders to do it with the same resistance as the last song. Warn them that their heart rate can ‘plateau’ out too low and that they need to keep pushing – it shouldn’t become ‘comfortable’ or easy.

    Café del Mar, Pt. 1 Edit – Rainmaker (3:51) – Don’t touch the resistance! The penultimate song of the climb! The hill is getting steeper, but it’s not far to the top! Keep working, make sure the beat doesn’t get ahead of you. If it’s necessary, take a little off, as long as everyone is with the beat.

    Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix) – The Prodigy (5:10) – The last part of the climb. The first 15 or so seconds of this song are slow, but then the beat picks up. It is quite fast, but the resistance should be tough as well. Have a look around during the climb and make sure everyone is being honest to themselves. If they aren’t, tell them to put a half-turn on.

    Welcome to the Club – Manian (4:46) – Congratulate your riders on completing the 23 minute climb! But the work isn’t over yet. Divide the class into teams, and have them sprint! When your number/group is called, give it 120% and sprint for your life.

    Mari Mac (live) – Great Big Sea (3:19) – A great song I discovered from this site! The sprints aren’t over yet. This time we’re going to try something different. When the instructor says sprint, you sprint hard. Remember, this is the last song and you are approaching an imaginary finish line! Then when the instructor shouts “Accident” everyone slows down their legs to an almost-standstill, and then when the instructor says “Go”, everyone gets back to top speed as quick as possible. Do this repeatedly, it will have your heart rate high in no time!

    Man in the Mirror – Michael Jackson (5:03) – I rarely use Michael Jackson songs, but since his tragic death iTunes has been overrun by his hits! Cool-down and stretch.

  326. Hi Bob and Beth Ann,

    Bob, thanks for posting your Irish Stew ride. I find my classes very passive about music – I often ask at the outset if there’s anything people want to hear, or give them a choice “90s music, rock, or top 40?” but they usually tell me they’ll like whatever I play.

    I think it’s great that you choose eclectic music for your classes. Another instructor at my gym is a former professional ballet dancer and he often turns to classical music in his classes. He also uses dueling banjos – it’s one of his signature songs.

    I agree it takes me about 3 hours to put together a profile/playlist, maybe 60 minutes if I’m just cherry-picking from songs I’ve used previously. I spend far too much time checking out new music on iTunes.

    Beth Ann, I also thought the tip about putting the cues into the lyrics section of the iPod from J.R. Atwood’s blog was excellent. I haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. I set my iPhone right in the middle of the handlebars – I use it to time drills and have easy access to pause etc. when I need to. The volume adjustment is easier to do on the stereo, though.



  327. Wow! I’m so happy to have all these great ideas coming my way. It really does make the class interesting and I strive really hard not to become stagnant-because that stinks! Loved your comments Bob! I’m almost 50, and I do really spastic mixes! Tonight I went from Scooter-Move Your Ass (Sprints/active recovery) to Tina Turner-We Don’t Need Another Hero-(Steep hill, 12% grade) to Blues Brothers-Jailhouse Rock (tempo run/fun, fun, fun). I tend to get all ages to my classes and it is so much fun. The other day my 20 somethings were rockin’ out to Bloodhound Gang’s-Amadeus!

    Thanks for posting rides and ideas. Someone was asking about “NOTES” during class. OK-I’m a type A; ex-finance field-so this is what I do. I either put my notes in the lyrics section on my I-touch (a hint I got from J.R. Atwood’s website) or I do them in PowerPoint and cut, laminate, and put them on a large key ring so I can dangle the notes from the handle bars. They are my crutch–just in case I get nervous.

    RIDE ON everyone!

    1. Hi Beth —

      Wow! Lamination!

      I thought I was pretty punctilious about my notes, but you have me beat. I type four or five pages of notes per class. The notes are mostly about the songs, not the ride, the times when verses, choruses, and instrumental breaks start and end, and when the beat picks up or eases. The ride follows accordingly. Some folks follow my lead on position, resistance or cadence. Others do their own thing, with my encouragement. But the music tends to keep us together.

      I now have a master document of some about six hundred songs and it constantly grows. When I put together a playlist, the song notes I’ve used before are ready for a quick cut and paste. One issue for me: I want to see my notes and the readouts on songtimes easily. That means big type sizes and CD’s rather than my iPod if I have a choice (bigger displays.)

      A new playlist takes about three hours to put together. A new theme–usually a play on words of song titles–forces me to search for new music to add to stuff I’ve used previously. That can be time-consuming. It’s always the last song or two to make the final cut that takes the longest. Of course, the order of songs is crucial, at least to me. I sometimes tinker with that until the last minute.

      Thanks for responding so quickly. I am leaving the country for a couple of weeks and happily forgoing email and the Internet. I was afraid that someone might reply and then not get a response from me. Checking this site when I return is something to look forward to.


  328. Hi Cynthia –

    I should have added that I post my playlist in class so that people can rate the songs and use the feedback for future lists.

    I suspect I may be the only instructor who has used John Phillip Sousa, Mozart’s Don Giovanni (the only opera I’ve found that is good for sprints), Raffi (admittedly, if was a minute of so of recovery) and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir– “Hail To Chief” worked pretty well for the Inauguration–and the Can Can. I mostly play old R&B, soul, blues, roots rock, but also some jazz, classical. There are always a few tunes that I am certain are unknown, but also there are favorite stand-bys. You can easily guess that I am an aging boomer. So are most of my riders.

  329. Hi Cynthia,

    I haven’t been inspired to write to a spinning blog until I saw that a couple of your readers had themes for their playlists. I have one each week, for example the one below I used for St. Patrick’s Day. All Irish artists, of course. I also had a playlist for Election Day and Inauguration Day. I send out my playlists to about 50 folks a few days before class. My goal is not to entice them to attend, but to help them avoid coming to a class they may not like. My classes really are music-based. I don’t do much in the way of instruction. They are veteran spinners and know what they need. The goals are to have fun and make the time go quickly. I became an instructor because it was the surest way to have a class that I enjoyed, and that wasn’t happening very often otherwise. I don’t claim to be a very good instructor, but we’re all pretty beat by the end.

    Irish Stew

    Title Artist Time Tempo/Ride Rating
    1) Closer To Your Heart Clannad 3:29 Warm-Up _____

    2) Shut Your Eyes Snow Patrol 3:17 Warm-Up _____

    3) Some Hope The Saw Doctors 2:28 Standing Run _____

    4) No More Empty Words The Thrills 3:23 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    5) Mandinka S. O’Connor 3:49 Stndng Climb _____

    6) Secret Life The Corrs 4:31 Fast Climb _____

    7) Domino (Live) Van Morrison 4:46 Sprints _____

    8) Wild Honey U2 3:47 Recovery _____

    9) Gloria Them 2:38 Standing Run _____

    10) The Whole Of The Moon The Waterboys 4:59 Seated Climb _____

    11) Curse Of Love The Pogues 2:43 Fast/Flat Rd. _____

    12) Rosalie Thin Lizzy 3:14 Standng Climb _____

    13) Lookin’ After No. 1 Boomtown Rats 3:07 Sprints _____

    14) Dreams The Cranberries 4:31 Hill Climb _____

    15) Shadow Play Rory Gallagher 4:56 Fast Climb _____

    16) Cannonball Damien Rice 3:27 Cool Down _____

    Time: 59 mins. Rating (1 – Most Like, 5 – Least Like)

  330. Hi Judy,

    That’s great! So glad to hear your class went well. I love the high energy playlist you chose. Thanks for posting it.

    Happy spinning,


  331. Class went great! I opted to change the playlist – made it high energy all the way.

    Here’s the revised list
    Warm-up- Disturbia remix:7:45- I had the class do a little of everything
    When I Grow Up-6/10 standing, then @ the chorus decrease to 5/10, seated fast pace
    Hot n’Cold- 4/10, seated, chorus increase load to 6/10 standing sprints
    Shake It- seated sprints 30/30/30
    Womanizer-start out at 5/10, climb, increase load at every chorus
    Shut Up and Drive- 5/10 verses, 4/10 sprints on the chorus
    So What-fast paced standing climb- burst of power + increased tension to get up the hill
    Let it Rock- high tension ( 7/10) jumps at 8/8,and 4/4
    Sex on Fire- Seated- fast pace- sit back in the saddle( no hands) and sprint like crazy during the chorus
    Just Dance-climb- get low during verses 6/10, chorus, increase load one full turn up (7) keep cadence steady
    Circus- seated climb( start at 5), increase load every 60 secs, resist the urge to stand
    Crazy( Gnarls B)- standing hand position 3, chorus, standing runs ( 5/10)
    4 Minutes- last work song, you’ve got 4 minutes to give it everything you have left- steep, heavy climb- 6/10 up to 10/10.
    Take a Bow- cool down, stretch
    Unfaithful- extra cool down/stretch if needed

    Now that I’ve lead a class once I feel much more at ease and confident in my ability- can’t wait for the next class!

    Thanks for all your guidance Cynthia!


  332. Hi Judy,

    Boys, Boys, Boys and Keeps Gettin’ Better both have great energy – I like it! Britney would also go well with this playlist. Do you have room to add another drill? Depending on whether you stop the music between drills, you need about 35 minutes of music for a 40 minute class and 50 – 53 minutes for a 60 minute class.

    Every instructor has moves they like and moves they won’t do. Don’t worry too much about jumps. Jumps are part of the official Spinning program and are generally recognized as safe, except for those known as “popcorn jumps” – really fast up and down, to the point where the rider does not sit down completely. This may or may not include two count jumps, depending on the BPM of the song.

    I really try to encourage everyone to do their own ride and connect with how their bodies are feeling. I taught today after being off the bike for a week, and really felt it (especially during the jumps).

    Good luck on Wednesday,


  333. A thought… should I replace ‘Take a Bow’ and ‘Better in Time’ with’ Boys, Boys’ ( Lady Gaga) and ‘Keep Gettin’ Better’ ( Christina Aguilera)? Do you see a place for Brit Spears’ ‘Womanizer’ or ‘Circus’.
    I went to the gym yesterday, connected my iPOD to their stereo system, rode on the instructor’s bike to get the perspective of the room from that angle, all very helpful. I am using tunes that I usually ride to-being familiar with tunes should help eliminate surprises (I hope!). I am not going to do anything fancy like the seasoned instructors do—again best to keep it simple and grow into the position.
    Jumps- I’m not a fan, not good for the knees- many people don’t know how to make smooth transitions-I have been to classes where the instructors will say’ those of you with knee problems or who don’t feel comfortable doing jumps, don’t do them’…isolates those folks and makes them feel inferior to the other riders.


  334. Thanks Cynthia! You bring up some very good points. I thought that both ‘Take a Bow’ and ‘Better in Time’ could give people the opportunity to have a ‘working recovery’. We have a pretty diverse group of spinners at my fitness center-first timers to advanced cyclists will be in the same class. I’m a Gnarls fan…in fact I want to make ‘Crazy’ my signature song and incorporate it into all my mixes.
    When I was given the typically packed Wednesday AM class I got nervous, then I had a humorous thought- this will be the first time in my life that I will have a group of people following my cues, lol!

  335. Hi Judy,

    Congrats on becoming a spin instructor! I don’t know if I’m an expert, but thanks for the vote of confidence. I really like your playlist. You’ve started with a peppy, upbeat song (When I Grow Up), the music is current, you’ve mixed up the drills. I often avoid making the first drill a sprint, just in case people need a longer warmup, but your warmup song is 4:00 and the first sprint wouldn’t come until another 30 seconds in, so what you’ve got should be fine. There is also some research suggesting that riders get the most benefit out of sprinting early in the workout, when they’re fresh. You finish off with a tempo drill, heading into the cool down. I really like that. (Are you using Gnarls Barkley or Simple Plan’s Crazy for the tempo drill?)

    Try climbing to Take a Bow and Better in Time before your class to make sure they have enough energy to sustain the drills. They both have more of a cool down energy for me. Let it Rock may work better as a climb or for jumps than as a sprinting song, but you could try a remix – the Cahill Remix has a faster beat, and the Filthy Dukes remix sounds cool. Both are tagged explicit.

    If you check the comments under Reader Playlists and on the About page, there is some other advice on teaching spin classes.

    Good luck! Drop me a note on Wednesday after your class to tell me how it went.


  336. Hi Cynthia,
    I am teaching my first class this Wednesday. Can you please give me some tips for the playlist I have chosen:
    Warm up- When I Grow Up
    Sprints ( alt seated/standing)- Shake-It
    Slow climb- Bleeding Love
    Combo- fast paced- Disturbia ( the long remix)
    Heavy climb- Take a Bow
    Speed again- Just Dance
    Climb-Better in Time
    Sprints- Shut Up and Drive
    Sprints ( alt seated/standing)- Let it Rock
    Climb- 4 Minutes
    Sprint-Sex on Fire
    Cooldown- Unfaithful

    I will cue for hand positions, ‘getting low'( hover over the saddle), standing sprints…I want to make sure everyone has a great ride with me. I’d appreciate your expert advice! Thanks!

  337. Denise, thanks so much for posting that playlist! I’m looking forward to downloading the songs I don’t have. Whenever I play the Dropkick Murphys in class, riders love it. Couldn’t find Because We Can on iTunes.

    Beth Ann, thanks for visiting. I love your idea about visuals. Another instructor at my gym uses a white board and marker to illustrate his profiles and I’ve been wanting to get one for the Spin room at the gym where I teach (he teaches at another branch). Thanks for the tip on Nightwish as well.

    Best regards,


  338. Hello All,

    Love the comments and playlists! Thanks for great tips. One thing I sometimes do is give a visual for a ride. Once I graphed one of my outside rides(from my Garmin), and put the songs on the graph. I laminated the graphs and let everyone have one. I hole punched them and put the laminated graphs on big key rings so they could let them dangle from the bikes. People really liked the extra effort and knowing what a 5/10 versus 8/10 hill/mountain looked like! A favorite song of mime is by Nightwish-Phantom of the Opera. Wild, crazy, and fun! Glad I found your sight-love J.R. Atwoods as well! Respectfully, Beth Ann

  339. Cynthia,
    I played this list yesterday (for two classes) and it went over really well. People were wiped out at the end of the ride and let’s face it, that is what they came for. : ) The only recovery time is 45 seconds in the Billy Idol song otherwise it is all work. Hopefully YOU will find a song here that you haven’t used. Lord knows I love your blog and whenever I am stumped turn to it for help. : )
    ~ D

    p.s. the workout is 4 rolling hills. Every hill is two songs up/one song down.

    Human – (4:07) warm up

    One Thing Leads to Another – The Fixx (3:19)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 20/20/SR/40
    Our first hill ~ A one-song climb.
    :35 – :56 (30 seconds back in saddle)
    1:24 – 1:40 – straight into a SR
    1:41 – 1:51 – standing run (30 seconds back in saddle)
    2:20 – 3:04

    Makes Me Wonder – Maroon 5 (3:33)
    “out of saddle climb”
    At :09, crank up the resistance and get out of the saddle for an aggressive climb to the top.

    Walk Away – Dropkick Murphys (2:53)
    “Sprints” 30/10/25/10/40
    :11 – :42 (10 seconds recovery)
    :52 – 1:04 (10 seconds recovery)
    1:14 – 1:37 (10 seconds recovery)
    1:47 – 1:57 (10 seconds recovery)
    2:10 – 2:50

    Hurts So Good – John Cougar (3:40)
    “In and out of the saddle climb” 15/15/45
    :57 – 1:11 (40 seconds until next burst)
    1:49 – 2:04 (30 seconds until next burst)
    2:36 – 3:20

    Miss You Much – Janet Jackson (4:12)
    “In and out of saddle climb” (various counts)
    In and out of the saddle for various counts of 4 & 8
    :28 – :46 (4 counts) – 30 seconds back in saddle
    1:20 – 1:52 (20 seconds back in saddle)
    2:10 – 3:00 (20 seconds back in saddle)
    3:20 – 4:10

    4ever – The Veronicas (3:31)
    “Sprints” 30/30/50
    :33 – 1:00 (30 second recovery)
    1:28 – 1:55 (35 second recovery)
    2:31 – 3:23 (end of song)

    Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani (3:56)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 40/2 minutes
    1:02 – 1:42 (20 seconds back in saddle)
    2:01 – 3:54 (end of song)– KEEP ADDING RESISTANCE!

    Crazy In Love – Beyonce (3:58)
    “In the saddle sprint to the top” 20/25/40
    (optional out of saddle at chorus for advanced riders)
    :50 – 1:09 (30 seconds until next burst)
    1:37 – 2:02 (60 seconds until next burst)
    3:09 – 3:48 (end of song)

    Dancing With Myself – Billy Idol (6:02)
    “Sprints” 10/20/40/40/60
    :35 – :46 (25 seconds until next sprint)
    1:11 – 1:33 (45 seconds until next sprint)
    2:14 – 2:55 (30 seconds until next sprint)
    3:27 – 4:10 (30 seconds until next sprint)
    4:40 – 5:40 (take last 20 seconds for recovery)

    Peach – Prince (3:48)
    “In the saddle climb”
    Continue to add resistance every 30 seconds.

    Four Minutes – Madonna (4:07)
    “In and out of saddle climb”
    :35 -:45 – out of saddle
    :45 – 52 – go double time out of saddle
    :52 – 1:08 – back in saddle
    1:25 – 1:42 – out of saddle
    1:42 – 2:00 – go double time out of saddle
    2:00 – 2:17 – out of saddle
    2:17 – 2:50 – back in saddle
    2:50 – 3:07 – out of saddle
    3:07 – 3:24 – go double time out of saddle
    3:24 – 3:41 – out of saddle
    3:41 – have a seat and take down resistance. First sprint 20 seconds away.

    Because We Can – Fatboy Slim (3:27)
    “Sprints” 45/20/60
    0:00 – 0:45 (15 second recovery)
    1:00 – 1:20 (30 second recovery)
    2:05 – 3:05

  340. My grasshopper Nancy is doing her evaluation tomorrow. This is the class she prepared:

    Kick Start My Heart – Motley Crue (4:43) Warmup
    Good Vibrations – Marky Mark (4:29) Standing Sprints x5
    Wild Thing – Tone-Loc (4:25) Seated Climb
    Sunglasses – Divine Brown (3:55) Climb Pattern (Aggressive, Standing Tall)
    Strike it up – Black Box (3:34) Standing Climb – Right and Left Arm pulses
    Foot Loose – Kenny Loggins (3:49)- Seated Sprints x3
    Hey Fatboy – Maximillion (3:31) Lifts (up for 8 down for 8, up for 4, down for 4, up for 2, down for 2)
    Your Mama Don’t Dance – Poison (2:58) Patterns 30 secs each – Jog, Aggressive, Seated climb
    I Want You to Want Me – Cheap Trick (3:44) Rolling Hills Seated and Standing (4 sets of each)
    Red Red Wine – UB40 (5:21) Cool down and stretch.

    I’m looking forward to it!

    Post-script May 25, 2009 – she passed! Congratulations, Nancy! Nancy has agreed to teach a beginner class on Tuesdays at 1:05 and is looking forward to subbing for other instructors.


    Here’s a mix with its tongue planted firmly in cheek. My colleague Lauren, who sent this to me, and gave her permission to post it, calls it her “bad wedding DJ spin mix.”

    Macarena (3:54) – warmup

    Locomotion (3:!3) – lifts 6,4,2

    Come on ‘N Ride It (The Train) (7:31) – 40:30:20 Interval (40 standing/30 aggressive/20 recovery

    YMCA (4:48) – sprints (seated or standing)

    Grease Mega Mix (4:46) – rolling hills (1 min up, 1 min down/controlled speed, 2 min up, last 45s controlled speed

    Monster Mash (3:04) – hill (increase every 30s (5 increases total), in saddle climb into aggressive. Advanced riders stay seated as long as possible; beginners come up out of the saddle when they feel comfortable

    Let’s Twist Again (2:20) – free ride/sprints

    Saturday Night (4:27) 10:10:10 intervals, 10s saddle, 10s standing, 10s aggressive, first for strength, then for speed for duration of song

    You Sexy Thing (4:03) cool down

    Brown Eyed Girl (3:03) extra cool down

  342. Hi Cynthia. I’ve been an instructor since January. Prior to that, I never would have guessed I’d be doing this! I wanted to thank you for this awesome site! It has been a lifesaver when I’m trying to put together a Playlist and need just ‘one more song’ (or a couple of songs!). In addition, the info and tips are fantastic!! Please keep up the good work!! Michele

  343. I love this blog!!!

    I found a remix of Mercy feat. The Game. I tried something new and went with the mixed drills… I think it went over pretty well. People know the song so they knew when to expect the chorus to kick in. I used it as the first song in the playlist so riders were good and warmed up after this one. Here’s a rundown of how I managed that song:

    Mercy (3:50)
    “Mixed drills”
    0:00 – 0:59 – climb in the saddle
    :59 – 1:21 – take resistance off and sprint
    1:22 – 1:50 – crank on the resistance and climb in the saddle
    1:51 – 2:12 – take off resistance and sprint
    2:13 – 2:30 – climb in the saddle
    2:31 – 3:16 – climb out of saddle
    3:17 – 3:40 – climb in the saddle

  344. For the Mercy remix, I do surges to the chorus – it’s a catchy tune with a well mapped out melody – easy to anticipate the chorus – especially when you are shouting “FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE GO!” right on cue with the chorus. It’s a very fun song to ride to.

  345. If you’re thinking about combining drills, you should check out Mary Jane Shoes by Fergie. I’m thinking it has a good standing climb at the beginning then sprints towards the end. Let me know what you think!

  346. Just wondering if you’ve used the Remix of Duffy’s Mercy song during your class. If so, would you make it a sprinting song or one for speed bumps, or a combination of the two? thanks!

    1. Speed bumps, definitely. I’ve been intrigued lately with the idea of combining drills in one song. I’m not sure the music would support sprints – I like my sprinting songs to virtually pick my feet up – but I think it could definitely work with surges (e.g. 20% increased cadence for a longer chunk of time, usually a minute, but not an all out sprint). Great song idea BTW, thanks!

  347. Thanks for posting the Spring Training playlist, Denise!

    As for a 70’s playlist, I’ve always been partial to these tunes:

    AC/DC – Highway to Hell
    AC/DC – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
    Sweet – Ballroom Blitz
    Cheap Trick – I Want You to Want Me
    Golden Earring – Radar Love
    Van Halen – You Really Got Me
    The Buggles – Video Killed the Radio Star
    Led Zeppelin – Whole Lotta Love
    Peter Gabriel – Solsbury Hill
    Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive

    There are lots of websites that rank songs by decade – check out http://www.superseventies.com/faq_top100ofthe1970s.html
    where they’re posted by the Top 100 for each year, so you could actually spin your way from 1970 through 1979.

    1. Hi Denise! I’m reading through all of these blogs…LOVE THEM! I’ve got quite a few playlists together…I’ve been an instructor for a few months and I’m on here quite a bit. I’ve posted here…and have gotten replies but can’t find them now. Anyway…in response to your 70s theme…a good one is Saturday Night by the Bay City Rollers. Totally corny but it’s got a great beat!!!

  348. Cynthia,
    With Baseball season around the corner, I made up a Spring Training playlist. It has a race day mentality and I got rave reviews from my class last weekend. Enjoy! ~ Denise

    The Cheap Seats – Alabama (3:53) – warm up
    Yes, it’s a country song but it is a great song to get our warm-weather themed playlist going. The overpaid baseball players have reported to Spring Training and weather you like baseball or not, all it really means is summer is around the corner.

    Centerfield – John Fogerty (3:52)
    “Sprints” 20/20/40
    Add some resistance and pick up you cadence.
    :57 – 1:15 (30 seconds recovery)
    1:47 – 2:05 (20 seconds and we’ll do a standing run)
    2:28 – 2:45 – add some resistance and work in a standing run
    3:01 – 3:38
    15 seconds left in song. Grab some water and crank on the resistance.

    Summer of ’69 – Bryan Adams (3:53)
    “In and out of saddle climb”
    This is the start of an 8-minute hill. Mix it up! Let’s race! Get in and out of the saddle throughout the song. Keep the cadence. Yes, it is fast and that will make it harder but the harder it is the more likely it is that you are burning more calories and let’s face it, that is why you are here today!

    Glory Days – Bruce Springsteen (3:51)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 15/30/45
    Slow down the pace but keep that resistance high.
    :49 – 1:06 (30 seconds until next burst)
    1:38 – 2:02 (30 seconds until next burst)
    2:35 – 3:15

    All Fired Up – Pat Benetar (4:31)
    “Sprints” 20/30/50
    Let’s head downhill for one song. We will recovery for one-minute immediately following this song.
    1:12 – 1:31 (30 seconds recovery)
    1:57 – 2:27 (30 seconds recovery)
    3:05 – 3:15 – standing run
    3:21 – 4:13 (end of song)

    Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey (4:11)
    “In and out of saddle climb”
    First minute is recovery.
    Then CRANK on the resistance for a double-dose of standing run and aggressive stance to get us up this quick 4-minute hill.
    1:05 – 1:21 – standing run – pick up the pace
    1:22 – 1:54 – aggressive racing stance
    1:55 – 2:16 – back in saddle
    2:17 – 2:32 – standing run – pick up the pace
    2:33 – 3:05 – aggressive racing stance
    3:06 – 3:20 – back in saddle
    3:21 – 3:55 – aggressive racing stance

    Walking On Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves (4:01)
    “Sprints” 25/25/60
    :51 – 1:14 (30 seconds recovery)
    1:49 – 2:12 (15 seconds recovery)
    2:28 – 3:28

    Hot Stuff – Donna Summer (3:51)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 30/30/30
    :48 – 1:20 (30 seconds until next burst)
    1:52 – 2:24 (40 seconds until next burst)
    3:11 – 3:40

    Hot N Cold – Katy Perry (3:40)
    “In the saddle sprint to the top” 30/30/45
    Stay on the hill – we are racing to the top now. During the chorus pick up that pace and go double-time to sprint to the top!
    :32 – 1:01 (35 second recovery)
    1:38 – 2:07 (40 second recovery)
    2:47 – 3:32

    The Boys of Summer – The Ataris (4:18)
    “Sprints” 20/20/20 (optional 40 at end)
    :45 – 1:05 (40 second recovery)
    1:45 – 2:05 (60 second recovery)
    3:16 – 3:36 (or optional sprint til the end – til 3:57) either 20 or 40 second sprint

    Tessie – Dropkick Murphys (4:13)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 30/30/30/30
    Tessie is from a Broadway play & The Dropkick Murphy’s re-made it. It’s over 100 yrs old and is the story of a girl name Tessie who helped recruit players for the Boston Americans who went on to take their place in history as the first team to ever win the world series. The song is the opener at every Red Sox game.
    1:04 – 1:30
    1:59 – 2:27
    2:37 – 3:10
    3:22 – 3:50

  349. Spindarella – I cribbed your St. Paddy’s ride idea for my ride tomorrow. Love the simplicity of the ride you described.

    NT, thanks for the props. I have a notebook where I jot down what’s intended for the drills (one page per ride) and sneak peeks as needed, usually during recovery breaks. One of the inadvertent benefits of having the blog is if I happen to be at the gym and they need a sub, I can just print off a ride from the blog and sub the class. I haven’t figured out how to create a truly printer-friendly version of each post on WordPress. Readers, if you know how to do this, drop me a note!

  350. I absolutely LOVE your website, Cynthia!! I recently got my cycle certification and I’m excited to get a chance to try some of the things I’ve learned from your site.

    Right now, I am getting a playlist together to audition for a position at my gym. I was wondering if you print off your playlists with the instructions for each song and bring it with you on the bike. Is it hard to read and spin at the same time? If you print it off, do you have any tips (maybe like use a huge font? LOL!)?

    Thanks for all the time you’ve spent putting this website together. It is a lifesaver!

  351. I get the aversion to the PCD version. Takes away from the purity of the original. Still a guilty pleasure. do you do a st patty’s day ride? Boston is quite heavy on the Irish – so I indulge them once a year. My irish friend made me a CD years back – and unfortunately, none of the track titles transferred to my itunes – so I am not sure of all the titles. But there are a few Bill Whelan the composer of most of the Riverdance tracks. – the biggest hit being one I can only find on limewire that is called “Riverdance Lord of the Dance” & it is 2:22 long. It’s not on itunes – just search limewire by song name not by artist. Amazing sprint song. Total crowd pleaser. Other artists include Dropkick Murphys, flogging molly and of course U2! Anyhow – I usually do a pyramid ride to this. This is a REALLY fun ride if you have great tunes and are too lazy to come up with your drills.
    Minute 1 – flat road in saddle
    Minute 2 – right turn & run in position 2
    Minute 3 – right turn & seated climb
    minute 4 – right turn & 4 count jumps from seated to a run
    Minute 5 – right turn & hill climb in position 3
    Minute 6 – right turn & seated breakaway

    Here’s how it works. Do every set all out. w/ 1 min recovery in between sets so the first set is a 1 min breakaway in the saddle. set 2: 1 min breakaway in the saddle, right turn & 1 min run in position 2, one min recovery. Set 3: One min breakaway in saddle, right turn one min run, right turn one min -seated climb – so 3 min all out. 1 min recovery.

    Just keep adding on with one min recovery. Then when you get to the top, you have to repeat it to get you to an hour class. if you don’t repeat it with that last seated breakaway, you will be 7 min short of class – on a 60 min class. then you back down dropping one at at time starting with the seated heavy breakaway at the end. It is the best no-brainer class. I haven’t done it in a while, but I will bring it back for the Irish!

    1. Ahhh perfect! I teach in Philly–obviously, big Irish stronghold here–and a student just asked me for a St. Patrick’s Day rde. Thaank you for posting this!

  352. CLASSIC, Spindarella! I thought a right turn was some new and funky move I hadn’t heard of. I like your breakaways and training rides. I have heard the PCD version of Jai Ho and came out agin’ it, but I am clearly in the minority – two of my regulars have asked for it. I may have to capitulate like I did with the Paper Planes Remix.

  353. Ha ha. “right turn” = increase resist – turn the resist knob to the right. Sorry for the confusion. I guess I am constantly yelling “RIGHT TURN” when I want them to increase resist. Or “BIG RIGHT TURN” etc.

    For breakways I cue a few different ways. I am a VERY methodical teacher in that I have a digital watch on my handlebars & when I say “30 sec breakaway” I mean it. There I will not push them a second more than 30. Back to the cuing. A breakaway to me is an all out sprint. “break away from the pack” I never have them break away for more than 60 secs. and sometimes I tell them to visualize passing say 5 people for a 15 sec breakaway. so in their head speeding up and going out and around 5 people. 10 people for a 30 sec. etc. Other times I tell them that they need to give me all they have for 30 seconds.

    Second to a breakaway is what I call a “push” – a push is getting to that threshold pace that you could hold with very baited breath, but you are not getting goose bumps and you don’t feel like you will pass out if you hold it more than a minute.

    My class has been with me long enough that they know my non-verbal cues as well. I don’t teach with a mic & I crank the tunes very very loud. I do a lot of hand signals – to increase or decrease resist & breakaway or push.

    As we get closer to tri season, I do a lot more of outdoor simulation rides. as in not a ton of work out of the saddle. When I am training on my road bike, I very rarely get out of the saddle & I think it takes a ton of mental toughness to stay in it for 60 min straight. so we work on that starting in about mid-april.

    One last little aside – Have you heard the PCD version of Jai Ho? Total guilty cheesy pleasure around here.

  354. Thanks for the playlists, Amy! I love your idea for an Inauguration spin mix and especially like Black or White and the Sinnerman Remix. I am also partial to I’m Yours. How can you not love a song with lyrics like “scooch on over closer dear”?

    I haven’t encountered right turns – can you describe what you mean?

    I’m also interested to know how you cue breakaways?



  355. Here’s my best of 2008 ~ I went on the songs released in 2008 that I thought inspired my riders the most… I also went mostly off top 40 for this. I do a lot of remixed & more obscure stuff. But I found these songs to be the ones that kicked some major butt on the bike.

    “American Boy” Estelle feat. busta rhymes (a little different than the one feat Kanye) warm up. flat road. slight increases in resist. every 30 sec.

    “all summer long” Kid Rock intervals. 30 sec on. 30 sec recovery varying from the saddle to position 2.

    “Lovers in Japan/Reign of love” Coldplay 7 min hill – 2 songs. starting in the saddle w/ resist @ 5/10 right turn every 30 secs. song transitions at 3:30 then we go out to position 3 and continue the steady climb with right turns. this is a killer when you keep the quick beat with your feet.

    “forever” Chris Brown – hill out in position 3. resistance at 6-7/10 breaking away for the chorus

    “So What” P!nk all in the saddle. very quick legs with resist @ 5/10 breaking away to the chorus

    “One Step at a time” Jordin Sparks – this one isn’t my 1st choice. but they like it :) – a lighter hill out in position 3 with breakaways to the chorus

    “elevator” Flo Rida feat. Timbaland – horrid lyrics – but I literally played it for 6 months before even I caught on. ha ha. start @ 4/10 with quick legs. flat road with increasing headwind. maintain cadence with a small right turn every 30 sec.

    “Single Ladies – put a ring on it” Beyonce – start in the saddle & stand & run (breakaway) to the chorus

    “get Low” Flow Rida – I coach them to have their torso totally parallel to the floor out in position 3. resistance heavy enough to get your feet to the beat. and I tell them to “get low” and not be the tallest one in the class. crazy glute workout.

    “Bleeding Love dance remix” – leona lewis

    “mercy remix” Duffy feat. The Game

    “Viva la Vida” Coldplay

    “If I were a Boy” Beyonce – heavy heavy hill 1/3 in the saddle, 1/3 out in position 3, 1/3 back in the saddle. start w/ resist @ 6/10 & make right turns evry 30 sec.

    “Disturbia” Rihanna – all out sprint to the chorus. active quick leg recovery to the verses.

    “4 minutes” – the 4 min version – Madonna – by far the best spin song of 2008 for my class. 4 minute sprint – it’s mean, but I tell them that they have 4 minutes to save their kids from a burning building. they pedal like bats out of hell. starting resist @ 4/10 tiny right turn every 30 secs.

    “I’m yours” jason mraz – cool down

  356. I posted earlier tonight, but I am just loving this blog! I had a chance to read through your advice to other instructors just starting out & I totally agree with everything you said. I am a stay at home mom to 3 boys & teach spin as a hobby. I am a fairly competitive triathlete in a very active tri community & many of my followers are fellow tri junkies. Anyhow, I have a VERY devout following & I attribute it mostly to the music, but also to the passion that I put in. I change up my play list almost every week, but keep the current popular favorites on there to keep people motivated & happy. I also LOVE a theme. I think my best ever class was 1/20/09. The playlist was entitled “Be the Change” we spun from 9:30-10:30am which was perfect timing in terms of the inauguration. Here’s my playlist. I am not kidding you when I tell you that I still get goose-bumps thinking about the class. A very special feeling to be on the bike and feel a part of something bigger. The class had a very meditative vibe and I coached them to think about what inspired them to get out of bed in the am & what they planned to do to “be the change” in 2009.

    Here’s the playlist:

    “The Sun is Shining (Rainbow too remix)” – bob marley & fatboy slim – found on limewire

    “Black or White” – Michael Jackson

    “If I had Eyes” – Jack Johnson

    “Waiting on the World to Change” – John Mayer

    “Starry Eyed Surprise” – Paul Oakenfold

    “Obama Song” – Michael Franti & Spearhead

    “America’s Song” – David Foster & Will.i.am feat. Faith Hill, Seal, Mary J. Blige & Bono

    “Change” – T Pain feat. Akon, Diddy & Mary j blige (it’s a remix of the old Clapton song – Change the world

    “Think” – Aretha Franklin

    “It’s a New Day” – Will.i.am

    “Sinnerman remix” – Nina Simome feat. felix da housecat

    “One” – U2 & Mary J Blige

    “Spiritual High part III” – Moodswings – features the MLK I have a dream speech

    “Oh Happy Day” live – Aretha

    “Yes we Can” (the Barack Obama Song) – Will.i.am – features his NH primary speech

    God Bless the USA (proud to be American) – American Idol finalists

  357. Hi Tim,

    Thanks for stopping by the blog and for the song recommendations. I downloaded Infinity 2008 and Granite – look for both of them on an upcoming playlist. I think you’d probably like Armin van Buuren and Basshunter.



  358. Hi Cynthia – love the blog and the music. You sound like an excellent instructor!

    Although I’m not a spin instructor, I’m an avid spin-class-goer. The instructors in my gym are very tough (in a good way) and enthusiastic. Heres some of my favourite songs, in no particular order, that I find really get me working harder than I thought I could.

    Scooter – Enola Gay (Sprints) [4:01]
    Guru Josh Project – Infinity 2008 (Klaas Vocal Edit [3:12]or Klaas Remix [6:27]) (Climb)
    Pendulum – Granite (Fast Climb) [4:41]
    La Princesse – Bailando (Fortezza Mix Short) (Fast Climb) [3:42]
    Ammonia – Take On Me (De Lorean Radio Mix) (Climb) [3:12]
    Scooter – Apache Rocks the Bottom (Jumps/Speedbumps) [3:46]

    Just some of my favourites at the moment. If you’re stuck for any songs at any time, they might come in handy!
    All the best!

  359. Christine, that class sounds like it was a blast. I love your playlist. Thanks for posting it!

    Just thought of another summer song: Walking on Sunshine, by Katrina and the Waves.

  360. Hi Cynthia,

    Thanks so much. I ended up putting together a list in a hurry. I will add your songs to my list.
    It was so much fun. Everyone dressed up and sang along especially to Margarittaville by Jimmy Buffet. This class is at 5:45am. Everyone was there by 5:30 rearing to go. I decorated the room with inflatable palm trees, flamingoes etc. You had to putt before you got on your bike. Someone brought in mini water pistols to add to the excitement. There were 17 fun individuals. Next year the club is going to add a week of Feb. blah activities.

    Schools out for summer- Alice Cooper
    Mustang Sally- The Committments
    Summer of 69- Bryan Adams
    Surfin USA-Beach Boys
    Hot in Herre-Nelly
    Hot Town-Joe Cocker
    Margaritaville-Jimmy Buffett
    Locomtion-Beach Boys
    Island in the Sun-Weezer
    Boys of Summer-Eagles
    the Heat is on-Glenn Frey
    Patio Lanterns – Kim Mitchell
    I’ve got sunshine-Temptations

  361. I am a big baseball fan so I’m trying to put together a Spring Training playlist. I have a few songs so far…

    Tessie – Dropkick Murphys (played before every Red Sox game)
    Boys of Summer – The Ataris
    Glory Days – bruce Springsteen
    Centerfield – John Fogerty

    Those are just a few. I’m working on finding more!

    PLEASE – more people should post their songs! I played an 80’s playlist this morning that rocked the class! It was awesome and I am so thankful that Cynthia posted “She Sells Sanctuary”… that was on one of my favorite albums back in the day and still sounds great!!!

  362. Christine, what a great idea. Reggae and reggae-inspired tunes always remind me of summer. Here are some ideas (in no particular order):

    All Summer Long by Kid Rock (iTunes version by the Rock Heroes)
    Hot in Herre by Nelly
    Don’t Cha by the Pussycat Dolls
    Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira
    Soak up the Sun by Sheryl Crow
    867-5309 by Tommy Tutone
    Beautiful Day by U2
    Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison
    Punta del Esta (Beach Mix) by Blake Jarrell

    Please, someone – post a summer antidote to the February blahs playlist!

  363. Great site. Can anyone suggest some great tunes that are related to summer?Hosting a spin class to beat the February Blahs?


  364. Oh I’m so glad you used it! Did you add any songs or use it just “as is”? That is awesome that I could help out (just as you have helped me out). Now only if we could get other readers to do the same (hint hint other readers!). I have a spin workshop to attend later today and other than that, I’m working on more playlists. what fun! Another movie playlist is in the works (as is an 80’s and 70’s playlist).

  365. Love the new playlist. Used it this morning and it was such a hit. Thanks so much. Enjoy the weekend. What would we do without the shared lists. I continually have spin playlist block and it’s nice to have resources available. Debbie

  366. You are welcome… it was such a good class! I am already working on a second playlist and will share in due time… : )

  367. Thanks Denise! I’m looking forward to finding this music. Love the idea of a soundtrack ride, and getting your riders to name that tune. Sounds like great fun. I really appreciate you posting the profiles,


  368. Here’s another list that I got great feedback on. Some different songs so hopefully you will find some you like. I really enjoy your playlists so I hope that my sharing can help you as well. I am just doing a copy and paste so I am keeping my fingers crossed that these read ok after hitting send!

    oh…. and I don’t ever put artist names on the list so if you want to know who sings a certain song, lemme know.

    ~ Denise

    The Ride: We are starting with speed today. 7.5 minutes of downhill speed including eight sprints. We’ll then hop on a 2-song, 8-minute climb. After that we’ll pick up speed for one song, climb for one song and again head downhill for one song. We’ll finish up by climbing a one-song heavy hill followed by a one-song sprint before cooling you down and getting you out of here.

    Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ – (6:04) warm up

    Vertigo (3:17)
    “Sprints” 20/ 20/40
    Let’s get it started…. With 7.5 minutes of downhill speed including those eight sprints I promised you.
    :36 – :56 (30 seconds until next sprint)
    1:24 – 1:44 (40 seconds until next sprint)
    2:22 – 3:04

    Turn The Beat Around (3:53)
    “Sprints” 15/35/20/15/30
    :22 – :38 (15 seconds until next sprint)
    :53 – 1:26 (30 seconds until next sprint)
    1:56 – 2:18 (30 seconds until next sprint)
    2:49 – 3:04 (15 seconds until next sprint)
    3:19 – 3:50 – to the end of the song

    Disturbia (3:59)
    “In and out of saddle climb” 30/30/30
    This is the beginning of a 12-minute hill. Jack up the tension and pick up the beat. Advanced riders ~ you may want to challenge yourself further & go double-time during the chorus.
    :47 – 1:18 (45 seconds until next burst)
    2:03 – 2:35 (30 seconds until next burst)
    3:05 – 3:36

    Hella Good (4:06)
    “In the saddle climb with sprint to the top” 15/30/30
    :50 – 1:06 (35 second recovery)
    1:40 – 2:13 (30 second recovery)
    2:46 – 3:20
    Take last 15 seconds to bring resistance down and grab some water.

    Ray of Light (5:21)
    “Sprints” 15/15/15/50/20
    1:08 – 1:23 (45 seconds recovery)
    2:00 – 2:16 (20 seconds recovery)
    2:38 – 2:54 (30 seconds recovery)
    3:24 – 4:05 (20 seconds recovery)
    4:24 – 4:41
    Take the last 20 seconds to grab some water and get ready to climb again.

    Crazy In Love (3:58)
    “In the saddle sprint to the top” 20/25/40
    (optional out of saddle at chorus for advanced riders)
    :50 – 1:09 (30 seconds until next burst)
    1:37 – 2:02 (60 seconds until next burst)
    3:09 – 3:48

    What You Waiting For? (3:45)
    “Sprints” 15/30/30
    First 25 seconds recovery
    :58 – 1:12 (30 seconds until next sprint)
    1:44 – 2:12 (30 seconds until next sprint)
    2:40 – 3:09

    Heaven (3:50)
    ‘In the saddle climb” 20/20/40
    Slow down your pedal stroke and begin to challenge yourself in order to get up this hill. Pick up the pace and go double-time while riding through the chorus.
    :31 – :52 (30 seconds until next burst)
    1:23 – 1:43 (60 seconds until next burst)
    2:41 – 3:22

    Ride The Wind (3:51)
    “Sprints” 15/45/30
    :49 – 1:03 (45 seconds recovery)
    1:49 – 2:35 (30 seconds recovery)
    3:03 – 3:35

    cool down

    1. Another truly kick-ass class! How do you do it? You need to make a compilation of your classes and post them all – or make book of them and sell it :-) Great job! Christine

  369. Hi Cynthia!
    I’m back! I’ve been working hard at new playlists. Here’s one of two that have received rave reviews from my classes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I got the class involved by having them shout out the movie they thought each song was from… read on and let me know what you think!

    The Ride: A fun ride today! All songs are from movie soundtracks. After the warm-up we’ll sprint for one song and do a standing run for another. We’ll then get a killer sprint song before climbing for two songs (8 minutes). We’ll sprint for 7 minutes, climb for 12.5, do some optional jumps, climb for one more song and then sprint down for 2.

    Jungle Boogie (Pulp Fiction) ~ 3:07

    Baby I’m A Star (Purple Rain) ~ 4:25
    “Sprints” 15/15/30/30
    1:15 – 1:32 (30 seconds recovery)
    2:00 – 2:15 (20 seconds recovery)
    2:38 – 3:08 (30 seconds recovery)
    3:47 – 4:14

    Boys (Austin Powers-Goldmember) ~ 3:45
    “Standing Run” 20/35/20 (or optional to do 40 until end of song)
    :54 – 1:12 (35 second recovery)
    1:48 – 2:23 (30 second recovery)
    2:51 – 3:09 (optional to stay and do standing run until 3:36 – another 20 seconds)

    Holding Out For A Hero (Footloose & Shrek 2) ~ 5:50
    “Sprints” 30/30/65
    Frou Frou performed this song in Shrek and trust me, you want this version.
    :57 – 1:25 (35 second recovery)
    2:03 – 2:37 (60 second recovery)
    3:36 – 4:42

    Eye of the Tiger (Rocky) ~ 4:05
    “In and out of saddle climb” 20/20/20
    Detention will be handed out for those who don’t know what movies these next three songs come from!
    1:24 – 1:44 (20 seconds back in saddle)
    2:04 – 2:24 (20 seconds back in saddle)
    2:48 – 3:08

    St. Elmo’s Fire (St. Elmo’s Fire) ~ 4:08
    “In and out of saddle climb” 20/30/60
    1:09 – 1:30 (30 seconds back in saddle)
    2:01 – 2:31 (30 seconds back in saddle)
    3:05 – 4:04

    Greased Lightning (Grease) ~ 3:15
    “Sprints” 20/20/30 (or optional 60 to the end)
    :34 – :52 (20 second recovery)
    1:13 – 1:31 (30 or 60 second recovery)
    If you need a longer recovery, take they 60 second recovery and meet up on the sprint when the lyrics kick in again.
    2:07 – 3:00 (until end of song)

    Livin’ La Vida Loca (Shrek 2) ~ 4:03
    “Sprints” 30/30/50
    :51 – 1:19 (35 second recovery)
    1:53 – 2:20 (25 second recovery)
    2:44 – 3:33

    Livin’ On A Prayer (Rock Star) ~ 4:11
    “In and out of saddle climb” 15/20/30
    Take the first 20 seconds to grab some water and then start to climb.
    This is the start of a 12.5-minute hill. The first song here is in and out of the saddle. The second song is totally in the saddle and the third is totally out.
    1:33 – 1:48 (50 seconds back in saddle)
    2:39 – 2:58 (25 seconds back in saddle)
    3:23 – 3:53

    Lady Marmalade (Moulin Rouge) ~ 4:25
    “In the saddle climb”

    Mustang Sally (The Commitments) ~ 4:02
    “Out of the saddle climb”
    This is a quick uphill out of the saddle climb. Remember everything is optional!
    Tighten those gluts! Don’t lose your form!

    Jump (Love Actually) ~ 4:24
    If you prefer not to do jumps, stay in the saddle and do sprints or get up and do a standing run instead.
    1:04 – 1:32 (4 sets of 8 count)
    2:08 – 2:37 (8 sets of 4 count)
    3:05 – 3:34 (16 sets of 2 count)

    Gangsta’s Paradise (Dangerous Minds) ~ 4:01
    “In and saddle climb” 25/25/50
    :48 – 1:12 (40 second back in saddle)
    2:00 – 2:24 (25 second back in saddle)
    2:48 – 3:36

    Jailhouse Rock (Jailhouse Rock) ~ 2:29
    “Sprints” 10/10/10/10/10
    Because this is such a quick song (not quite 2.5 minutes), our sprints and recoveries are quick. Use your brake to slow you down faster so you can take advantage of each 10- second recovery.
    :17 – :29 (10 second recovery)
    :40 – :52 (10 second recovery)
    1:03 – 1:13 (25 second recovery)
    1:37 – 1:48 (10 second recovery)
    2:00 – 2:10

    Footloose (Footloose) ~ 3:43
    “Sprints” 20/20/50
    :57 – 1:18 (35 seconds recovery)
    1:54 – 2:14 (30 seconds recovery)
    2:47 – 3:43 (end of song)

    cool down

    Take Me As I Am (Love Actually)
    The World Is Not Enough (The World Is Not Enough – James Bond, 1999)
    Exhale (Waiting to Exhale)

  370. Cynthia,
    Thanks for all the great tips! I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your response :-).


  371. Hi Judy,

    I’m pretty new, too. I’ve only been teaching for about a year, and unlike you, I don’t have a background as a personal trainer, so maybe some other readers with more experience will share their thoughts as well. Here are my thoughts on becoming the best spin instructor you can be:

    1. Go to other instructor’s classes. You’ll pick up everything from music ideas, to drills, to cueing, and motivation. Try to hit the classes that are always full, and have a devoted following. Things I look for: spontaneous whoops from riders during the ride (LOVE those), spontaneous applause after class (doesn’t count if the instructor starts it), and riders who approach you after class with positive feedback. (Best compliment I ever had? One regular told me she’d driven downtown on her day off just to attend my class. I was wildly flattered.) If you attended a class that didn’t work, that’s still instructive. Really think about why it didn’t work.

    2. Keep a log. I keep a workout journal anyway, so I always take a moment after class (mine or someone else’s) and jot down my impressions and any tips I picked up before I hit the showers. If I missed something in the profile that didn’t work, I’ll make a note to fix it. If it seemed like a runaway success, I’ll flag that, too. Those are my go-to profiles for when I sub someone else’s class.

    3. Practice your profile/playlist on your own before you run it in class. It’s usually pretty obvious where the bumps are. I still do this. I practiced the Call on Me Spin Mix before I ran it and realized that the last song before the cool down didn’t have enough energy to carry what I was asking the riders to do, so I swapped in a different song for today’s class, and it worked just fine. I carry a sheet into class with me reminding me of the key elements of the profile so I can cue what’s coming up.

    4. Aim to get your riders to that pleasantly thrashed feeling at the end of the ride. At my gym, I have some regulars and lots of people who just pop in, so everyone’s always on a different page, training-wise. I let riders do their recovery rides on their own. My sense is when they come to a class, they want to be pushed. That said, keep your class accessible to people at all fitness levels by cueing for both advanced riders and beginners and making sure they know that everyone is free to do their own ride.

    5. Pay attention to the music. You don’t have to have a new playlist for every class, but do put time and thought into it. I try not to play the same playlist for the same class more than once a month, though I do play the same song more often, especially if it’s popular. My biggest pet peeves of instructors are: those who rotate the same three or four CD’s; who don’t match the music to the drill (don’t ask me to sprint during a ballad!); or who didn’t plan anything and simply root around on the iPod between songs, giving us 20 seconds of this or that before saying, “no” and putting on something else.

    6. Get a heart rate monitor and wear it during class. Even if most of your riders don’t wear them, you’ll know how hard you’re working, and they’ll see you wearing it and maybe get one, too. They’re available at price ranges from $69 to $500+. I use the Polar F11 (about $150). If I didn’t wear a monitor, I never would have guessed that seated climbs keep your heart rate as high as they do. It also gives me a more objective way to gauge which profiles are harder than others.

    7. Get an iPod or MP3 player. It’s so easy to organize your music and make new playlists – much easier than burning a CD every time.

    8. Let your personality shine through. Chat to the class before it starts and during the warmup. This helps the class connect with you. (If you’re in doubt as to how effective this is, check out Professor Randy Pausch’s last lecture on Youtube – one of the reasons it’s so compelling is that he shares personal stories and anecdotes with his audience. Not too personal (“My doc put me on antidepressants today!”), just enough for them to get to know you.) Announce your name at the beginning and end of every class, and tell riders what other classes you teach. I try to include a health or fitness tip during the cool down, and I always thank the class for coming out to ride.

    9. Get to know your regulars by name, and get to know a bit about their lives.

    Hey readers – what advice would you give to a new indoor cycling instructor?

    1. I would add to point 8, keep it positive. I once had an instructor who complained about her husband, her kids, her boss, her dog and the garbage man! What a downer!

      1. Hi Erika – agreed. It’s great to let your riders get to know you, but not as a complainer.

  372. Hi!
    This is a fabulous cite, kudos to Cynthia.

    I recently became a certified cycling instructor- I have had 10 years of personal training experience. Long story but I injured myself training for a 1/2 marathon and thankfully I found spinning – it’s more challenging than running ever was. Now that I’m certified I’m nervous about teaching- I’ve been working one on one with clients and I’m not sure how to coordinate the music, cue, and keep everyone motivated. I am not the most extroverted person but I do love to spin :-). The music and the instructor make the class so… suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Judy

  373. Thank you. It’s something to work on this weekend. Sometimes I wonder how I got myself into this after 15 years on Wall St. but then I think of how much more fun I am having – without the cash of course. Ha!

  374. Hi Debbie,

    Thanks for visiting the blog! So glad you find it useful. Generally a strength ride runs at 75-85% of riders’ maximum heart rate, using moderate to heavy resistance and a cadence of 60-80 RPM. Basically, the entire class is on a hill. Riders are encouraged to do no more than two strength rides a week, and take 48-72 hours between them.

    Probably the closest playlist on this blog would be the Best of 2008 Spin Mix (Version 2), since it’s got 20 minutes of climbing (a 13 minute hill, and an 8 minute hill), but you’d still have to modify it. You’d skip the sprints (cadence and heart rate too high), and replace them with jumps and a combination of standing and seated climbs, plus a nice long warmup and cool down. You could customize a playlist by looking at the climb and lifts/jumps pages and doing searches on the song titles for suggestions on drills for each song.

    I’ve heard of instructors doing all-climb rides, alternating between standing and seated climbs and I’ve got a playlist for that in the works. This would also make for a good strength ride.

    Other instructors – any ideas?

  375. Hey there. A club that I started working is starting to put into motion a “race day” and in prep for that they want the instructors to do a strength and hills day each day next week. Do you have a fav list out of all the wonderful playlists you have posted that might correlate with strength and hills or, could you shed some light on how to go about putting together a strength and hills ride. Thanks. Greatest site ever for ideas. Thanks you.

  376. You got it. More to follow but just so busy lately. Equinox hired me but as a sub which is what my expectations were. The Group Fitness Manager is going to work with me to mentor and mold me into hopefully a great instructor! I’m very happy with subbing and will keep you posted for sure.

  377. Denise – Good luck with your audition at Equinox! Let me know what happens. Great music suggestions. I really like the heavy rock, and Black Cat is awesome. Thanks for posting,


  378. Xv1 – ( 48.1 Minutes)

    We are going on an endurance ride today beginning with a 16 minute climb. I’ll offer you a one-minute recovery at the top before we begin picking up speed, doing some jumps, climbing another five-minute hill and then sprinting downhill for seven minutes. Stick with me here…!

    4 minutes – Madonna (4:07)

    Forever – Chris Brown (4:43)
    Take a drink and jack up the tension. Begin at 4/10. We are still warming up those legs so nothing crazy but enough to make you feel like you are moving up hill. We’ll continue to add resistance throughout this almost five-minute song. Use this song to focus on pedal stroke, knee alignment and breathing.

    Makes Me Wonder – Maroon 5 (3:33)
    Crank up the resistance to 7/10 and get out of the saddle for this 3.5-minute song.

    Somewhere I belong – Lincoln Park (3:37)
    Climb with out of saddle bursts 25/25/25
    Take first 20 seconds to grab some water. We’ll take the resistance down to 5/10 to start but add it back on for each 25-second burst. Our bursts will be out of the saddle but if you want to challenge yourself more, stay IN the saddle.
    1:05 – 1:30
    1:52 – 2:16
    2:45 – 3:09

    Awake – Godsmack (5:04)
    In the saddle. Mix the resistance up throughout the song. Close your eyes and imagine the road. This is a heavy climb. Feel the beat and get into it. Keep your cadence in check with the resistance following the beat. If your legs are going faster than mine, take some resistance off and pick up your pace. A recovery period awaits you after this song.

    Situations (1:19) – Recovery

    Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado (4:04)
    Jumps 33/33/33
    Nothing crazy. Use this song to slowly get the heart rate going following a recovery. Make it interesting and get a show of hands from the class during the recovery on whether they want to do 8 counts for all three sets or get progressively more difficult by doing 8 count, 4 count and then 2 count.
    :36 – 1:09 – 8 count – 4 sets
    1:43 – 2:17 – 4 count – 8 sets
    2:50 – 3:24 – 2 count – 16 sets

    Black Cat – Janet Jackson (4:51)
    Back on the hill and this one is a steep one. Crank that resistance up to 8/10 and leave it there. Get into the rhythm. Feel the beat. Feel the road get steeper and motivate your self to get to the top.

    Pretty Vegas – INXS (3:29) – Sprints 20/20/20
    :32 – :52
    1:26 – 1:46
    2:58 – 3:18

    Boys of Summer – The Ataris (4:20) Sprint 20/20/40
    This is it! The end of today’s ride. Challenge yourself and make the third and last sprint a sprint to the end. Our road will flatten out and we’ll cool down after this.
    :45 – 1:05
    1:45 – 2:05
    3:16 – 3:57

    Cool Down

  379. Hi Cynthia,
    I am auditioning for a gig at Equinox today ~ my dream job! This is the playlist I’m going to use. They do not like jumps so this is pure rolling hills. It is a 48 minute work-out. I have used your format for writing up the song list and used a few of your songs and mine as well. Let me know what you think! You are free to publish it for sure!
    – Denise

    Today we are going to see three rolling hills. After our warm-up, we’ll start with a quick but steep four-minute climb and then sprint downhill for almost 6.5 minutes. We’ll climb up for about nine minutes then down for four then back up for about seven minutes and sprint back down before cooling you off.

    Working Day And Night (5:15) Warm up, stretch and begin to increase speed throughout song

    U Got The Look – Prince (3:48)
    Legs should be good and warmed up by now so let’s start with the resistance at about 5/10 and each time we hit the chorus let’s add the resistance on, get out of the saddle for 20 seconds and push through it. Once seated, leave the resistance on but don’t stop pedaling to the cadence of the music. If that is too hard, take a bit off. We are just getting started. Each out-of-saddle burst 20/20/20.
    :53 – 1:13 – resistance to 6/10
    1:41 – 2:01 – resistance to 7/10
    2:44 – 3:04 – resistance to 8/10

    Beds are Burning – Novaspace (3:21)
    Sprint out each chorus 35/30/30. Advanced riders can turn the last sprint into a full 60 seconds, through the end of the song.
    :44 – 1:20 (15 second recovery)
    1:35 – 2:05 (15 second recovery)
    2:19 – 2:47 (or sprint until the end creating a full minute sprint to the end)

    Cry for You – September (3:28)
    A great sprint song with three sprint periods each one is 30 seconds long. There is again a quick recovery of only 15 seconds between the second and third sprint. 30/30/30
    :59 – 1:29 (40 second recovery)
    2:05 – 2:35 (15 second recovery)
    2:50 – 3:19

    Give it 2 Me – Madonna (4:48)
    The first hill is behind us. This is the start of a nine-minute climb but what is different about this climb is during the chorus, which we’ll hit seven times during these next two songs, we are going to take the bounce out of our pedal stroke and isolate. Advanced riders should increase the tension after each no bounce chorus.
    I want you to climb with the beat, with a slight lean towards the down stroking pedal. I will call out when to isolate. You may have to slow down your pace to keep the isolation in your lower body. The slower the cycling, the more pressure you will feel on your muscles as you isolate (this isn’t a bad thing).

    Start this song with tension at 5/10 (10 being your max effort). During each chorus (15/15/15/30) take the bounce out.
    1:00 – 1:15
    2:00 – 2:15
    3:15 – 3:30
    4:00 – 4:30

    Viva la Vida – Coldplay (4:04)
    Again, keep climbing with the beat, with a slight lean towards the down stroking pedal. We will move into isolation mode three more times during the song by keeping your upper body perfectly still and pedaling only using your legs. You will instantly feel the pressure in your legs and glut muscles. We will recover for the last 30 seconds of the song before sprinting down hill again.
    1:10 – 1:37
    2:20 – 2:46
    3:14 – 3:37

    Stoned in Love – Chicane featuring Tom Jones (3:57)
    One of the greatest sprinting songs ever. 30/30/30 seconds, one at each chorus. I want your tension at 4/10 or 5/10 and when you hear the chorus. I want you to GO LIKE STINK. Advanced riders looking for that pleasantly thrashed feeling can do them as standing sprints.
    :29 – :59 (45 second recovery)
    1:44 – 2:13 (30 second recovery)
    2:44 – 3:13

    Keeps Gettin’ Better – Christina Aguilera (3:03)
    This is the start of our last climb and it is a fast one. Your resistance should be at 5/10 to start. During the chorus we’re going to crank a full turn on, get out of the saddle and power up this hill. Envision the top. Imagine something you want and you need to get there fast. I like to imagine Brad Pitt with a plate of brownies and some fine wine. Each chorus is 15/15/30 with 30 seconds in between to recover.
    :43 – :59
    1:29 – 1:43
    2:13 – 2:43

    So What – P!nk (3:34)
    Continue this fast-paced climb although this time we are staying in the saddle to get to the top. 30/30/30 bursts
    :34 – 1:05
    1:30 – 2:02
    2:24 – 2:55

    Million Miles Away – The Offspring (3:42)
    20/20/40 Remember, the faster you recover from each sprint, the better shape you are in. If you are not fully recovering, think about doing every other sprint or sprinting half of what I’m instructing you to do. Either way, pace yourself and you will get through it.
    1:00 – 1:20
    2:00 – 2:20
    2:50 – 3:30

    cool down – stretch – and have a great day!

    1. Denise – i just had to tell you that I LOVE your classes!!! They are amazing! So easy to follow and teach and they really give a fantastic workout! Keep posting them because they are worth their weight in gold!! Equinox is lucky to have you, girl! Christine

      1. Tri Girl – thanks a MILLION! It’s funny because I look at that playlist and think “wow… that’s an easy ride!”. I have managed to keep a good fan base for over a year now so I need to challenge them more. I’ll post more workouts soon!

    2. Hi all – I put together a World Cup play list – I am not sure about you guys but I look forward to the world cup every year just to see what awesome music comes out of it. FIFA has an official Album – but then there are all sorts of “unofficial” songs out there. Each country also has their anthem. Youtube is an awesome resource (as always).

      Here’s my playlist!

      Calabria 2007 Club mix – Enur
      Not really World Cup related – but since the world cup is all about global rhythms, I thought this fit. 6:30 min wm up. I do 30 second pickups in various positions increasing resistance every minute.

      The cup of life – Ricky martin
      An oldie maybe world cup official song from 1998

      Wavin’ Flag – K’naan
      The Coke official World Cup song of 2010

      Yerbatero – Juanes
      This has an awesome guitar lead going on. love it.

      Hips Don’t Lie (Bamboo FIFA 2006 World Cup) – Shakira
      The official song of 2006

      I Like it (feat. Pitbull) – Enrique Igleasias
      Not world up at all, but it has that latin reggaeton thing going on & it’s hot right now.

      Oh Africa – Akon
      Pepsi’s official song of 2010 – which was released around the super bowl. I have been using this one since January!

      Ke Nako – J pre & Wycleff
      A very fun very african influenced beat

      The Anthem – Pitbull feat lil jon
      Also not world cup – but a great beat

      Club Mix – Gypsy Kings
      A song that everyone loves and knows. has been in and out of my playlist rotation for 7 years.

      Waka Waka – Shakira
      Great song even better video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qmB4ZZF_uA

      Move Shake Drop Remix – DJ LAz Flo Rida,etc.
      LOVE this song for spin. amazing for a breakaway

      Magalenha – Sergio Mendes
      Great little Brazilian samba

      Game On – Dario G, Pitbull etc.
      Also on the FIFA album – awesome song to end on.

      Salsa Cubana – buena vista social club
      Cool down – we do planks and pushups and then a little stretching

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