It’s fair to say that Spinning attracts more men than any other group exercise class, but the majority of riders in my classes are women.  This mix is for my regular male riders, who’ve been asking me for more rock ‘n roll, please.  The photo accompanying this post is of my favourite male cyclist – my brother in law, James.

James on the bikeFortunate Son – Creedence Clearwater Revival (2:22): Warm up your legs, here we go!

Break on Through (To the Other Side) – The Doors (2:30): Still warming up.  Pick up your cadence by 10% for the verses, 20% for the choruses, then back to 10% for the verses.

Sympathy for the Devil – The Rolling Stones (6:19):  Great.  Big.  Hill.  One of the most iconic rock songs of all time.  Jack up the tension to 7/10, come out of the saddle, and settle in for the grind to the top.

Rock ‘n Roll – Led Zeppelin (3:41): The whole song is one big, juicy sprint.  Starting at 0:06, do 15/30/45 seconds on/off, then sprint out the last 41 seconds to the end.  The sprints are at 0:06 – 0:21 (15 sec), 0:36 – 1:06 (30 sec), 1:36 – 2:21 (45 sec), 3:06 – 3:41 (35 sec).

Get Up – James Brown (2:50): You heard the man, get up.  We’re going to do some lifts, high tension around 8/10.

Born to Be Wild – Hinder (3:59): Steppenwolf (another Canadian band!) released this song in the summer of 1968.  Hinder’s version came almost 40 years later, in 2007 – now there’s a song that’s stood the test of time.  Adam Lambert did a dance version on this season’s American Idol and it’s not bad at all, but we’re in a rock ‘n roll mood today.  We’re going to do some standing sprints: 15 on/off, 30 on/off, 45 on/off/on.  The fun starts at 0:15.

Thunderstruck – AC/DC (4:53):  I have to give a big shout out to Fabia, another cycling instructor at my gym.  Thunderstruck and Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting are two of her signature songs, and they’re both fantastic to spin to.  Fabia is one of those instructors who has such a devoted following that riders are typically lined up a half hour before the class begins, just to make sure they get a bike.  Take 30 seconds for some well-deserved recovery, then take the tension to 4/10 and come out of the saddle for a climb.  Alternate between aggressive and regular stance every 60/45/30 seconds.

Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting – Elton John (4:56):  This is a mixed drill: climbs and sprints:  Start with a fast, out of the saddle climb for 60 seconds, then sit down and sprint for 60, then 45 seconds, 30 seconds.

Copperhead Road – Steve Earle (4:30):  Last climb of the day.  Start seated with the tension around 7/10 increasing every 45 seconds.  At 2:37, when the music picks up, decrease the tension to 4/10, get up out of the saddle, and go!  Race to the finish line two minutes away. Go! Go! Go!

Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd (4:45):  Cool down.  When I was in my early 20’s I played keyboards in a band and often followed friends in other bands around to local shows.  This song will always remind me of a night at a not-very-fancy bar in Hamilton, Ontario, called the Carrot Club.  My friend’s band was opening for another act.  The headliners performed this song with some of the most astonishing guitar playing I’ve ever heard.  The two guitar players in the band threw the solo back and forth between them.  I no longer remember the name of the band, or the guys in it, but the song was unforgettable.

For What It’s Worth – Buffalo Springfield (2:41): Some extra cool down and goodbye music.  This single was released in January, 1967 and peaked at #7 on the Billboard Charts.  Many people think the song was written about the Kent State shootings, but in fact the shootings occurred on May 4, 1970, more than three years later.  This is another song that’s stood the test of time.  In 2003, my spouse and I rented a row house in central Halifax, right on the edge of the ‘hood.  We shared a back yard with our neighbours, a group of early 20-something students.  We were all in the back yard one afternoon, enjoying the sun.  A couple of the students had guitars and were entertaining the group.  One of them said, “Hey, I heard the coolest song the other day – listen to this!” and started picking the intro to For What It’s Worth.

What do you think?  Do your riders prefer to spin to rock and roll, Top 40, dance, electronica/house music, or a mix of all of them?